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- A gift from God. It is a gratitude for having a

 The Body Respects God Image
nature of human sexuality that express respect
- Respect is treating human body as good as
and proper to use.
- Taking good care of it and avoiding any form of Lectio Divina Centering Prayer
abuse. Participatory Receptive
A. The Human Body Active Passive
- The normal pulse is 70 heartbeats per minute More Concentrative More Receptive
- If ball blood vessels in you were laid end to end Word of Scripture has Sacred Word has no
- Your brain is 80% water etc. content conceptual content except
 Make Meaning Use thoughts, images, and Let go of thoughts, images,
insights insights
- In the study our human body. It reveals to us
Stresses our relationship Stresses ones’ intimacy with
not only how amazing it is but how intelligent
with God God
indeed the One who made it. There is so much
Supports the motivation for Supports the motivation for
about it we can say “Only God” can make it. the practice of Centering practice of Lectio Divina.
Human discoveries and inventions are no match Prayers
compared to how the human body works. This Rest comes and goes; is not Rest sustained by use of
call of respect it and not use it for permanent sacred word
commercialism that degrades its true. Focuses on the terms of the Helps us overcome the
- When the Messiah was born, redemption relationship obstacle to living the term
started already. This redemption of human of the relationship
body, God assuming a bodily form, reveals to us Group or private Group or private
its beauty and sacredness. Otherwise, a God
who must holy will not assume one. This  Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina are two distinct
challenges us to reflect upon how we treat our prayer forms. If used together there is always a
body. break between these two ways of praying. It is
helpful to have a period of Centering Prayer before
 Relation to this form a period of Lectio Divina if the group is familiar with
- Body and God both kinds of prayer.
- Body and redemption
- Body and the human image  Gift of Centering Prayer to Lectio Divina
- Body and soul - There are three obstacles to the journey; over
- Body and God’s plan conceptualization, hyperactivity and over
- Body and the Gospel dependence on self. Centering Prayer helps us
get beyond these obstacles and settle into the
 GENERALIZATIONS: quiet as we listen to the scriptures, Lectio
- We must always keep in our minds that every Divina, in a contemplative manner. Centering
person has dignity and must respected. Science Prayer opens us to new thoughts, new action
and technology needs conscience not to lead to and a deeper dependence on God.
human destruction in our human body. No
condemnation can destroy in human  Gift of Lectio Divina to Centering Prayer
intervention. - Lectio Divina, the praying of Sacred Scripture,
- The world must be signified the infinite deepens our personal relationship with God.
goodness and wisdom of God. God has given us - It calls us to rest in God’s transforming
the gifts of intellectual and will. We alone can presence. Lectio Divina teaches us who God is
direct and be responsible for our action. We are and who we are.
the image and likeness of God. As His, we must
care for what He created the way He wanted.

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