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Ent for a&e

-otitis externa = very itchy, inflammation of skin, minimal hearing loss, pain = all symptoms occur at
the same time, most common cause = pseudomonas, treat with gent drops, fungal otitis externa
requires longer treatment than bacterial cause

-necrotising otitis externa = very severe pain that keeps them up at night, RF = DM, red lump
discharge on inferior floor on otoscopy, may get facial nerve palsy or abducens palsy

-cholesteatoma aka active squamous otitis media= discharging ear that does not resolve with Abx
treatment, management is surgical – mastoidectomy, atticotomy, comps = intracranial abscess,
facial nerve palsy, meningitis, cholesteatoma can be congenital, due to grommet, or idiopathic, look
for wax in weird places on otoscopy

-discharging perforation = active mucosal COM, treatment= aural toilet (microsuction), Abx + steroid
spray/drops, myringoplasty = fixing the hole

-retraction pocket can sometimes look like a boss

-acute otitis media = Abx if no improvement

-otitis media with effusion = otalgia only in early stages

-tympanis sclerosis = fibrosis following e.g. grommet, no Tx required

-remember referred ear pain

-otovent device = for OM

-thick mucus, anosmia, recurrent epistaxis = not allergic rhinitis guys

-rhinitis medicamentosa = rebound nasal congestion due to decongestant sprays

-beta transferrin for CSF leak

--understand polyp vs allergic rhinitis, in polyp the colour is paler than the rest of the nasal passage,
in rhinitis the colour of the polyp-y looking thing is the same as the nasal passage

-more than 10 days = not viral cold, = sinusitis= nasal obstruction/discharge + oedema/polyps +/-
facial pain

-acute rhinosinusitis = <12 weeks, chronic =>12 weeks

-adenoids are lumpy bumpy unlike polyps

-loose teeth, blood stained discharge = suggestive of malignancy

-septal perforation = altered airflow and crusting

-perforation with granulations think autoimmune, perforation with smooth shite etc. no weird shit
then think cocaine

-causes of hyposmia = rhinosinusitis, polyps

-Hyposmia might be a very early sign of Parkinson's disease.[2] Hyposmia is also an early and almost
universal finding in Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies.[2] Lifelong hyposmia could
be caused by Kallmann syndrome.[3]
-causes of airway obstruction = bleeding e.g. from tonsils, trauma, masses e.g. lymph nodes, goitres,

-cherry red spot = epiglottitis

-use adrenaline nebs to reduce oedema in throat, IV steroids and heliox??

-tracheostomy vs laryngectomy, tracheostomy = stuff above entry point is still there, laryngectomy =
take away voice box and sew it over, make a neopharynx – if they need O2 you stick O2 on the neck
not the mouth

-quinsy drainage = give local anaesthetic and go

-ludwig’s angina = raised floor of mouth + trismus, generally caused by dental infections, worry
about airway – give IV Abx and steroids

-mastoiditis pushes ears out

-big three of ent = otitis externa, epistaxis, tonsillitis

-epistaxis = frozen peas on the forehead

-bleeding point in nose  silver nitrate stick blot it on the there

-bipp can be used in epistaxis

-rapid rhinos = nasal tampons

-peri-orbital cellulitis  test red vision, examine for meningitis, chandler’s classification

-pott’s puffy tumour = osteomyelitis of the frontal bone

-pars flaccida = where choleastomoma tends to be, pars tensa = where perf tends to be

-endoral/preauricular scar = scar from top of tragus to root of helix

-if you are looking for ear scars, must look in pre and post auricular

-hold pinna downwards for the child and upwards for an adult

-tympanosclerosis = calcium deposition on TM, benign condition, asymptomatic, occurs most likely
following trauma – will be asked in osce to draw the distribution of tympanosclerosis that you see

-estimate dB loss based on distance away

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