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April 5, 2019: Max Weber ● (1915-1918) Weber served as a

member and consultant in various

“Founding Father of Sociology”
German Supremacist
Early Life
● (1918-1919) Resumed Teaching at
● Maximillian Karl Emil Weber was
the University of Vienna, and the
born April 21, 1864, Erfurt, Prussia
University of Munich
● German sociologist, political
● (1920) Contracted the Spanish Flu
economist, and politician.
and died of Pneumonia at the age
● Weber was the eldest son of 7 of
of 56 on June 14 in Munich,
Max and Helene Weber.
○ Mother: Devout Protestant
○ Father: Politician
● Father adopted a traditionally
● Time of Revolution
authoritarian manner at home and
○ Unification of German
demanded absolute obedience from
speaking states in 1871:
wife and children.
Multiple wars and rise of
○ Industrial Revolution
● University of Heidelberg in 1882
■ Expansion and
as a law student, interrupting his
industrialization of
studies after two years to fulfill his
year of military service at
■ Take over of the
aristocracy as the
● Finished his studies at the
prevailing social
University of Berlin
power by
Occupation and Later Life
○ Conflict between Junkers
● (~1887-1892) Apprenticeships as a
(Aristocratic Land owners)
Lawyer's assistant and University
and German Industrialists
○ Later, World War I
● (1893) Temporary teaching
position at the University of Berlin
○ Married his Second Cousin,
Marriane Schnitger
● Aunt Ida Baumgarten, and her
● (1894-1897) Full Professor in
husband, historian Hermann
Political Economy at the
University of Berlin and Freiburg
● Trip to America in 1904 exposed
Weber to various institutions that
● (1904) Resigned his positions and
he thought promoted freedom and
published Essays.
○ Ex. Mass political parties & Belief in a set of uniform
Voluntary citizen’s principles
organizations. i. Ex. Bureaucracy
4. The Rise and Failure of
● Preceding Sociologists: Karl Marx Capitalism
& Emile Durkheim a. The roots of Capitalism and
○ Ex. Cultural influences in economic development is
religion vs Marx's historical culture.
materialism to explain Major Works
1. The Religion of China:
● Tension between Mother's Confucianism and Taoism
Protestantism and Father's a.
Political Involvement 2. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit
○ OvB's Kulturkampf: of Capitalism
"Cultural struggle" against a. Religion played a role in
catholic church and the the proliferation of modern
expulsion of Jesuits. spirit of capitalism
○ Father’s social activities b. Modern capitalism, for him,
distanced him from his “sees profit as an end in
wife. itself, and pursuing profit as
Contributions: c. Protestant teachings,
1. The Protestant Ethic particularly Calvinists,
a. Protestant obsession that paved the way for this
good, honest hard work is d. “We are now locked into
the key to salvation. the spirit of capitalism
2. Disenchantment (of the World) because it is so useful for
a. The rationalization and modern economic activity.”
devaluation of religion in 3. Economy and Society
Modern Society. a. An extensive book that
3. The Three Types of Authority covers a variety of themes
a. Traditional: Tradition, (religion, economics,
Divinity, "Divine Right", politics, public
i. Ex. Feudalism administration, and
b. Charismatic: Heroic sociology)
Individuals with magnetic b. Has two volumes: Volume
personalities, passion, and 1 consists of definitions of
will key concepts
i. Ex. Napoleon c. Sociology: a science
c. Rational-Legal or concerning itself with the
Bureaucratic Authority: interpretive understanding
of social action and thereby
with a causal explanation of
its course and consequences
d. Social action: Action
oriented to other's behavior
e. Social relationship: the
behavior of a plurality of
actors insofar as, in its
meaningful context, the
action of each takes account
of that of the others and is Max Weber - New World
oriented in these terms Encyclopedia. (2018). Retrieved
f. Three types of legitimate from
domination: Rational, http://www.newworldencycloped
Traditional and
Charismatic. ution_and_Legacy
g. Bureaucracy

Mitzman, A. (2019). Max Weber |

Biography, Theory, & Books.
Retrieved from

Odonsi, S. (2015). SOCIOLOGY:

Max Weber [Video]. Retrieved

Sociology 250 - Notes on Max Weber.

(1999). Retrieved from

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