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Chinese Nursing Research 3 (2016) 97e100

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Chinese Nursing Research

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :

Review Article

The concept and characteristics of clinical practice ability in Master

Degree of Nursing (specialty)*
Jing Zeng a, Jing-Ci Zhu b, *, Xiao-Yu Zhao a
Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu, Sichuan 610083, China
School of Nursing, Third Military Medical University, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The concepts of ability, practice ability, and professional practice ability were analyzed using a theoretical
Received 29 June 2015 research method. Based on the results of the analysis, the concept of clinical practice ability for Master
Received in revised form Degree of Nursing (specialty) students was defined, and the characteristics were interpreted to provide
14 December 2015
references for future in-depth studies.
Accepted 17 June 2016
Available online 14 September 2016
© 2016 Shanxi Medical Periodical Press. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Nursing science
Master Degree of Nursing (specialty)
Clinical practice ability

1. Introduction performed an in-depth theoretical analysis on clinical practice

ability in MNS students and defined the concept and characteristics
The transformation of the medical model has led to changes in of this ability to provide references for future in-depth studies.
the working model for nursing. Simply executing doctor's orders is
no longer a functional nursing model. The nursing model has
2. The concepts related to clinical practice ability in MNS
transformed into a holistic model that is people centered, and
clinical care recipients have expanded from patients to families,
groups of individuals, and the overall population. When the
2.1. Ability
working tasks and environment of nurses change, the clinical
practice ability required for nurses changes accordingly. China has
Ability is a concept with multiple dimensions, which may be
recently added the training level of Master Degree of Nursing
interpreted differently. Studies on ability first originated from
(specialty) (MNS). Nurse managers and researchers need to define
psychology. The field of psychology usually defines ability as per-
the clinical practice ability that is required for MNS students to be
sonal psychological characteristics that individuals possess to suc-
competent for clinical job requirements. Several studies on the
cessfully complete certain activities. Ability and activity are closely
clinical practice ability of MNS students have recently been per-
linked. Ability forms, develops, and is present in activities. In
formed in China; however, the concept of clinical practice ability in
addition, ability is the premise of undertaking all activities.1 The
nursing has different interpretations, and the characteristics of
psychological characteristics of ability are associated with direct
clinical practice ability are unclear. The lack of a well-defined the-
stable regulation and control functions during the selection of ac-
ory usually results in confusion in practice. Therefore, we
tivities.2 Researchers suggest that if individuals want to solve
problems or complete activities, having certain psychological
characteristics is not enough. Ability requires both psychological
This project was supported by planning project of “12th Five-Year” in
characteristics and specific physiological behaviors to accomplish
philosophy and social sciences of Sichuan province (No. SC13B081).
* Corresponding author.
an activity.3 The field of philosophy defines ability as the skills used
E-mail address: (J.-C. Zhu). and the energy expended during actions, which can correctly
Peer review under responsibility of Shanxi Medical Periodical Press. control certain activities. Ability is an effective method for the
2095-7718/© 2016 Shanxi Medical Periodical Press. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.
98 J. Zeng et al. / Chinese Nursing Research 3 (2016) 97e100

realization of human values and is a positive force in social devel- scholars have defined practice ability in education as individual
opment and life. According to the field of vocational ability devel- absorption and integration of supportive education and basic re-
opment, three different concepts of ability have emerged in the sources by students, adaption to social life, the ability to answer
history of ability-based education, which are general ability, ordi- basic practical questions, participation in social life practices, pro-
nary ability, and integrated ability. The concept of integrated ability motion of self-growth, and an increase in the ability to self-
has been accepted and recognized by academic fields in various practice.10
countries. The concept of integrated ability combines both general
ability and ordinary ability to provide a more comprehensive 2.2.4. Practical knowledge
definition of ability, which is linked with job position or role. Ability Knowledge and ability complement each other. Experts in many
is the integration of knowledge, skills, judgment, attitude, and fields have different classifications of practical knowledge, which is
values required for certain job roles. composed of the following aspects: motivation, emotion, attitude,
strategies for solving subject-related problems, rules, techniques,
2.2. Practice ability procedural knowledge, strategies for controlling the thinking pro-
cess, and situational knowledge.11 Practical knowledge is an
These concepts suggest that ability is closely associated with important category of knowledge and complements theoretical
practice and cannot be separated from talent, knowledge, or skills. knowledge. Practical knowledge develops from understanding and
Practice ability has been extensively studied; however, the defini- using theoretical knowledge in individuals. Theoretical knowledge
tion of “practice” has been interpreted differently among academic is mostly based on practical knowledge. Practice ability from the
fields. perspective of practical knowledge is defined as the reasonable
selection and utilization of mastered knowledge and skills in
2.2.1. The concept of practice in philosophy various actual situations. Individuals use practical knowledge to
Marxist philosophy considers practice to be all social objective solve practical problems.12 Based on these results, practice ability is
material activities that play a dynamic role in reforming and defined as follows: (1) the combination of psychological and
exploring the real world. Practice ability is the organic whole of all physiological characteristics in individuals; (2) the ability to
material factors, including mental factors, intelligence factors, and transform knowledge into practice, and (3) the ability to use
non-intelligence factors. Practice ability mainly includes the practical knowledge to solve actual problems.
following three components: humanity's nature, which is the sum
of human physical and mental powers; an individual's knowledge, 2.3. Professional practice ability
experiences, and skills; and non-intelligence factors, such as
emotion and the will of the individual.4 Practice ability is a broad concept that includes the ability to
perform activities in and outside of work. Professional practice
2.2.2. The concept of practice in psychology ability is the ability to reasonably use professional knowledge and
Studies of practice ability in psychology have focused on prac- skills to independently solve problems and evaluate results. In
tical intelligence. Neisser was one of the scholars that first proposed addition, professional practice ability is the core skill required for
the idea of practical intelligence. He suggested that practical in- workers to be competent.13 Several scholars have proposed that
telligence corresponded to academic intelligence and regarded professional practice ability is the ability to use learned profes-
practical intelligence as the cognitive response of a person to sional knowledge to solve professional practical problems and that
problems outside of the classroom.5 Sternberg, a psychologist in the this ability is not isolated but complex and based on various other
United States, performed in-depth studies on practical intelligence abilities.11 Medicine requires a high level of professional practice
and proposed the successful intelligence theory, which indicated ability. Miller14 suggested that professional practice ability, i.e.,
that successful intelligence mainly included analytical intelligence, clinical practice ability, in physicians can be evaluated through
creative intelligence, and practical intelligence. Sternberg particu- knowledge, competence, performance, and action. Additionally,
larly emphasized practical intelligence, which he considered the Miller constructed a pyramidal framework model. The first layer of
ability to transform theories into practice and to analyze and solve the pyramid (Knows) is the relevant theoretical and operational
practical problems in work and life. Practical intelligence is tacit knowledge required to perform medical professions. The second
knowledge, which is a type of knowledge that cannot be learned layer (Knows How) is knowing how to use the accumulated medical
through language and can only be obtained through one's own professional knowledge, which is to understand and master
experience and comprehension. This type of knowledge usually is knowledge. The third layer (Shows How) is using the acquired
action oriented, which is helpful for individuals to solve problems knowledge and ability when facing clinical care recipients in a
and achieve goals.6,7 In addition, Sternberg8 emphasized that these virtual context. The fourth layer (Does) is the practical action of
three types of intelligence are interconnected and that success can students in a specific and practical clinical working environment.
only be obtained when a balance is reached. This pyramidal framework redefines the concept of clinical practice
ability and its role in clinical practice. Clinical practice ability is
2.2.3. The concept of practice in education based on medical knowledge and the effective presentation of be-
Regarding practice ability in education, scholars have proposed haviors. Clinical practice ability is the bridge during the trans-
that in addition to the psychological and physiological character- formation of knowledge into behavior.15 This framework
istics that individuals possess to solve practical problems and emphasizes that behavior in a clinical work environment is not
perform activities, these characteristics should be analyzed from based on knowledge and operation skills. In contrast, clinical
the perspective of knowledge utilization. Therefore, the concept of practice ability is the ability to use a combination of theory,
knowledge-based practice ability was proposed, which emphasizes knowledge, and operation skills to provide timely and effective
using internalized knowledge and understanding how individuals treatment for complicated disease conditions in clinical practice.
relate to the external environment to solve practical problems. Based on this pyramid, Epstein et al16 proposed the concept of
Knowledge utilization is the core connotation of knowledge-based cultivation of clinical practice ability in medical education, which is
practice ability. Therefore, during training, the actual utilization of the ability to skillfully and reasonably apply communication, pro-
knowledge is more important than hands-on activities.9 Several fessional knowledge, skills, clinical decision-making, professional
J. Zeng et al. / Chinese Nursing Research 3 (2016) 97e100 99

ethics, and emotion in clinical practice when serving patients and 3.2. The characteristics of clinical practice ability in MNS students
community populations. Their concept of clinical practice ability is
mainly composed of the following aspects: professional skills, 3.2.1. Clinical setting and practice ability in MNS students
multidisciplinary medical collaboration, communication, team Practice relies on the setting. The setting is the place of practice
work, professional ethics, and clinical decision-making. Scholars in and, practice is always performed in specific settings. The devel-
China have suggested that clinical practice ability should be defined opment of clinical practice ability in MNS students depends on the
according to training goals at different stages of medical education. clinical setting. This setting is dynamic and complicated, is full of
The psychological characteristics of clinical practice ability include uncertainty, and is unconventional, including sudden emergencies
clinical operation skills, clinical decision-making, humanistic and conflicts with patients. Clinical practice ability in MNS students
concern, and communication skills that are required to complete in the clinical setting is not a hard copy of theories and knowledge
clinical practice activities.17 In addition, researchers have proposed and cannot depend on general nursing operation skills or strate-
that clinical practice ability is composed of clinical operation skills, gies. In contrast, this ability requires students to flexibly and care-
which include the coordination of limb movements, and clinical fully perform decision-making to handle clinical nursing issues.
decision-making, which depends on the cognitive activity of the Clinical practice ability is flexible and open rather than rigid and
human brain.18 mechanical. In the clinical setting, students will provide patient
services, undertake different roles and functions, and use corre-
sponding clinical practice ability in different nursing practices.
2.4. Clinical practice ability in nursing
Therefore, clinical practice ability cannot be separated from specific
patients, the clinical setting, and the functional roles of students.
Nursing is an important component of medicine. The trans-
formation of medicine has led to changes in nursing, including a
different understanding and definition of clinical practice ability. In 3.2.2. The dynamics of clinical practice ability in MNS students
2002, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) of the United Clinical practice ability in MNS students is required to enable
Kingdom proposed that clinical practice ability in nursing is the them to become advanced nurse practitioners. This ability is rooted
ability to independently, effectively, and safely complete clinical in specific historical and cultural contexts. In addition, with social
practice activities without supervision. Many researchers gradually development, the health needs of the population will vary, which
proposed a new concept of clinical practice ability in nursing. Based will require changes to the education system. Furthermore,
on these studies, in 2010, the NMC defined clinical practice ability communication in clinical practice is iterative, and clinical practice
in nursing as the comprehensive ability to perform safe and ability will continuously develop over time, allowing “novices” to
effective nursing practices and interventions using skills, knowl- develop into “experts”. In addition, this process of continuous
edge, attitude, and professional values.19 The National League of change and knowledge accumulation creates an optimal growth
Nursing (NLN) in the United States suggested that clinical practice environment for the development of nursing specialization.
ability is the ability to use correct judgment and evidence-based
nursing practices to provide clinical care to patients in different 3.2.3. Evaluation of clinical practice ability in MNS students
clinical nursing environments.20 Researchers in China proposed Clinical practice ability in MNS students requires effective
that clinical practice ability in nursing is the transformation of evaluation to determine the ability requirements for students,
learned knowledge and skills into physiological and psychological which is important for teaching nursing practices. Therefore, an
characteristics that are required to solve clinical practical evaluation indicator system corresponding to the components of
problems.21 clinical practice ability in MNS students should be established to
monitor the development of this ability in students and to improve
3. Definition and characteristics of clinical practice ability for the methods of clinical practice teaching.
MNS students
Conflicts of interest
3.1. Definition of clinical practice ability in MNS students
All contributing authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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