PR Manager HRM

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FORE School of Management

FMG 27C, Term II

Subject: Human Resource Management
My Dream Job

Submitted to:
Prof. Neeraj Kumar

Submitted by-
Name: Vatsalla Khanna
Batch: FMG27, Sec C
Roll No.: 271174
Human Resource is the most important and biggest asset for an organization. The skills and
abilities of the human resource cannot be duplicated and therefore, proves to be major
advantage for the company. To manage the human resources in an organization, a separate
department is formed called the Human Resource Department. Human Resource
Management (HRM) is a process to make sure that the human resources of an organization
are used, both effectively and efficiently, so as to achieve the desired organization goal. The
main functions of HRM are as follows:

1. Attracting employees towards the organization

2. Hiring them
3. Retaining and training to make them competent for their job
4. Evaluating them based on their performance
5. Compensating the employees based on the evaluation

The main function is to recruit the right person for the right position. HRM also looks
towards the needs of the employees to make sure that they are satisfied with their jobs and the
peers. Additionally, in case of any dissatisfaction amongst the employees, the department
works towards resolving the dissatisfaction, motivating them and coordinating their personal
goals with that of the organizations’. If the employees are satisfied they would contribute
more towards achieving the goal of the organization. The department also works towards
maintaining a smooth relationship between the employees and management.

The main purpose of this project is to analyse the job of a PR by collecting both primary and
secondary data and accordingly prepare a competency map. For primary data, I contacted Ms.
Aashima Khanna, Senior HR Executive at R Systems. For secondary data, I collected
information through various trusted websites like and While analysing the job, I considered the problems that employees in
this job face and the skills they need to have to be able to perform the function properly.
Position: Member of Public Relations Team

The image and goodwill of the firm plays a crucial role for its existence. If a firm has a
desired image amongst the public, it will help directly in the growth and progress of the firm.
Keeping in mind the importance of having a good image and connecting with the audience, a
separate department called Public Relations (PR) is set up. Through public appearances,
newsletters, conferences, press meets etc. PR creates and maintains a positive image of
thecompany in front of the prospective customers to help the business grow and increase the
sales. They also use social media pages and handles for the same.PR team analyses what the
company wants to communicate and to whom should the information reach. In other words, it
recognizes its target audience and accordingly works on what can be done to create a right
image in the minds of the people. Apart from this, PR also understands and analyses the
impact that various policies made by the company can have on the public.Therefore, its main
function remains to build the reputation of the company, its customers and the brand by
giving the right information to the right people at the right time. Lastly, PR would also
encourage a two-way communication between the public and the company to avoid any types
of conflicts.

Firm: R Systems

‘R systems’ is a company that was founded in the year 1993 in the United States. It started as
a software consulting firm. The company entered India in the year of 1997. It is specialized in
IT services & Solutions. A decade ago, ‘R systems’ got listed on both Bombay Stock
Exchange and National Stock Exchange. The company works with the mission to emerge as
the world’s leader by leveraging on cutting-edge technologies and innovation and learning.
‘R Systems’ stands by its values while working on any project. It believes in caring for every
member who is associated with the company, be it the customers or employees. It keeps
innovating to provide the best experience to its customers, and with such innovations it
continues to transform itself to, its customers and employees for the better. Its services are
spread across globe. It earned US$ 91 million in the year of 2017 working with a workforce
of more than 2500 employees.Over the years, it has reshaped, transformed and grown
The following steps are followed while analysing the job:

1. Selecting the dream job:The first step is to decide the job for which the analysis
needs to be done. My dream job is to work as a member of the PR team.

2. Collecting data: The next step is collecting data that would be used to form the job
description (JD) and job specifications (JS) for the mentioned role. The data can be
collected through primary and secondary sources. As a part of primary research, I
interviewed Ms. Ashima Khanna, Senior HR Executive at R Systems. She shared with
me the challenges, and requirements of the job.

3. Analysing the job: Once the information is collected, the main task of analysing the
job starts. Based on the information the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA’s) and
the core competencies required for the job are formed.

4. Verifying the analysis done: After forming the KSA’s and the core competencies
required, they are verified by an employee who is either performing the same job, or
helps in the process of hiring employees for the job. Here, Ms. Ashima Khanna,
recruits employees for the job.

5. Preparing the Job Description and Job Specifications:After the information gets
verified, the JD and JS are prepared. The job description would mention about the
duties and the responsibilities that the employee will have to perform in the given job.
Job Specifications will highlight the KSA’s and core competencies required for the
mentioned job.
Competency mapping is required while preparing the Job Description.

The ways through which competency mapping was done are as follows:

1. Ms. Ashima Khanna, respondent, was interviewed and asked several questions
regarding the knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform the job. She also
mentioned about the challenges that the employees face during the course of the job.
Based on the information provided, the possible core competencies required for the
job were highlighted.

2. The respondent was asked about the core competency that a candidate must have to be
fit for the job. Additionally, she mentioned about the proficiency level, that the
candidate must have in the specific competency. Based on this information, a skill
matrix was prepared.

Skill Matrix:

Proficiency Communication Research Writing Global Creativity

Level Skills Skills Skills Awareness
Low Low Low Low Low Low

Average Average Average Average Average Average

Above average Above average Above Above Above Above

average average average average

Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent

The brown coloured box highlights the proficiency level required in the particular
 The communication skills of the candidate should be excellent, as he would be
required to continuously communicate with the public so as to maintain a positive
image in the eyes of the public.

 The candidate must have decent research skills. This would help the team know about
what the public is talking about the organization and therefore, the PR team will be
able to take the required measures at the right time.

 PR team handles all the social media accounts of the organization, be it LinkedIn,
Facebook or Twitter. Therefore, the candidate must have excellent writing skills.

 Having an international mind-set would be a bonus. This would help the candidate
think from a global perspective. Therefore, the candidate must be able to understand
and have knowledge about how global market functions.

 PR team would have to continuously write blogs and posts; organize various press
meets, conferences etc. Therefore, the candidate must be creative and pro-active.
KSA’s refers to the knowledge, skills and abilities a candidate must possess to be able to
perform the job efficiently and effectively.

After interviewing the HR of the firm and retracting data from both primary as well as
secondary sources, the most important KSA’s that a candidate must possess for the above
mentioned job are as follows.


Subject Reason

1. English Language PR would directly communicate with the target audience through
press meets, conferences, social media platforms etc. Therefore, it
must have a good command over the language.

2. Sales and Marketing The candidate must have a desired knowledge about the basics of
sales and marketing, the ways promotions can be done and the
product can be sold.
3. Communications and Once hired, the candidate will be handling the social media handles
Media and would be part of various conferences and meets. For these
reasons, it would be important for the candidate to have knowledge
about social media and be well aware about the various ways of
communicating with the target audience.

4. Anthropology The candidate must have knowledge about the group behaviour,
culture of the target audience, the current trends in the market and
how those trends would influence the target audience

5. Law The candidate must be well-versed with the legal codes, court
proceedings and the law related to their business so as to carry out
activities smoothly

Subject Reason

1. Speaking Skills The candidate interested for the above mentioned job must have
speaking skills. There would be situations where the candidate would
have to address public via press meets and conferences. Therefore, it is
important for the candidate to be competent enough.

2. Listening Skills The candidate must actively and attentively listen to what others have
to say to be able to understand the situation better and take the
required decisions.

3. Crisis Management There may raise a situation which might put the company in a bad
Skills light in the eyes of the audience. Usually, the company is not prepared
for such crisis. In such cases, the PR team would have to take quick
damage control measures at the earliest.

4. Critical Thinking The candidate must be able to think critically, use logic to come up
Skills with solutions to the problems being faced.

5. Writing Skills Being a part of the PR team, the candidate will be handling various
social media handles of the company. He/she would be required to
regularly post content to keep the attention of the public. Therefore, it
is very important for the candidate to possess writing skills

6. Negotiation Skills In case of any problem, the candidate may be required to negotiate and
come up to some solution and appease the differences between the

Subject Reason

1. Communicate with The PR team represents the organisation at various platforms. It

people outside of communicates important information to its customers, government and
the organisation public. Therefore, it should be able to communicate efficiently with the
people outside the organization as well.

2. Problem Sensitivity The ability to analyse the situation and be able to tell what might or is
likely to go wrong in the future. If the candidate has this ability, he/she
can very well take measures well in advance.

3. Inductive The ability to be able to join pieces of unrelated information and come
Reasoning up with conclusions.

4. Clarity in Speaking The candidate must be able to speak clearly in front of public. Also,
he/she must be able to convey the right message through speech.

5. Oral and Written The candidate must be able to understand clearly what the opposite
Comprehension party is trying to convey through their speech and through ideas
communicated though writing.

6. Visualisation The candidate must be able to visualise the future of the decision or
action that he/she might take to solve a particular issue. Therefore, he
must be able to analyse and visualise every situation effectively.
Job Title: Public Relations

Location: Noida, India

About the company:

R Systems is an analytics and technology services company. The company currently has
250+ global clients and has more than 12 offices across globe. It mainly serves industries
dealing in Digital Media, Telecom and Financial Services. The company primarily offers
Technology services and Big Data & Analytics.

Role Description:

As a member of the PR Team of the company, one will have to promote the goodwill of the
company by organizing press meets and conferences. The same will also be done through
other mediums like social media. One must be ready for any crisis and should know how to
handle situations wherein the company is put in a bad light.

Responsibilities & Duties:

 Arranging conferences, press meets and events

 Maintaining cordial relationship with media
 Constantly researching about the possible PR strategies that can be followed
 Regularly updating public about the activities through different mediums

Qualifications & Competencies:

 Post-graduation in marketing
 Good writing, speaking and communication skills
 Creativity Skills
 Ability to be able to think from a global point of view
 Ability to manage Crisis
 Negotiation skills
 Should be competent enough to use every social media handle
 Well-versed with the current policies and rules & regulations implemented by the
Respondent’s details:

Name: Ms. Ashima Khanna

Designation: Senior HR Executive

Email ID:

Contact Details: (+91) 9818-888-981

Transcript of responses:

Question: Marketing requires the employees to be creative. How do you judge the
candidate’s creativity?

Response: Questions vary based on whether the candidate is a fresher or has some previous
experience of the field. A candidate who has previously worked can be given situations
where they would be given a task of branding a new campaign which did not do well in the
past. So, candidates can be asked for their views on the changes that could be made to make
sure that such campaigns give fruitful results in the future.

On the other hand, freshers are mostly asked to suggest ideas of new marketing strategies’
that could be implemented in the future in the firm.

Question: What is the role of a PR in an organization?

Response: The role of the PR is one of the most important in any organization. It works
towards creating a positive image of the organization in the eyes of the public. Their job
doesn’t end here.After creating a positive image, comes the task of maintaining that image
constantly. To make sure that the image doesn’t fade away, the PR team tries to reach out to
the target customers in different sets. For customers on LinkedIn, the posts would be more
professional compared to other platforms. Therefore, PR team requires segregating the target
audience, and accordingly working towards creating a desired image of the organization in
their eyes.

Question: Which soft-skills do you look for, when hiring for the PR team?

Response: The most common soft skills that we test candidates on are their communication
skills, pressure handling skills, multi-tasking and client handling skills. Businesses can face
any type of crisis at any time. Therefore, one of the most important skills that the candidate
must possess is that of pressure-handling. Similarly, PR works towards keeping a desired
image of the company in the eyes of the public. For the same, it needs to hold press meets,
conferences etc. This makes it very important for the candidate to be good at communicating
things effectively.

Question: What are the qualifications required for working as a member of the PR

Response: The most suitable candidates for this post would be the ones who have a degree in

Question: While recruiting candidate for PR, what are the KSA’s that they must

Response: The candidate must have basic knowledge about social media, how to handle
social websites, technology, and how to indulge in image building. Apart from this, they must
have the ability to understand business acumen. Additionally, they must be highly creative,
and must possess good listening skills. Since they would be handling the social media
handles of the clients, they must also be well-versed with creative and content writing.

Question: What kind of challenges do people working in the PR team face, if any?

Response: Every department in every organization has to face certain challenges in the due
course. For the PR team, the biggest challenge is to be able to manage crisis at the right time.
If there comes a situation which is putting the company in bad light, the PR team would have
to take immediate action to control the damage. At most times, no organization is ever
prepared for such a situation to arise. Therefore, the biggest challenge remains to make the
right decision at the right time.

Question: What all key competencies are required for this job and what is the
proficiency level needed for the same?

Response: 1. High communication skills are a must to be competent enough for this post.

2. Research skills must also be there to be aware about what is happening at what place.

3. Since PR team would be representing the organization through various platforms, high
writing skills must be required.

4. Since globalisation has been the need of the hour, having knowledge about global
marketwould be a bonus.

5. Working in PR would require the candidate to be creative.


 (2018). Retrieved from

 Introduction to Public Relations. (2018). Retrieved from
 Human Resource Management: Meaning, Objectives, Scope and Functions. (2018).
Retrieved from
 Lautenslager, A. (2018). Why You Need PR. Retrieved from
 27-3031.00 - Public Relations Specialists. (2018). Retrieved from
 27-3031.00 - Public Relations Specialists. (2018). Retrieved from
 Five must-have skills for a career in PR. (2018). Retrieved from
 (2018). Retrieved from

 PR job description. (2018). Retrieved from

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