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Black Comedy ;dark humor is like food not everyone gets it.

Humor is a literary tool that makes audience

laugh or that intends to induce amusement or laughter.Humor is one of the most effective literary
weapons to please the audience.It arouses interset among readers,sustain their attentions,helps them
connect with characters.Through this work writter also can improve their work. It is a very memorable
style of literary piece.Black humor in dramas,movies/films used to express the curellty of the
world.Black comedy often associated with the tragedy and is sometime equated with tragic farce.Black
humour nothing holds scared as it screws conventions,look beyond the racial and gender identity and
mockes sexuality and death.Black humor is not concerned with the moral qualities of society and
instead aims to deconstruct moral certitude. IT was first appeared in 1950s nd 1960s in American
literature.Dark comedy finds great humor in what most peopleregard as inappropriate subject matter.It
mocks serious topic such as death and relegion and makes fun out of various organized logical aspects of
everyday existence.EXAMPLE;ROMEO: Courage, man;the hurt cannot be much’’.MERCUTIO;No,its not
deep as well,nor so wide as Church door; but its enough,it will serve:askr for me to-morrow and you
shall find me a grave man.The best example of black comedy is STANLEY KUBRIC’S film
DR.Strangelove.In his movie he explained that dangerous situation and consequences of war time in
very funny way that everyone laughed so hard.

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