December 2019 Newsletter

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CJF Ministries®

PO Box 345
San Antonio, Texas 78292-0345 “God has not forgotten the Jewish people, and neither have we.”

December 2019
Telephone Dear CJFM Friend,
(210) 226 - 0421
Recently, a local San Antonio congregation celebrated its 50th anniversary.
Their theme for the occasion was taken from Psalm 78:4, “We will tell it to the
Fax next generation.” That was both a statement of remembrance and a promise
(210) 226 - 2140 for the future.
CJFM passed our 50-year milestone long ago, but we, too, share that commit-
ment to “tell it to the next generation.” Psalm 78 reminds us that we have an
E-mail obligation—a solemn, biblical obligation—to pass on our knowledge of God and His ways to the next generation. This is especially true in the work of Jew-
ish evangelism. A recent survey conducted by the American Jewish Committee
reported that 85 percent of American Jewish people feel anti-Semitism is on
the rise in America (yes, in America!), and a full third of respondents are now
(800) 926 - 5397 reluctant to wear a kippah in public or otherwise identify themselves publicly
as Jewish. Such growing fears among the Jewish people present new challenges
Website for Jewish evangelism. No matter the obstacles, CJF Ministries is committed to reaching the Jewish
people with the Gospel in every generation until the Lord returns. Our evangelism
efforts must also be coupled with a renewed focus on educating the Church and
the rest of the non-Jewish world about God’s love for the Jewish people and His
plan for them. We must also recruit and train a new generation of Messianic evan-
gelists and leaders, ensuring that they are thoroughly prepared to continue this
crucial work. There is much to be done.
We are so grateful for your continuing partnership in all aspects of this ministry.
We hope the Lord gives us many more years to serve Him, but (unless He should
return first) the day will come when we all must pass the baton to the next gen-
eration. Now is the time to consider how we can best influence that generation for
Messiah and His work.
May God richly bless you for your love of the Jewish people and your faithful sup-
port of this ministry. We wish you a blessed holiday season, and a peaceful and
productive new year in Yeshua, our Messiah!
Until He comes!

Gary Hedrick
by Rob Styler

There has been a lot of discussion recently about the next generation. This is especially true in
churches and, even more importantly, for those of us in Messianic congregations. The current
generation of leaders is getting ready to step back from leadership. Is the upcoming generation
prepared to step forward?
Shockingly, little has been done to help prepare the next generation for leadership. There is a
growing void between seasoned leaders and their successors. However, we at CJF Ministries
understand this problem and are ready to help train a new generation for leadership. We have
developed a program called Leading Others (LO).
Leading Others is a two-year mentorship program in partnership with local Messianic congre-
gations or compatible churches. Leading Others seeks to help with the need for next generation
leaders. The program will have two main tracks: Pastoral and Evangelistic.
How does this work in a practical sense? Candidates work with the congregation as their
primary ministry for CJFM. We have been looking to Bible colleges and seminaries for
potential candidates.

Rob with Kyle G after his graduation.

Rob Styler

This is a unique program designed to meet the needs of millennials. We see three main areas
of concern to millennials today:
• Community
• Mentorship
• Real Ministry
Our goal in the program is to address each of these. First, by having the candidates become a part
of a Messianic congregation, each candidate will be a part of that community. Second, having the
congregational leader make a commitment to mentor the candidate assures that knowledge will
be passed on from one generation to the next. Third, LO candidates will have an opportunity to
be involved in all areas of ministry. They will be able to participate in Bible studies and teaching,
and to sit in on leadership meetings.
At the present time we have successfully completed our first pilot program. Kyle G graduated
in September and has gone on into fulltime ministry. We have two other young men enrolled,
both Israelis, who are studying in the US and will be returning to Israel, one at the end of this
year and the second, returning next year.
I’m sure you can see the benefits of this groundbreaking program. I hope you are as excited as
I am for the future of reaching God’s Chosen People through congregations and churches with
well-trained and experienced leaders.
One very generous donor has seen to it that Leading Others can begin and be established on solid
footing. Thanks to this gift, we will be able to train several more candidates right away. With
time, however, we will need your help. In the meantime, you can play a critical role in the success
of this program. We need your prayers. Evangelism, especially Jewish evangelism, is a special
calling and can become a spiritual battle. Please pray that God would plant a love for the Jewish
people in the hearts of the next generation and that we would be wise in the selection of congre-
gations and candidates for this program. Your faithful prayers and support will ensure that the
Messianic Movement has well-trained and well-equipped leaders for generations to come. What
a blessing to know that the important work of Jewish evangelism will continue.
I would be happy to speak with you about this exciting new program and to answer any questions
you may have. You may email me at: or call me at (602) 769-1133. Together we
can have an impact on the next generation of leaders, both in the US and in Israel.

Rob Styler
is director of misions for
CJF Ministries.


On August 22, 2019, our dear brother and colleague, Midwest Representative Mike Campo,
passed from this life into the wonderful presence of the Savior he dearly loved and faithfully
served for more than 35 years. He is now receiving the reward for his labor. Although Mike is
gone, the work is not yet finished, and a new workman has been called to continue the task. Sea-
soned pastor, church planter, and conference speaker, Michael Campo Jr. (who, like his father,
dearly loves Israel and the Jewish people), is already building upon the work his father so ably
began. We look forward to Michael exercising his unique gifts on behalf of Jewish evangelism
and the work of CJF Ministries. Please pray for Michael as he begins this new endeavor. (You
can learn more about Michael Campo Jr. at

Bangor Bay

Since childhood, Jewish believer Robert Weissman and his wife, Rosamund, have called London their home. It
also had been the center of their ministry for CJFM. But changing demographics, declining cultural norms, and
growing anti-Semitism have taken their toll. Jewish people, once the largest non-Anglo-Saxon population in Lon-
don, are today the smallest. Many churches who were open to biblical teaching about God’s plan for Israel and
the Jewish people have closed their doors. Robert found he could no longer safely drive anywhere. While doors
for ministry in London have closed, new possibilities have opened in Northern Ireland, where Robert’s ministry
has been welcomed in the past.
A few months ago, Robert and Rosamund left Great Britain and moved into their own home in a small village west
of Bangor, County Down, Northern Ireland. Although locals take a little time to warm up to newcomers, Robert is
already involved in three different men’s groups, and Rosamund will be hosting her new circle of friends in their
home, teaching them about Bible prophecy.
Since very few Jewish people live in this area of Northern Ireland, Robert expects his new ministry to focus on
preaching and teaching in the churches. These churches are considered the spiritual powerhouses of Europe,
known for their zeal for God’s Word. Formal opportunities for Robert to speak should materialize soon, and in
the meantime, he is preparing a leaflet describing how churches should regard the Jewish community and Israel.
He will also be holding his first set of meetings shortly. Please pray for Robert and Rosamund as they begin this
new phase of Jewish ministry.

The Long Hole in Bangor



Part of our ministry in the former Soviet Union is to assist Messianic congre-
gations with humanitarian aid. Five times a year (during the Jewish holidays),
the Messianic congregations in Belarus and Ukraine provide food packages
to those in need. The ones helped by these food packages are primarily Jew-
ish (85-90 percent) and are either Messianic congregation members or regu-
lar attendees who are known to have the greatest needs. With our assistance,
these congregations also supply medicines on a monthly basis. The congre-
gations themselves purchase the prescriptions and distribute them, rather
than giving money directly to individuals. Our contributions do not cover the
entire cost of the medicines by any means, but in this small way, we are able
to assist 30-40 people monthly to some degree. Recently, we were able to
increase our gifts to this humanitarian fund but would like to do even more.
Perhaps you would be willing to help? The need is great.

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