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Reading Minds through Body Language

“There is a story behind every person. There is a reason why they are the way
they are. Think about them and respect them for who they are.”
( Marcandangel )
Individuals, s cerebrums process data. They think in three unique manners. Also,
their non-verbal communication enlightens you regarding what their "Essential
Style" is. All you have to know is the thing that to search for and what to do when
you see it. Also, its not tied in with making a decision about individuals by their
stance that , " on the off chance that somebody, s inclining toward the divider , his
arms are crossed and he, s grimacing so he should be miserable." It, s really seeing
how their cerebrums work and afterward introducing your psyche such that
individuals can see it, hear it and feel it and eventually increment the odds of
individuals saying yes to your proposition all the more regularly.
The first model of
body language, “The Lookers” , represent 75% of the world. The brains of
lookers think in “pictures and images” and their body language reveals the
following signs: First thing, they stand up tall and have a good posture. Second,
they dress well because appearances are important to lookers. And third, most of
the time, the lookers hold a little stress in their shoulders. Fourth, they have
wrinkles in their forhead because they look up when remembering something.
They look up more often then the most of the people do. And in most of the cases,
lookers have thin lips and they suck them in. And last, lookers give people a lot of
eye contact. So there are two things people should do to build a rapport with them.
First is to give them a lot of eye contact so they don’t get a feeling of
“ignorance”. Second thing is to give them words that have more “visual
component” to them. For example, “I see what you mean” or “look at this” or
“let, s picture working together this way”.
The second body language
model, “The Listeners”, represent 20% of the world. Comparatively, the brain of
a listener thinks in “words and sounds”. Appearances are not much important to
listeners and most often, they dress casually. The listeners look down to the left
when remembering something. Next, they have a “Telephone posture”.
Moreover, they have a tendency to mumble not because they, re crazy but because
they think in words and sounds. Also the listeners are often “pen clickers”. They
bang the pen on the table. In order to appeal more to the listeners, the first thing
people should do is to not give them lots of eye contact as in most cases, it freaks
them out. And the second thing to do is to use words that are “auditory”. For
example, “That sounds good to me” or “Let, s talk this over”.
The third body
language model, “The Touchers”, represent 5% of the world. The brain of the
touchers thinks in “feelings and tectile”. Their body language shows the following
signs: First thing and the major talent in touchers is that whether or not they have
met you in your life before, they are ready to hug you. Second, they prefer comfort
over style. Third thing is that the touchers have a tendency to lean in because they
try to decrease the amount of physical space between you and them and build
rapport that way. Touchers also have a tendency to reach out and touch the arms
of the people or round their own arm against them when they are in conversation.
Moreover, the touchers look down because that, s where people generally look
when they remember something. First thing people can do to make the touchers
feel comfortable with them is to let the touchers touch them appropriately. But in
case you feel uncomfortable, stretch out your hand to give touchers a point of
contact because that,s what they,re looking for. Second thing is to use language
having an essence of feeling or tectile. For example, “Reach out and tell me what
you think”, “I wanna hear how you,re feeling about this” or “Let,s get in
touch” etc, because this kind of language appeals to touchers.
To conclude, it is to say that we
should try to understand the body language of people more often to figure out what
they think. Because once we start presenting our ideas in a way that they get them,
they will say “yes” to us more often. But this does not mean to become someone
else because God created each one of us differently. It is possible that we think in
all three ways but a dominant way reveals a dominant style. We cannot change this
fact but what we can do is that we can accommodate our language, both body and
verbal with the people we are with in order to build rapport. This allows us to reach
the spectrum of people we are hanging out with. And the second thing that is
important is we do not have to be in presence of those people to understand them.
All we need to do is listen to or look at the words they are using. For example, in
phone conversation, we should try to listen to the words, while reading email, we
should look at the words. And once we do these things, we will eventually become
the most “persuasive person” in the world as,
“The goal is not to make something factually impeccable, but seamlessly
(John Szarkowski)


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