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Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya

Ph.D. (Management) 2019

Assignment - 01 (Module 02)
Review of Literature

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Dr. Santosh Dhar Ekta Singh
Dean 1905phdmb06510
Faculty of Doctoral Studies and Research

Rebecca, A.L. & Medoff, N.J. (1999). Radio Stations and the
World Wide Web. Journal of Radio Studies, 6(2), 203-221.

Based on a survey of 419 industry professionals of radio industry who are

responsible for overall maintenance of radio, this study provides an overview of
the state of Web radio in the late 1990s. This study investigates the extent of Web
radio, the range of content offered on radio station Web sites, the benefits realized
as a result of having a Web site, and the problems encountered with Web sites, and
makes recommendations based on the findings. A general conclusion of this study
is that although the Web presents a wealth of exciting possibilities, most radio
broadcasters are currently underutilizing the Web and their Web sites.

Nair, A.(2003).The Nature and Growth of FM Radio in India.

International Academic Journal of Information Systems and Technology,
1(1), 7-22.

The study covered the cities of Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai
and involved 1,200 participants. As per the study, on both counts, Delhi has had a
significant impact, while Kolkata was more conservative. Results also revealed
that on regular listenership, Radio Mirchi and Radio City had a struggle for the top
spot across different segments in Delhi. Radio Mirchi was far ahead of Radio City
as far as students and housewives were concerned, while for executives and
businessmen, it was opposite. About Kolkata, the research showed that Radio
Mirchi had strong competition from Aamar Radio as both were at par for young
listeners. Among housewives and non-car owner executives and businessmen
though, Aamar Radio led. In contrast, among car owner executives and
businessmen Radio Mirchi was the leading radio station.

Lax, S., Fossi, M., Jauert, P., & Shaw, H. (2008). DAB: the future of
radio? The development of digital radio in four European countries.
Media, Culture & Society, 30(2), 151–166.

In contrast with digital television, where audience awareness levels are high and
adoption rates similar, digital radio’s penetration into the marketplace has been
minimal. Even when people have heard of digital radio, survey data shows that
very few feel knowledgeable about it.
The picture is confused by there being a number of interpretations of the term
‘digital radio’. Almost all households that receive digital TV, whether by satellite,
cable or over-the-air terrestrial transmissions, will also receive a number of radio
stations with that service. So listening to a radio station through the TV is one form
of digital radio service.
Four countries were taken under consideration for the study that is Denmark,UK
Ireland and Finland. The four countries examined in this study reveal quite
different approaches to the launch of digital radio. Ten years ago, each was
beginning from more or less the same position: the DAB system was proven
technically but not commercially and was to be introduced into an uncertain
market. A decade later, four different outcomes have been reached, with one
country leading by far while another remains at the starting gate (the other two
being somewhere in between but moving in divergent directions in recent years).
The UK government has been most explicit in its policy on digital radio in order to
secure the growth of digital radio. In contrast, development of DAB in Denmark
has been driven by the public service broadcaster DR so reliability was less. In
Finland, with a similar radio landscape to Denmark and in Ireland lenient policy
was the concern and hence trust issue was raised.

Rajagopal (2011). Impact of radio advertisements on buying

behaviour of urban commuters. International Journal of Retail &
Distribution Management ,4(2),16-29.

This study is based on the empirical investigation of urban commuters who acquire
information on sales promotion by listening radio advertisements during travel
time. The sample respondents selected for the study frequently commute to their
workplaces from the residential areas located in the southern, northern and
suburban habitats in Mexico City. Data were collected by means of personal
interviews during 2007‐2009 in different festival seasons broadly categorized as
three seasons: April‐June (Spring sales following the occasions of Easter vacations,
Mother's day and Father's day), July‐August (Summer sales) and
November‐January (Winter sales following prolonged Christmas celebrations),
when retailing firms including supermarkets, departmental stores and shopping
malls advertise sales promotions frequently on radio.

The study reveals that shopping behaviour of urban consumer at retail stores in
response to radio advertisements is highly influenced by the physical, cognitive
and economic variables. Radio advertisements propagating promotional messages
on sales of products have quick response to the supermarkets and department
stores. Listeners of radio commercials are attracted towards advertisements, which
are more entertaining while disseminating the message. This study on impact of
radio advertisements on consumer behaviour revealed that advantage shopping at
retail stores in response to radio advertisements is highly influenced by the
physical, cognitive and economic variables.

A large number of people listen to radio while commuting in urban areas and
respond to the broadcast of various commercial messages. There are limited
studies available on radio advertisements and their socio‐economic impact. This
study contributes to the existing literature on the subject.

Ahmed,R., Imam (2013) . Effectiveness of radio in marketing for business.

Research Journals of Social Sciences and Management, 3(1),75-91.

This study aims to find out whether or not advertising on FM radio is effective or
not. The analysis indicates that the respondents believe advertising on FM radio is
a good tool for slot advertizing and advertizing concerning a happening going
down at some place and time. Not so effective advertizing on FM radio is that the
RJ’s endorsement of a product, associate degreed live coverage of an event. A total
of 295 respondents took half during this analysis. of those 295 respondents,72 were
male and 28 were female.77% of our respondents were professionals whereas the
remainder were students and 95% of the respondents said yes for accessing radio.
.And also 70% people tune in radio while driving.

The conclusive anaylsis was that Radio advertizing is an associate degree effective
tool each in kind of slot advertizing and different non slot advertizing. Ad recall is
high amongst the respondents specially feminine listeners. Majority of the folks
don't hear RJ’s endorsement of a product or service but interested in hearing about
the events about to happen in city.

Niveditha,V. (2014). An analytical study of FM listening practices

and exposure to FM programs among FM listeners in Karnataka.
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science,19(11), 43-51.

Radio has always been part of our lives but digital advancements have combined to
create a ‘self-media’ environment that resituates radio, in the face of new
challenges. The study sought to analyse FM listening practices and the exposure to
various FM programms among the FM listeners in Karnataka The study is based
on systematic survey research method. The research attempts to formulate the
problem of analysing FM listeners and their perceptions regarding their listening
practices and the exposure Following are the parameters used for the survey:
( Place of listening FM Radio , Associates (Co-listeners) of FM radio ,Duration of
listening FM Radio , Discussion over FM Radio, Exposure to Red FM programmes
,Exposure to Big FM programmes, Exposure to Radio Mirchi programmes )
Hypothesis 1: No significant difference among the FM listeners with regard to the
listening practices.
Hypothesis 2: No significant difference among the FM listeners with regard to the
exposure to FM.
CHISQUARE test is used to verify the following research hypotheses.
Questionnaire and Interview methods were primarily used for the purpose of
primary data collection. Findings were that ,among the FM listeners in Karnataka
72% of the FM listeners prefers to listen at their homes, and 65% of the listeners
prefer to listen FM during travelling. Approximately 75% of the FM listeners
across the state are preferred to listen FM alone 45% of the FM listeners across the
state listen for duration of 2 hours per day.
67% of the FM listeners discusses with their friends. The most important revelation
is that only 14% of the listeners discusses with their parents where as 22% and
15% of the listeners discusses with siblings and relatives and null hypothesis was
accepted in the case of exposure.

Kumar,S. & Romica (2015). FM Channels in India: Issues and

Challenges. International Journal of Current Research and Academic,

Radio is expected to be the second fastest growing medium of media

communication (FICCI-KMPG) with an exponential growth rate of 18% CAGR
over FY 2012 to FY 2018 . But among all these good things there are some issues
and challenges which are looming over the radio industry, needed to be taken care
of immediately for the growth of this medium and this is what this paper tried to
figure out.

Content: In media it is said that content is supreme. If you have a strong content
the audience will automatically follow you and this is the area were radio industry

Language: Another immediate issue which industry needs to take care of is

language. It is said that when in Rome be like Romans but still many precautions
should be taken while giving anything on air.

Audience: Private FM channels accounts for only 30% listenership in India. This
means a larger audience is still not under their reach. A major cause of this
problem is molding of private channel on a certain theme like Radio Meow was
having a tagline of Women first channel, Red FM in its each programme
something or another for younger generation.

Paul, M., Dihhlon, L., Bansal, S. & Bagga, T. (2017). Effectiveness of

radio as an advertising medium: A perception survey in Delhi/NCR.
Man in India Journal , 97(4), 345-357.

FM Radio is a medium that reaches the mass, but with the twin benefit of it is a
wide coverage along with cost effectiveness. All over India, there are two hundred
and forty-five private FM Radio stations in twelve major cities. Radio has now
evolved into a primary local advertising media, which is characterized by a highly
special programming that appeals to a narrow segment of the population. A Radio
agency has a deeper understanding of the various radio channels across India. It is
important to study the effectiveness of radio as an advertising media. This study
attempts to study the effectiveness of radio as an advertising media, primary
research is conducted through an online survey to study the radio listenership
pattern of a consumer. In addition, it also aims to understand what kind of radio
advertisement becomes successful and how consumers respond to different type of
radio ads. In order to achieve the objectives, a primary research was conducted
with a structured questionnaire. The data was collected from 321 people in Delhi
and NCR region over a period of a month. The finding indicates that Perception of
listeners is influenced by various factors that allow them to judge whether to act on
the advertisement or not. Also, if a radio advertisement is playing on the right
channel, at the right frequency, in the right time-band and has the capability to grab
the attention of a listener; then only it is termed as an effective advertisement.

Rikzana, A., Rasheed, A. & Maraimalai, N. (2018). A Study on the

Role of Public and Private Sector Radio in Women’s Development
with Special Reference to India. Athens Journal of Mass Media and
Communications, 4(2),121-140.

Radio plays an important role in the lives of women belonging to all sections of
society, but especially for homemakers to relieve them from isolation and help
them to lighten their spirit by hearing radio programs. Women today play almost
every role in the Radio Industry - as Radio Jockeys, Program Executives, Sound
Engineers and so on in both public and private radio broadcasting and also in
community radio. All India Radio (AIR) constitutes the public radio broadcasting
sector of India, and it has been serving to inform, educate and entertain the masses.
In addition, the private radio stations started to emerge in India from 2001. The
study focuses on private and public radio stations in Chennai, which is an
important metropolitan city in India, and on how they contribute towards the
development of women in society
The methodology used for this study is in-depth interview. AIR organization and in
private radio stations such as Big FM, Suryan FM, Radio City and Hello FM. Data
from 25 people present in different sections of AIR, such as Assistant Directors,
Program Executives, Announcers or Radio Jockeys and the Deputy Director of the
Research was collected . In the private radio sector, Radio Jockeys and Program
producers were interviewed. A semi-structured questionnaire majorly consisting of
open ended question was developed and used for the interviews
In India, irrespective of the measures taken for women’s development, the actual
impact is still at a minimal level. AIR was identified as a powerful medium to grab
the attention of the women listeners through various program genres and radio
content.Private Radio stations focus less on info and more on talents(RED kitty
party,Kitchen queen etc)

Chan-Olmsted, S., Wang, R., & Hwang, K.H. (2019). Substitutability

and complementarity of broadcast radio and music streaming
services. Mobile Media & Communication,56(1),1–20.

Digitalization has redefined how people utilize audio media. Challenging the
streaming music, many broadcast Fm Channels have launched their own mobile
apps to compete with the new audio services such as Spotify, JioSaavn etc. Guided
by the uses and gratifications conceptual framework, this study employed a
national survey to investigate millennials’ perceptions of the substitutability and
complementarity of broadcast radio, its apps, and music streaming services. The
results showed that while radio listeners perceived broadcast radio and its apps as
similar products, they regarded music streaming services as distinct from the two.
In addition, this study examined motivators behind the diverse perceptions and
identified information, escapism, entertainment, and socialization as important.
The results suggest that radio stations should take advantage of the mobile
technology and offer unique values through their apps, rather than duplicate the
offline consumption experience.

Verhoef, P., Hoekstra, J. & Vanaalst, M. (2000). The Effectiveness of

Direct Response Radio Commercials. European Journal of Marketing,

Radio is becoming increasingly popular as an advertising medium. At the same

time, more and more companies are integrating direct marketing in their
communication strategies. Considers the influence of the day of the week, the time
of the day, the position of an ad in the commercial break, the length of the
commercial break and the type of the preceding program on two effectiveness
measures: responses per rating point and responses per cost using a field
experiment. A total of 111 commercial spots, covering two campaigns, were
broadcast on two radio stations in The Netherlands. Tobit analysis is used to test
the influence of the different variables. The most effective direct response radio
commercials are those broadcast on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and those
broadcast between 2.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m.

Martín, J. D., Reinares-Lara, E. & Muela-Molina, C. (2015). Music in

Radio Advertising: Effects on radio spokesperson credibility and
advertising effectiveness. Psychology of Music, 43(6), 763–778.

The widespread use of music in advertising derives from the belief among
advertisers that music confers a significant commercial advantage; music has also
aroused interest among researchers trying to determine its potential to add value
and enhance advertising effectiveness. So, this article analyses the influence of
music and congruency with the radio advertising message on spokesperson’s
credibility and advertising effectiveness. We designed radio programs in which an
ad hoc radio spot was inserted into a commercial block (no music/music) and
tested them on a sample of 987 radio listeners. The results show the potential of
music in terms of advertising effectiveness and credibility and show the need for
planning to go beyond its function as to avoid silence or attract attention and to
ensure its consistency with the ad message.

Brooker, G. & Wheatley, J.J.(1994) .Music and Radio Advertising:

Effects of Tempo and Placement. Association for Consumer Research,
21(2), 286-290.

An experiment examined the effects of music tempo and music placement in a

radio ad. Dependent variables included feelings, attitudes, unaided recall, and
purchase likelihood.
A total of 100 people participated in the study, with 20 in each treatment condition.
The sample was 54% female; most (58%) had some college, with an additional
33% having college degrees or graduate school education. Only 26% were married
and 62% were single. Ages ranged from 19 to 75, with a mean age of 27.9 years.
Results showed tempo had expected effects on perception of the music, but no
impact on dependent measures; structure of the ad (music placement) showed
stronger effects on the dependent variables.

People from various sectors have studied on varied aspect of Radio be it private or
public sectors covering its programming, advertising, growth, challenges, music,
content, listenership, response, digital impact on Radio broadcast including social
platform and various music applications and some of the outcomes were even
executed but nobody covered the cliental part of Radio.
We all know that the various sectors like Real Estate, Automobiles etc which are
the big market player are not in a good situation and which directly affects the
business of Radio, so working on the client’s perception toward radio might be one
of the helpful study as they are the only source of revenue this industry.


Rebecca, A.L. & Medoff, N.J. (1999). Radio Stations and the World
Wide Web. Journal of Radio Studies, Volume 6(2), 203-221.

Nair, A.(2003).The Nature and Growth of FM Radio in India.

International Academic Journal of Information Systems and Technology,
Volume 1(1), Page 7.

Lax, S., Fossi, M., Jauert, P., & Shaw, H. (2008). DAB: the future of
radio? The development of digital radio in four European countries.
Media, Culture & Society, 30(2), 151–166.
Rajagopal (2011). Impact of radio advertisements on buying
behaviour of urban commuters. International Journal of Retail &
Distribution Management ISSN: 0959-0552.
Ahmed,R., Imam (2013) . Effectiveness of radio in marketing for business.
Research Journals of Social Sciences and Management, Volume 03(1).
Niveditha,V. (2014). An analytical study of FM listening practices
and exposure to FM programs among FM listeners in Karnataka.
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, Volume 19(11), 43-51.

Kumar,S. & Romica (2015). FM Channels in India: Issues and

Challenges. International Journal of Current Research and Academic,
Volume 3(11).

Paul, M., Dihhlon, L., Bansal, S. & Bagga, T. (2017). Effectiveness of

radio as an advertising medium: A perception survey in Delhi/NCR.
Man in India Journal ,Volume 97, 345-357.

Rikzana, A., Rasheed, A. & Maraimalai, N. (2018). A Study on the

Role of Public and Private Sector Radio in Women’s Development
with Special Reference to India. Athens Journal of Mass Media and
Communications, Volume 4(2),121-140.
Chan-Olmsted, S., Wang, R., & Hwang, K.H. (2019). Substitutability
and complementarity of broadcast radio and music streaming
services. Mobile Media & Communication,1–20.

Verhoef, P., Hoekstra, J. & Vanaalst, M. (2000). The Effectiveness of

Direct Response Radio Commercials. European Journal of Marketing,
Volume 34,143-155.

Martín, J. D., Reinares-Lara, E. & Muela-Molina, C. (2015). Music in

Radio Advertising: Effects on radio spokesperson credibility and
advertising effectiveness. Psychology of Music, 43(6), 763–778.

Brooker, G. & Wheatley, J.J.(1994) .Music and Radio Advertising:

Effects of Tempo and Placement. Association for Consumer Research,
Volume 21 , 286-290.

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