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IDTH Institute™ FL Lecture: 14.11 Burnability of Clinker Z00Z 4eulWag UOHONpOsY JUBWIAD /eUO!eUJE}U] BY | MIDTH Institute” TABLE OF CONTENTS ICPS LECTURE 14.11 BURNABILITY 1, INTRODUCTION 2. BURNABILITY OF CEMENT RAW MIXES 3. DETERMINATION OF BURNABILITY.. 3.1. THEFLS BURNABILITY LABorATORY TEST.... 3.2 THE FLS BURNABILITY FORMULA 3.2.1 FLS Burnability expression: Coarse Grains - Determination... 3.2.3 Changing the Burnabiltty...usssssoernsse 3.3. PLANT BURNABILITY FORMULA FOR BURNABILITY CONTROL 3.3.1 The Plant formula 3.3.2 Necessary tests au the plant using the Plant Burnatbility Formula j.....osreo- ML 4. CLINKER FORMATION... 4.1 INTRODUCTION. " si 4.2 CHEMISTRY — EFFECT ON NODULISATION. 5. CASE STORIES/EXAMPLES.. 5.1 EFFECT OF INCREASING FEED FINENESS . 5.2 IMMEDIATE BENERTS BY IMPROVING BURNABILITY... 5.3 PETCOKE BURNING ....... 5.4 VARIATIONS IN CLINKER QUALITY .. 5.5 HIGH FREE CAO IN CLINKER 6, CONCLUSION... 7. COMMENTS TO APPENDIX: BURNABILITY AT A GLANCE Figures: 1-14, 8 pages Appendix: Burnability at a Glance MIDTH Institute” HOW CHANGES IN BURNABILITY INFLUENCE KILN OPERATION AND CLINKER QUALITY 1, INTRODUCTION Changing the kiln feed into clinker involves a number of processes, which occur as the material passes through the kiln system, The main objective is to produce a steady flow of clinker with uniform and predictable quality, simultaneously using a minimum amount of energy and avoiding expensive and time consuming kiln and cooler breakdowns. ‘The following problems related to burnability and/or operation of the kiln may be encountered: © High free Cao ¢ Low orunacceptable cement strength © Clinker with grindability problems © Brown clinker © Dusty or large clinker © High NOx or SO; -emissions © High fuel consumption and © Short refractory life. ‘To avoid the problems and achieve the best possible control of the kiln, is necessary to identify the most important parameters that influence the processes in the kiln, the reactions of the ‘material passing through the kiln system, as well as the clinker properties. Figure 1 illustrates some of the parameters influencing bumsbility and some of the results. The questions we will deal with in this lecture are: © What do you need to know in order to deal with the problems and understand the options? © Which parameters czn be controlled at the plant? How can FLS help? Kiln production and output depend on mainly two things: 1. Kila feed Burnability and 2. Kiln Operation MIDTH Institute” It should be remembered that if the burnabilily is not satisfactory, no Burnermaster or automatic contiol systems would be able to produce good quality clinker in an economical way. 2. BURNABILITY OF CEMENT RAW MIXES ‘The chemical reactions needed from the kiln feed are the formation of the hydraulic minerals C3, C28, C3A and C,AF, and these minerals are important for the final cement quality. The cement properties depend not only on the potential quantity of these minerals in the clinker, as deiermined by the chemical composition of the kiln feed, but also on the degree of reaction, meaning to what extent do the reactions proceed in the material. An important parameter in this connection is the burnability of the kiln feed. The Burnability is defined as the readiness by which the components in the feed react to form the desired clinker minerals. However, as the quantity of clinker minerals formed is difficult to measure, the burnability is measured by the non-reacted CaO in the clinker, the so-called free CuO. How and where in the kiln are these all-important clinker minerals formed? ‘The reactions in the kiln are shown schematically in Figure 2. In order to simplify the process, the starting materials on the left entering the kiln are limited to Limestone (CaCO;), Sand (SiO;), Clay and Iron ore (AlsOs and Fe:Os) giving the chemical components needed for the 4 main clinker minerals. After calcination in the calciner or at appr. 900°C in a Jong kiln, a high content of free CaO has been formed from the calcite, the clay has lost its crystal water, but very litle has happened to the quartz particles in the feed. Atappr, 120°C a large part of the free CaO has reacted with Silica from the clay forming C.S, but there is still free CaO left, and there may very well be unreacted quartz left in the feed also. ‘At appr. 1300 ~ 1350°C liquid starts 10 form, and at that point the formation of C3S is also beginning, because the reaction: GS + CaO => CS MIDTH Institute” is diffusion controlled and needs the liquid phase to proceed at a reasonable rate ‘At some point the reaction stops and cooling starts. If the cooling is fairly rapid, the content of CxS remains unchanged, and so does the free CxO and CS. If the cooling is slow or reducing conditions prevail in parts of the kiln, some of the C:S may decompose to C2S - the so-called cooling belite If cooling belite is seen in the microscope, the cooling rate (bumer position) should be checked and/or the Ox/CO contents in the kiln gasses. ‘The clinker coming from the kiln contains C3S, some C:S as well as liquid phase consisting of a ‘mixture of C;A and C,AF. Most clinker also contains some free CaO. It should be remembered that the main goal is to form C3S, because this is giving us most of what is required: STRENGTH, The reaction to form C38 requires time, temperature and liquid phase. If the burnability is not good, higher temperatures, more time or liquid phase are needed in order to burn 10 a reasonable content of free CaO and C58. It is therefor evident that the conditions in the kiln are determined by the burnability of the feed, if a certain clinker free CaO is used as target. 3. DETERMINATION OF BURNABILITY In principle there are three methods for determining burnability, as explaine Figure 3: 1. FLS Burnability Laboratory Test 2, ELS Burnability Formula and 3. Cement Plant Burnability Formula for Burnability Control 3.1 The FLS Burnability Laboratory Test “The burnability is determined in the FLS laboratory on a small representative sample of the kiln feed or on a specially designed raw mix, using the raw materials from the plant ‘The procedure used in the FLS-laboratory consists essentially of an isothermal treatment of the calcined raw meal, one part at 1400°, another at 1450° and a third at 1500°C, all for a 30-minute period. The procedure is shown schematically in Figure 4. The raw mix ground to the desired MIDTH Institute” fineness, adjusted with coal ash if coal is used as fuel, is nodulized and dried before caleination. After cooling, the content of free lime in the clinker burned at the three temperatures is determined. The results are compared to those of well-known standard samples similarly treated and from this comparison and the background knowledge and experience of many years, the bumnability is determined. The composition of the mix as well as the fineness is varied in order ty in view of availability and cost of the raw materials as well as to determine the best bumzbi the grinding capacity and the kiln system In order to explain the various burmability results and to improve the bumability most efficiently and economically, we have developed a PLS Burnability Formula. This method and the background for it will be described in the following. 3.2 The FLS Burnability Formula Everybody, who has been involved with bumability questions, knows that chemical composition alone (mainly LSF and Ms) will not necessarily be the determining factor for the burnability. Kiln feeds with exactly the seme chemistry and fineness, will often have different burnabilities. This is due to the fact that raw mix samples from different plants normally will have different mineralogy: they contain different quantities and types of coarse grains ~ grains within the time and temperature available in the kiln - thereby eis that will not react to form leaving too much free CaO in the clinker. Itis a The burnability of a raw mix depends on bork chemistry and mineralogy Consequently, the FLS formula for determining bumability (actually the residual free CaO in the clinker) includes both the raw mix chemistry and the coarse grains. ‘The importance of the coarse grains is self-explanatory, when studying clinker under the microscope, where it is easy to see that some grains do not react easily. But first you need to see a normal clinker as it appears under the microscope as illustrated in Figure 5. Here some clusters of free CaO and CS are seen as well as C38, which is the most abundant, while Figure 6 shows an example of a homogeneous clinker with well distributed C:S and C:S. Figure 7a shows a large typical coarse calcite grain and in the next micrograph Figure 7b, this calcite grain is converted to a large free CaO cluster in the clinker. Similarly we see a coarse MIDTH Institute~ quartz grain in Figure 8a being converted to a large C,S cluster in Figure 8b. In both cases the coarse grains have been too large to be converted to C3$ in the kiln. For raw mixes/kiln feeds bumed under laboratory conditions, it has been found that the residual free lime in the clinker is a sum of contributions from certain coarse grains in the raw mix and from the chemical composition of that mix. Tests of various types in our Iaboratory have shown that different burnability formulas can be used to calculate the free CaO in the clinker after burning at different temperatures. A fairly simple example is shown below: 3.2.1 FLS Burnability expression: CaO 0c = 0.33 (LSF-95) + 2 (MS-2.3) +0.95 O s45ym + 0.56 C s1354m CaO, means the calculated clinker jree CaO afier a specified burning at 1400°C LSF is the ratio between CaO and (2,8*SiO;+1.2*Al:O5+0.7*F e203) Ms i the ato benween SiOz and (AL Op+ 02) Hee eet Ovesia means quarts grains larger than 45um, and Foss mush Biwi phase > bide. Cor255m means calcite grains larger than 125m (lanza. posrta gram There are similar equations at 1450 and 1500°C, All formulas calculate the free CaO, as it would be from the ELS laboratory test described previously, 3.2.2 Coarse Grains - Determination The question is, how do we determine, what is a coarse grain? The content of the coarse particles in the raw mix is determined in the polarizing microscope. The course quartz is determined in the acid insoluble residue +45pm as seen in Figure 9. The quartz particles are multicolored. The coarse calcite (here seen with stripes) is determined in the residue +125pm as seen in Figure 10. In this micrograph a very coarse multicolored quartz. grain in seen in the right center of the micrograph. 3.2.3 Changing the Burnability ‘The formula in section 3.2.1 is one of several burnability formulas published over the years. Some are more sophisticated, but for purposes of illustration we will deal with this one in the following and show, how it can be used for evaluating and changing the bumability if needed. MIDTH Institute” ‘The main use of the formula is not to calculate the exact bumability, but to identify the origin of burnabil as well as for evaluating and comparing the effect of different raw materials. ity problems and how to deal with them in the most economical and practical way Achieving good burnability is more important than ever, considering the development in kiln design. Long wet and dry (preheater) kilns could bum almost anything to an acceptable free CaO using high temperature or long residence time or high fuel consumption. This is, however, not possible to the same extent for the modem systems with short kilns. In Figure 11 is a chart showing the bumnability of a kiln feed and calculated effects of a variety of changes to the raw mix. The free CaO at 1400°C is shown, and the contributions from LSF and Ms as well as the coarse quartz +45jum and the coarse calcite +125ym are also shown. Each example builds on the previous raw mix burnability change: 1. This particular raw mix is rather coarse; it has a sieving residue of 17% on 90m. It is seen that the contribution to the free CaO comes mainly from the coarse calcite. In order to improve the bumability, it is an obvious choice to try grinding the mix finer, Finer grinding results in a beter bumability (lower free CaO), The improvement will mainly originate from less coarse calcite, because calcite being a rather soft material will be more affected by grinding than quartz, Finer grinding is of course only an option, if the mill has the necessary capacity. As this is not enough to achicve the burnability we want, LSF is decreased. This improves the bumability, because the contribution from part of the chemistry is removed, however this will result in less C3$ and lower strength of the finished cement, if free CaO remains unchanged. 4. Here is a change in the raw mix composition, and a resulting decrease in the silica ratio Ms improves burnability without having a serious effect on the resulting. strength. However a slight effect is unavoidable, although a simultaneous decrease in Ma would make it almost non-existing, 5. At this plant there was a possibility of using another sand material. The two sand samples had almost exactly the same chemical composition, so this possibility had not been examined before, as everybody thought it would be uninteresting. By examining the sample it tumed out that the other sand had much smaller quartz grains than the original MIDTH Institute” fone, making the mix easier to burn, because we decrease the resulting coarse quartz in the raw mix. Finally it turned out that LSF had to be changed back to the original level in order to retain the strength wanted. The mix is still hard to burn, but it is acceptable considering the raw materials and the desired clinker chemistry, the kiln system and the limited mill capacity ‘The obvious choice now - considering that most of the contribution to the problem burnability is still coarse calcite — is to upgrade the mill so that the considerable contribution of coarse calcite decreases to a normal level resulting in normal burnability. “The example above was constructed (o illustrate the way the burnability formula may be used. In many cases various possibilities have to be explored in order to find the combination of changes best suited to the plant, its raw materials, their cost and availability and the kiln system. ‘The practical implications of this bumability formula is that a deerease of one of the following parameters will decrease the free CaO by approximately 1% at 1400°C (this is only strictly correct if it were possible to change one parameter without affecting the others): Decrease of: 3 LSF or 0.5 Ms or 2% Coarse Calcite +125pm or 1% Coarse Quartz, + 45m, will decrease clinker free CaO by 1% total at 1400 [As neither specialists in microscopy nor the necessary equipment are available in most cement plants, we have developed 2 bumability formula for use in the plant. It is possible to use the total acid insoluble residue 4+45j4m and the total residue on 125jm combined with the mix chemisiry as guidelines for monitoring the bumability as seen in the following. MIDTH Institute 3.3 Plant Burnability Formula for Burnability Control 3.3.1 The Plant specific formula ‘At the cement plant, it is very important to be able to follow and control the bumability, For that purpose we have developed a Bumability Formula that can be prepared for a specific plant for use only at that plant. In order to make this formula user friendly, only analyses easily made at the plant have been included. For calculation of the free CaO in the plant clinker a formula could be like the one seen below. CaO js000¢ = 0.33 LSF+2.5 Ms + K1 * Ac- s5um + K2 * Rez2syn +X where LSF and Ms are values from chemical analyses already available from the plant laboratory, and KI and K2 are plant specific constants between approximately 0 and 1, depending on the special mineralogy of the raw mix Absiun i the acid insoluble residue on 45m determined by wet sieving Rim is the sieving residue on 125m also determined by wet sieving and x is a constant of normally between -30 and -40 ‘The reason why the same constants can not he used for different plants is quite simple: © The residue on 125m contains on average 70% coarse calcite grains. However depending on the type of calcite, the mix fineness and the other components in the mix, the coarse calcite content in this fraction varies between 50 and 95% © The acid (acetic acid) insoluble fraction +45zm on the other hand contains not only quartz, but also quite a number of other ingredients (Figure 13). Some are very easy to burn as hematite, bauxite or clay, all acting like flux, and some are quite difficult to burn like quartz and feldspar. The latter is illustrated in the graph in Figure 12. The graph shows the quartz +45ym as well as the acid insoluble residue +45 jm for different cement plant raw mixes. The coarse quartz content increases gradually from left to right and is between 0.3 and 4.2%, while the insoluble resichie varies at random between 0.5 and 10% without any correlation to the quartz content. ED chan How vi 2 forme las rac New 10 MIDTH Institute~ From the graph it is noted that a residue of over 9% may mean that the mix contains 1.3% coarse quartz, while a residue as low as 3.3% may mean that the mix contains as much us 2.3% quartz. In actual fact the quartz content may vary as much as between 3 and 70% of the acid insoluble residue. In practical terms this means that a large acid insoluble residue does not mean that the content of coarse quartz is high, while of course a very low residue can never be really bad for the burnability. With these differences in mind it is not difficult ta understand that a burnability formula using just the residues has to be determined for the specific plant in order to determine the mineral composition of the residues, while the FLS formula using the real mineralogy of the sample can be used for any raw mix. 3.3.2 Necessary tests at the plant using the Plant Burnabitity Formula When the specific plant bumability formula has been determined, the plant tests are quite simple: © The raw mix chemistry is determined in the laboratory as always and as usual including calculations of LSF and Ms. Furthermore © Wet sieving results on 125m and acid insoluble residues on 45m are needed on a regular basis. The main contents of a raw mix are shown in Figure 13. By treatment with acetic acid only calcite is removed, while dolomite stays. Treatment with dilute hydrochloric acid, HCI, will remove all carbonates leaving fluxes (bauxite, hematite and clays ete.) as well as the difficult to bum grains (quartz and ccasse silicates as feldspar etc.). When FLS has carried out the microscopy and determined all the different minerals contributing to the bumability, microscopy is not necessary to do at the plant for general burnability control When the chemistry- and sieving-results are known, they can be used in the specific plant formula to calculate the bumability, It is recommended to monitor the different contributions to the free CaO graphically. In that way any undue variations or trends in sieving residues or chemistry will be easily noticeable. WL MIDTH Institute™ 4. CLINKER FORMATION 4.1 Introduction By clinker formation we mean the physical agglomeration process leading to clinker nodules approximately 2-20 mm in size. Failure to control the clinker formation need not influence the resulting cement quality, but dusty, fine grained clinker seriously endangers satisfactory maintenance free operation of grate coolers and generally strongly reduces the brick life in the burning zone of the kiln, Dust retumed from the clinker cooler often leads to the formation of a porous, unstable and pumice-like coating on the brick lining, instead of the desired dense, stable coating. Furthermore, the handling of very dusty clinker is problematic and the grindability is often inferior to that of a coarser, dust free clinker. The clinker in Figure 14 is a high porosity dusty clinker. This type of clinker is often characterized by large C3S crystals grown together and partially held together by “bridges” of liquid phase, Dust may be caused by C3S growth due to high burning temperatures or overburning. Itis of interest to discuss whether and if so how this type of clinker can be avoided. MIDTH Institute” 4,2 Chemistry — Effect on Nodulization ‘The clinker liquid phase is of utmost importance regarding agglomeration/nodulization, and so is the chemistry in general. A certain quantity of liquid phase is needed for the burnability but also for successful agglomeration. 20 15 1300 1400 1500 4 8 2% Liquid as a function of the Temperature ‘An example of the formation of liquid phase as a function of temperature is shown in the graph above. The main portion of the liquid phase is formed within a short temperature interval at a temperature of approximately 1330°C. As the temperature increases further, the quantity of liquid phase only increases slightly, The silica ratio Ms is important, determining the quantity of liquid, while the elumina ratio Ma is determining the temperature, where the liquid starts to form, If nodulization is a problem in a kiln, it may be worth while to have a closer lock at the clinker chemistry and the effect of possible changes, “The raw mix chemistry in 3 different cases is shown below, and the change in the quantity of liquid phase and the effect on nodulization is explained and shown graphically on the next page: B MIDTH Institute Raw Mix No 1 2 3 LSF 98 98 98> 94 Ms 32 [32326 26 Ma 2.0316 2.0 20 By decreasing Ma from 2.0 to 1.6, meaning that we increase the iron content relative to alumina, the total quantity of liquid phase is not changed. However, the liquid phase starts to form at a lower temperature in the kiln, thereby making the nodulization start earlier leaving more time for nodulization and resulting in improved agglomeration and less dust. By decreasing Ms - more (alumina + iron) relative to silica - from 3.2 to 2.6 more liquid phase is formed, in this case approximately 3% total. This will improve nodulization dramatically. At the same time bumability will improve, resulting in a need for lower burning temperature and thereby less potential C38 crystal growth ~ all helping nodulization. However problems will occur, if there is no change in the buming intensity .S content, but not in the kiln at the same time. Changing Ms does affect the potential C: much, especially if Ma is decreased at the same time. Finally LSF is decreased from 98 to 94, ‘This increases the liquid phase only slightly: 1 % total. Even though the increase is small, the experience is that nodulization is improved. The reason is that improved bumability will require lower buming temperatures and potentially less C38 growth and less dust. However changes in LSF will affect clinker quality as previously mentioned, a MIDTH Institute” ALO. 100 "100 7800 Te md Dmg :28:LSF=98: 0% tig ~ Ma+2.0- Marte @ Ma+2.0;LSF98; 2% lie ~ Mg+3.2-Mg:2.6 @ Mg-26.Mq-2.0, 4% tig LSF-06-LeF-00 Changes in % Total Liquid Phase as a Function of Changes in My, Ms and LSF For individual kiln systems, the temperature profile is critical with respect to whether "good" or "pad" nodulization is obtained. Theoretical considerations for such cases show that an increase in Fuel consumption of the order of 30-40 kcal/kg clinker is sufficient to increase the temperature of the kiln enough to cause overbuming and serious dust formation, This has been confirmed by observations at several plants. It is the experience that it is often easier to overbum the clinker “just to be on the safe side” in stead of aiming at a free CaO a little higher, where it is necessary to really control the ila in order not to have periods with too high free CaO. Dust generation may also be due to other reasons, e.g, coarse quartz. In that case the dust will often be composed of small nodules consisting mainly of C2S often with just « thin outer rim of Tn some plants variations in $03 contents will also haye an effect on dust formation 5. CASE STORIES/EXAMPLES 5.1 Effect of Increasing Feed Fineness Ate plant, where the raw mix had a fineness of 17% +90ym, the mill capacity was increased. Before this took place, the clinker was generally burned to a free CaO of 2.7%. When the residue was decreased, the same kiln could produce clinker with the same free CaO at a lower kiln 15 MIDTH Institute” tem crature or with a shorter burning time. With no changes in kiln operation, a lower free CaO would be the result. In this case a 10% increase in production for the same free CaO was achieved. The feed residue on 90m and the corresponding clinker production in tons pr. day are shown in the graph below: % Residue on 90 jim sieve rs 20 18 16 14 12 10 Production, tons/cay a 1500 1400 1300 Voie ti gaeee ney pet pa gn ue ee ol wai Lye ey 79 21 23 25 272931 2 4 6 B 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 August September Kiln Feed residue +90, and kiln production Considering the many parameters that influence production, the correlation is good. 5.2 Immediate Benefits by Improving Burnability Emissions of $0; and NO, are limited for most plants by regulations of various kinds. It is a ‘known fact that emission of NO, from the kiln is directly correlated with the burning zone 16 MIDTH Institute™ temperature ~ the higher the temperature the higher the emission all else being equal. This well- known correlation is used in kiln control systems. Regarding SO2 we also know that the higher the kiln temperature the higher the emissions. Improved bumability will allow a lower buming zone temperature and thereby result in lower emissions from the kiln. 5.3 Petcoke Burning Many plants want to be able to replace part or all of the fuel with petcoke. As petcoke is a high sulfur fuel « high SO: emission is 2 possibility, if the bumability of the mix is not good, and this may often prevent the use of this fuel or limit the use to a small percentage. Therefor the burnability as well as other factors as for example content of alkalies will have to be studied. If the bumability is good or can be improved, the kiln temperature can be kept low thereby keeping the SO. emission in control 5.4 Variations in Clinker Quality At times, cement plants may complain about low cement strength. At times it is noted that free CaO is high, and it seems difficult to bum to a lower free CaO. At other times there are no problems. We receive representative samples of the raw mix and the resulting clinker and cement. We also want to receive chemical analyses of these samples from the plant and preferably particle size distributions and other information as well. ‘The samples are analyzed at the FLS laboratory and some times the problem is solved already by noting that the plant laboratory may have problems analyzing the raw mix and/or the clinker sample. This may be due to unrecognized problems with calibration of the X-Ray equipment due to quite common reasons such as changes of sample matrix because of @ change in one or more raw materials from the quarry, or problems with the stability of X-Ray standard curves/samples. 7 MIDTH Institute” Variations in feed chemistry and fineness may also be a problem resulting in unrecognized problems with burnability and therefor with the kiln control. If variations are too large, it is impossible to run the kiln well, and it may cost extra fuel or result in unpredictable clinker and coment quality. These problems may originate in the quarry or the homogenization. 5.5 High Free CaO in Clinker If the problems are not only due to the reasons already dealt with in Section 5.4, the burnability will be studied. At FLS this includes both chemistry, coarse quartz and calcite, but also other minerals that may contribute to the burnability as for example different feldspars and the size distributions of the coarse grains. Even though the cut size is 45gm for quartz, it is understandable that 2 % quartz of 45-601m in size is easier to burn than 2% quartz of 90- 200m in size. A high proportion of coarse material may indicate problems with the mill and/or separator. Microscopy of the resulting clinker will show, if harder buming is an option or not: Large clusters of free CaO will not be burned away with harder buming, while smaller clusters might. If the easy way to improve the burnability is not possible: no finer grinding, no change in chemistry and no other raw materials or waste materials available, separate grinding of the quartz containing material may be an (expensive) option. Finally addition of for example Cal or a combination of CaF and SOs (mineralized clinker) may be used. Addition of CaF; has been used routinely for many (especially white) kilns in order to improve burnability and is a known technique, while mineralized clinker now is gaining increased acceptance in many countries ~ more on this in Lecture 6.10 Production of Mineralized Clinker. 6. CONCLUSION Ifthe burnability of the raw mix is optimized, there are considerable benefits regarding clinker and cement quality, clinker granulometry and grindsbility, the level of emission and evaporation of volatiles, fuel consumption and refractory life The bumability can be evaluated in the FLS laboratory by different methods and the optimum raw mix composition and fineness can be determined. 18 MIDTH Institute By letting FLS examine a few different raw mix samples from the plant and corresponding clinker, a plant-specific bumability control formula can be developed enabling the plant personnel to monitor and control the bumability on a daily basis using a few simple and easy tests, This will ensure more stable kiln operation and more uniform clinker quality. Observing the trends in such parameters as the kiln torque, the excess oxygen, the NOx emission as well as the clinker liter weight and free CaO, the increased stability of the kiln operation with improved and constant bumability can be effectively monitored and controlled. 7. COMENTS TO APPENDIX: BURNABILITY AT A GLANCE ‘The chart has been prepared to summarize some of the bumability information available in this lecture, and make it easier to understand which changes will have the best results for any particular raw mix. «Th 2002 19 @® @ Effects of Burnability Problems: What do YOU want: ¢ Low strength e High quality clinker clinker ° Reliable production ° High free CaO ¢ Good granulometry ¢ Dusty clinker ° Low NOx emission * High NOx emission + Reasonable heat ¢ High heat consumption/ brick consumption life Hard to grind ¢ Good grindability Figure: 4 Chemical changes during burning mena foG 0m + $9 seesraien 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1400 1200 °C HEATING COOLING Figure: 2 Burnability test methods Methods What is required aka) 1.FLS e FLS method (CPH) e Laboratory e Expensive equipment ¢ e Experienced Dimensioning/Retrofit Change of fuel or raw material personnel 2. FLS e FLS method (CPH) e Burnability problems Formula e Expensive equipment ° Identify the best way to e Trained improve burnability microscopists incl. e Choice of different raw burnability materials knowledge 3. Plant e Equipment often e Daily control of burnability Formula available e Problem solving e Plant personnel e Understand the concept Figure: 3 Chery 3 dele, Set Coryins FLS burnability test Determination of free CaO Figure: 4 5 SRIF Jig rs oh) ‘ Yo) Ee ' Figure: 5 Homogeneous clinker Figure: 6 Calcite Particle Figure: 7a rse Quartz Grain oa C28 (Belite) Cluster a Cuartz Figure: 8b Acid insoluble residue + aun Total Raw Mix residue +125um ae. F : ‘ Figure: 10 % Free CaO in laboratory test OoO-p-NHWOFROAND OO Changes in Burnability C125um a+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure: 14 Q45um Relation between acid insoluble residue +45um and quartz 105 Gp Quartz and Silicates +45,m are counted by microscopy SP DP Figure: 13 Improved burnabilty Lower kiln burning temperature Lower kiin emissions Longer refractory life ICPS lecture 14-11 Appendix ‘Changes for Improvement of Burnability (“Reduction of free CaO) Proposed —[Revaling advantages [Potential problems [Comments aoe change Pee Reduce CSF [= Siighily move lquid ‘en fil easy odo, by angles Timestone phase — less dust IF 1S lage than appr. 100, it may bo imposible to burn ol fee CaO “Then itis better to decrease LSF to achieve alow ree Ca, ai is wast C0 have excess caleite going through the kin being calcined, heated and cane + Microscopy of the clinker can reveal is posible to bun the linker to a lower fee C50, + The primary raton for having too high LF is acoreet Chemical Analyses of the aw mie, jc + Unsatisfactory homogenisation ofthe raw meterials wil give fuctuations in " LSP and affect the burability in unforesscabl ways making it very dificult E far the Burermaste to operate the kil M 7 IT | Reduce Wis [>More guidphass [> Bigctnker alls [> Should always be considered if dust sa problem s + Batter granulometry | when too low Je Influences burmabilty, but only small effect on strength ir less dost Ms Ms > 2.5: Consider a decrease 7 + Improved cooter | Slightly lower Ms 2.5 Try to increase ciiieney cs J+ decrease in Ms will often rest n a decrease in quartz and silicates hen Inaving a positive eect on burnabiity in that wa aso ease Ma |e" Liquid phases |» Slightly ower + Easy to do ivon ore isavailable at lower temperature] CS + Minor effect on burnability + eter ndaiztion J+ Longer ie in kl fr good nesdlzation les dst Reduce [> ster forthe calete]> Finer gnding [> Often the fist and easiest choice, i mil has extra capacity coarse paricletoreact | willrequite more [+ Overbuming soften a problem ig fe CaO particles from large Calcite J Problem with over- | enstey inthe | particles are impossible to bum away. Ifthe Burmermaser does not know this, M tuming reduced | mil thee option seems tobe to burn harder ~ possibly testing dst clinker f + Willnormaly. —|* Possibly ill Je No effet on cement quality improve clinker | capacity + Fine grinding will havea minor effet om coarse silcaes and quartz ad ssabiity problems (lower B prouetion) * R A : : + T. [Reduce [> Easier wavoilbig |» Mayroqure |» Good eect on burabiity © | coarse CSclusers separate grinding }+ Other sind componens should he examined Difeent sands may have fe |avartz | wit normally ot sand ‘ential chemistry but different sizes of quar S Joarttes |" mpravectinher | component intaily tore emery and investment FW [Burn |e The production may |» Shor brick ife |» Ifthe ree CaO an be Rep ata reasonable val, the Genet sens willbe it |tarder beunchanged with | dueto high ox A acceptable ree temperate | andor baring wil increase crystal sizes and rest in cinker harder to grind 7 Cao. + More NOx resting in owe energy needed in the cement il emission +The use of petcoke as fue may bere out due to Sulphur evaporation More enexeyis needed

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