Unit 4 Website Political Geography 1

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1) Create an Ethnic map of your country.

Make sure to make a key and break it down

by percentage in a chart. Talk about one current and past issue that has arisen
because of it being Multi Ethnic State.
The issue with Iceland is actually not that it has too many ethnicities, but that it is very specific
and not that Diverse because only 8% of iceland has other ethnicities than Icelandic, which
makes it not that diverse. One current issue of it is not being a diverse country, and an past
issue of it was political disputes and discrimination for the other ethnicites.
2) Define Nation, States, Nation-State, Stateless Nation, Multinational States. Give an
example of each one.
Nation: a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language,
inhabiting a particular country or territory. ​Example: North America
State: a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one
government. ​Example: California
Nation-State: a sovereign state whose citizens or subjects are relatively homogeneous
in factors such as language or common descent. ​Example: Japan.
Stateless Nation: A stateless nation is an ethnic group or nation that does not possess
its own state and is not the majority population in any nation state. ​Example: The Kurds
Multinational State: A multinational state is a sovereign state that comprises two or
more nations or states. ​Example: Afghanistan

3) How did Colonialism and Imperialism influence the current border of your country.
Colonialism in Iceland started when Norse settlers and people from the Western Islands took
place in the second part of the ninth century. Vikings were yet not tamed and kept coming over
the sea from Norway and Norse settlements in Ireland and Scottish islands. Imperialism in
Iceland started when Winston Churchill ordered the Royal Navy to land Royal Marines on the
shores of Iceland and invade that small island nation. The British protected all of their
telecommunications, and they began the immediate round up of ethnic, German people in
Iceland. The British handed over their occupation of Iceland to US forces in 1941. Iceland still
comes under the ‘protection’ of the United States. It influenced the border of Iceland because
there special cultural landscapes and other things that influenced where the borders were drawn
and placed.

4) How has your countries borders changed since the end of WWII. Choose a map or
draw a map of Pre-WWII and Post WII.
The countries borders didn’t change, but Iceland seemed to have gained a little extra land.

Pre-World War 2 Map:

After World War 2 Map:

5) According to your book, what shape is your country and problems governing your
Iceland is a compact state, and the problems with compact states (Iceland) is that it lacks
cultural diversity due to it being equidistant from the center.

6) Create a map that depicts the Rimland Theory and describe the theory.
Rimland theory: Nicholas Spykman's theory that the domination of the coastal fringes of Eurasia
would provide the base for world conquest.
7) Create a map that depicts the Heartland Theory and describe the theory.
Heartland Theory: suggests that whoever owns the heartland of Eastern Europe will control the

8) What border disputes or treaties are in place to keep peace or disrupt peace in
your country.
There are no exact border disputes in Iceland, but there are treaties. Like specific tax treaties for
exports and imports. One of the most famous tax treaties in Iceland is called the OECD tax
treaty. There is an agreement called the FATCA agreement that Iceland signed in 2015, it
stands for Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. These are just a few to name compared to the
other 20+ treaties in Iceland.

9) What supranational organization or organizations is your state belonging?

Iceland is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Organization for Security and
Co-operation in Europe, International Criminal Court, International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, International Development Association, and etc.

10) What is Maritime Law and how does it affect countries? Has is affected your
country in any way?
Maritime Law: a body of laws, conventions, and treaties that govern private maritime business
and other nautical matters, such as shipping or offenses occurring on open water. Maritime law
governs many of the insurance claims relating to ships and cargo; civil matters between
shipowners, seamen, and passengers; and piracy. No, the Maritime law has not affected
Iceland in any way although there were laws similar to the Maritime Laws that were
implemented, but celand has recently filed a proposal to the International Maritime Organisation
to ban the use of heavy fuel in the Arctic region.

11) What type of government exists within your country?

Iceland is a constitutional republic with a multi-party system.Legislative power is held in
both the Parliament and the President. It is also the world's oldest parliamentary democracy.

12) Describe patterns of local and metropolitan governance?

Local Governance: Basically when the government controls and makes decisions for the local
area. Kind of a unitary government type thing.
Metropolitan Governance: it’s a form of regional government; autonomous.
13) Devolution of states exist in many countries, what are good examples of this in
the region where your country is located today. Describe Balkanization and
explain the country in which this term defines.
To point our Devolution in Iceland, one must know the definition of Devolution. Devolution
means the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level, especially by central government to
local or regional administration. An example of devolution is in the United Kingdom. Scotland,
Wales and Northern Ireland have authority over their own lands, but they still remain a part of
the U.K.
Balkanization: is a geopolitical term for the process of fragmentation or division of a region or
state into smaller regions or states that are often hostile or uncooperative with one another. An
example of a country that endured Balkanization is in Yugoslavia because it became five
independent countries.
Works Cited
Ap Human Geography Book, AMSCO

Kagan, Julia. “Maritime Law.” ​Investopedia​, Investopedia, 18 Nov. 2019,


Grapevine.is. “Iceland To Propose A Ban On Use Of Petroleum In The Arctic.” ​The

Reykjavik Grapevine​, 6 Apr. 2018,

“How Is Iceland Governed?” ​Go to Frontpage,​ 2016,


Lightbody, James. “Metropolitan Government.” ​Metropolitan Government | The Canadian

Encyclopedia,​ 13 Dec. 2013,

“U.S. Relations With Iceland - United States Department of State.” ​U.S. Department of
State,​ U.S. Department of State, ​www.state.gov/u-s-relations-with-iceland/​.

C, Qamar. “Devolution: Definition, Theory & Examples.” ​Study.com,​ Study.com, 2018,


“List of Treaties by Country: Iceland.” ​TREATIES OFFICE DATABASE​, 2018,


gov of iceland. “Tax Treaties.” ​Go to Frontpage​,


​ vista. “Icelandic Colonization of Greenland and (Briefly) of America.” ​Mountaineers of

Iceland,​ 12 Apr. 2016,

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