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Mawtribes Battletome

Battle Traits
Trampling Charge - After a Mawtribe (Ogre or Rhinox) unit made its charge roll, pick an enemy unit and that unit
suffers a MW on a roll of a 6 for each for each inch rolled on a charge roll. Monsters and units of 8 or more Ogors
add 2 to the roll.

Grasp of the Everwinter - At the start of your hero phase, roll a dice for each enemy unit within 3” of a BCR unit. If
the roll is equal to or less than the current battle round that unit suffers D3 MW.

Might Makes Right - When determining control of an objective, Ogor models count as 2 models instead of 1, and
Ogor Monster models count as 10.

Ravenous Brutes - If an Ogor unit is more than 3” away from an enemy unit add 2” to their movement (Hungry), if
less than 3” away from an enemy unit add 2 to their Bravery (Eating).

Hero Traits
Tyrant Traits

1. Furious Guzzler
• At the start of your Hero phase, if General is eating, you can heal D3 wounds.
2. Prodigious Girth
• Add 2 to the Generals Wounds.
3. Killer Reputation
• Before this general is set up, you can select a second big name, but cannot be the same as
the first.
4. Mighty Bellower
• If an enemy unit fails a Battleshock test within 6” add D3 models to the number of models
that flee.
5. An Eye for Loot
• You can re-roll To Hit and To Wound rolls for attacks made by melee weapons from this
General that target a Hero with an Artefact.
6. Crushing Bulk
• This General is treated as a Monster for Trampling Charge rolls.

Butcher Traits

1. Questionable Hygiene
• Subtract 1 from Hit rolls for attacks by enemy units within 6”.
2. Herald of the Gulping God
• Friendly units do not take Battleshock Tests while they are wholly within 12” of this General
while eating.
3. Growling Stomach
• Subtract 2 from the Bravery of enemy units while they are within 12” of this General while
4. Gastromancer
• This General knows all spells from the Lore of Gutmagic.
5. Rolls of Fat
• Add 2 to the Wounds of this General.
6. Spell-Eater
• Each time this General dispels an endless spell, you can heal any wounds allocated to them.
IF the General isn’t wounded add 1 to their Wounds. In addition, each time it dispels an
endless spell, it can cast an additional spell.

Huskard or Frostlord Traits

1. Nomadic Raider
• You can re-roll wounds for attacks by the General’s melee weapons while wholly within
enemy territory.
2. Voice of the Avalanche
• Once per Battle Round this General can use a Command Ability without spending a
Command Point.
3. Frostfall Aura
• Enemy units cannot Retreat while within 3” of the General.
4. Master of the Mournfangs
• Mournfang Packs do not take Battleshock Tests while within 18” of the General.
5. Skilled Rider
• Halve the number of wounds suffered by this General when determining the Damage Table
to use.
6. Touched by the Everwinter
• This General is a Priest, if already a Priest they know an additional Everwinter Prayer.

Icebrow Hunter Traits

1. Winter Range
• At the start of the Hero phase, if this General is in ambush, gain D3 Command Points.
2. Eye of the Blizzard
• Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target the General.
3. Blood Vulture’s Gaze
• Add 1 to the Hit and Wound rolls made with missile weapons by this General.
4. Frost Maw
• When you use the General’s Icy Breath attack, you can pick D3 enemy units within 3” instead
of 1.
5. Raised by Yhetees
• Add 1 to the attacks of melee weapons used by Icefall Yhetees while they are wholly within
12” of this General.
6. Skal Packmaster
• When you use the General’s Master of Ambush ability, up 2 to Frost Sabre units can join
instead of 1.

Tyrants Plunder (Tyrants)

1. Headmasher
• Tyrant’s Thundermace has a Damage of 4 instead of 3.
2. Grawl’s Gut-plate
• Add 4” to move while Hungry instead of 2”.
3. Gruesome Trophy Rack
• Add 1 to Hit rolls for attacks made by friendly Gutbusters units wholly within 12” of the
bearer that targets a Monster or a Hero.
4. Flask of Stonehorn Blood
• Once per Battle, at the start of any phase, until the end of that turn rolls a dice each time
you allocate a wound or mortal wound and on a 4+ it is negated.
5. Sky-Titan Scatter Pistols
• Tyrant’s Ogor Pistols have 6 Attacks instead of 2.
6. The Fang of Ghur
• Tyrant’s Beastskewer Glaive has a Rend of -3 instead of -1.

Butcher’s Virtues (Butchers)

1. Dracoline Heart
• Once per Battle, at the start of your Hero phase, pick 1 Great Mawpot that is within 6” of the
bearer and it is now full.
2. Shrunken Priest Head
• Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to the bearer. On a 5+ that
wound is negated.
3. Wizardflesh Apron
• The bearer can cast an addition spell in each of your Hero phases.
4. Bloodrock Talisman
• Add 2 to the roll when the bearer attempts to unbind or dispel an endless spell.
5. Grease-smeared Tusks
• Add 1 to charge rolls for friend Monsters that are within 9” of the bearer.
6. Rotting Dankhold Spores
• Once per battle, at the start of your Hero phase, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 6” of the
bearer and roll a number of dice equal to the number of models in the unit. For every 4+
that unit suffers a Mortal Wound.

Relics of the Everwinter (Frostlords or Huskards)

1. The Rime Shroud

• Reroll unmodified Hit rolls of 6 for attacks made with missile weapons that target the bearer.
2. Blade of All-Frost
• Pick 1 of the bearer’s melee weapons, if any wounds inflicted by this weapon are allocated
to an enemy Hero or Monster model and that model is not slain, subtract 1 from Hit and
Wound rolls made with melee weapons by that model for the rest of the battle.
3. Carvalox Flank
• Friendly Icefall Yhetee units wholly within 12” of the bearer at the start of the movement
phase add 2” when making a normal move.
4. Alvagr Rune-tokens
• Once per battle at the start of your Hero phase, until the start of the next hero phase you
can re-roll Hit and Wound rolls for attacks made by the bearer and re-roll saves for attacks
that target the bearer.
5. Skullshards of Dragaar
• Once per battle, the bearer can attempt to unbind a spell in the enemy Hero phase as a
Wizard. If they do so, the spell is automatically unbound.
6. Elixir of the Frostwyrm
• Once per battle, at the start of your Shooting phase, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 9” of
the bearer that is visible to them. The unit suffers D6 Mortal Wounds and the bearer suffers
D3 Mortal Wounds.

Trophies of the Skal (Icebrow Hunter)

1. The Pelt of Charngar

• In your Hero phase, the bearer can heal up to D3 Wounds.
2. Kattanak Browplate
• Add 1 to the save rolls for attacks that target the bearer. In addition, at the start of your first
Hero phase, gain 1 additional Command Point.
3. Frost-talon Shardbolts
• If the unmodified Hit roll for an attack made by the bearer’s Crossbow is 6, that attack
inflicts D3 Mortal Wounds in addition to any normal damage.

Magic and Prayers

Lore of Gutmagic (Butcher Only)

1. Fleshcrave Curse - CV 6, pick an enemy unit within 12” that is visible to them. The unit suffers D6 Mortal
Wounds and adds 1 to their Attacks for their melee weapons until the start of your next Hero phase.
2. Blood Feast - CV 7, pick a friendly Ogor unit wholly within 18” that is not a Monster and visible to them.
Add 1 to the Attacks of the unit’s melee weapons until the start of your next Hero phase.
3. Ribcracker - CV7, pick an enemy unit within 18” and visible to them. Subtract 1 to save rolls for attacks
that target the unit until the start of your next Hero phase.
4. Blubbergrub Stench - CV5, friendly Rhinox units are treated as Monster for the purposes of Trampling
Charge battle trait while they are wholly within 18” of the caster until the start of your next Hero phase.
5. Molten Entrail - CV 7, pick a friendly Ogor Mawtribes Monster wholly within 18” of the caster and visible
to them. Add 1 to the Damage characteristic of the melee weapons used by the Monster’s mount until the
star of your next Hero phase.
6. Greasy Deluge - CV7, pick an enemy unit within 18” of the caster and visible to them. Subtract 1 from Hit
rolls made by that unit until the start of your next Hero phase.

Lore of the Sun-Eater

1. Fiery Whirlwind - CV6, pick an enemy unit and roll a dice for every model in that unit within 12” of the
caster and visible to them. For each 4+ that unit suffers a Mortal Wound. If the unit has only 1 model, roll
3 dice instead of 1.
2. Billowing Ash - CV5, subtract 1 from Hit rolls for attacks that target friendly units wholly within 12” of the
caster until the start of your next Hero phase.
3. Tongues of Flame - CV6, Pick and enemy unit that has 5 or more models that are within 18” of the caster
and visible to them. Each time the unit finishes any type of move, they suffer D3 Mortal wounds until the
start of your next Hero phase.

Everwinter Prayers

1. Pulverizing Hailstorm - On a 4+, pick a point on the battlefield within 18” of the model chanting the
prayer roll once dice for each unit within 3” of that point on a 3+ that unit suffers D3 Mortal wounds.
2. Keening Gale - On a 4+, pick a friendly Monster or Mournfang Pack wholly within 18” of the model
chanting the prayer. Add 3” to that unit’s Move until the start of your next Hero phase.
3. Call of the Blizzard - On a 4+, pick a friendly Icefall Yhetees unit within 18” of the model chanting the
prayer and is visible to them. You can return 1 model to that unit.

Mount Traits
Stone-Skinned Monsters (Hero mounted on Stonehorn)

1. Black Clatterhorn
• Add 1 to Hit rolls for attacks made with this models Rock-Hard Horns.
2. Metalcruncher
• At the start of the combat phase, pick an enemy War-Machine or an enemy unit with a Save
of 4+/3+/2+ that is within 3” of this model. That enemy unit suffers D6 Mortal Wounds.
3. Belligerent Charger
• When determining the number of dice roll to roll for the Trampling Charge battle trait, treat
charge rolls made for this model less than 7 as 7.
4. Frosthoof Bull
• Improve the Rend of this model’s Crushing Hooves by 1.
5. Rockmane Elder
• Add 1 Wound to this model.
6. Old Granitetooth
• Add 1 to the charge roll for friendly Stonehorns and Mournfang Pack units while they are
wholly within 12” of this mode.

Beasts of Alvagr (Hero mounted on Thundertusk)

1. Fleet of Hoof
• You can re-roll one or both of the dice when making charge rolls for this model.
2. Fleshgreed
• At the start of each Hero phase, if this model is eating you can heal 1 Wound.
3. Rimefrost Hide
• Worsen the Rend of melee weapons that target this model by 1. (to a minimum of “-“).
4. Gvarnak
• Add 1 to the Wounds of this model.
5. Matriarch
• Add 1 to the charge rolls for friendly Thundertusks while wholly within 12” of this model.
6. Alvagr Ancient
• If this model has not made a charge move in the same turn, enemy units within 3” of this
model at the start of the combat phase fight at the end of that combat phase.

Great Mawpot

Friendly Butcher within 6” of this model can use the Mawpot to heal D3 wounds to each friendly Ogor
unit wholly within 36” and is then emptied\. If an enemy model is killed within 6” of the Mawpot, it is full again.

Meatfist Mawtribe

Fleshy Stampede - You can roll one additional dice for a Meatfist unit when using the Trampling Charge battle
Command Ability - Pick 1 Friendly Meatfist Hero at the start of the combat phase, until the end of that phase adds
1 to the Attacks of friendly Meatfist Gluttons Gulping Bite attacks that are wholly within 18” of that Hero. Unit
cannot benefit from this same ability more than once in the same combat phase.

Command Trait - Food for Thought: At the start of your Hero phase, if the General is eating you gain 1 command

Artefact - Gut-plate of Ghur: You can reroll save rolls of 1 that target the bearer.

Bloodgullet Mawtribe

Heralds of the Gulping God - Bloodgullet Butchers know 1 extra spell from the Lore of Gutmagic. In addition,
friendly Butchers can attempt to cast 1 extra spell in your Hero phase.

Command Ability - At the start of the combat phase, pick a friendly Bloodgullet Butcher, until the end of that
phase you can reroll Wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons made by friendly Gluttons that are wholly
within 12 of the Bloodgullet Butcher.

Command Trait - Nice Drop of the Red Stuff: Friendly units that start a pile-in move wholly within 12” of the
General can move an extra 3” when they pile in.

Artefact - Splatter Cleaver: Pick 1 of the bearer’s melee weapons. At the end of the combat phase if any wounds
inflicted by the weapon in that phase were allocated to an enemy model and not negated, you can heal D3 wounds
to each friendly Bloodgullet Ogor unit wholly within 12” of the bearer. (First Bloodgullet Hero to receive an artefact
must choose this artefact)

Underguts Mawtribe

Gunmasters - Leadbelcher Guns used by Undergut Leadbelchers units have a range of 18”

Command Ability - Use at the start of the shooting phase, pick a friendly Underguts Hero, and until the end of that
phase add 1 to the attacks of missile weapons used by Underguts Ironblaster units wholly within 12” of the
Undergut Hero. Can only be used once per shooting phase.

Command Trait - Mass of Scars: Subtract 1 from Wound rolls for attacks made with missile weapons that target
your general.

Artefact - Gnoblar Blast Keg: Once per battle, at the start of the shooting phase, pick an enemy unit within 9” of
the bearer and is visible to them. Roll 6 dice, add 1 to each roll for every 10 models in the target unit, on a 6+ that
unit suffers D3 Mortal Wounds.

Boulderhead Mawtribe

Fearsome Breed - Add 1 to the Wounds of friendly Boulderhead Monsters. In addition, each Boulderhead Hero on
Thundertusk or Stonehorn can take a Mount Trait.

Deadly Hail - Add 1 to the Prayer rolls for Pulverizing Hailstorm when a Boulderhead Priest is chanting that prayer.

Command Ability - Dig Deep Your Heels: At the start of any phase, a single Boulderhead Hero that has a mount
can until the end of the phase use the top row of that unit’s Damage Table.

Command Trait- Lord of Beasts: Friendly Boulderhead Monsters that are wholly within 12” of the General at the
start of the movement phase can move an extra 1” when they make a normal move in that phase.

Artefact - Brand of the Svard: If the bearer has a Mount, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with the mount’s
melee weapons.
Winterbite Mawtribe

Ghosts in the Blizzard - Subtract 1 from Hit rolls for attacks made with missile weapons that target friend
Winterbite models that are wholly within your territory.

Call of the Endless White - Add 1 to Prayer rolls for Call of the Blizzard when a Winterbite Priest is chanting that

Command Ability - Howl of the Wild: At the start of the combat phase, pick a friendly Winterbite Hero, friendly
Winterbite Frost Sabres and Icefall Yhetees units wholly within 12” of the Winterbite Hero can fight at the start of
the combat phase. These models cannot fight again in that combat phase unless an ability or spell allows them to
do so.

Command Trait - Wintertouched: Add 1 to Wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by friendly
Winterbite Frost Sabre units and Icefall Yhetee units wholly within 12” of this General.

Artefact - Frostfang: At the start of each Battle Round, pick 1 of the bearer’s melee weapons. On a 5+ add 1 to the
Damage of the attacks made with that weapon for the rest of the battle. These effects are cumulative.

Warscroll Battalions:
Tyrant’s Gutguard
1 Tyrant 0-2 Leadbelchers

1-3 Ironguts

Wall of Fat: Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound to a friendly Tyrant from this battalion within 3” of a
friendly Ironguts unit from this Battalion. On a 4+ that wound or mortal wound is negated. That unit of Ironguts
suffers a Mortal Wound.

Butcher’s Band
1 Butcher 1-3 Ogor Gluttons

1-3 Leadbelchers 1 Ironguts

Well-fed Warriors: At the start of your Hero phase, you can heal 1 Wound to each friendly unit from this battalion
that is wholly within 12” of the Butcher from this Battalion.

1 Slaughtermaster 1-3 Ogor Gluttons

1-3 Leadbelchers 1 Ironguts

The Tyrant’s Butcher: The Slaughtermaster from this battalion can use its Great Cauldron ability twice in each of
your hero phases instead of once.

1-3 Gnoblars

1-3 Gnoblar Scraplaunchers

Don’t Eat Me, Boss: Add 1 to the Attacks of each Scraplauncher from this battalion within 3” of any Gnoblar unit
from this Battalion that have 20 or more models.

<<Beastclaw Raiders>>
1 Huskard on Stonehorn 2-4 Mournfang Packs

1-3 Stonehorn Beastriders

Tip of the Hunting Spear: At the start of your hero phase in the first battle round, each friendly unit from this
battalion can make a move of D6”. Roll separately for each unit.

1 Huskard on Thundertusk 0-3 Icefall Yhetees

3-9 Thundertusk Beastriders

Heat-numbing Chill: At the start of your hero phase roll 1 dice for each enemy within 3” of units from this
battalion, on a 2+ they suffer a Mortal Wound.

1 Huskard on Stonehorn 2-4 Mournfang Packs

1-3 Stonehorn Beastriders

Crush, Mangle, Tenderise: If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a melee weapon used by a model
from this battalion is a 6, that attack inflicts 1 Mortal Wound in addition to any normal damage.

1-6 Icebrow Hunters

2-10 Frost Sabres

Hunting Pack: Add 1 to the charge rolls for units from this battalion while they are wholly within 12” of another
unit from the battalion.

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