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Learn how sites like Facebook, Twitter,

MySpace, YouTube, Flixster, RockYou, Slide

and Plaxo grew their Social Networks


Growing your social Categories

network for digital
marketing enthusiasts Import Data 3
Export Data 6
The white paper is for marketers interested in
digital marketing and growing their brand’s
Building external Applications 9
social network. The paper contains real case Building API 3s 12
studies of successful social networks, which
Tips for growing online social network 15
gives you a perspective of how others did it.

Kwiqq - Midnight
Paper developed in collaboration with Kwiqq, Social Networking Software
and Midnight, Media Consultancy

Kwiqq: +44 (0) 1273 704787 |

Midnight: +44 (0) 870 0844144 |

May 2009. Noncommercial creative commons licence: You can copy,

distribute, display, and perform our work - and derivative works based
upon it - but for non-commercial purposes only. For commercial purpose
please contact Raj Anand on
What can I expect from this paper?

Growing a social network without an
existing user base can be difficult. This
document looks at how significant
growth was achieved by existing
social networks. including Facebook,
Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Flixster,
RockYou, Slide and Plaxo. The
document discusses how these tactics
can be implemented to the benefit of
new social networks.

Is this paper for me?

This document is aimed at marketers
with an interest in digital media and
online communities.

The paper is also useful for

technologists who want to understand
the implications of online applications
on their business.

A jargon buster is provided on page

17 to explain any technical language

Source: Khalid Almasoud

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy
Trenz Pruca Fringilla Viverr Fermen Pede
Ferhoncus de plub Aliquam de Mantis Seargente de Fermentum Vestibulum Bibendum

Omare foremne Leo Praesen Urna Semper Uam Scelerisque

Mauris Vitaequam Chauncey de Billuptus Maecenas Interdum

Lemacord Promwn Diam Nobis Orci Aliquam Cras Maecenas

Senmaris Calla Ipsum Vivamus Nunc Curabitur Leo

Eget Toque Nobis Eget Tortor Rasellus

Import Data
Aliquam de Manti Sed accumsan Libero Quisque Porta

MySpace and Facebook are good examples of sites that allow users to build
applications and bring their own information from other websites. This allows
these websites to constantly grow and evolve according to the changing
demands of their users.

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

Myspace facts
Things you probably
didn’t know about

1. 76 million unique users

By the end of 2008, MySpace had 76
million unique users as reported by
comScore, growing at 10% per year.

2. MySpace larger than Facebook

MySpace is still the most used social
network in the US. It sees 76 million
unique users as opposed to
Facebook’s 54.5 million users per

3. MySpace made $1bn in 2008

Last we heard, MySpace was on
Source: Joits
target to hit $1bn in revenue in 2008.
MySpace has certainly had some
slideshow widgets, videos etc) were seen as help from Google for a guaranteed
MySpace evolution an acceptable way to export data. This revenue deal, which provides search
Many social media commentators allowed musicians to bring their MP3 4s, for MySpace.
described MySpace, an online social slide shows etc from external sources.Now
network with over 100 million users, as the HTML embeds have been replaced by API 3s 4. MySpaceId 6 and Open Social
open evolution of Friendster 1. The latter was (Application Programming Interface). After successfully releasing MySpace
very restrictive as it, limited user self- applications made on Google’s Open
expression.. Members of the site reacted by Social platform. MySpace is now set
moving to MySpace, creating detailed Results to launch MySpaceID which allows
profiles complete with large amounts of users' activities to be exported to any
MySpace is a fantastic example of the external site. Developers can then
multimedia. Users hacked their profiles using
organic growth of a social network. The stream feeds like photos, events and
HTML 2 to make them more expressive.
graph below shows the rate at which music.
MySpace didn't stop them and welcomed
MySpace grew its users, with both its
this exploration of its- platform . As a result,
members and unique visitors increasing over
the cultural enthusiasm was nurtured and it
time. Impressively, comScore 5 data shows
grew and grew...
that MySpace had 37 million unique visitors
in February 2006, up five-fold from the
previous year.
Power of HTML 2

For many, MySpace was a step up from In conclusion, MySpace showcased that
the existing social networks available at the users want to personalise their profiles and
time. Due to the primitive nature of those import data from all around the web
social networks , HTML 2 embeds (like

Members (in million) on MySpace V/S Month - Year

MySpace is a fantastic example of
90 users demonstrating a strong desire to
import their private multimedia and
content from other sites. Even a basic
60 HTML 2 editor for personalisation,
which is difficult to digest for an
average user, makes the site
30 compelling enough for people to
adopt it.
05/04 10/04 02/05 06/05 10/05 02/06 06/06 10/06
Source: Registered members (in million)
Facebook Applications
Facebook facts
Things you probably
didn’t know about

1. 25 million users joined in 5 weeks

Mid-February 2009 Facebook hit 175
million registered users, just five
weeks after it hit 150 million users in
January. At this rate, Facebook has
been growing by well over 600,000
users per day .

2. Quick growth from 35-49 year olds

Facebook’s greatest growth in global
audience numbers has come from
people aged 35-49 says Nielsen
Online. 34.4% of Facebook’s users
Source: Robelto
between December 2007 to
December 2008 were from this age
apps continued to grow steadily to over group.
Facebook evolution 32,000.
Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook 3. Facebook on mobile phone
with fellow computer science major students To make the applications a reality, Facebook is one of the most popular
at Harvard University. Website membership Facebook developed an entire platform to social networks in Europe and the US.
was initially limited to Harvard students, but provide a framework for third-party Mobile applications for handsets,
was expanded to other colleges in the developers to create applications that such as Apple’s iPhone, are playing a
Boston area and then the Ivy League. It was interact with core Facebook features and a substantial role in expanding
later extended further to include any Mark-up Language (FBML 9), a variant of Facebook’s usage. In April 2009
university student, then high school students, HTML 2, for developers to customise look Facebook had 6.4 million active
and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over. and feel of applications. iPhone users.

4. 3.1 million Facebook Developers

Currently Facebook has over
Facebook Apps 3,098,000 (March 2009) users
Facebook’s first major growth as a
Results registered as developers. Although
social network has been attributed to the Facebook has been constantly evolving only a small proportion of these users
introduction of Facebook Applications. its user base and platform. It now has have developed the 33,000+
Compete 8’s data shows (below) that 57,514 apps with over 200,000 active applications (July 2008).
Facebook activity grew 32% from May to developers. Typically, applications are used
August, 2007, with more than a third of the 34 million times every day and have a
growth coming from its new applications. combined valuation of approximately
Applications had a big buy in from users $269.3 million (April 2009).
and application developers alike. During the
middle of 2007, the number of published


Making a proprietary platform which

allows developers to build on your
infrastructure is an investment worth
making. Facebook’s example shows
that a good platform can both
increase the site’s usage, and also
expand the community of developers.
This allows the website to constantly
develop and evolve.
Launch of Facebook Platform

(US audience only)

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

Trenz Pruca Fringilla Viverr Fermen Pede
Ferhoncus de plub Aliquam de Mantis Seargente de Fermentum Vestibulum Bibendum

Omare foremne Leo Praesen Urna Semper Uam Scelerisque

Mauris Vitaequam Chauncey de Billuptus Maecenas Interdum

Lemacord Promwn Diam Nobis Orci Aliquam Cras Maecenas

Senmaris Calla Ipsum Vivamus Nunc Curabitur Leo

Eget Toque Nobis Eget Tortor Rasellus

Export Data
Aliquam de Manti Sed accumsan Libero Quisque Porta

YouTube and Slide demonstrate the ability to export technology to other

websites. Certainly a tried and tested way to grow a social network .

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

YouTube facts
Things you probably
didn’t know about
1. Second most used search engine
Video search on YouTube accounts
for a quarter of all Google search
queries in the US, according to the
latest search engine numbers from
comScore 5.

2. Totally customise the video player

Wordia’s YouTube video (below)
looks like Vimeo. This is possible using
YouTube’s Player API 3’s. For details


given that Google had a competing product

YouTube evolution in the market, Google Video. YouTube used
For the first nine months (February - a technology called Flash, which isn’t
November 2005) of YouTube’s existence, it fantastic for search engine rankings but
didn't see significant user growth and was does easily embed. Google stayed away
focused on product development. The from Flash , making it more tricky to embed see : Youtube Player APIs
Californian based company was spending videos on various sites. Google ended up
colossal amounts of money on servers acquiring YouTube for a reported $1.65 3. Widget view v/s YouTube
already and wasn’t prepared to spend a lot billion. Youtube recently unveiled that 44 per
on PR. That left them with little to no money cent of its videos are watched through
to market the product. players embedded on other sites.
Results Given that 5.3 billion videos were
Then a decision was made to allow watched in February 2009,
YouTube now has the largest share of embedded video accounts for 2.3
users to spread the word on their behalf.
the US online video market, accounting for billion videos.
They allowed users to embed videos to
41per cent of online videos viewed and just
blogs, websites and especially MySpace
under 100 million unique viewers. 4. YouTube’s revenue
pages. That's when the exponential growth
Google’s acquisition of YouTube In 2008 YouTube will generate about
actually began.
allowed it to continue to rank as the top US $100 million in the US (with 100
video property with 5.3 billion videos million users),compared to about $70
viewed in just one month. Google now has a million at Hulu (with 34.7 million
Google acquires YouTube huge market share, with YouTube accounting users). Next year both sites will
for more than 99 per cent of all videos generate about $180 million in the
Google’s acquisition of YouTube, for
viewed at the property. US.
$1.65 billion, came as a surprise for many

Visitors (in million) on YouTube V/S Months (in business)

20 Summary

The ability to embed a product like
videos on a personal website or
12 profile is a powerful way to get more
User’s allowed to embed videos people to know about your product.
8 This is a fantastic example of a
phenomenon called the
‘Widgetization of the web’. Which is
4 deconstruction of the Web into small,
single-purpose applications called
widgets or gadgets.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Source: Compete Blog Visitors on YouTube (in million)
(US audience only) Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy facts
Things you probably
didn’t know about

1. Million widgets per day

Slide serves more than one million
widgets per day. This does not include
the Facebook widgets, which
contribute to the majority of its

2. Slide’s Facebook apps

Two of Slides Facebook widgets are
in the top 10 most visited applications
on Facebook. These two applications,
Top Friends and Super poke,
attracted up to 4.4 million users per
day in 2008.

3. Slide top ten most popular web

of the applications and’s first
Slide evolution movers advantage ( was one of
In May 2008 comScore 5 reported
Slide Network, which includes its, as the name suggests, is the first application developers on Facebook applications, to be the ninth
aimed at users looking to build a picture Facebook). Slide’s presence on this large most visited site on the planet serving
slideshow. Users can quickly upload images social network has no doubt aided in its 155 million unique users per year.
and get customised players for their images. popularity. With other networks like Hi5 and
The majority of the site’s users build Bebo supporting Slide for easy picture 4. buys app for $60K
slideshows for their MySpace profiles and imports, it continues to become a staple in Apart from expanding its market via
other social networking pages. the social networking widget world. its own Facebook applications, Slide
Customisation of these players and their also acquired application Favourite
social networking pages was key for these Peeps for a reported $60,000.
Results Favourite Peeps was the 14th most
popular application on Facebook with
The San Francisco based company had approximately 1.3 million users and
more than 134 million unique viewers of its was growing at about 2.3 per cent
widgets per month in September 2008 (up
Growth of Slide from 117 million in March 2008), giving it a
(30,000 users) per day. The reported
acquisition price values each user of
The growth of slide was, in part, due to lead over rival widget-makers like RockYou. the Facebook app at about $0.046.
its popularity on social networks like In April 2007 received 13.8% of
MySpace and Facebook. Slide managed to all worldwide online audience.
place three of its widget offerings in the top
10 spot for Facebook applications, with
success largely attributed to the viral nature

Summary showcases the ability to

gain a massive increase in users by
making its application available in
Facebook and MySpace. Slide also
demonstrates that joining a platform
as an early adopter can increase the
visibility of products immensely.

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

Ferhoncus de plub
Omare foremne
Lemacord Promwn

Building External

Building custom tools for a specific website (in our examples Facebook) can
make users quickly adopt your website. The effects of user’s uptake will be
felt on your website i.e. outside Facebook.

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

Flixster facts
Things you probably
didn’t know about

1. Flixster founders background

Flixster’s founders are two relatively
young entrepreneurs, Joe Greenstein
and Saran Chari. They both worked
at Edusoft, a web-based assessment
platform for public school districts in
the US.

2. Flixster was born from...

Joe Greenstein’s frustration: He and
his then-girlfriend could never agree
on a movie. His and Saran Chari's
first effort was a basic operation

3. Big in Philippines and Romania

It’s rapid rise in user base makes for a
About Flixster promising company future.
Flixster is a social network for movie
lovers. It allows users to review movies using
social networking tools, rate movies, become
a fan and leave comments.
Flixster Growth
One of Flixster’s primary traffic drivers
is its Facebook Application,Movies, which
has consistently been one of the most Apart from the US, Romania and
User Statistics popular apps on the site. Daily user totals Philippines have the majority of
peaked in December 2007, and, as of Flixster’s userbase, followed by the
Flixster currently has over 50 million November 2008, its 6.6 million monthly UK and Indonesia.
registered users with over 1.5 billion movie active users place the Movies app at the
ratings, and has already outpaced (in total number eight spot among most-used 4. Flixster acquires iPhone App
page views) other movie sites such as applications on Facebook. Flixster acquired a popular iPhone
Fandango. While the site is still dwarfed in
terms of total page views by the more application called in mid-
information based IMDB 10, its emphasis is August 2008 and re-released the
on combining social networking with movies. application within a week. This is
perhaps the first acquisition of an
iPhone app. The application was
bought from a college student at
Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, USA.

Total visitors (in 000) on Flixster V/S Month / Year

Growth via Facebook Application
Flixster is a social network for movies.
1,200 The network is another early
Facebook Application adopter. This
helped it get a lot of publicity and
800 visibility. Flixster focused on providing
movie reviews to users and used
various platforms including iPhone
400 and Facbeook.

03/06 05/06 07/06 09/06 11/06 01/07
Source: Compete Blog
Total visitors (in 000) (US audience only)
Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy
RockYou facts
Things you probably
didn’t know about

1. 30% of users use RockYou

RockYou widgets are now used by
over 30per cent of users on most
social networks. RockYou serves 150
million widgets per day reaching
approximately 80 million people per

2. Series-C Funding from Japan and

Japanese mobile giant SoftBank and
Korean telecom investment company
SK Telecom Ventures invested $17
million into RockYou to create a new
Source: Niallkennedy
joint venture to build applications for
internationally popular social network, hi5. the Asia-Pacific market. To date
RockYou evolution RockYou has raised three rounds of
RockYou (originally named RockMySpace) funding and a total of $68.5 million.
creates and distributes self-expression Application Popularity
widgets. The widgets can be used to 3. Branded social applications for
RockYou achieved a top Alexa reach of celebrities
enhance the look and feel of blogs, personal
0.49per cent up 112per cent within three In April 2009 RockYou announced
websites and personal pages on social
months. RockYou's Super Wall became the itsBackstage! application integration
networks such as Facebook, MySpace and
top application on the Facebook platform platform. The platform allows
with over three million daily active users. musicians, actors, celebrities, athletes
RockYou holds the number one position on and other talent to connect with fans
Facebook slideshows with over five times the
Explosive Growth engagement versus its nearest competition:
and partner with consumer brands
across the world.
Since Facebook opened its platform for 42,294 to 7,315.
developers, RockYou has stormed in and On the MySpace Platform, RockYou 4. RockYou’s content distribution
become the network's most prolific and owns three of the top 10 applications: Truth experiment with Ashton Kutcher
popular developer of social applications. Box, the first application to reach a million RockYou conducted its first big content
The company also created Facebook's first users, Kiss Me, and Name Meaning. distribution test with Ashton Kutcher’s
ad network, helping to give other RockYou's applications on launching on hi5 Katalyst Media. The site showed 1.8
applications the initial traction they need quickly became favourites amongst users. million impressions in a single day for
and offering a potent new way for brands For instance, the SuperFive application has Katalyst’s special Fashion Week
and advertisers to reach their audiences. grown from 1.4 million user installs as of episode of its show Blah Girls. The
Furthermore, it has embraced Google's April 7 2008, to over two million installs on show was distributed with a mix of
OpenSocial standard and has taken the lead April 15. autoplaying videos and click-to-play,
among OpenSocial 7 applications on the in ad units and as a featured video
within RockYou’s various applications,
Unique visitors (in millions) v/s Month - Year such as Super Wall


24 Summary

RockYou’s growth has been partially
the result of building for the Facebook
12 platform and developing the first
advertising network. RockYou
6 managed to constantly increase its
users by opening its platform to
Google’s OpenSocial 7.
04/08 06/08 08/08 10/08 12/08 02/09
Source: Compete Blog
RockYou (US audience only)
Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy
Building API s 3

Creating a social network or environment which can accept tools built by

others, can dramatically increase the uptake of your network.

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

Twitter facts
Things you probably
didn’t know about

1. Web most common twitter client

Although 10 times the traffic comes
from Twitter API 3s. 28.25% of users
still prefer to tweet
messages according to

2. Tweetdeck encourages tweeting

Tweetdeck is a UK based Twitter
product which recently secured angel
funding from The Accelerator Group.
It is the most used Twitter product (not
including and statistics
show that users tweet 193% more
when using Tweetdeck as opposed to
its nearest competitor.

10 times more traffic than the website. 3. Twitter business model

Twitter Introduction Twitter’s venture capitalists say they
Twitter is a social networking and micro- are not worried about when the
blogging 11 service that enables its users to Results micro-blogging 11 start-up will start
send and read other users' updates, known making money. And why should they
The latest numbers are in, and Twitter is be? The techies in the blogosphere
as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up
growing at a torrid pace. According to are taking care of that for them.
to 140 characters in length. Updates are
statistics just released from Nielsen Online,
displayed on the user's profile page and
Twitter recorded 2.3 million unique visitors in 4. Twitter suggestion slot worth $250k
delivered to other users who have signed up
August 2008 (US-only), an increase of When newbies sign up to Twitter now,
to receive them
422per cent from the same period the they are presented with a list of 100
previous year. Moreover, visitors to Twitter suggested users to start following.
spent 55per cent more time on the site on
Power of API 3
average – a total of more than seven
Simply being on that list can boost
your followers well above 100,000.
API 3 has been arguably the most minutes per user. Those numbers point to Several people and organisations on
important thing Twitter has done. It allowed rather robust growth for the site, especially the list (such as Al Gore, Lance
Twitter to keep the service very simple. So considering many of its most rabid users Armstrong, Kevin Rose, the New York
that developers can build on top of Twitters’ access it through a third-party client like Times, and CNN) now have more
infrastructure. Users then came up with ideas Twhirl or Tweetdeck. than 250,000 followers each.
and built applications which have made
Twitter elegant, something a start-up of
Twitter’s size couldn’t have achieved it’s
resources otherwise. So, the API 3 easily has


Twitter’s success story is mainly based

on opening its platform and allowing
programmers to build applications for
its API 3. Twitter’s growth and
innovation is driven by the
programmers who are constantly
innovating to make Twitter

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

Plaxo facts
Things you probably
didn’t know about

1. Plaxo’s ex-Napster13 founder

Plaxo was founded by Napster co-
founder Sean Parker and two
Stanford engineering students, Todd
Masonis and Cameron Ring.

2. Plaxo and partnerships

Plaxo’s growth strategy is heavily
reliant on building on existing third
party API 3s. In the last few months
alone, Plaxo has built integration for
first “social web aggregator,”
Plaxo evolution TripIt, new version of OpenID 15,
pioneering the idea of seeing in a became an OpenID 15 provider and
Plaxo is an online address book and single place what the people you care continue to support several other API
social networking service aimed at about are sharing on sites all over the 3
professional and personal contacts. Once
web. Now, of course, there are other
contacts are stored in the central location, it
such services like FriendFeed, 3. Plaxo premium account
is possible to list connections between
contacts and access the address book from and
anywhere. A Plaxo plug-in supports major
address books including Outlook, Mozilla
Thunderbird and Address Book on Mac OS Results
X 12.
Plaxo has had a steady growth, decline
and then another growth phase. Plaxo was
acquired by Comcast in May 2008 for
Power of API 3
between $150 million to $170 million. In
Plaxo was one of the first partners to May 2008 Plaxo reported 20 million users
adopt Google’s OpenSocial 7 platform. on its system. A quick look at the graph For £25.99 users can set-up a
Plaxo has been a huge supporter of below indicates that monthly use of the site premium account which allows users
empowering users to regain control of their in the US is increasing constantly. to sync Plaxo with Windows Mobile
social data across all the tools they use. that their monthly usage in the US is phones and automate contact book
increasing constantly. backup and recovery. It also allows
This approach of converting users’ users 24/7 VIP phone and email-
address books into a social network and support.
allowing them to move data around is a
good example of how to use third party
API3s. The launch of Plaxo Pulse in the
summer of 2007 made thecompany the


Comcast acquires Plaxo

Plaxo’s growth has mainly been
driven by its innovative approach to
Launch of Pulse
make users’ address books portable.
Plaxo’s social network is based on
openness of data and provides users
the ability to aggregate data from
various social networks.

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

7 tips for building and growing your

Top tips online social network

1. Build APIs3: Allow developers to build applications for your platform.
This doesn’t need to be sophisticated, although the simpler you can make it
the higher uptake you’ll see. The most common way to open up the
platform for developers is by building a APIs3.
2. Build Applications: Apart from opening up your platform, it’s also
worth building applications using others’ APIs 3. Examples in this document
show the rapid adoption of new social networks based on applications built
for platforms.
3. Adopt platform early: To hit critical mass of users quickly, developers
are advised to adopt a new platform ASAP. Examples in this document
show that early adopters on platforms like Facebook saw maximum success
and growth in user numbers.
4. Keep it simple: Make it simple for the user to install your product in
blogs, websites or install the applications on third party platforms. For
instance, embedding a YouTube video to a user’s blog is a basic copy and
paste. The usability is made absolutely simple.
5. Adopt a niche: Define a niche for your product. A good niche like
Flixster i.e. social networks for movies, is easier to sell–in to users.
6. Openness of data: The walled garden approach to data doesn't work,
even Facebook had to let it go. Let users own their data and they will feel
comfortable using your platform.
7. Keep innovation: Innovation is key for development and growth of
social networks. Social networks like Facebook keep innovating to provide
unique user experience and keep the network fresh.

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy
Future key players
1. OpenSocial 7
OpenSocial is a set of API 3s
developed by Google to make it
easier for developers to build
applications for third parties. It is
already available on sites such as
Hi5, MySpace and Ning. As more
sites support OpenSocial, it will
provide a lucrative opportunity for
both application developers and
network owners.

2. Facebook Connect 14
A single sign-on service that competes
with OpenID 15, the service enables
Facebook users to login to affiliated
sites using their Facebook account
and share information from such sites
with their Facebook friends.
Source: Warmnfuzzy
3. Third party integrators
With the volume of social tools like Prediction going forwards
MySpaceId 6, Facebook Connect 14
The future for social media is bright given the shift of major social networks towards
etc its hard for web publishers to keep
openness and users owning their data. The clear winner of the social media marathon will be
track and continue developing their
a company that can influence the most people with its technologies. The OpenID 15 v/s
system. We hence recommend third
Facebook Connect 14 saga shows that users are not only interested in functionality but also
party integrators like Gigya’s
Socialize. They continue to
aggregates API 3s, like those from
Facebook, MySpace and OpenID 15, Liberate Data
into a single API 3. There will be many influencers in the social networking arena in the following months that
focus on unifying technology across the board. Two potential key players are Google, in
4. Social Graph conjunction with the OpenID 15 community, and Facebook teamed up with Microsoft. Exciting
Social Graph is a the global mapping times are ahead as these companies innovate to liberate user data and move it around. If both
of everybody and how they're solutions are credible, users and websites will happily accept them but will resist to signing up
related. Many organisations are to new websites.
trying to find the most elegant
solution to getting everyone’s social
graph available openly without any
User Identity
restrictions. The current contenders In the coming months the biggest challenge that will be solved will be Identity and the
include: OpenSocial 7, Facebook Social Graph. Users will resist signing up to yet another social network andwill instead want to
Connect 14 and perhaps OpenID 15 use their existing accounts. Once they sign up to a new social network they will want to
coupled with Google Contacts API 3. befriend their existing contacts. Smaller networks, like Plaxo, third party integrators, like
Gigya, and widget suppliers like Clearspring will also play a big role. They will make it easier
for publishers to integrate this technology and grow their social networks.

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

the approximate number of U.S. visitors
Jargon Buster for any website.
9. FBML: is a variant-evolved subset
Please note most of these definitions have of HTML 2 with some elements
removed. It allows Facebook
been extracted from Wikipedia.
Application developers to customise the
look and feel of their applications, to a
1. Friendster: is a social networking limited extent.
website focused on helping people 10. The Internet Movie Database
meet new friends, stay in touch with old (IMDB): is an online database of
ones and share online content and information related to movies, actors,
media. television shows, production crew
Jargon Buster 2. HTML: is an acronym for HyperText
Markup Language and is the
predominant markup language for web
personnel, video games, and most
recently, fictional characters featured in
visual entertainment media.
pages. It provides a means to describe 11. Micro-blogging: is a form of
the structure of text-based information multimedia blogging that allows users
in a document. to send brief text updates or
3. API: is an abbreviation of micromedia such as photos or audio
application program interface, a set of clips and publish them, either to be
routines, protocols, and tools for viewed by anyone or by a restricted
building software applications. A good group which can be chosen by the user.
API makes it easier to develop a 12. Mac OS X: is a line of computer
program by providing all the building operating systems developed,
blocks. marketed, and sold by Apple Inc., and
4. MP3: is a digital audio encoding since 2002 has been included with all
format. It is a common audio format for new Macintosh computer systems.
consumer audio storage. 13. Napster: was an online music file
5. comScore: is an internet marketing sharing service. Its technology allowed
research company providing marketing people to easily copy and distribute
data and services to many of the MP3 4 files among each other. Now,
Internet's largest businesses. comScore Napster provides legal downloads to
tracks all internet data on its surveyed users through a store similar to iTunes.
computers in order to study online 14. Facebook Connect: A single sign-on
behaviour. service that competes with OpenID3,
6. MySpaceID: enables all MySpace the service enables Facebook users to
users to be in control of their social login to affiliated sites using their
identity wherever they travel online. Facebook account and share
7. Open Social: is a set of common information from such sites with their
application programming interfaces Facebook friends.
(APIs) for web-based social network 15. OpenID: is an open, decentralized
applications, developed by Google and standard for user authentication and
MySpace and a number of other social access control, allowing users to log
networks. onto many services with the same
8. Compete: is a United States web digital identity.
traffic analysis service that publishes

Source: Jazzmasterson

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

How can Kwiqq help?
Raj Anand
Concept and Writer
Raj is the winner of Europe's Young
be underpinned by it. Entrepreneur 2007 by BusinessWeek,
Social Website Builder Courvoisier/ The Observer Future
500 (2008), Finalist of Sussex
Kwiqq is a talented team of developers Entrepreneur 2008 and was one of
specialising in building websites that include Technical Aspects
networking features. We work with our
Kwiqq are team of expert developers
who are specialists in building and
maintaining the technical aspect of your
social networks. We can take care of
everything from design, build to
maintenance of your social networks.

the Top 6 Entrepreneurs in the UK at

Cranfield University's Upstart
Award Winners Programme.

clients to help them engage their audience We are a start-up which has Raj worked for the European Union,
with interactive tools. Building online demonstrated quick growth and collected in Shell STEP internships and
networking applications is our passion as several awards in relatively a short period of developed software projects for local
well as our occupation. We have time. For instance Kwiqq was selected by a Brighton based businesses and Sussex
successfully worked on websites for Eurostar, panel of industry experts, VCs and University research laboratory. Raj
First Choice Holidays, Oxford University journalists to be one of twenty UK start-ups won many national awards for
Press, Highams PLC, the South East to participate in Web Mission 08: projects in computer science,
Economic Development Agency and others. leadership skills and his
entrepreneurial ambitions; including
the Millennium Volunteer award for
helping local charities with Web
KWIQQ projects, President of the best Society
Social Website Strategy at Sussex University Union and
SUSSEX INNOVATION CENTRE runner up at South East Shell STEP
We firmly believe that for any web 2.0 UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX awards.
project to be a success, we need to establish BRIGHTON - BN1 9SB, UK
a partnership with the companies and ON TWITTER | BLOG
organisations we work with. We have a TEL: +44 (0) 1273 704787
proven track record for delivering successful, FAX: +44 (0) 1273 704499
interactive websites and forming productive
Before starting on any development, we
will ensure we completely understand your
message, vision and objectives. We will also
make certain we understand the people who
visit the website and why they visit. This
information will shape our strategy for the
website and everything within the design will

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

What we do at Midnight ?
Louise Greeves
Who are we?
Midnight is an authentic multiplatform
Head of technology,
media consultancy using a suite of The Team media and telecoms
communication techniques to ensure your
story reaches the right people - on paper, A strong communicator, Louise
online and on air. Greeves has in-depth understanding
of business and media strategy. She is
We're at home in both the digital and adept at implementing national and
analogue worlds and our people are skilled international PR campaigns with client
in harnessing new technology platforms to experience spanning major
reach and influence increasingly technology leaders, from AOL's
sophisticated and extensively networked Platform-A to Intel, to smaller
audiences.   companies including search
marketing company DBD Media and
Digital Media: We were the first UK PR viral marketing distributor, Unruly
company to specialise in this area and we Media.
Midnight's team of expert PR
remain at the cutting edge. consultants design creative, proactive and
Exhibitions: We have handled PR for over Her excellent management skills and
reactive PR campaigns that underpin clients'
40 exhibitions, both trade and public. thirst for everything digital have seen
business goals. We take the time to get to
Awards: We provide consultancy on Louise awarded Best Young
know clients' brands and industries, allowing
managing and promoting award schemes of Communicator at both the CIPR and
us to communicate complex business and
every type. Fresh Awards.
technology stories in simple and
understandable language.

We have been working in the internet

Nina Howse
Audience engagement sector for over 14 years, devising and
implementing successful PR campaigns for
both challenger and established brands. Nina is a social and digital
The diversity of our client portfolio -
from consumer brands to technology media enthusiast with experience
Midnight understands the rules of social spanning leading online clients. A
companies - helps us bring fresh perspectives media engagement, resulting in award tenacious communicator, she has built
to every engagement. winning campaigns and tangible client solid relationships with a range of
success. We think and act three- media contacts in the national and
Our campaigns are proactive, reactive dimensionally, identifying influential trade media, securing extensive
and - above all - interactive, combining networks that brands should be engaged in positive coverage for clients in their
techniques from across the marketing and connecting with them both on and tier one media.
spectrum to deliver results our clients can offline.
Her client portfolio includes
MIDNIGHT COMMUNICATIONS search engine optimisation DBD
At Midnight we have a refreshing, will-
do attitude to client service which we Media, the market leading web
28 FOUNDRY STREET analytics provider, Coremetrics and
underpin with a pragmatic, professional
BRIGHTON niche online social network,
approach. Our clients appreciate our
EAST SUSSEX Nina also works
attention to detail and at the same time they
BN1 4AT across consumer and events accounts,
tell us we're good at seeing the big picture.
We never let an established strategy get in developing digital media strategies
TEL: 01273 666 200 for shows such as the London
the way of a great idea.
FAX: 01273 686 094 International Music Show and the
Caravan and Motorhome Show.

Social Networking Software - Media Consultancy

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