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According to the recent report from SMB Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises of India there were more than 48 millions of Small and
Medium Enterprises in India. The report of the Ministry of Micro Small and Medium
Enterprises of India indicated the state of Uttar Pradesh has the largest number of estimated
SMEs. This research work on problems faced by small and medium enterprises owners in
Thanjavur city was focused on awareness of new marketing strategies, new technology
implementation, and financial schemes and also to found the relationship between
demographic variables and Problems faced by SME owners. This study conducts in
Thanjavur with the respondents of 70 small and medium enterprises owners.

Keywords: Awareness, Credits, Medium Enterprises, Owners, Problems, Small Enterprises.


In India, SME provides employment opportunity for 106 million people, 40 percent of India’s workforce.
Next only to the agricultural sector. The SME contribution in Indian GDP Currently around 6.11 percentage
of the manufacturing sector and 24.63 percentage of the Service sector. The owners of SME face many
challenges to run their business such as shortage of electricity and water, government tax policies, bank
depts. and ect


Sonia Mukherjee (2018) researched Challenges to Indian micro small scale and medium enterprises in the
era of globalization and the author using secondary data collection method for this research. The outcome of
the research was enabling the new technologies, reduce the infrastructural gaps, quick access to finance,
improvement in research and development can help the improvement of micro small scale and medium

Anshul Pachouri and Sankalp Sharma (2016) surveyed Barriers to Innovation in Indian Small and Medium-
Sized Enterprises and the researchers using secondary data collection for this research, The result of the
research was lack of innovation and most importantly government policies were the barriers to SMEs.

Dr.Gisha.P.Mathai (2015) did a Challenges and Issues in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
in India: A Current Scenario of Economic Growth and the author using secondary data to collecting
information, the outcome of the research was MSMEs owners unaware of new technologies and didn’t use
any innovative marketing methods.

Gaziasayed, Najmussaharsayed (2018) conducted a survey on Challenges Faced by Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises of Mumbai and the authors using secondary data to collecting information, the result of
the research was the Mumbai Based MSMEs were find difficulty in Access to loan and capital, Accessing
Market To Sell Products, Accessing Skill Development Programmes.

Seemant Yadav, Vikas Tripathi (2018) made research on challenges and obstacles faced by micro, small and
medium-sized enterprises in India and the researchers using secondary data to collecting information, the
result of the survey was Inadequate capital, Lack access of packaging technologies, and Lack of Skilled
Human Resources etc

1. To find the problems faced by small and medium enterprises owners in Thanjavur.

2. To analyze the relationship between demographic variables and the problem faced by SME owners in


The above table clearly shows that the mean value of Agree (AG) 22 then followed by the mean value of
Neutral (N) 19 so in Thanjavur the owners of SME facing the problems. The analysis of the mean table
reveals that 57 out of 70 owners were accept new tax policies from government affect the enterprises
growth, 46 out of 70 owners were didn’t have any idea of SME financial schemes, 38 out of 70 owners
accepted that online business affect the sales growth of their enterprises and 44 out of 70 owners were facing
problems in getting loan from banks.



The above table clearly shows that (If the value is 0.1 to 0.3 then it is called weak positive correlation which
means both variables tend to go up in the response to one another but the relationship is not very strong) the
correlation between the age and marital status is r= 0.323964 so it is a weak positive correlation, the
correlation between the marital status and education is r= 0.269738 so it is a weak positive correlation, the
correlation between the age and education is r= 0.213251 so it is a weak positive correlation, the
correlation between the gender and new tax policies is r=0.132478 so it is a weak positive correlation. The
correlation between age and loan from banks is r=0.131987 so it is a weak positive correlation. Eventually,
this correlation analysis reveals that the relationship between demographic variables and the problem faced
by SME owners in Thanjavur is not very strong.


According to this research analysis, the small and medium enterprises owners in Thanjavur city was facing
four main problems such as new tax policies from government, online business, awareness of SME financial
schemes and get credit from the bank. A few years back the Indian government introduces the goods and
service tax all over India with demonetization this affected not only the small and medium emprises owners
but all over the Indian business. Now a day’s online business grow faster so the growth of the online
business affects the small and medium enterprises sales. the research found that in Thanjavur most of the
SME owners didn’t have any aware of SME financial schemes.


Small and medium enterprises have created the second largest employment after agriculture sector. The
government also imitated many financial schemes to enrich the growth of SME the popular financial
schemes were credit guarantee fund scheme for micro and small enterprises (CGTMSE), MUDRA loans and
stand-up India. Most of the Indian banks offering many loan facilities for small and medium enterprises, but
new tax policies from government affect the SMEs, so government should reduce or exempt some amount
of tax to small and medium enterprises moreover they need to create more awareness among SMEs owners.

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