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Civil Rights are PRIVILEGES

Most people may not have a clue that civil rights are based upon statutory
privileges. Civil rights are the not the same thing as constitutionally protected

Under the United States Republic of North America / Northwest Amexem, you
don’t have constitutional rights, simply because the Constitution gives you no
rights you previously or already had under the Common law. However, the
United States Constitution merely protected your rights, your unalienable rights
granted to you by your Creator and which were summed up as the Common

This is why your constitutionally protected rights can never be taken from you
against your will. Constitutional rights cannot be taken away; they must be
surrendered or waived. It is black letter law that constitutional rights must be
WAIVED. See Brady v. U.S., 397 U.S. 742 at 748 (1970)

Here is something to think about, especially for so-called “Black Americans”: if

Black Americans were allegedly given freedom via the Emancipation Proclamation
(though a proclamation is not law) and the subsequent 14th Amendment, what
was the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s all about? What were
Black Americans marching for? You see, the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s
and 1960s exposes the Emancipation Proclamation for the fraud it was. Free
people don’t have to march for their rights!

If you are free you have rights! If you are free then you are a citizen of some
State. If you are a citizen of some state (wherein you dwell), you have rights
protected by law. Free people have rights that are protected and enforced by the
state (its police powers) wherein they domicile.

The simple fact that Black Americans were given civil rights (via the 1868 14th
Amendment) denotes that Black Americans are not free (even unto this very
day), being technical.

However, today, all U.S. citizens have civil rights (which means all races of
people in the U.S. are not free today). You see, the scheme and scam started
with Black Americans (converting human beings into juristic persons or corporate
entities), but it was actually for all people including White people. This is why
you have many angry White males in the U.S today. The legally astute ones
know their sovereignty has been usurped (beginning with the Civil War) for
corporate entity status and their psyches just can’t handle being a slave (and you
can’t really blame them for who in their right mind wants to be a slave?).
So yes, today, all U.S. citizens have CIVIL RIGHTS which are granted in
accordance pursuant to the 14th Amendment.

Beware of the fraud of civil rights! These are not really rights, but privileges
created and granted by man (legislators). Remember this always: rights cannot
be taken away, but privileges can; and this is the reason why you can be denied
and deprived of your civil rights, for example, like when you are incarcerated.
Did you know this? This is the real reason prisoners can be treated like shit and
violated behind bars. They have no rights (human rights) or civil privileges.
Therefore, they can be f-u-c-k-e-d up the a-s-s (raped, sodomized), beaten
unmercifully, fed crap food, worked like slaves for little or no pay at all, etc. They
have no rights, nor civil statutory privileges. They are at the mercy of the State
(System, Government).

How do I know this? Easy! It’s written in the codebooks. Here in California, the
Code of Civil Procedure pertaining to jury duty mentions civil rights not being

A” Persons qualified to be trial jurors; exceptions. A” (a) All persons are eligible
and qualified to be prospective trial jurors, except the following: (5) Persons who
have been convicted of malfeasance in office or a felony, and whose civil rights
have not been restored. California Code of Civil Procedure § 203

Any person convicted of a crime (not just malfeasance) loses their civil rights. If
prisoner’s didn’t lose their civil rights you couldn’t have a penal institutional
system in this corporation (country) because civil rights and/or human rights
cannot coexist with jail or prison. Prisons and jailhouses are diametrically
opposed to the principles of human rights and dignity and therefore they cannot
coexist together. So as a prisoner, you are stripped of your human rights and
your man-made and given statutory civil privileges so as to be violated by the
System, the warden and his cronies, and the inmates (bigger and stronger ones).

Civil rights were created by and given (to the people) by the federal government.
Government cannot give rights, but only protect or secure rights, which come
from God. This should make you THINK!

Americans, or more appropriately, U.S. citizens, have been bamboozled out of

constitutionally protected rights and into civil rights, which are really civil
privileges. And look at how these devils who run things do it – you sue for
violation of your federal constitutionally protected rights in federal court under
the A” civil rights and elective franchise” provision (28 U.S.C. § 1343).
28 U.S.C. § 1343 states: (3) A” To redress the deprivation, under color of any
State law, statute, ordinance, regulation, custom or usage, of any right, privilege
or immunity secured by the Constitution of the United States or by any Act of
Congress providing for equal rights of citizens or of all persons within the
jurisdiction of the United States. A”

But remember, the heading of 28 U.S.C. § 1343 is under CIVIL RIGHTS! The
statute mentions constitutionally protected rights, but under civil rights. You can’t
have civil rights existing alongside constitutionally protected rights because they
are not the same things. One protects inalienable rights and the other grants
privileges to do a certain or particular thing(s) that without the granting would
be illegal, trespass, or tort. This is why it was illegal for Black Americans to
originally march without having civil rights (license to march). Without civil
rights, they had no government protection. They weren’t even seen as human
(something Malcolm X brilliantly argued in his day). If they were seen and
accepted as humans, the Constitution itself would have protected Black
Americans because the Constitution protects all rights granted by the Creator.

So today, we all have CIVIL RIGHTS, Black Americans, White Americans, Native
Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans, homosexuals (gays and
lesbians); White females, feminists, etc. And what does this mean? Today, these
bastards who we allow to rule us have enslaved us all and gave us all corporate
entity or juristic person status and given us permission (in the form of licenses,
permits, and certificates) to do things we originally had the right to do under
God-given inalienable rights, i.e. travel, to conduct business, get married, etc., all
of which today require a license (permission granted by a COMPETENT authority:
the State/Government).

And just look at all the Dumb Asses here in the U.S. today who really believe
they are free but who are bombarded with a drove of licenses denoting their
enslavement, but who are too damn dumb to know it and who are too lazy and
cowardly to do anything about it (if they weren’t dumb).

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