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Name: Christopher Howard

Estelle mosqueda
Period: 4
Assignment 01: Energy
Energy Unit
Students know how to calculate kinetic energy by using the formula 𝐸 = 2 𝑚𝑣 2.

Students know how to calculate changes in gravitational potential energy near Earth by using the formula (change in
potential energy) 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ (where h is the change in the elevation).
Textbook: p. 105-108
Word Meaning
Energy the capacity for doing work

Work the transfer of energy from one object to another

Kinetic Energy energy which a body has by being in motion

energy an object has due to its position in a gravitational field
Potential Energy

KE = kinetic energy (J) E = grav potential energy (J)
Kinetic Energy m = mass (kg) Gravitational m = mass (kg)
1 Potential Energy
KE = mv 2 v = velocity (m/s) GPE = mgh g = gravity (9.8 m/s2)
h = height (m)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

28 29 30 31 1
Energy Work/Energy Work/Energy KE & GPE KE & GPE

Full Odd Even Odd Even

4 5 6 7 8
Assignment 01 Assignment 01
Due Due

PD-Min Odd Even Odd Even

11 12 13 14 15
Quiz 01

Full Odd Even Full

p. 1
Part 1 – Work and Energy

Work Lab

You will prepare the set up illustrated to the right and below. The marble
rolls down the ruler and collides with the box, pushing the box a
measurable distance.


You will perform a total of 8 trials for this experiment. For each trial, you will need to measure the height of the
ball where it is released (in centimeters) and the distance the box slides (also in centimeters).


Marble Ball Bearing

Release Height Box Sliding Release Height Box Sliding
Mass of Ball (g) Mass of Ball (g)
(cm) Distance (cm) (cm) Distance (cm)
0.03 0.28 0.03 0.48

0.06 0.4 0.06 0.76

0.09 0.45 0.09 0.83

0.12 0.63 0.12 1.03

1. Graph the release height vs. sliding distance for both the
marble and the ball bearing.

2. As the release height increased, what happened to the 0.5

sliding distance? Is this a direct or inverse relationship?

as the release height increased, the sliding

distance increased. this is a direct relationship
3. What happens to the energy delivered to the box as the 0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12

release height is increased?

the energy delivered to the box is increased

as the release height is increased.

4. Which type of ball was able to transfer more energy to the box? Why do you think this is?

the ball bearing was able to transfer more energy to the box.
most likely because the ball bearing has more inertia, more mass which would give it p. 2
a higher potential energy
Class Problems
1. Christian is traveling along on his skateboard at a constant speed holding a briefcase that weighs 10 newtons as
shown in the picture below. The force of gravity on the briefcase is canceled out by the upward force Christian
exerts with his hands, therefore the briefcase is in equillibrium in the vertical direction. He carries the briefcase
this way for 50 meters.

a) As Fred carries the case, does the briefcase gain energy, lose energy, or does its
energy stay the same?

Fred's briefcase does not gain or lose energy so the it's energy stays the
b) How much work is done by the upward force of Christian’s hands on the
there is no upward force of Christian's hands on the briefcase
because it is not changing height at least from what information i'm
2. What types of energy are present for a group of students playing basketball? List as many as you can.

kinetic energy, elastic potential energy, thermal energy, gravitational energy

3. What types of energy are present in the campfire shown to the right?

thermal energy, chemical energy, light energy, sound energy

4. Complete the sentence: When work is done, energy is transferred from…

object to object

5. a) Which object could do more work, a water balloon dropped from the 10th floor of a building, or a water
balloon dropped from the 1st floor? Why?
the water balloon dropped from the tenth floor would do more work because it has more potential
b) Which object could do more work, a bowling ball held 6 feet in the air, or a soccer ball held 6 feet in the air?
the bowling ball held 6 feet in the air would do more work because it has more
6. In terms of energy and work, explain why it is worse to be hit by a semi-truck than by a VW bug going the same

it's worse to get hit by a semi-truck than a VW bug going the same speed
because the truck has more mass which means it can do more work
7. What two factors determine the kinetic energy of an object?
mass and velocity are the two things that determine the kinetic energy of an object

8. What two factors determine the gravitational potential energy of an object near the Earth’s surface?

weight and gravity determine the potential energy

9. If a hammer loses 10 J of kinetic energy when it strikes a nail, how much work does the hammer do?

the hammer does 7 Joules of work??

p. 3
Practice Problems
1. Work is the transfer of _______________
energy from one object to another.

2. In which case do you do more work on a piece of furniture, while sliding a small stool across the floor, or while
pushing against a large sofa for several seconds that is too heavy to move? Explain.

If I pushed the large sofa for several seconds it would do more work because it takes more
3. While climbing up a mountain, one group takes a steeper and more direct route, while the other group takes a
longer, more gradual path up the mountain. Which group does more work during the climb?

the group taking the steeper path on the mountain does more
4. The pictures represent two different types of potential energy below.

a) What type of potential energy does the wrecking ball have?

gravitational potential energy

b) What type of potential energy does the bow have?
elastic potential energy
5. For an object to have kinetic energy, the object has to be ____________________.

6. When a physics student uses a hairdryer one morning before school, she pauses to think about the types of
energy involved. What types of energy correspond to this situation?

thermal energy, sound energy, electrical energy

7. What happens to the gravitational potential energy of a raindrop as it falls to the ground?

it decreases

8. What unit is used to measure both energy and work?

joules is the unit used to measure both energy and

9. A young girl climbs two flights of stairs in the hotel where she is staying. How much more work would she do if
she climbed eight flights of stairs?

she would do 4 times the work

p. 4
Part 2 – Kinetic Energy and Gravitational Potential Energy

Bouncy Ball Efficiency Lab

In this lab, you will be measuring the efficiency of two bouncy balls of different sizes. You will also measure how
much gravitational potential energy is lost after the first three bounces.


1. You will begin by dropping the large bouncy ball from a height of one meter. You will record the height it
reaches when it comes back up after the first bounce, then measure the height again after the second bounce,
and then again after the third and fourth bounce. Record these heights in the table. You may need to perform
multiple tests in order to get a good reading.

2. Measure the mass of the large bouncy ball and use this value to calculate the potential energies at each height.

3. Repeat the process with the small bouncy ball.

Large Bouncy Ball [mass = ________
35.7 kg]

Bounces Height (m) GPE (J)

0 1.00 350 J
1 0.75 meters 262 J
2 0.70 meters 245 J
3 0.50 meters 175 J
4 0.30 meters 105 J

Small Bouncy Ball [mass = ________

15.7 kg]

Bounces Height (m) GPE (J)

0 1.00 154 J
1 0.75 meters 115 J
2 0.56 meters 87 J
3 0.43 meters 67 J
4 0.32 meters 50 J

p. 5
1. Is the shape of the graphs what you expected? Why do you think the graphs have that shape?

The graphs are generally what I expected - The larger ball bounced higher and the smaller ball bounced overall
lower. It's probably due to the higher mass.
2. To calculate the efficiency of each bouncy ball, you need to use the following equation. [Note: Drop Height is
the height the ball was originally released from and Bounce Height is how high it reached after the first bounce.]
𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 = × 100%
𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑝 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
a) What was the efficiency of the large bouncy ball?

Efficiency = 0.75/1 * 100 or 75%

b) What was the efficiency of the small bouncy ball?

Efficiency = 0.75/1*100 or 75%

3. Is there a big difference between the efficiencies of the two bouncy balls? Why do you think this is?

overall there's a pretty noticeable difference but the first bounce was the same. maybe a rerun of the lab
would have yielded different results

4. What type of energy did the bouncy ball have before it was dropped?

gravitational potential energy

5. What type of energy did the bouncy ball have just before it hit the ground?

kinetic energy

6. What type of energy did the bouncy ball have as it hit the ground?

elastic potential energy

7. How much potential energy did the large bouncy ball lose after the first bounce?

The ball lost 17J of energy after the first bounce

8. What do you think happened to the energy that the bouncy balls lost?

The ball's energy turned into sound energy

p. 6
Class Problems

1. a) Calculate the kinetic energy of a 3-kg toy car that moves at 4 m/s.

E= 1/2mv^2 E=1/2(3)(4)^2 E=1/2(3)(16) E=24 J

b) If the car were going twice as fast, how much kinetic energy would it have?

E= 1/2mv^2 E=1/2(3)(8)^2 E=1/2(3)(64) E=96 J

2. How much energy does a rabbit with a mass of 2.0 kg have when it runs 180 meters in 12 seconds?
E=1/2mv^2 E=1/2(2)(15)^2 E=1/2(2)(225) E=225 J v=180/12
3. Which graph below shows the correct relationship between velocity and kinetic energy?

4. A bicyclist going 4 m/s has 500 J of kinetic energy. How much energy would she have if she were going 12 m/s?

500*9 = 4,500J

5. Approximately how much gravitational potential energy does a 2-kg box gain when it is lifted 3 meters off the

E=mgh E=2(9.8)(3) E=58.8J

6. Calculate the change in potential energy of 800 kg of water dropping 20 meters over a waterfall.

E=mgh E=800(9.8)(20) E=156,800J

7. How much potential energy does a 100-kg boulder lose as it falls from a 50-m high ledge to a height of 20

E=mgh E=100(9.8)(30) E=29,400J

8. A bird has 100 J of potential energy when it is flying at a height of 40 meters. How much potential energy will
it have if it flies at a height of 20 meters?

the bird will have 50J of energy

9. If a construction worker (mass = 80 kg) climbs up a ladder from a height of 12 m to a height of 15 m, how much
gravitational potential energy does he gain?

E=mgh E=80(9.8)(3) E=2,352J

p. 7
Practice Problems

1. A 1,500-kg Indy racecar drives down a flat track at 60 m/s. How much KE does the Indy car have?

KE=1/2mv^2 KE=1/2(1500)(3600) KE=2.7 million J

2. John rides his bike at a constant speed for 40 seconds on a 300 meter-long road. If he and the bike have a
combined mass of 50 kg, what is their kinetic energy?
KE=1/2mv^2 KE=1/2(50)(56.25) KE=1,406 J v=300/40
3. If a runner increases his speed by a factor of 4, his kinetic energy will increase by a factor of _______.

4. a) Alisha is rollerblading in downtown San Diego, traveling at a speed of 4 m/s. If the mass of Alisha is 60 kg,
how much energy does Alisha have?

KE=1/2mv^2 KE=1/2(60)(16) KE=480J

b) If later on Alisha was going 8 m/s, how much energy would she have?

1920J x2 speed ^2 = x4 kinetic energy. 480*4=1920J

5. A 50-kg leopard sits in a 4-m high tree and waits for some prey to pass underneath. How much energy does
the leopard have?

E=mgh E=50(9.8)(4) E=1,960J

6. How much work could an 8-kg bowling ball do on your foot if it is held at a height of 0.2 meters above your

E=mgh E=8(9.8)(0.2) = E= 15.7 J

7. A 4-kg boulder falls from a height 100 m to a height of 60 m. How much potential energy did it lose?

E=mgh E=4(9.8)(40) E=1,568 J

8. How much potential energy does a 60-kg woman gain when she climbs up a flight of stairs from a height of 3
meters to a height of 8 meters?

E=mgh E=60(9.8)(5) E=2,940 J

9. Which graph below shows the correct relationship between the height of an object and its GPE? Explain.

the line has to be linear and a direct relationship because there's no exponents in the equation to p. 8
calculate the GPE

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