Greendale High School Band Handbook

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Greendale High School Band

Band Handbook 2019-2020

Mr. Ben Rajewski, Director

Work Phone- 765-432-1098

2018-2019 Course Schedule pg. 4

Mission Statement 5

Program Goals 4

Classroom Policies 6-7

Dress Code 8

Grading Procedures 8-9

Rental Policy 10

Activity Policy 10

Fundraising Policy 10

Student Leadership 11

Private Lesson Information 12

Resale Information 12

Lettering Requirements 13

Owned Band Instrument Contract 14

Student Information Form 15

Band Boosters Form 16

Travel Consent Form 17

Handbook Confirmation Form 18

*NOTE: Italicized content names represent a form in which a signature is
needed. These should be returned to Mr. Rajewski’s office by the end of
the first school week.
2019-2020 SCHEDULE
Thursday 8/8 Color Guard/Drumline Camp begins
Monday 8/12 Leadership Camp begins
Tuesday 8/13—Friday 8/16 Band Camp (FULL BAND)—8:30am-4pm

Saturday 8/17 Greendale Back to School Picnic

Report @6 pm
Monday 8/19 First in-class rehearsal

Monday 8/26 Before School rehearsals begin

Friday 9/27 Home Football Game
Friday 10/4 Home Football Game
Saturday 10/5 Homecoming Parade Report @5 pm

Friday 10/11 Home Football Game

Saturday 10/12 Marching Competition #1—TBD
Friday 10/18 Home Football Game
Saturday 10/19 Marching Competition #2—TBD
Saturday 10/26 Marching Competition #3--TBD
Monday 10/28 Concert ensemble auditions
Saturday 11/2 District Auditions
Friday 11/8 Football Regionals
Friday 11/15 Sub-State (only if team wins
Friday 11/29 State (only in team wins Sub-State)

Saturday 11/30 District performances

Monday 12/15 GHS Winter Concert
Saturday 1/4 All-State Ensemble auditions
Saturday 2/23 All-State Ensemble performances
Tuesday 2/25 GHS Can-Drive Concert call time 6:30
Saturday 4/5 Regional Solo/Ensemble Festival
Wednesday 4/9 State Large Ensemble Festival
Saturday 4/26 State Solo/Ensemble Festival
Thursday 5/8 GHS Spring Concert call time 6:30 pm
Mission Statement

Program Goals
- To provide a comprehensive knowledge of music through performance, promotion, and


- To foster the continued development of music appreciation and understanding through

the study and performance of the best in music.

- To develop interested and discriminating listeners, provide a well-rounded musical

education and prepare members for musical activities beyond high school.

- To lend color and atmosphere to certain school and community affairs while promoting

and enhancing the dignity and reputation of Greendale High School at all appearances.

- To develop the ability to function as a responsible member of the group, to enhance the

member’s ability to interact with others in a positive manner, and to develop the ability

to function as a responsible member of the community.

- To provide all members with the opportunity for worthy use of leisure time, an

emotional outlet, and good social experiences

- To teach students about personal development skills (teamwork, leadership, etc.) in a

unique setting.
Classroom Policies

- There is no more important criterion for success than attendance. Any absence, for whatever
reason, results in the student missing the learning that takes place. Absences are to be
communicated in advance as a function of courtesy to fellow band member and teachers.
Except in case of an emergency, all absences are to be communicated via phone or email at
least 24 hours PRIOR to the absence. All listed classes and events are required, and failure to
notify Mr. Rajewski with a valid excuse 24 hours prior will result in an unexcused absence and a
grade reduction. When considering opportunities for leadership, advancement, and any other
privilege or honor in the Greendale Band, the first consideration is attendance.


- Sectionals and rehearsals are course requirements that require interaction from members of a
group and cannot be made up. Therefore, an “unexcused” absence/tardy from a before or after
school sectional or rehearsal will lower a student’s participation average.
- BE EARLY. Rehearsal will begin on time every day, so arriving ten to fifteen minutes prior to the
start of rehearsal is strongly recommended.
- BE PREPARED. Have all instruments and supplies (music, reeds, mutes, etc.) ready to go by the
start of rehearsal.


- All concerts, competitions, football games, parades, or other band-related events that involve
performing are required
- Call Times will be announced at least 2 weeks in advance of any performance.
- Attendance for performances will follow the attendance policy and any excused absences will be
handled on a case-by-case basis.

IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES: make-up work will be issued on a case-by-case basis, usually in the form of a
playing test like the nature of the performance missed.
Discipline Plan

- The band classroom here at GHS is a safe and welcoming environment. There will be no bullying,
poor behavior, rudeness to directors or other students, or disrupting of class allowed. All
questions can be asked by raising your hand and waiting to be called on, unless otherwise
stated. Any behavioral issues will be dealt with using the 3-strike rule:
o First strike is a warning. No action will be taken other than being notified.
o Second Strike is staying after school for a “detention”. 15 minutes after school will be
spent helping clean and organize the band classroom. If in activities, before school may
be used instead.
o Third Strike is being sent to the office. We need to be efficient and use our time wisely,
so a third strike will have you sent out and may end in action determined by the
Dress code
Marching Band

- FOR REHEARSALS, students will need to wear close-toed shoes (tennis shoes, running shoes,
etc.) to facilitate better marching.
- FOR PERFORMANCE DAYS, students will always be expected to wear full secondaries (band shirt,
jeans, marching shoes, long black socks) until instructed to change into the primary uniform
(band-issued marching uniform).

Pep Band

- Uniform will consist of jeans, tennis shoes, and pep band t-shirt.

Concert Band

- All performances will be in concert blacks. This type of dress consists of professional attire, with
all articles of clothing being black (shirts, slacks, shoes, socks, ties, suit coats, etc.).


- School dress code is required on all trips. In swimming pool areas, keep attire modest. When in
concert attire, remain in full concert attire. It is unprofessional to have shirttails out, to wear
athletic shoes while in formal attire, to chew gum, etc. The loading of equipment may
necessitate adjustments to these expectations. Follow the instructions of the chaperone or adult
sponsor in charge

Grading Procedure

All students will be graded on their ability to improve and meet individual expectations throughout the
year, as well as class expectations. Individuals will be assessed and graded with 40% of the grade being
individual progress based, and 60% performance and participation. Excused absences will not penalize a
students grade, unless make up work is needed and not completed.

Skills (20%)

- The student will be expected to improve individual music skills.

- The student’s individual skill development will be evaluated through recorded music tests,
individual playing tests, scale tests, and written tests.
- The student will be evaluated on improvement of ensemble skills during daily rehearsals.

Fundamentals (20%)

- The student will be expected to improve performance fundamentals.

- The student will be evaluated for improvement of music fundamentals through daily
observation during each rehearsal and each sectional.
- The student will be expected to demonstrate correct posture, hand position, embouchure, air
production, articulation and attentiveness as monitored during rehearsals.
- The student will be expected to develop a historical knowledge of the literature relative to
his/her respective instrument.

Performance (30%)

- The student will receive a grade for each performance during a grading period.
- Performances will be counted as major exams.
- The number of performances will be determined by the performance calendar.
- If no public performance occurs during a grading period, the performance grade will be based
upon informal classroom performances determined by the director.

Participation (30%)

- The student will receive a grade for each before and after school sectional and rehearsal during
a grading period.
- The student will be on task and focused during all rehearsals.
- The student will have instrument, music, pencil, and supplies.
- The student will be prepared to play his/her part successfully.
- The student will mark music and take notes as needed.
Rental Policy
Students who plan on renting a school instrument (baritone sax, tenor sax, bassoon, etc.) can do
so by paying $25 dollars for the semester. This helps to offset the cost of maintenance, repair, and
cleaning costs. If a student loses or destroys an instrument, they will be responsible for the cost of a

Financial assistance is available for students who need help meeting required maintenance fees
and other expenses related to this activity. Assistance, based on the organization’s needs and on the
commitment and interest of the individual student, may be obtained through fundraising or other
resources (local booster club, campus funds, etc.). Consult the Head Director for more information.

Activity Policy
Policies regarding behavior on trips, competitions, or other outside-school functions will first
and foremost align with the policies outlined by Greendale High School. As members of Greendale High
School, you will be highly visible, not only as a musical organization, but as representatives of our school,
community, and state. That responsibility and opportunity carries with it an obligation to project and
maintain the absolute highest moral and musical integrity. Any use of illegal substances including
alcohol, drugs, or any other illicit substances will result in immediate dismissal from the trip, and
potential dismissal from the music program, as well as legal consequences with the school and law.

Fundraising Policy
There will be three fundraising opportunities throughout the year. Students will be asked to sell coupon
books containing local businesses and participate in a car wash (fall semester) and cookie dough sale
(spring semester). Exact times and dates will be released as events draw closer. Students not wishing to
participate can opt to pay $120 dollars at the beginning of the year to offset fundraising costs.
The following students have been carefully selected by process of application and interview to the 2019-
2020 GHS “Marching Human Band” leadership team. Congratulations, the staff looks forward to working
with you to make the band the best it can be!

DRUM MAJOR—Jeff Winger

ASSISTANT DRUM MAJORS—Annie Edison, Britta Perry


- FLUTE/PICCOLO—Shirley Bennett
- TRUMPET—Pierce Hawthorne
- TROMBONE—Troy Barnes
- DRUMLINE—Garrett Lambert
- FRONT ENSEMBLE—Leonard Dale (snare)
- COLOR GUARD—Michelle Slater


- FLUTE/PICCOLO—Dan Harmon, Liz Cacowski

- CLARINET/BASS CLARINET— Sean Garrity, June Bauer
- TRUMPET—Elroy Patashnik, Buzz Hickey
- MELLOPHONE—Robert Laybourne
- TROMBONE— Gilbert Lawson
- DRUMLINE—Vaughn Miller (tenors), Leonard Rodriguez (bass)
- FRONT ENSEMBLE—Alex Osbourne
- COLOR GUARD—Todd Jacobson
Private Lessons
Private lessons give the student a chance to progress at an accelerated rate towards the mastery of
is/her instrument. The private instructor can work with the student on an individual level, gearing the
lessons to fit the specific needs of the performer. The student can hear the improvement in playing
almost immediately, unlike the full band setting where players can “hide” or cover their areas of
inexperience by allowing stronger players to carry the weight of the section. The following list of
instructors will be able to provide you with the tools necessary to set up a private lesson time.

• Flute: Dr. Colleen White (

• Clarinet/Bass Clarinet: Dr. Tod Kerstetter (

• Saxophone: Dr. Anna Marie Wytko (

• Oboe: Dr. Alyssa Morris (

• Bassoon: Dr. Susan Maxwell (

• Trumpet: Dr. John Kilgore (

• Horn: Dr. Jacqueline Fassler-Kerstetter (

• Trombone: Dr. Paul Hunt (

• Tuba/Euphonium: Dr. Steven Maxwell (

• Percussion: Dr. Kurt Gartner (

Resale Information
Mr. Rajewski will have selected materials available for purchase. The following items will be available for

• Reeds…………………………………………………….……… $3-10 (depending on size)

• Cork grease…………………………………………….…….. $3

• Cleaning Cloths……………………………………………… $8

• Valve/slide oil…………………………..…………………… $3

• Lyres………………………………………………………….…. $5

• Pencils………………………………………………………..... $1
Lettering Requirements
Band Letters are proudly worn on letter jackets and earned by meeting the following
- Participate in Marching Band.
- Participate in Band Camp.
- Participate in Concert Band, Symphonic Band, or Percussion class second semester.
- Attend ALL required performances.
- Display appropriate behavior in rehearsal at all times.
- Be on time to rehearsals, class, and performances.
- Sign-up in advance and help with clean up once each week we are assigned.
- Choose one of the following options:
o Audition for District Honor Band
o Participate in solo and ensemble festival in April
o Participate in Jazz Ensemble (either group will suffice)
o Audition for, make, and participate in Basketball Pep Band.
- Complete a "Letter Participation Form" at the conclusion of the school year and return
the form to Mr. Rajewski
GHS Owned Band Instrument Contract
Instrument: ____________________Brand/Model ________________________________

Serial Number: _________________ Locker Number____________ Date Issued__________

Supplied with the following accessories (circle each provided):

Case - Mouthpiece - Ligature - MP Cap - Lyre - Neck Strap - Bits - MP Adapter

List any other supplies provided:________________________________________________

Condition of instrument at time of check-out (list any damages):

We acknowledge the receipt of the above instrument and accessories and agree to the following:

1. To be personally responsible for the safekeeping of this instrument and to return it to the school upon
the request of the Director or Principal.

2. To maintain the instrument in good playing condition at all times, keep the instrument clean and
polished, and have it repaired at our expense as deemed necessary and/or requested by the Director.
The Director is the only individual that may authorize repairs. All repairs must be made by a repair
technician authorized by the Director.

3. To pay the current replacement value in the event of loss or total damage. Note: instruments can be
placed on homeowner or renter’s policy or covered through independent coverage.

4. To have the instrument assessed at the end of the contract period and pay a fair assessment for all
damage in excess of normal wear and tear.

5. To allow no unauthorized person to play, handle, or use this instrument without specific permission of
the Director.

6. To encourage my child to use the instrument to the best of his/her ability for serious study including
regular attendance at all organization rehearsals and performances, regular home practice and
additional instruction and study when possible.

Student Name (printed): _______________________________Grade: _________

Student (signature): _________________________________________

Parent/Guardian (signature): ___________________________________

Instrument Return Evaluation (Director Use Only)

Instrument: _________________________________Serial Number _____________________

Date Returned: ______________________________ Condition ________________________

Director’s Signature: ____________________________________________________

Please fill this out and return to Mr. Rajewski by Friday the first week of classes.

NAME: __________________________________ YEAR IN SCHOOL: 9 10 11 12

INSTRUMENT(S): ______________________________________________________
INTERESTED IN: Marching Band Pep Band Concert Ensembles Jazz Band

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________
PHONE: ______________________________________________________________
EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________
GUARDIAN NAME: _____________________________________________________

GUARDIAN PHONE: ____________________________________________________

STUDENT SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________

GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________


The overall success of the GHS Band Program doesn’t just happen. It takes the involvement and support
of parents and others interested in promoting instrumental music in our schools. The GHS Band
Boosters support the band program by volunteering for special events and raising funds that benefit our
instrumental music programs.

The Boosters help the instrumental music directors with fundraising, apparel, uniforms, food
and drink, band camp, color guard, football games, marching competitions, and chaperoning
trips, just to mention a few of the program’s needs.

To connect with the GHSBB, please fill out the form below and attend our fun, informal meetings! It is
during these meetings that we discuss and decide how best to help the instrumental music Departments
at all levels. Meetings are held on the last Monday of every month in the band room of GHS at 7:30 PM.
We try very hard to limit all meetings to one hour in length.

If interested, please fill out and return this form before or at the first GHSBB meeting.

NAME: ___________________________________________________________

NAME OF STUDENT: _______________________________________________

PHONE NUMBER: __________________________________________________

EMAIL: ___________________________________________________________

MAILING ADDRESS: ________________________________________________

Travel Consent Form

Dear Parent or Guardian:

Because of your child's involvement with band, he / she will be taking part in a series of field
trips during the year. An agenda of scheduled trips is contained in the Band Handbook. All special
activity trip regulations, local school rules, as well as those outlined in the CCSD Students' Rights and
Responsibilities brochure will be enforced. Please be advised that the school will take every precaution
to provide for the safety of your child on each trip. You are requested to grant permission for your child
to attend and participate. You are also requested to relieve the school, the area and county boards, the
administrators, the band director, and chaperones of liability for any accident that may occur on these

I grant permission for my child, to go on the trips associated with band according to the
schedule in the Handbook for the year. I relieve the school, the constituent and county boards, the
administrators, the band director, and chaperones of liability for any accident that may occur.

Parent or Guardian Signature

Handbook Confirmation Form
Expectation Sheet
I have read, understand, and will comply with all rules and procedures on the
Expectation Sheet. I believe that we are all responsible for making rehearsals run smoothly. I
am willing to do my part!
Uniform Contract
I understand that I am personally responsible for the uniform items assigned to me, and
that I will be charged for any parts that are lost or damaged due to neglect or abuse. I also
agree to take care of the uniform as directed. At the end of each game or competition I will see
that I have all uniform parts assigned to me properly stored in the garment bag. I will personally
get the bag checked off and will not assume responsibility for another band member’s uniform.
I will report any missing or damaged items immediately. I understand that failure to follow
these rules will result in immediate disciplinary action.
Letter of Mutual Consent
I, the undersigned student, accept membership in the Greendale High School Band and
understand that I am responsible for all the policies as set forth in the Band Handbook. I fully
agree to carry out my responsibilities to the very best of my ability

(Student Signature) (Date)

I, the undersigned parent or guardian, have read and understand the policies as set
forth in the Band Handbook. I also grant full permission for my child to be an active member of
the GHS Band. I understand that my child may be included in promotional photography and
videos throughout the band season. In addition, my child has full permission to attend all band
functions. Furthermore, I understand that I must meet all financial obligations.

(Parent Signature) (Date)

U4xwYsKFAI7eP8husaJbHPeQ/edit?usp=sharing (Berkner HS)
- Selections from my marching band tech handbook

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