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600 Word Personal Narrative

By: Jake Haughey

I’m sitting in Mrs. Carley’s classroom, learning about fractions. I’m leaning my chair back,
taking in all of the concepts about division, numerators, and denominators. I bring my left arm
over my chest and grip the back of the chair. All is well until my left hand loses its grip, making
the back of my left arm crash into the rim of the desk in front of me. A loud BANG fills the room.

A blanket of pain tightly wraps around my arm, but releases itself in an instant. My arm
feels like it is being crushed by the air around it. My vision began to fail me, and I was snatched
away from consciousness.

It was like I fell asleep. But it was an unnatural sleep. It was like I was forced to close my
eyes. My mind was completely blank; black like the vacuum of space.

I awake to my classmates rushing to get out of the door. I was confused and terrified.
“Why is everyone screaming and running to get out the door?” “Did I do something?” Mrs.
Carley helps me up, and I lay on a couch awaiting the paramedics. In a matter of seconds they
come through the door, making a beeline path towards me. They check me over, asking me
how I feel. Once they got all the information they needed, in a matter of seconds, they load me
onto a stretcher and rush me into their ambulance.

Zooming down the street I go, until the vehicle halts and we arrive at the hospital. I
speed through hallway after hallway, seeing nothing but a blur of lights and ceiling tiles. I arrive
at my room, and I lay myself onto a hospital bed, where I lay for a while. After about 30 minutes
of waiting, the doctors found nothing wrong with me. This roller coaster of events finally came to
a conclusion.

We all are guilty of taking life for granted. We go to sleep at night expecting to wake back
up the next day, rinse and repeat. But, this isn’t always the case. You could be sitting in math
class and unexpectedly black out because you hit your arm the wrong way. Treat each day like
it’s your last, and make it something to be proud of. Life is temporary, and we don’t have time to

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