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| ee | Initial Consonants ¢, d, y, 1, r, n, w,g,t DAY Listening for Initial Consonants: ¢, d, y “1. Read aloud the focus statement at the top of the page and point to each letter as you introduce Is letter sound. Say: This is the letter . The letter € sometimes stands fr this sound: /k/- Say /k/. (ki) You hear 7k atthe beginning of cat. Say cat. cat) Point out that the letter ¢ has the same sound as the leterk. Repeat the process for letters d and y. Then read the directions and call students’ attention to number 1 Say: Point to the letter . Say //.(7k/) Now point to the com. Say corn. (corn) Is /K/ the first sound in corn? (yes Fill in the circle below the corn. Now point tothe for. Say fox. (fox) Is /K/ the fist sound in fox? (no) Do not fill in the circle, Repeat the process for the remaining pictures, Peture Key: Row 1-corn, fox, cup, door: Row 2. duck, cake, doll Fish; Row 3 soap, yar, yo-¥o, hat Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say: Wiite the leter that stands for the first sound you hearin Lye Zap 3.dig DAY Listening for Initial Consonants: 1, r, 0 '2.__ Read aloud the focus statement at the top ofthe page and point to each letter as you introduce its lettersound. Say: This is the letter I. The letter I stands for this sound: /V/. Say /1/. (i) You hear /Y/ at the beginning of leaf Say lea. (leaf) Repeat the process for letters r and n. Then read the directions and call students’ attention to number 1. Say: Point fo the main. Say rain. (rain) What is the fist sound in rain? (J) Fl in the circle next to the leter that stands for that sound. Repeat the process for the remaining pictures. ieture Key: 1 rain, 2, nine, 3 leg, 4 ope, 5. nest, 6. amp, 7. ne, 8. lock, 8: 1g Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say: Witte the letter that stands fr the first sound you hear in dmg 2.lap 3. nod DAY Listening for Initial Consonants: w, 9, 13 Read aloud the focus statement at the top of the page and point to each letter as you introduce its, Totter sound. Say: This is the letter w. The letter w stands for this sound: /w/. Say /sw/ (Iw!) You hear /w/ at the beginning of wig. Say wig. (wig) Repeat the process for the hard sound of the letter g and the letter t. Then read the directions and call students’ attention to the first row. Say: Point tothe letter: Say /wi. (Jw!) Now point fo the watch. Say watch. (watch) Is /w/ the fist sound in watch? (yes) Fllin the circle. Now point to the rope. Say rope. (rope) Is w/the first sound in rope? (no) Do at fill inthe circle. Repeat the process for the remaining pictures, Note: For row 2, begin by saying: This the letter 9. The letterg sometimes stands for this sound: /g/. Picture Key: Fow 1. watch rope, top, web; Row 2. lat, amp, gate, gum; Row 3 tooth, ite, bal Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say: Write the leter that stands fr the first sound you hear in Ltop 2.get 3.wag DAY Reviewing Initial Consonants: e, 4, y, 1, Fn, w, gt ig Read the directions and call students’attention to number 1. Say: Point tothe cat. Say cat. (cat) Wheat isthe first sound in cat? (/ki) Fill in the circle next tothe letter that stands for that sound. Repeat the process for the remaining pictures, lettre Keys 1, cat, 2. web, 3. rake, 4. ring, S. gum, 6 duck, 7.yarn, 8. goat, 9, ea, 10. net, 1. ten, 12, dog Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say: Witte the letter that stands for the first sound you hear In tug — 3.nop DAY Writing Initial Consonants: e, a, y,1, rm, wg, {§ Read the directions and call students” attention to number 1. Say: Pot tthe cup. ay eup. (cup) What is the ist soured in eup? (Ik) Look at the eters inthe letter box. Which letter stands for /k/? (2) Write the letter € ‘on the line. You speled the word cup. Repeat the process forthe remaining pictures. Picture Key 1. cup, 2. lamp, 3. web, 4 gum, 5. do, 617 nes 8:10, 9. yarn Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say: Wilte the letter that stands fr the first sound you hear in lip 2.wig 3.rub 10 Daily Phonics # EMC 2767 « © Evan-Moor Comp Name Listen for It bat [Focus | The letters c, d, and y are consonants. Each consonant has a different sound. Some words begin with c, d, or y. c |S d lu y | Say the sound of the letter. Then say the picture name. Fill in the circle if the picture begins with the same letter-sound (© Evan-Moor Corp. # EMC 2787 « Dolly Phonics Skil Listening for inl consonants 14 Name Listen for It [Focus | The letters I, r, and n are consonants. Each consonant has a different sound. Some words begin with |, r, or n. 1 |b |r |G n les Say the picture name. Listen to the first letter-sound. Then fill in the circle next to the letter that stands for that sound. ol © ol or or on ~ on ol © ol or or on on ol or on 12 Skil: Dccrminating intial coneorante Daly Phonics # EMC 2767+ © Evan-Moor Corp. Name Listen for It i The letters w, g, and t are consonants. Each consonant has a different sound. Some words begin with w, g, or t. w/@ go |G + \10 Say the sound of the letter. Then say the picture name. Fill in the circle if the picture begins with the same letter-sound ges * eS iS (0 Ow S .LJIOP 2, |et 3LJag (© Evan-Moor Corp. # EMC 2787 « Dolly Phonics Skil Listening fr intl consonants 13, Name Review It Say the picture name. Listen to the first letter-sound. Then fill in the circle next to the letter that stands for that sound. © od @ ow @ ol Boo oy or oc ot on eo | oy ° on © od G or & or ty on ow og ot o ow @ | © od Cp oy og Ve ot oc Ui od ol ® ow "| og ® od SY or ot ot on O ol va ol DTT ona eccceeeeeeececeeeeeeeceesnnessceecennnssccesnnnnececsnnneeeeeees 1LIUg 2LJot 3Jap 14 Skil: Discriminating initial consonants Daily Phonics # EMC 2767 « © Evan-Moor Comp Name Write It Cz ied (ec dy lrnwgt) Say the picture name. Then write the letter that stands for the first letter-sound you hear. "a ls et (© Evan-Moor Corp. # EMC 2787 « Dolly Phonics Skill Writing intial consonants 15, How to Use This Book Daily Phonics provides systematic phonics instruction, practice, and application in a daily format. Each week focuses on one phonics skill. Daily lessons progress through scaffolded listening and speaking activities to writing and reading activities. Sees Chee The weekly phonics skills shown at the top of the page. The daily teaching tips and scripting provide explicit instruction to Introduce the focus skill and guide students through the activity. Peon The focus box and examples at the top of each page help students understand the phonies skil, Listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities provide students with multiple opportunities to learn, coe | ow ae | ante proctc, and apply phonies skills {Hl instrtions support vocabulary se | one we develops and provide cont forphontc sil ssf .wlg mld * “71. Fach day includes a dictation ‘activity for further practice. che eee eed Promunciation ‘Model how to pronounce letter-sounds and word chunks. Have students watch Is Key your mouth as you say a word. Then have students repeat the word. Connect to Be aware of nontransferable sounds and symbols in students’ home languages. Home Language Help students articulate sounds in English that are new to them, Make connections to words in their home language. Support Vocabulary Develop vocabulary by connecting words to actions and providing context. Development Help students draw on background knowledge to connect vocabulary words to objects, concepts, actions, and situations they are familiar with (© Evan-Moor Corp. # EMC 2787 « Dolly Phonics 3 Answer Key 196 Daily Phonics # EMC 2767 « © Evan-Moor Corp.

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