Mil Exam 2ND Grading Periodical

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DIRECTION: Select the correct answer from the box provided below.
1. Information is said to be reliable if it can be verified and evaluated. Others refer to the trustworthiness of
the source in evaluating the reliability of information.
2. Reliability, accuracy, and value of information may vary based on the time it was produced or acquired.
While a piece of information may have been found accurate, reliable, and valuable during the time it was
produced, it may become irrelevant and inaccurate with the passing of time (thus making it less valuable).
Other information may be timeless, proven to be the same in reliability, accuracy, and value throughout
3. In the media context, refers to a standard or norm that acts as a rule governing behaviour.
4. The information sent from a source to a receiver.
5. A place in which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials (such as books, manuscripts, recordings,
or films) are kept for use but not for sale
6. Type of media that is native; local; originating or produced naturally in a particular region/locality
7. A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of
interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols
8. People engaged in the process of creating and putting together media content to make a finished media
9. Accuracy refers to the closeness of the report to the actual data. Measurement of accuracy varies,
depending on the type of information being evaluated. Forecasts are said to be accurate if the report is
similar to the actual data. Financial information is considered accurate if the values are correct, properly
classified, and presented.
10. Information is said to be of value if it aids the user in making or improving decisions.



11. This pertains to the technical and symbolic b. Plagiarism

ingredients or codes and conventions that c. Cyber bullying
media and information professionals may d. Computer addiction
select and use in an effort to communicate 14. An act or instance of using or closely
ideas, information and knowledge. imitating the language and thoughts of
a. Language another author without authorization; the
b. Media Language representation of that author's work as
c. Dialect one's own, as by not crediting the original
d. None of the above author.
12. These are codes, conventions, formats, a. Copyright
symbols and narrative structures that b. Plagiarism
indicate the meaning of media messages to c. Cyber bullying
an audience. d. Computer addiction
a. Language 15. Bullying that takes place online, or using
b. Media Language electronic technology such as cell phones,
c. Dialect computers, and tablets over communication
d. None of the above tools including social media sites, text
13. A legal device that gives the creator of a messages, chat, and websites.
literary, artistic, musical, or other creative a. Copyright
work the sole right to publish and sell that b. Plagiarism
work. c. Cyber bullying
a. Copyright d. Computer addiction
16. The excessive use of computers to the constantly learn about who you are and
extent that it interferes with daily life. This how you live, work and play.
excessive use may for example interfere a. Haptics technology
with work or sleep, result in problems with b. Contextual awareness
social interaction, or affect mood, c. Voice and Tone recognition
relationships, and thought processes. d. Intelligent routing to devices
a. Copyright 20. Not only used to confirm a person’s identity
b. Plagiarism but tone recognition can be used to detect a
c. Cyber bullying person’s health or emotional state. This
d. Computer addiction technology will open new opportunities in
17. An economic inequality between groups in security and healthcare – with mobile
terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of applications.
ICT. The divide within countries (such as a. Haptics technology
the digital divide in the United States) can b. Contextual awareness
refer to inequalities between individuals, c. Voice and Tone recognition
households, businesses, and geographic d. Intelligent routing to devices
areas at different socioeconomic (and other 21. This future technology will be useful to, for
demographic) levels. example, local councils. While on the
a. Plagiarism move, staff will be able to provide the
b. Cyber bullying precise description and location of a street-
c. Digital Divide based issue using Smartphones and mobile
d. Computer addiction devices that can take photos and have GPS
18. Is a feedback technology (using computer (global positioning system) support.
applications) that takes advantage of the a. Haptics technology
user’s sense of touch by applying force, b. Contextual awareness
vibrations and/or motions to the User. c. Voice and Tone recognition
Simple haptics is used in game controllers, d. Intelligent routing to devices
joysticks and steering wheels and is 22. Measures eye positions and movements
becoming more common in Smartphones which are analysed through computer
a. Haptics technology applications. Future laptops, smartphones
b. Contextual awareness and tablets could contain thousands of tiny
c. Voice and Tone recognition imaging sensors built into the display
d. Intelligent routing to devices screen.
19. By combining ‘hard sensor’ information a. Haptics technology
such as where you are and the conditions b. Eye Tracking Technology
around you, combined with ‘soft sensors’ c. Voice and Tone recognition
such as your calendar, your social network d. Intelligent routing to devices
and past preferences - future devices will

READING COMPREHENSION semiconductors, internet, telecom equipment,

engineering, healthcare, e-commerce, and computer
What is Information Technology services.

Information Technology (IT) is the application of Thanks to the continuous development of computers, the
computers and internet to store, retrieve, transmit, and original computing systems became minicomputers and
manipulate information, often in the context of a businesslater personal computers took the lead. Nowadays, mobile
or other enterprise. IT is considered a subset of phones are dethroning the personal computer and
information and communications technology (ICT) and computing is evolving faster to become disembodied
has evolved according to the needs. more like a cloud, becoming accessible more easily
whenever needed. Information technology has
It is worthwhile noting that the term IT is commonly used transformed people and companies and has allowed
as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but digital technology to influence society and economy alike.
it also encompasses other information distribution It has, in this sense, shaped societies and adapted itself
technologies such as television and telephones. Several to people's needs.
industries are associated with information technology,
including computer hardware, software, electronics, History
If you want a brief history of Information Technology, here  When creating a research project, you can
is one. Humans were the first "computers". Then, use as many pictures and information from
machines were invented to carry out the computational the internet without worries.
tasks. Now these machines have given way to new form  Your posts are public, do not post anything
of information technology. Information has become
that your grandmother would not want to see.
disembodied accessible from anywhere through cloud
 Do not Spam.
technology. Recent advances in IT is the consequence of
the development in computing systems.  Stay on-topic, do not start talking about
something else.
Humans have been storing, retrieving, manipulating, and  The FAQ section of a website will help you to
communicating information since the Sumerians in find the answers to any queries about
Mesopotamia developed writing in about 3000 BC, but the protocol.
term information technology in its modern sense first
appeared in a 1958 article published in the Harvard 32-35. Which websites are legal? Check all that
Business Review; authors Harold J. Leavitt and Thomas apply.
L. Whisler commented that "the new technology does not
yet have a single established name. We shall call it  YTS.AM
information technology (IT)." Their definition consists of 
three categories: techniques for processing, the 
application of statistical and mathematical methods to
decision-making, and the simulation of higher-order
 Deepweb
thinking through computer programs.
23. Information technology is changing principally 
because of: 
a. the changing needs 36. Is a law in the Philippines approved on
b. new technological advances September 12, 2012 which aims to address legal
24. According to the author the first computers were: issues concerning online interactions and the
a. humans
a. RA 10175
b. calculators b. RA 10176
25. Development of information technology is the c. RA 10177
result of: d. Anti-Cyberspace Law
a. advances in computing systems 37. Means relating to, or involving computers or
b. development of machinery in general computer networks (such as the Internet).
a. Cyber
26. Computing systems are taking the form of clouds
b. Space
means: c. Saber
a. computing power are becoming d. Internet
disembodied. 38. Refers to the virtual computer world, and more
b. computers have become smaller specifically, is an electronic medium used to form
27. What is the meaning of the word "netiquette"? a global computer network to facilitate online
a. Showing others your pictures thorugh the communication.
a. Outerspace
internet and allowing them to post their
b. Cyberspace
pictures. c. Space
b. Respecting other users' views and displaying d. Universe
common courtesy when posting your views 39. Is the attempt to obtain sensitive information
to online discussion groups. such as usernames, passwords, and credit card
c. It is a etiquette network that allows you to details (and, indirectly, money), often for
post your opinions, it is called malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy
entity in an electronic communication.
a. Fishing
d. It is a behavior that we only need to follow b. Hacking
when we write emails. c. Phishing
28-31. Basic Rules of Netiquette. Select all that d. None of the above
apply. Write check inside the box. 40. Refers to obtaining files that you do not have the
 Do not threaten anybody with personal right to use from the Internet.
a. Downloading
b. Legal downloading
 Send as many chain messages as possible. c. Illegal Downloading
d. Illegal
41. Is the deliberate use of someone else's identity, b. Cyberpunk
usually as a method to gain a financial c. Cybercrime
advantage or obtain credit and other benefits in d. None of the above
the other person's name, and perhaps to the 44. The use of electronic communication to bully a
other person's disadvantage or loss. person, typically by sending messages of an
a. Poster intimidating or threatening.
b. Identity theft a. Bullying
c. Hacking b. Cyberbully
d. Phishing c. Cyberpunk
42. Is an unprivileged false statement of fact which d. None of the above
tends to harm the reputation of a person or 45. Refers to the practice of modifying or altering
company. computer software and hardware to accomplish
a. Cyber defamation a goal that is considered to be outside of the
b. Libel creator's original objective.
c. Tort a. Hacking
d. Abuse b. Phishing
43. Refers to the criminal activities carried out by c. Fishing
means of computers or the Internet. d. None of the above
a. Cyberspace

TRUE OR FALSE. Directions: Write true if the statement is TRUE, write false if the
statement is FALSE. Write your answer after the each item.

46. Popular media cannot reach some rural areas. While print, broadcast, and new media have
a wide reach, there are still areas that these forms of media have not reached.
47. Indigenous media and information are highly credible because they are near the source and
are seldom circulated for profit.
48. Indigenous media are channels for change, education, and development because of its
direct access to local channels.
49. Ignoring indigenous media and information can result in development and education
programs that are irrelevant and ineffective.
50. One form of indigenous media and their local example is folk or traditional media.

ENUMERATION. Supply the items below.

Types of Code:
Legal download sites.
2 types of defamation:
Crimes involving the use of internet.



A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.

- Anonymous

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