Thursday, November 25, 2010

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thegazette Keeping under 12 posted motions since 1906



doctor’s notes
U of S system unlikely for Western
Alan Osiovich look to implement the self-report-
GAZETTE STAFF ing system if their clinic’s waiting
rooms are overcrowded.
At one university, the honour sys- “If they’re having similar experi-
tem is extending to sick notes, plac- ences, I would suggest that it would
ing the onus on the students to be a beneficial system.”
report their own illnesses. According to Shelagh Hodson,
Starting this year, the Universi- director of Student Health Services
ty of Saskatchewan is encouraging at Western, there are no plans to
faculty to accept “self-declaration implement self-assessment forms.
forms.” Physicians at Western’s on-campus
These documents are essentially clinic are continuing to fill out sick
self-written notes students fill out at notes, also known as “student med-
home, sign, and then submit to their ical certificates” for students.
faculty, allowing them to get out of The forms, approved by Western
class or exams because of an illness. two years ago, require doctors to
At one time, U of S’s health cen- check boxes and include additional
tre was overwhelmed with students comments about the student’s well-
seeking notes, which threatened the being.
University’s ability to care for stu- Jan Shepherd-McKee, associate
Afie Jurvanen embarks on his first headlining tour as Bahamas dents with more severe illnesses. director of engineering undergrad-
after years of perfecting his subdued, understated acoustic style. Lynn Kuffner, manager of Stu- uate services at Western, didn’t see
dent Health and Counselling at U of
>> see the full interview on pg.5 S, said other universities should >> see DOCTOR’S pg.3

Health > HIV/AIDS Awareness Week

Living with HIV

Lauren Pelley positive visitors to the United States ciency syndrome, which occurs
CREATIVE DIRECTOR was only lifted in 2009 –– he didn’t when the body’s immune system is
know a soul. damaged to a point that it’s unable
Ten years ago, Kevin Murphy got “I became deflated and to fight viruses or bacteria.
the news. depressed until I began to find ser- Nowadays, there are expensive
He’d been in Texas pursuing a vices,” he said. drug cocktails which can prevent
music career. “I was having a great Murphy has since made it his the virus from entirely destroying
time,” he said with a half-smile, mission to ensure others receive the your immune system –– but there’s
recalling his tours over Texas and education and services they need to still no cure.
the rest of the States. be informed about HIV and AIDS. And elsewhere in the world, the
Then came a trip back to his He began to volunteer for the support networks and treatment
home in Canada in 2000 for some AIDS Committee of London almost options we rely on in North Ameri-
routine business –– paperwork for immediately after arriving in the ca are often nonexistent.
his visa and green card –– and his city, and he’s now the organization’s Like Murphy, Dr. Anne-Marie
regular physical. gay men’s HIV prevention worker. Zajdlik is also speaking at today’s
That’s when he found out some- But though gay men still make event. She began seeing patients
thing that used to be considered a up 60 per cent of new HIV infec- during the height of the North Amer-
death sentence: he was HIV-positive. tions, Murphy stressed the virus ican AIDS crisis in the late ‘80s, and
“I felt completely isolated,” said can target anyone. since then she’s witnessed how far
the now-London resident, who’s Here in Canada, at least 68,000 HIV treatment has come in the West.
speaking at today’s “Living with people are infected with HIV/AIDS But when Zajdlik began travel-
AIDS” event starting at 11:30 a.m. in — HIV being the human immunod- ing to Africa earlier this decade, she
the University Community Centre. eficiency virus, which weakens the realized their treatment options are Corey Stanford GAZETTE
When Murphy moved here out immune system over time, and AIDS Kevin Murphy is a London resident, musician and HIV prevention worker for the
of necessity –– a travel ban on HIV- referring to acquired immunodefi- >> see INFECTION pg.3 AIDS Committee of London. He is speaking on campus today about living with HIV.

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2• thegazette • Thursday, November 25, 2010

Corey Stanford GAZETTE

QUICK, WHERE’S WALDO? The Covent Garden Market, shown here in the summer, is home to local vendors, produce and
retailers. Find it on Richmond Street and Dundas Street in downtown London, just outside the Western Bubble.

Homecoming canned, again

Queen’s Homecoming cancelled for another
three years to quell student partying
Scott Leitch coming celebrations will be can- meet and share experiences with
GAZETTE STAFF celled for another three years. the alumni.”
“I would personally like to see Elgin Austen, director of Western’s
Earlier this fall, over 1,500 rowdy [Homecoming] return to the Campus Community Police Service,
partygoers flooded onto Aberdeen autumn in the future,” he said in a didn’t feel the festivities at Western’s
Street in Kingston for the Queen’s letter to students and faculty. “In Homecoming cause a safety concern
University unofficial Homecoming order to do so, I must be satisfied towards students or the community.
weekend. that the cycle of annual street gath- “In the last [few years] it has been
This might seem like a large erings has truly been broken.” very, very good with how the Uni-
number, but it’s only a fraction of Queen’s University Alma Mater versity has handled it and how the
previous years. Queen’s Homecom- Society president Safiah Chowdhury response has been,” Austen said.
ing was cancelled in 2008 after the believed students still have ample “But there is a lot of effort that
last official celebration ended with opportunities to get involved in what the University puts into making it a
an estimated 6,000 people on the Homecoming is really about, even good experience and make it safe
street and over 50 arrests. without official events planned. on campus — it seems to be work-
Some refuse to let the party- “There are still other opportuni- ing quite well.”
focused reputation of Queen’s Home- ties for students to engage with Chowdhury said students felt
coming fade away, and yearly cele- alumni, as alumni do come back the continued cancellation of
brations continue despite the Uni- pretty much every [official Queen’s] Homecoming was a loss for the stu-
versity’s best efforts to cancel them. weekend that I know of,” Chowd- dent body, but necessary given the
There were 95 arrests and 255 hury explained. circumstances.
charges laid during September’s “There is also the option of “There is a sense of disappoint-
unofficial Homecoming parties. ‘Spring Reunion’, which happens in ment among [Queen’s] as a whole,
This has led to Queen’s principal May, and there are oftentimes but the decision is understood in
and vice-chancellor Daniel Woolf alumni on this campus. Hopefully the light of safety and reputation,”
announcing that official Home- that allows students a chance to he said.

News Briefs

Texting tops the social stigma impaired driving purely mechanical valve, and no
drunk driving has developed. matter which way you pull or push
According to a recent survey by the “It’s very important that we […] the handle, it gives you a certain
Canadian Automobile Association, work towards making texting while flush quantity, and it was set for a
Canadians think you’re better off driving as socially unacceptable as big flush,” Straatman explained.
drinking Jack Daniels than texting drinking and driving has become.” Masco’s goal was to design a
him if you’re behind the wheel of a The survey also found that tex- valve that allowed two different
car. ting while driving occurs fairly sized flushes: one small and one The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another. If you think that X equals
The survey asked 6,000 Canadi- often, disproportionately among large. O, it will equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give
you clues to locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error.
ans to rate their biggest concerns people under 30 years old. Several “The short flush uses four litres © 2002 by Kings Features Syndicate, Inc.
about driving. Eighty-six per cent provinces have passed legislation [of water] and the large flush uses
rated text messaging as a very seri- prohibiting the use of cell phones six litres,” he noted.
ous concern, whereas only 83 per while driving, including Ontario While there are existing valves
cent rated driving impaired as very this past summer. that dispense “short” or “long”
serious. Other concerns were Next time you head out, bring flushes, they are all electrically con-
sleepiness, aggression, speeding along a designated texter. trolled. Masco wanted a mechani-
and talking on a cellphone. — Aaron Zaltzman cal solution, and Straatman and
This is the first time in a decade Siddiqui took on the task.
that impaired driving has not Green toilets The difference in the quantity of
topped the list of driving concerns Two Western engineering profes- water used per flush has some
for Canadians. sors have spent a lot of time in the strong environmental impacts,
“It’s not that impaired driving is bathroom recently. Straatman added.
any less important to people, but Tony Straatman and Kamran “In the engineering building, for
texting has basically skyrocketed in Siddiqui have been working with instance, if they replaced all of the
a short amount of time,” Jeff Walker, Masco Canada, a plumbing manu- fixtures that are here, they’d proba-
CAA vice-president of Public facturer, to design a new, environ- bly save about 80,000 gallons of 3-DAY WEATHER FORECAST
Affairs, said. mentally friendly feature for their water per year. It’s actually pretty Thursday Friday Saturday
He said one reason texting while toilet valves. considerable water savings.” Cloudy with showers Few flurries CScattered flurries
High 10ºC High 0ºC High 3ºC
driving is so common is that it lacks “The problem was that it’s a — Kaleigh Rogers Low 4ºC Low -3ºC Low -2ºC
thegazette • Thursday, November 25, 2010 •3

Forest City to remain London > Industry Doctor’s notes

approved on
the Forest City Funding for game case-by-case
Court ruling upholds City decision centre falls through basis
to preserve woodland areas Kaleigh Rogers also in the competition,” he >> continued from pg.1
NEWS EDITOR explained. “I think to have made it
Gloria Dickie this year. as far as we did in our first go at this a need for a self-declaration system.
NEWS EDITOR The London Development Insti- Gamers across the city were met is an achievement on its own.” She said abuse of such a system
tute declined to comment on the with disappointment this week “As well, there’s potential to move would be very costly for her depart-
A ruling last week by the Ontario decision, stating the appeal was still after London’s hopes of creating a these technologies into other areas, ment.
High Court upheld a decision by under consideration. digital gaming centre downtown hit so that they could potentially be in “Make-up exams and assign-
the City of London to make it easi- “There is still a chance that the a setback. areas such as training technology ments cost money. It forces profes-
er to declare woodland as an “envi- Court of Appeal’s decision could be The centre was intended to pro- and simulation technology in the sors to make rearrangements and
ronmentally significant area.” appealed to the Canadian Supreme vide a hub for research, develop- transportation industry, defense, or proctors have to get paid for sup-
The designation limits the kind Court,” Levin noted, adding he was ment, and especially marketing and medical. There’s so many other plementary exam times.”
of development that can be done to unsure whether they would take promotions for new technology in areas of companies that are looking Shepherd-McKee said Western’s
an area with wildlife or nature con- this final step. the digital gaming world. for this type of technology.” more detailed medical certificates
siderations. Currently, London’s woodland The city applied for funding Big Blue Bubble, a game devel- are necessary because they stan-
The City proposed the amend- cover is barely eight per cent, while from Industry Canada under their opment company in London, is dardize how physicians report ill-
ment in 2006, but faced an appeal Environment Canada recommends Centre of Excellence Program, one of the many partners support- nesses to the University.
by several London developers, 30 per cent coverage. which provides funding for ing this project. CEO Damir Slogar But these notes now come at a
including the London Develop- “The City of London’s current research and development in vari- agreed the new centre could have cost. As of September, Health Ser-
ment Institute, London Develops, laws only protect woodlands that ous industries for cities across helped advance the game develop- vices set a $20 fee for the documents.
and a select few individual are four hectares or larger,” Levin Canada. Though this bid was short- ment industry growing in London. Hodson said complaints about
landowners. explained. “Smaller woodlands listed for funding, along with eight “For the city itself, obviously just the fee are unfounded because
Sandy Levin, a former city coun- have no protection at all unless others, it was ultimately declined. having the centre in the city will most off-campus clinics charge a
cillor, was one of the most avid sup- they are within an environmentally Peter White is the president and help attract new talent and bring fee as well.
porters of the amendment. He significant area.” CEO for the London Economic more people, and more companies “Twenty dollars is at the low end
worked with the London Woodland The amendment will have the Development Corporation, one of into town,” he said. of charges to cover the work that is
Coalition to hire a lawyer and a potential to protect only 800 the partners in establishing the White emphasized the city’s being asked of physicians in a very
land-use planner to support the hectares, which is the same amount centre. He felt this is a disappoint- intention to build off of their appli- busy clinic,” she said.
amendment through the Ontario of woodlots slated for develop- ing setback, but not a major one. cation from this year to reapply During last year’s H1N1 out-
legal system. ment, Levin said. Decisions made “On an annual basis, they usual- next year. break, Western and other universi-
Levin went so far as to con- to declare woodland as significant ly only select three or four candi- “We’ll have a better opportunity ties like U of S allowed students to
tribute money from his own pocket can still be appealed to the Ontario dates, so you know that, unfortu- to look at areas we can address in self-report their illness. Western’s
towards the cause, which he said Municipal Board. nately, there won’t be as many new the application, and then our plan online system was terminated short-
proved to be worthwhile. Joni Baechler, Ward 5 councillor, candidates selected as applicants is to reapply and continue to go ly before December exams began.
“I am happy with the outcome said she was pleased with the rul- would hope.” ahead. We’ve got ongoing support Shepherd-McKee emphasized
and I believe the majority of Lon- ing, noting woodland protection Mike Katchabaw, a Western from our over 40 partners from getting a student medical certificate
doners are as well,” Levin said. had been one of her main focuses computer science professor, across the country,” he said. doesn’t guarantee exemption from
“This four-year fight demonstrates during her time on council. emphasized the competitiveness of Slogar was also optimistic about academic work.
how just a small change to protect “I would hope the development this particular funding application. the future of the project. “We choose to approve notes on
London’s dwindling woodland industry would appreciate the “It’s extremely competitive and “There’s just too much work a case-by-case basis.”
cover can face a big battle.” value of significant woodlands for there’s lots of other really solid pro- already invested in it, and the
The amendment was upheld their ecological contribution to posals, including other ones that amount of partners and quality of
through the Ontario Municipal London and the region. Woodlands Western was involved on. It’s a very partners we have in the project is
Board, the Divisional Court, and are the lungs of the planet and offer competitive process and the games just great. I have no doubt that it
finally the Ontario Court of Appeal substantial biodiversity.” industry is relatively young in com- will eventually happen.”
parison to a lot of these other bet-
ter-established industries that are
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>> continued from pg.1 travelling back and forth to assist DEBRA MACRAE 519.642.4247
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years behind our own. five years ago. 1135 Richmond St.
“To see 100 people waiting in the The project began with a group 519-670-9991 Walking Distance from UWO main gates on
186 Albert Street London (just off Richmond Row) Richmond between T.D. Bank & Sebastian’s
hallway [of a clinic], and a couple of of 10 African women in Mwanza,
them die in the hallway, was over- Tanzania. Gough said the initiative,
whelming,” she recalls. which now includes six groups in
In Africa, HIV/AIDS is rampant. Mwanza, is growing fast.
According to global charity Avert, “Our vision is that it’s something
22.4 million sub-Saharan Africans that will ripple across Africa,” he said.
were living with HIV/AIDS in 2008. But he said we should still be
That includes men and women, focusing on HIV/AIDS here in
old and young –– no one is immune. Canada, too.
Zajdlik is currently running a
campaign called Bracelet of Hope,
“Locally, infection rates are on
the rise among young people,” he LSAT MCAT add a little experience to your degree

which she launched in 2005 to raise explained. “Public education has
$1 million for the fight against the been declining, because everyone
African AIDS pandemic. She hit that
goal in 2008, and now hopes to reach
knows about AIDS.”
“There is the perception out Preparation Seminars Accounting
a second target: making one African there that HIV no longer exists,”
country, Lesotho, entirely AIDS-free.
It’s a daunting task. And it’s one
echoed Zajdlik –– yet around 1.2
million North Americans are cur-
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rently infected.
Zajdlik said while HIV/AIDS has
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Public Relations
generation. fallen off the public radar, she still
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the call.
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Students and staff have been
4• thegazette • Thursday, November 25, 2010

Opinions dearlife
What do you have to say to life? You can submit your complaints
anonymously so that life won’t be able to track you down and
beat up your family.

Obama misses a
Golden opportunity
And as sad as this might be, I’m
Get Amani, now used to this irrationality and
Get Paid ignorance. I’ve gotten used to the
fact that a global community of
normal Muslims — myself includ-
ed — must go on living our lives
Amani Elrofaie hoping the rest of the world even-
EDITORIAL CARTOONIST tually realizes that we’re not all Bin Laden.
But here is the thing that frus-
Mr. Obama: you are the President trates me: Sikhs are being thrown
of the United States and that gives into this unfortunate situation. The
you overwhelming power interna- cancellation of Obama’s Golden
tionally. You carry so much influ- Temple visit has perpetuated igno-
ence and you have so many oppor- rance by making it seem like Islam
tunities to make change. So can you and Sikhism are the same thing.
please stop being such a damned They’re not. They’re two com-
letdown? pletely different religions.
Recently, Obama cancelled his Sure, they share some similar
visit to the Golden Temple in Amrit- values and beliefs, but don’t all
sar, India. This temple is the holiest religions? Sikhs too are being
site for those practicing Sikhism. To
enter the temple, Obama would
have to wear a turban or some
labelled as some sort of threat to
the free world. They’re being tar-
geted based on Islamophobia. Just
Staying aware of AIDS
other head covering as a sign of like Muslims, Sikhs are being cast
respect. The White House explained in a negative light as the White The perception of HIV/AIDS has dramatically shifted in given to whichever “hot topic” disease comes next. The
the reasons for the cancellation House wants Americans to think the last three decades. While around 67,000 Canadians recent outbreaks of avian flu and H1N1, though not
were “logistics” or “time con- their President is not affiliated with have been diagnosed with HIV, many advocates believe nearly as dangerous as HIV, were unreasonably sensa-
straints.” The probable cause, how- them. That, to me, is very sad and the subject is losing its momentum — they’re afraid tionalized, leaving little attention to be spent on ongo-
ever, is due to the unfounded belief disappointing. people have stopped caring. ing concerns like HIV.
that the American president is a Obama missed a golden At the height of the North American AIDS pandem- Promotion and awareness also comes from compa-
Muslim. opportunity to bring visibility to a ic in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, there was a great panic nies with a vested interest in protecting people from
Even if Obama was not a Christ- group different from Muslims. that resulted in labelling the disease as a death sen- disease. Unfortunately, promotional support probably
ian, it’s confusing that this is still a Many Americans are already reli- tence and stigmatizing its carriers. won’t come from pharmaceutical companies. Without
huge issue. It’s also sad that nowa- giously illiterate as it is, so can- But now, with new advancements in medicine and a vaccine to sell, big pharmaceutical companies
days people see being a Muslim as a celling the visit just reinforces increased survival rates, AIDS has drifted from the wouldn‘t gain profit from publicizing the dangers of
terrible thing. In this situation, it’s uninformed views. Rather than spotlight. HIV has been pushed down the list of dan- HIV/AIDS, like they have for other diseases like the
used as a slur and implies that the working on improving interfaith gers for Canadians, and as a result the urgency of using human papillomavirus. Condom companies, howev-
religion of Islam, as a whole, is a relations between all religions, protection and getting tested for the disease has less- er, could stand to gain monetarily from advertising the
threat to the U.S. and the world. Obama ended up hurting and dis- ened. The truth remains that many people living with dangers of the disease, but likely wouldn’t want to asso-
Xenophobia is rampant in the respecting both Sikhs and Mus- HIV don’t know they have it, so awareness is crucial to ciate their product with a negative health risk.
U.S. because people are ignorant lims in one fell swoop. He had the stopping the spread of the disease. Treatment and infection rates have changed a lot
enough to label an entire religion chance to do something signifi- These changing concerns over HIV are due, in part, since the AIDS scare of the ‘80s, and society has
based on the actions of a handful of cant to eliminate ignorance and to a lack of publicity. High school health classes tend to changed with it. But even though the disease is no
extremist terrorists. It just so hap- prejudice. Instead, Obama was lump HIV/AIDS with other sexually transmitted dis- longer a death sentence, neglecting to acknowledge the
pened that those terrorists wore just a big letdown. eases without emphasizing that with HIV/AIDS, there’s disease’s dangers is only playing with fire. As a result, it
no cure. This lack of fundamental education affects is clear that stronger awareness campaigns and more
how Canadians perceive HIV/AIDS and could be a con- accessible information about HIV/AIDS is needed in
tributing factor in why people aren’t getting tested. the public sphere.
Comments from the web
The government is partly responsible for educating Rapid HIV testing is available on campus through
the population about the risks associated with Student Health Services today, tomorrow and Dec. 3. For
The following is a comment taken out unprotected and can be read by HIV/AIDS through public campaigns. But with our more information email
from our website. Comments may anyone nearby that is listening. culture’s short attention span, priority seems to be —The Gazette Editorial Board
be abridged or edited for clarity. However, websites utilizing HTTPS
(secure encryption) are safe from
Re: Hack gives access to Facebook this eavesdropping.
accounts (Nov. 18, 2010) Can I get my account hacked if I
The tool that the article is talking
about is called Firesheep. It’s an
am on uwosecure-v2?
No. This network is secured with
dearlife dailyquote
add-on that was released by free- WPA/WPA2. No one can read the The important thing is this: Just
lance Web Application Developer information sent between you and
It’s almost December —
Eric Butler. the access point you are connected where’s the snow at? because I’m doing well doesn’t mean
This is not a new flaw. Firesheep to. that they’re going to do well if they
just makes this well-known method From what I understand, this is I only ask because I am lonely, get HIV. A lot of people have died
of information gathering easier to Mr. Butler’s attempt to raise aware-
use. ness about insecure wireless net- and snowmen tend to be the only since I have announced. This disease
Computers connected to unse- works that people use every day on
friends I have. is not going anywhere.
cured wireless networks send their campus, at the coffee shop, etc.
data unencrypted through the air. Moral of the story: secure your >> —MAGIC JOHNSON
Most of the common things stu- wireless networks.
dents do on their computers is sent —Andrew Secord

Editorials are decided by a majority of the editorial board and Gazette Composing & Gazette Advertising
thegazette are written by a member of the editorial board but are not nec- Ian Greaves, Manager Mark Ritchie
Gloria Dickie
Jesse Tahirali
Volume 104, Issue 43 essarily the expressed opinion of each editorial board member. Maja Anjoli-Bilić Karen Savino Monica Blaylock
All other opinions are strictly those of the author and do not nec- Photography
Cheryl Forster Diana Watson Cheryl Stone
essarily reflect the opinions of the USC, The Gazette, its editors Kaleigh Rogers Corey Stanford
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thegazette • Thursday, November 25, 2010 •5

Arts&Life saywhat?
“I have a very narrow range. I’ve never tried anything more than
playing who I am. If you look at my characters, they’re all me.”
>> Cher

The Girls Can Hear Us London Music Club

perform in London welcomes Bahamas
Ashley Perl

Finnish-Canadian Afie Jurvanen is no

stranger to the Canadian music scene. He’s
worked and toured with artists like Feist,
Wilco, Jason Collett, and The Stills, to name a
few. Jurvanen plays guitar, piano, and sings,
so it’s obvious the musician has undeniable
talent — even while backing other artists.
Despite always having his own musical
side projects on top of working with other
artists, Jurvanen finally went solo in 2009
under the musical alias Bahamas. His debut
album, Pink Strat, received a lot of critical
attention, including a Juno nomination.
The lullaby and island-like sound to
Courtesy of The Girls Can Hear Us
Bahamas’ music is a bit surprising consider- success so far. But he notes this upcoming
Lauren Chan live element gives us an edge over your aver- ing the style and repertoire of the other musi- album has more to offer.
CONTRIBUTOR age DJ. cians he’s worked with. “The songs are a lot stronger, the arrange-
“Although I’m really big fans of theirs, and ments are a lot more thought out. There is
Since they formed in 2009, the London-based You mentioned Ed Huszar, the other I’m lucky to become part of [their music] in just more — more electric guitar, more
electro/dance/rap group The Girls Can Hear half of The Girls Can Hear Us. Do you still some small way, I really don’t think of it at all singing. I’m really excited about it,” he says.
Us has been neck-deep in success. Will Steep, work together? when I’m writing or when creating my own With a new album on the way and a push
the group’s lyricist and rapper, recently took He has a solo project called Overwerk music. It’s definitely a separate musical from his solo success with Pink Strat,
the time to answer some questions. going on. We stopped working together in thing,” Jurvanen says. Bahamas has set out on his first headlining
June but we’ll still produce together here and Even though Jurvanen tries to separate his tour from the east to west coast of Canada,
Your music blurs the lines between rap, there. It’s just a lot easier for us this way. We own music from the powerhouse artists he’s making a stop in London this coming Satur-
electro and dance music. What ele- split amicably. worked with in the past, he’s been influenced day. Jurvanen says the start of the tour has
ments do you take from each genre to by them in some way or another. been a welcomed success.
create your sound? What are your favourite tracks to per- “I think it’s a lot like other things in life. “The first three shows on our tour have
I don’t know that it’s a deliberate process. form when you tour? Stuff ends up influencing you in some way, been sold out and people knew the songs and
I listen to more electronic music now than I “All I Need Is You” is one of my favourites. even if you don’t know it — even if it’s just they were singing along. That’s kind of a new
used to. I find that music has more innova- “Drugs Dancin’” gets a really good response. unconscious,” he says. thing for us. But it’s definitely welcome and
tion lately, so instrumentally I get more My least favourite is “Wrong For You” because When it comes to creating and recording I’m really looking forward to it,” Jurvanen
inspired by electronic producers. On the the song bums me out — we never do it live. new material, Bahamas tries to keep his style says.
vocal side of things, it’s mid-to-late ‘90s hip- natural and minimal. On the tour, Bahamas is backed by The
hop and some of the more underground guys What can people expect out of you with- “[We] tried to keep the first or second take, Weakerthans’ drummer Jason Tait. Jurvanen
guiding my endeavour. in the next five years? and truly, that is where the really exciting stuff explained that adding drums to the tour gives
(Laughs.) I feel like my mom asks me that is. When people are really listening and they him a chance to the explore songs with a
You have a lot of raw energy on stage. all the time. I don’t have a five-year plan — it don’t know a song all that well, I feel like that’s wider interpretation and different sound.
What do you think gives you an edge on sort of comes with the territory of trying to be where all the beautiful structural moments Tagging along on tour with Bahamas and
the competition? a musician. I’m not good at planning, but you come from are when you don’t know what Tait is alternative-country artist Doug Paisley,
Well partly that there isn’t really a lot of can expect me to have finally finished my you’re doing,” he says. “When things are too who Jurvanen calls a dear friend. He also
competition. There’s only a couple acts that undergrad. I plan on releasing more mix calculated, you can tell. You can feel it, and I raves about Paisley’s “fantastic new album,”
fall within our genre, and they don’t really tapes and albums. Maybe I’ll be rich and just try and go for that in life [as well].” Constant Companion.
sound like us. People mention LMFAO the famous, maybe I’ll be living in the basement, Keeping a similar approach, the follow- Bahamas and Doug Paisley will be playing
most often, but I think their production is or maybe I’ll be dead. I’ll blog it. up album to Pink Strat has been recorded at the London Music Club this coming Satur-
actually a lot different than mine and Ed’s. We The Girls Can Hear Us perform at Down- and Jurvanen is hoping to release it this day. Tickets are $11.50 online at
get a lot of bookings from people who usual- town Kathy Brown’s tomorrow night. Tickets spring. Bahamas was careful not to stray too or $10 at the door. The London Music Club is
ly book DJs, so I’d say the fact that we have a are $8 and doors open at 8 p.m. far from the roots that have given him his located at 470 Colborne St.

Editor’s Picks > Essentials for your week

On TV On Disc On DVD In Theatres On the Charts

The Walking Dead Nicki Minaj — Pink Friday Eat Pray Love Love and Other Drugs “Shake Me Down” — Cage
the Elephant
AMC’s The Walking Dead tells the Rap sensation Nicki Minaj’s Tuesday marked the DVD release Anne Hathaway and Jack Gyllen-
story of the weeks and months debut full-length album Pink Fri- of Eat Pray Love starring Julia haal take on the big screen in the Kentucky rock band Cage the
that follow after a zombie apoca- day finally dropped this week. Roberts. It tells the story of a latest romantic comedy Love and Elephant are back a new track
lypse. The fourth episode, which Collaborations include Rihanna, woman who drops everything to Other Drugs. This unconvention- “Shake Me Down.” The song will
aired on Sunday, showed that Eminem, Drake, Natasha Beding- try and find herself. The film, al love story follows the develop- be the first single from their
those who survive can be far field and Kanye West. based on the popular book, made ment of Hathaway and Gyllen- sophomore album Thank You,
more dangerous than the mind- over $80 million in theatres. haal’s relationship. Love and Happy Birthday, which will be
less walkers looking to consume Other Drugs opened yesterday. released on Jan. 11, 2011.
the living.
6• thegazette • Thursday, November 25, 2010

Health tip > Campus eats

Practicing proper
Tim Hortons
breakfast sandwich
cellphone etiquette
should not have long phone con- nessed the person that yells at
Grace Davis equals about 25 shakes from the versations because it’s rude to unnecessary volumes into their
ARTS & LIFE EDITOR salt shaker. A Touch ignore those around you. However, cellphone. Not only can the person
If you need to hit up Tims for of Grace texting doesn’t seem to have the you are speaking with hear you, but
Breakfast is arguably the most breakfast but want something a lit- same stigma. so can everyone else within mega-
important meal of the day. But not tle healthier, ask for egg and cheese People frequently have their phone range. No one wants to hear
all quick, convenient meals on cam- on an English muffin with a slice of phone out at the dinner table, in a about the “babe from the bar” or
pus are the best options. The Tim tomato. That tasty sandwich only Grace Davis restaurant, and in class. As long as how much you hate that one class.
Hortons breakfast sandwich has 510 has 280 calories, 11 grams of fat and ARTS & LIFE EDITOR they don’t answer the phone or Others have the right to peacefully
calories, which is a lot to start off the 700 mg of sodium. make a lengthy phone call, it’s OK. enjoy whatever they were doing
day. Add a hash brown (100 calories) Nevertheless, when someone is before you and your cellphone
or a large coffee with double cream, DISH: BREAKFAST SAUSAGE SANDWICH Would you whisper to a friend in having a whole conversation showed up, and a little courtesy for
double sugar (230 calories) and the Restaurant: Tim Hortons front of one or two other people? through text messaging, they’re those people goes a long way.
sandwich becomes a meal to enjoy Serving size: 177 grams No, because it’s rude. probably just as distracted as they A cellphone is a great tool to
only once in a while. Calories: 510 For some reason having private would be if they were talking on the keep in touch with people, keep on
The sandwich itself has 33 Fat: 33 grams conversations via text messaging or phone. Ignoring a friend while mes- top of business, and is useful in an
grams of fat — about half of the rec- Sodium: 950 mg BlackBerry Messaging while social- saging gives the impression that emergency. However, people con-
ommended daily allotment — and Carbohydrates: 36 grams izing with friends has become you don’t value the time of the per- tinually abuse the technology and
950 mg of sodium. To put things in Protein: 19 grams socially acceptable. son in front of you. often don’t consider what is appro-
perspective, that much sodium Sugar: 3 grams Society changes as technology All of us cellphone users are priate public cellphone use.
progresses. There are social rules guilty of doing this. A couple of Technology has made it so that
for how to interact with people in important, quick messages are we are so connected, we’re discon-
Recommended daily allowance public, and I think there should be harmless, but any more has the nected. We’re stretched thin trying
rules for how to use cell phones in potential of damaging the quality of to keep in touch with everyone
public as well. the time being spent with those simultaneously, rather than focus-
Men Women
We’ve all seen this scenario around us. Many of us pride our- ing on the people who are present.
Calories: 2,500 Calories: 2,000 before — someone is at the bar or a selves as being multi-taskers, but When people are ignoring their
Fat: 60 to 105g Fat: 45 to 75g party surrounded by their closest balancing many conversations at friends around them to BBM or
Sodium: 1,500 to 2,300 mg Sodium: 1,500 to 2,300 mg friends at 1:30 a.m. and they’re per- once isn’t always a good thing. The text, even though there are many
Carbohydrates: 300g Carbohydrates: 300g manently attached to their phone. quality of each conversation will connections being made, the qual-
Why is this person on their phone? most likely decrease every time you ity of each social connection
Without getting into the details of add a new one. decreases.
cellphone use past midnight, let’s And then there’s general cell- If we all put our cellphones away
just say it’s probably not important, phone etiquette. Shockingly for a couple of hours and tried
and most likely regrettable. enough, there are times when a spending some quality time talking
As a quick disclaimer, yes, I have cellphone should never be face-to-face with someone, we
a cellphone that I use everyday, but answered. Movie theatres, plays, might be surprised to learn that we
I often don’t like how the technolo- restaurants, churches and funeral don’t need to be virtually connect-
gy is used. homes are just a few of the places ed. Life will go on if you ignore your
In social situations where you’re where the cellphone should be phone for a couple of hours, and
entertaining friends, it’s well turned off, or at least set to silent. you’ll probably enjoy your compa-
known that the host and the guests And of course we’ve all wit- ny that much more.


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Sports “I don’t have it locked or back-upped and there’s a lot of people in

there ... Brody Jenner, Tom Green ... all the guys I’ve ever played
with. Shane Doan, Ed Jovanovski, Sidney Crosby are probably going
to be getting random calls for a while.”
Phoenix Coyote’s Paul Bissonnette on his recently stolen BlackBerry

rundown >> The Mustangs continue to have a national presence as five varsity teams remain in the CIS top ten rankings > Western’s women’s wrestling team is ranked
number two in the nation > The Mustangs swim team has already made a splash moving from an unranked team to the number six spot | After their loss this weekend,
the men’s basketball team has fallen out of the top ten

The Good:
It sounds like a story straight out of a Disney movie. A
young athlete finally makes it to the big leagues expect- Why is poker on? Be honest, everyone has that little
ing to be the next great superstar.
That’s the question that comes degenerate gambler in their heart
But the fame and fortune are too much for him to
handle and he throws it all away by turning to alcohol to my mind whenever I turn to a who loves to put a little cash on a
and crack cocaine. sports station only to be filled with poker game.
That was Texas Rangers’ Josh Hamilton’s story for bitter disappointment to find the It’s loads of fun. You could even
the first five years of his Major League Baseball career. World Series of Poker polluting my call poker night a spiritual and
After dealing with two drug-related suspensions — and television. sacred time for players everywhere.
nearly losing his life — Hamilton went to rehab. It worked,
It’s not a sport — it’s a card game. And with its growth at the begin-
and he made a surprise comeback with the Cincinnati
Reds in 2007. If we’re going to include poker, ning of the decade, it was only nat-
The next year, he was voted an all–star, winning the then why not chess? Where is the ural that it eventually made it onto
prestigious Home Run Derby at the mid-season event. World Series of Chess or how about television. People wanted to learn
Throughout the 2010 season, Hamilton led the the World Series of Monopoly for more about the game and the best
league with a .359 batting average and a .633 slugging that matter? way to do that is by watching the
percentage all while hitting 32 homers and 100 RBIs. Poker is a game of leisure — a professionals throw down.
But that wasn’t his shining moment. This season, he
led the Rangers to the World Series — celebrating with game you play at the cottage or in Sure, at this point, with the poker
his team by drinking ginger ale instead of champagne your friend’s basement. It can be craze dying down a bit, I do agree it
for the entire run. Unfortunately, they fell just short, los- viewed as a male bonding activity, is a bit annoying to see poker when I
ing to the San Francisco Giants in five games. where men lose hundreds of dollars put on Sportsnet, TSN or The Score.
Hamilton, however, was recognized for his great sea- before admitting defeat, but I think But I just don’t understand why
son and comeback from rock bottom when he was classifying it as a sport is a stretch Kaitlyn needs to single out poker
awarded the American League MVP award on Tuesday.
— so it shouldn’t be aired on any for being on television. This is just a
Now he just needs to ride off into the sunset with his
beautiful princess. sports network. natural occurrence when you have
There is no physical skill multiple 24-hour sports networks,
required to play. You can play poker some of which have multiple sister
The Bad: sitting down, smoking a cigarette stations. TSN has its original sta-
while women serve you whiskey. tion, as well as TSN2.
Oh Vince Young. When will you grow up and be a man?
In Sunday’s overtime loss to the Washington Red- Does this sound like an athletic I’m pretty sure ESPN is about to
skins, Young injured his finger and was taken out of the activity? Of course, Mr. Da Silva will set up ESPN 8: The Ocho. Maybe
game. However, after a while he decided he was ready to probably say “yes – that sounds like they will show the World Series of
go back in the game. He just forgot to tell any of the the best sport ever.” But I disagree. Dodgeball final featuring Globo-
coaches. I’m not saying poker isn’t a com- Gym taking on Average Joe’s.
Young sulked on the sidelines, and after the game petitive game or that it can’t be All jokes aside, they do have to
he went into the locker room where he continued to mut-
ter and curse under his breath about the situation. Jeff taken seriously. It does involve a fill all of that time with random
Fisher, the Tennessee Titans coach, was trying to address great deal of strategy and practice. events that could have some con-
the team as Young was complaining. Fisher told Young But that doesn’t excuse the fact that nection to sports or competition.
to stop and be quiet. it requires no athleticism or physi- Turn on the sports networks during
Young proceeded to finish dressing and leave. cal exertion. another time in the day and you
According to The Tennessean, a local newspaper, Fisher Although I realize that there are will get to take in the “Lumberjack
told Young to not “run out on your teammates.”
“I’m not running out on my teammates. I’m running
limitations to what a sports net- Challenge” or the “Collegiate
out on you,” Young exclaimed, much like a teenaged girl work like TSN or The Score can Cheerleading Championships.”
yelling at her parents. broadcast — you can only repeat Neither of those are sports. They are
Young has the talent to lead the Titans as their quar- SportsCentre so many times in a awesome and very challenging
terback, but his childish antics have gotten to be a little day — but are poker tournaments activities, just like poker.
too much. The Titans have placed him on injured reserve, really the answer? Frankly, it seems like we are only
ending his season. Whether or not they keep him around
There are so many other options a few years away from the World
to play another game remains to be seen.
But he seems to have exhausted Jeff Fisher’s that could be much more enter- Cup of Chess Boxing. That is an
patience. And since Fisher is the league’s longest tenured taining than watching people sit actual sport, and it’s just as amaz-
coach, the owner and manager probably won’t side with around and bet. How about airing ing as it sounds.
Young. sport–focused documentaries, or So, poker shouldn’t be on televi-
re-airing more classic games? Even sion because there is no physical
a cheerleading competition would exertion? These guys are sitting
The Ugly: be more exciting, right Dan? there for hours, under the lights of
Derek Jeter sure is a greedy bastard. But you know what the worst national television, playing a con-
Jeter has been a part of the Yankees system since he part of poker is? It’s the gross stant mind game with each other.
was drafted in 1992. He was the starting shortstop of the amounts of money awarded to the Kind of sounds like NASCAR. Both
late ‘90s Yankee dynasty when they won four champi- winners of major poker tourna- require a lot of skill, but aren’t exact-
onships in five years. He was also part of the team that
won the championship last season when his Yankees ments. For example, the newly ly marathons when it comes to
overcame the Philadelphia Phillies in six games. crowned World Series of Poker physical taxation.
The man is a good role model, has a squeaky clean champion Jonathan Duhamel will And Kaitlyn, did you just com-
image, has more endorsement deals than any one man enjoy a hefty pay check of $8.94 plain about the amount of money
should have, and he’s a pretty good-looking guy. Oh, million. that poker players make? First of all,
and he’s dating Minka Kelly, recently named the sexiest All for winning a game of poker unless you are really good and win
woman in the world. No biggie.
— really? All you did was win a tournaments, you will end up los-
But the fact is Jeter is in the decline of his career. The
36–year–old just had the worst season of his career at game of cards. I’m going to go out ing money. Plus, it’s no more ridicu-
the plate statistically, and it’s a well-known fact that he on a limb here and say that there lous than the money that any other
isn’t much of a fielder at shortstop. might be more useful things for that professional athlete makes.
So you would think that the three–year $45 million money — any charity anywhere for Realistically, poker on television
contract that he has been offered would be more than anything would probably be a bet- is a necessary evil. Something has
enough. It’s more than he deserves.
ter investment. to fill that spot, and if it isn’t poker,
But no, Jeter wants to get paid for more years and
more money. Good on the Yankees for telling him to go Or better yet, there are plenty of it is just going to be a repeat of some
test the free agent market instead of just giving in to the real amateur athletes that could god awful “sporting” event.
face of their franchise. Maybe Jeter will realize that his benefit from some actual funding, So either get over it or change
career is coming to an end and he should grab whatev- maybe more money should be the channel for an hour. Or, you
er contract his team is willing to offer. invested in those sports. know, go outside and play a sport.
—Kaitlyn McGrath —Daniel Da Silva
8• thegazette • Thursday, November 25, 2010

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