Good News of Great Joy!

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Ashes December 2019

to Healing from the past.
Hope for the future.

Jim and Sheryl wish you a Kristie was so excited about

Merry Christmas 2019! decorating her cookies, she decided
not to eat them but to give them away
But the angel said to them, “Do to one of the other ladies who weren’t
not be afraid. I bring you good able to be there to help decorate.
news of great joy that will be
for all the people. Today in the
town of David a savior has been
born to you; he is Christ the
Lord.” Luke 2:10

“Religion that our God and Father accepts as pure and faultless Erika and her daughter decorate
is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to Christmas cookies at the mission
keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27 home for women and children. For
many of the residents, disciplines
Solo Connection is a group for widows and single women at such as studying the Bible and fun
Destiny Christian Church in Rocklin, CA. Sheryl was joined by her traditions like decorating cookies are brand new activities. Thank you for your
financial investment to keep them on the road to recovery.
mother, Shirley Adkins and sister, Becki Richter for an inspiring
time of encouragement and renewed hope.

Sheryl’s GriefShare class at the Mission at Kern County Home for Women
and Children begins in January 2020 for it’s fourth year. Thank you for your

Cookies are decorated -- now let’s eat! The Mission at Kern County Lee and
Krystyna Jamieson Home for Women and Children is full of women who are
allowing God to transform their painful past into a glorious future. They have
heard the good news of Jesus, invited Him in to their lives, and now they share
their joy with all they meet.
Finishing well in 2019 with completion of the Mission at Kern County
Women’s home Freedom Appointment with Freedom In Christ. The Canyon We are blessed with a godly
Hills Freedom In Christ Discipleship Course classes also completed their group heritage! Happy Holidays from
Freedom Appointment. ALL of us… Jim and Sheryl with
13 of their 14 grandchildren (not
present Caleb Miller).
I am grateful for your partnership. I pray a blessing over you for
2020 and “may God guide you in the path of peace.” Luke 1:79

Love and prayers, Sheryl

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