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König’s where struck with a very dire event in their time.

Greta was trying to renew the memory of the event for what seemed like the thousandth
time. This is the last time that she remembers being normal.

On April 23, 1973, I was walking back from work and when I got home I saw my father
Mr. König reading the paper while sitting in the typical wooden chair always lay in the
same spot next to the fire. My mother Mrs. König was working on dinner at the time
fixing up all of the food that we were going to eat that night. I recall saying “Hello” to
both of them. Then I walked into the kitchen to help my mother. She was making bread
and soup, the typical meal that we ate at dinner time. We did not have that much money
back then.

​ lthough​ I don't h
A ​ ave any money now either.   
After I set the table we sat in the same spots that we always sit in, my father at the end
and my mother and I app on either side of him. After we ate, I went outside to look at
the cost of the Atlantic from the town Edisto Island. I wanted to be floating on the clouds
and I guess that I fell asleep there. I woke up with a start to me Nabors calling my
name, I tried to say that I was there but I was astonished to hear that my voice was
some type of a screech I tried to touch my neck but I couldn't. I opened my eyes and I
could see feathers all over me, I looked at my wings sorry arms and them where
different they were longer than they were supposed to be they had feathers not fingers
feathers. I was astonished
Well back then I thought it was  

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