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Thursday, December 5th 2019  

Title   Fire Safety pt. 2  Grade Level  Grade 1 
Subject  Health  Time Frame  December 5th, 2019 
Developed By  Paige Belisle  
Learning Outcomes 
What relevant goals will this unit address?  
(include all relevant GLO(s) & SLO(s) 
Health GLO’s: 
Wellness Choices- Students will make responsible and informed choices to maintain 
health and to promote safety for self and others. 
Life-Learning Choices- Students will use resources effectively to manage and 
explore life roles and career opportunities and challenges.  
Health SLO’s: 
W-1.8: Determine reasons for and apply safety rules at home and at school; e.g., 
demonstrate fire safety behaviours. 
W-1.10: recognize community helpers, and identify how to seek their help; e.g., 
appropriate use of 911  
L-1.1: Demonstrate independence in completing tasks and activities, when 
L-1.3: Identify steps of a decision-making process for an age appropriate issue  
Essential Questions 
What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content?​ ​(open-ended 
questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content of the enduring 
● Do students remember anything from the fire safety lesson last time? 
● Are the students aware of the dangers of the kitchen already? 
● Is this relevant for six year olds? 
Knowledge:  Skills 
What knowledge will students acquire as a  What skills will students acquire as a 
result of this unit? This content knowledge  result of this unit? List the skills 
may come from the indicators, or might  and/or behaviours that students will 
also address prerequisite knowledge that  be able to exhibit as a result of their 
students will need for this unit.  work in this unit. These will come 
  from the indicators. 
Students will know...  Students will be able to… 
- Fire basics such as what kind of  - Be more familiar with what a 
household items are hot and could  smoke alarm sounds like 
be dangerous   - The importance of a safe spot 
- That fire is dangerous   and a fire plan  
Safety in the Kitchen  
1: Desired Results 
General Learning 
Health GLO’s: Wellness Choices and Life-Learning Choices  
Specific Learning 
Health SLO’s: ​W-1.8, W-1.10, L-1.1, L-1.3 
Learning  I can understand the importance of an escape plan and become 
Objective(s)  more familiar with what a fire alarm sounds like.  
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence 
Students will understand that the 
Summative  No Summative  Formative 
kitchen can be dangerous if not 
Assessment  Assessment  Assessment 
Stage 3: Learning Experience 
Sparky’s Safety in 
Tech  Resources to  Kitchen Safety Colouring 
the Kitchen   
to Do  Bring  sheet 
Youtube Video 
Time  Content/Description  Notes   
Discussion and Video: 
● “So I know that we have been talking a lot 
about fire safety that you guys are basically 
● “Today we are going to be talking about a 
certain room in the house that may cause 
the most fires” 
● “First we will watch a quick video” 
● Watch Video  
● “Does anyone have any ideas of what can be 
something dangerous in the kitchen?”  Video is about 
2:55 pm 
15 minutes 
○ Microwave  two minutes 
○ Oven   long  
○ Toasters 
○ Sink  
○ Matches 
○ Kettles  
● “Because the kitchen can be dangerous, we 
need to make sure we stay safe in the 
kitchen, we can do this by”:  
○ Make sure to clean all of your kitchen 
○ Unplug all appliances once you are 
done using it  
○ Do not put anything metal in the 
○ Always roll up sleeves and tie back 
hair when cooking  
○ Never leave food cooking food 
○ Keep all paper products away from 
the stove top 
○ Make sure there is a working fire 
alarm near the kitchen, but not in the 
■ “Does anyone have an idea why 
we would not want a fire alarm 
right in the kitchen?” 
Kitchen Safety Worksheet: 
● Make sure the worksheet is on the 
We are doing 
it all together 
● “There are 11 unsafe items in this picture, 
because this 
3:10 pm  does anyone see anything unsafe in this 
picture is a 
15 minutes  picture?” 
● Once we all circle all 11 of the dangerous 
object, they can colour in the rest of the 
Get ready to go home: 
● Stack chairs  
5 minutes 
● Clean the tables    
● Sweep the floors 
● Line up to go home  
and Follow Up   

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