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Diana Zendejas

Personal Statement

Prompt​: The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later
success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you,
and what did you learn from the experience?

My name is Diana Zendejas a senior at foshay learning center and threw out my life time
there was an obstacle that caused a setback to me was when recently not that long ago my old
1st grade she was also my 2nd grade teacher passed away this year it caused a huge setback
to me because she was someone really important to me and she always wanted the best for me
when I would always go and visit her. It was a setback because I would always feel sad about it
and always had my mind set on how she didn’t deserve to leave at a very young time she still
had a lot ahead of her so it really had an affect on me emotionally and mentally . And in school I
always just wanted to do nothing because I would just think and wish I had more time with my
teacher because she was to me like another mother and would just talk to me about how she
really wants me to be really successful and pursue the career that I want which is becoming a
veterinarian. And she would always be the one to talk to me about college and how I can always
come to her if I needed help when I would go visit her she seen me mature and practically grow
throughout my elementary years and when I would see her through my middle school and high
school years, but one thing she always told me was that I can overcome every single challenge
no matter how hard it might be I can get through it. And she was really right because whenever I
feel like I can’t take it anymore and I feel over stressed, I think about what advice she would tell
me and I would just remember it and just put all that motivation because I want to put everything
for her and as well for my mom. I feel like I can owe that to her for everything she talked to me
about and what she had taught me.

The way I learned from this on how it affected me is that I know she is still somewhere still
telling me to keep going and aim for what I want and to never give up or to not ever settle for
less. And it taught me that I will have to overcome a lot of losses as much as it will hurt me and
affect me I will have to move forward and adjust to a change which is to better myself to my
teacher. Therefore causing me to become successful and dedicate everything I do to my
teacher that I really did see as a big role mode. And I personally feel that it was a challenge I did
face because I was really affected by the astonishing news that I received from my mom that my
teacher had passed away. The reason to why it was a challenge is due to the fact that it did
cause me to really procrastinate because I felt a sense of sadness and depression that did hurt
me emotionally. What I learned from this experience is that I am strong to overpass anything
and really fight through what I was emotionally going threw. And as well being able to not let my
emotions fully get to me when involving school, or it will have a huge affect on my school work.
Which is what I want to prevent since I really do want to be successful and get into really good
Diana Zendejas

Personal Statement
schools. So this meaning that I really learned the true meaning of responsibility and overcoming
issues of problems and seeing them as something motivational and positive.

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