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Andrew Quiroz

Professor Moore

ENGL 1302

13 August 2019

Hillary Clinton: The Power of a Women

Hillary Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 26th, 2019 and has been an

influential figure for the U.S. Senate, as well as a leader for many women across the United

States. Attending Yale Law School, becoming the First Lady, serving as the U.S. Senator for 8

years, and as well as running for presidency this last election. Hillary Clinton has more than

completed what she has dreamed of and thought she could accomplish. Not only does her resume

surprise the eyes of many, but she is also an influential speaker and a voice for many women

across the United States. The Unites Nations 4th Annual World Conference on Women Plenary

Session, Hillary Clinton was selected to speak on issues that matter most in our lives. During the

time of the speech, Women’s Rights are often overlooked and not receive the same respect

women receive in todays day in age. Through connections with her audience, the tone of her

voice, the use of Logos and Ethos, and the way she presents herself to her audience during the 4th

Annual World Conference on Women, she argues that women’s rights are human rights and

women have done more than enough to show people across the world to help protect and respect

their rights.

By greeting and thanking for her invitation to the event, as well as the opportunity to

speak in the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, Hillary Clinton acknowledges

the notable individuals that have attended to view her speech. For Hillary’s Clintons speech, she

is asked to speak upon issues that are occurring across in the world, especially with this
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conference speaking on the topic of women. Hillary Clinton opens up her speech by celebrating

the contributions women make on a daily basis and names just some of the jobs and duties

women across the world complete. Hilary Clinton comes in with an objective, and tries to

connect with her audience by showing that she as well deals with many problems’ women face

even today. Building a connection with the audience helps Clinton speech to become more

intriguing and grabs the attention of the people listening since she as well can relate to the topic

being discussed. In an article from it talks about the importance of building a

connection with your audience, the article states that “connecting to your audience will allow

you to understand their reactions, wants, and needs”. Being able to completely understand your

audience gives you great feedback, as well as what your audience wants to be seeing and

hearing. The article also states that this feedback can help your conversation stay intriguing and

even constructive criticism for you to change your speech to adapt to the audiences wants and

needs. Hilary Clinton came prepared and understood the environment that will be presenting her

speech and took full advantage of connecting with her audience.

Hilary Clinton isn’t shy about getting her point across to her audience either, she uses her

strong persuasive voice to get her audience to buy into what she is saying. Hillary’s Clinton tone

through some parts of the speech can be found to be serious and determined. Mrs. Clinton shows

this by not being shy of her word selection, words like rape, death, and violence are said many

times throughout the speech to show that these words are becoming common with women across

the world. Sadly, topics like these are coming up more often with women than we would like to

hear and see about, but Mrs. Clinton is persistent to getting her point across to her audience. She

also urges her audience to make moves that will help improve or fix problems many women are

dealing with today, some examples found in the speech are “we must” and “let’s not forget”.
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These examples found in Mrs. Clintons speech are to tell the audience to step up and be the

change for better women’s rights. Hillary Clintons determined attitude and tone towards her

audience gives her speech the strength it needs and effectiveness to reach more people listening.

Strong levels Logos and Ethos can also be found throughout the speech in very effective

ways. Hillary Clinton uses all these rhetorical devices well in her speech to have herself look and

sound more appealing when speaking. Many examples of Logos in the speech can be represented

by facts and statistics, one example is when she credits herself with many things, she has done

throughout her life to help contribute to the Women Rights Movement. She states “persistently

I’ve been working on issues with women and families” by letting her audience know about her

works gives her name more meaning when she reads her speech, and people tend to listen more

to people with well acknowledgeable names. She also uses Ethos in her speech to reach a bigger

audience with an ethical connection with Women’s Rights. Ethos and the tone of her voice help

make her argument for better women rights even stronger. She states “it’s a violation of women

rights” as well as “every woman deserves the chance to realize her God given potential”. These

examples found in the speech show that ethically women aren’t given the same treatment and are

unable to reach their god given purpose in life. Her tone in the speech also grabs the audience’s

attention to get help for what she is fighting for.

Hillary Clinton effectively uses rhetorical devices throughout her speech to help reach the

audience as well as the voice to get women to do something to improve Women’s Rights. Hillary

Clinton now is an influential speaker and leader for the Women Rights Movements and many

people, especially women, use her speech as a stepping stone to the many improvements to come

for Women, and their God given rights.

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