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Answer 1


It defines the aim or purpose of the research .for example: a researcher wants to know the impact of
advertisement on purchase intention .this research has a purposive focus

2. Rigor Rigor connotes carefulness, scrupulousness, and the degree of exactitude in research
investigations. For example we ask from 15 people about the how impact of advertisement influences
their purchase intention this research lacks rigor because the conclusions are incorrectly drawn because
they are based on the responses of just a few customers whose opinions may not be representative of
those of the entire customer groups.

3. Testability. Testability is a property that applies to the hypotheses of a study. For example if we want
to know the impact on internet on academic performance this can be tested.

4. Reliability. Have more faith in the findings of a study if the findings are replicated in another study.
Replication demonstrates that our hypotheses have not been supported merely by chance, but are
reflective of the true state of affairs in the population. If we find out in 3 studies that academic
performance is declined by use of gadgets then reliability measure is there.

5. Precision and confidence. Precision refers to the closeness of the findings to “reality” based on a
sample. In other words, precision reflects the degree of accuracy or exactitude of the results on the
basis of the sample, to what really exists in the universe. Confidence refers to the probability that our
estimations are correct. If we want to throw a ball on ground anywhere this is confidence but if there is
a circle made in ground and ball has to be thrown to that part only this will be precision

6. Objectivity. The conclusions drawn through the interpretation of the results of data analysis should be
objective; that is, they should be based on the facts of the findings derived from actual data, and not on
our own subjective or emotional values. The results of the study that murders in 2017 in Pakistan were
79% should be based on statistical data not on emotional data that India has a hand in this.

7. Generalizability. Generalizability refers to the scope of applicability of the research findings in one
organizational setting to other settings. For example the reasons that a particular university students
feel tired are due to less flexibility in timings this might be applicable to other university students

8. Parsimony refers to the phenomena of simplicity. Parsimony can be introduced with a good
understanding of the problem and the important factors that influence it.if we want to know where our
sales fall in between 30 to 40% and the answer is 35% this will be more simpler as compared setting a
range of 30% to 70%.

Answer 2

Literature review tells us about the methodology, ideas, relevant findings and conclusions about
researchable topic. The research effort is positioned relative to existing knowledge and builds on this
knowledge .it helps researchers by providing a future direction which helps us to determine the gap
between the existing contributions and the contributions that are yet to me provides us with
the information of research methods such as use of qualitative or quantitative data tells us about
sampling size which are important in research. Literature review helps us to look at a problem with a
specific angle. a critical review of the literature sparks many useful insights on the research topic; it
allows us to work in an expert manner, to make informed decisions, and to benefit from existing
knowledge in many different ways.

Answer number 3

The difference between nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales are as follows:

Nominal; a nominal scale is one that allows to assign subjects to certain categories or groups. For
example if we want to know the males and female strength in a class we might assign categories to male
as 1 and females as 2 these numbers are not of any significant importance. If we want to know the
various culture in Pakistan we might categorize Sindhi as 1 Punjabi as 2 etc. these are just the categories.

Ordinal scale: an ordinal scale not only categorizes the variables in such a way as to represent
differences among the various categories, it also rank-orders the categories in meaningful way. For
example if we want to rank people on the basis of income they earn this can provide us with ranking
order from most rich to rich ,neutral and poor. Note that the ordinal scale does not give any indication
of the magnitude of the differences among the rank.

Interval scale: in an interval scale the difference between two subsequent values should always be
equal. We can use any arbitrary values but the main theme of interval ratio is that it should have the
same difference between its values.

Intention to purchase

Not interested 1

Merely interested 2

Neutral 3

Moderately interest 4

Interested 5

The difference between all the subsequent values is 1.

The interval scale it is a more powerful scale than the nominal and ordinal scales, because measure of
central tendency the arithmetic mean. Its measures of dispersion are the range, the standard deviation,
and the interval ratio 0 doesn’t have a significance.

Ratio scale:

Ratio scale overcomes the disadvantage of the arbitrary origin point of the interval scale, in that it has
an absolute (in contrast to an arbitrary) zero point, which is a meaningful measurement point. Thus, the
ratio scale not only measures the magnitude of the differences between points on the scale but also
taps the proportions in the differences. For example if we say that the answer to correlation between
variables is 0 in ratio scale this has definite meaning which says that there exists no correlation between
the variables.

Answer 4

Research objective:

The purpose of the research is to determine the impact of lifestyle factors such as heart disorders and
depression on consumer intention to purchase organic food

Research questions;

1. What is the impact of heart disorders on the consumer intention to purchase organic food?

2. What is the impact of depression on the customer intention to purchase organic food?

3. What is the relationship of lifestyle factors and intention to purchase organic food?

4. What is the relationship between hearth disorders and intention to purchase organic food?

5. What is the relationship between depression and intention to purchase organic food?

6. What is the impact of lifestyle factors on customer intention to purchase organic food?

7. When does the impact of lifestyle factors influence customer intention to purchase organic food?

3. The population for this research is health conscious people

4. Non random sampling technique will be used because we don’t have a population framework
moreover purposive sampling will be conducted to see the health consumer’s preference for buying
organic food.

5. This data will be collected by circulating a questionnaire to the target population

6. Since we are studying the impact we will run regression test as it identifies the cause and effect
relationship.reliabilty and validity analysis will also be conducted.

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