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Test Paper

VII th Grade

1st Unit Welcome Back


1. Fill in the right wh- word:

a. …….. is your birthday? 12th of June.
b. ……... sisters have you got? One.
c. ……… does the bus leave? At 8:00.
d. ……… are you going? To the cinema.
e. ……… are you? I’m fine thanks.

2. Fill in the plural:

a. a mouse – two ……………..
b. a bus – two ………………..
c. a wolf- two ………………..
d. a raspberry- two…………………….
e. a photo- two…………………….

3. Fill in the correct prepositions of time:

a. ……………….September f. ……………………….Easter
b. ………………..1983 g. ……………………….autumn
c. ………………..the afternoon h. ……………………… the weekend
d. …………………Friday i. ……………………… noon
e. …………………night j. ……………………… Saturday night
4. Fill in the correct prepositions of place/ movement: between, past, above, behind, In front of,
next to , under, up, opposite and below
a. Luigi’s restaurant is _________________ a travel agency.
b. There is a person _____________ Mario’s restaurant.
c. There is a dog _____________ the ladder.
d. A painter is climbing ____________ a ladder.
e. Luigi’s restaurant is ______________ a hotel called The Shamrock.
f. Someone is running ______________ the hotel.
g. There’s a beautiful garden _____________ the hotel.
h. There is a bus stop ______________ the hotel.
i. Luigi’s restaurant is _______________ the hotel and the Phone House.
j. There’s a hairdresser’s ______________ the Phone House.

5. Rewrite the following sentences in the possessive case.

a. The house of my parents is large. _____________________________________

b. The friends of her sisters are very nice. ________________________________

c. Do you like the bedroom of the children? _______________________________

d. That girl is the daughter of the Whites. _________________________________

e. The room of his cousins is next to mine. ________________________________


Match the shops & services to what people might say there.

1. library a. “Open your books on page 34, please.”

2. post office b. “Could I have half a kilo of cheese, please?”

3. supermarket c.“I’d like to send this package to France, please.”

4. clothes shop d. “I’d like to withdraw £300, please.”

5. school e. “How long can I borrow this book for?” f.“Have you got this top in a medium?”’s g. “Can I have The Sunday News, please?”

8.newsagent’s h. “I’d like a loaf of bread, please.”

9.baker’s i.“Where is the emergency room?” j. “I’d like some roses, please.”


Write about your daily routine in 5 to 10 lines.

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