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Bauan, Batangas


Name ___________________________________________ Date_____________

Section ____________________ Score____________

I. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise, write FALSE.
__________1. The Gandhis were middle-class Hindus belonging to the Vaisyas (merchant) caste
of Hindus. This caste ranked just above the Brahmans, (priests and scholars) and
the Kshatriyas (noble men, warriors).
__________2. Confession is an example of autobiography.
__________3. Folklore started in the oral tradition, passed along from generation to generation,
often changing in some details as storyteller added their own special touch.
__________4. Mahatma Gandhi was shot three times in the chest and died while on his way to a
prayer meeting.
__________5. Myth is an example of nonfiction.
__________6. Gandhi helped free India from British control by using a unique method of non-
violent resistance. This was a method of social action based upon principles of
courage, non-violence and truth.
__________7. A life story that tells the life of another person is an autobiography.
__________8. Folklore is an urban myth.

II. Multiple Choice.

A. Write the letter of the correct answer.
For nos. 9and 10, read each passage and identify the narrators’ point of view.

A. first-person C. third-person
B. second-person D. fourth-person

______9. “Even in the days before my teacher came, I used to feel along the square stiff boxwood
hedges, and, guided by the sense of smell, would find the first violets and lilies. There,
too, after a fit of temper, I went to find comfort and to hide my hot face in the cool leaves
and grass. What joy it was to lose myself in that garden of flowers, to wander happily
from spot to spot, until, coming suddenly upon a beautiful vine, I recognized it by its
leaves and blossoms, and knew it was the vine which covered the tumble-down summer-
house at the farther end of the garden!” (Keller).
______10. “The people were saying, “The Red Army is advancing with giant strides…Hitler will
not be able to harm us, even if he wants to…”
Yes, we even doubted his resolve to exterminate us.
And thus my elders concerned themselves with all manner of things—strategy,
diplomacy, politics, and Zionism—but not with their own fate.
In those days it was still possible to buy emigration certificates to Palestine. I had asked
my father to sell everything, to liquidate everything, and to leave” (Wiesel 8).
______11. In the folktale, “The Talking Parrot”, why did the Raja bought the parrot at once?
A. The parrot is cute.
B. The parrot could clean the mansion.
C. The Raja was very pleased with the talking parrot.
D. The Raja has nothing to do with his money so he bought the parrot.
Eng. 8, p. 2
______12. When was Mahatma Gandhi born?
A. October 2, 1869 C. August 15, 1845
B. January 26, 1850 D. September 24, 1844
______13. A collocation is two or more words that______________
A. must be separated C. have similar meanings
B. often go together D. must be used together
______14. Why do collocation sound “right” to native English speakers?
A. These are often used. C. These sound unnatural.
B. These are rarely used. D. These are seldom used.
______15. What will happen to the English sounds if people learn and use many collocations?
A. It will be more natural C. It will be more uncommon.
B. It will be more unusual. D. It will be more grammatical.
______16. Which is a very common collocation?
A. fast food C. rapid food
B. quick food D. speedy food
______17. Complete the collocation: "I was running late so I only had time for a _____ shower."
A. fast C. quick
B. firm D. short
______18. This may be the best definition of collocations.
A. It is a necessity C. It is a rule of grammar
B. It is a part of speech D. It is a block of language
______19. Collocations can be divided into several types such as _________ collocations.
A. first + second C. third + fourth
B. subject + object D. verb + noun
______20. Which is an example of a verb + noun collocation?
A. make a mistake C. a terrible mistake
B. mark a mistake D. commonly mistake
______21. Complete with a verb + adverb collocation: "You'll do it if you ________ enough."
A. really try C. try hard
B. truly good D. want to
______22. Which is a common adverb + adjective collocation?
A. greedily rich C. richly decorated
B. really greedily D. richly wealthy
B. Put a check (/) on the sentence that uses the meaning of the word that is given.
23. definition for live: burning or containing energy
_____The live bomb could explode at any time.
_____The television show was live tonight, not prerecorded as usual.
24. definition for scald: to burn with hot liquid or steam
_____The botanist studied the scald on the cucumber.
_____He will scald his hand if he doesn't protect himself.
25. definition for scour: to clean thoroughly
_____The bride-to-be plans to scour the bridal shops to find her dream wedding gown.
_____Jack promised to scour the grease from the pan.
26. definition for punt: an open flat bottom boat
_____The punt traveled thirty yards.
_____The punt has square ends and an open, flat bottom.
27. definition for bunk: nonsense
_____Do you want to sleep in the top bunk?
_____The executive wanted to hear substantial ideas, not bunk.
28. definition for ramp: a plant related to onions
_____A new entrance ramp was created over the summer.
_____Did you know the ramp was safe to eat according to our nature guide?
29. definition for slot: a position in an organization
_____Who in the department is qualified to fill the administrative assistant slot?
_____Put the quarter in the slot of the vending machine.
30. definition for grip: a tight hold
_____Ellen thought she had a firm grip on the physics chapter until she tried to complete
her homework that night.
_____The toddler would not get away because of the grip his mom had on him.
31. definition for cuff: a fold at the bottom of a sleeve
_____The blood pressure cuff was tight around my arm.
_____James rolled up the cuff on the sleeve.

III. Application. For numbers 32-40, using the words in parentheses, complete the text below
with the appropriate conditional form.
Did you hear about that guy who won 180 million dollars in the lottery? If I (win)
________________ that much money, I (quit) ________________ my job the next day. I (travel)
________________ around the world and (stay) ________________ in the most luxurious hotels.
If I (see) ________________ a beautiful Mercedes that I wanted, I (buy) ________________ it. If
I wanted to stay in a beautiful hotel and the hotel (be) ________________ full, I (buy)
________________ the hotel and make them give me a room. I (can) ________________ do
anything in the world if I had 180 million dollars.
Bauan, Batangas


1. False 21. C
2. True 22. A
3. True 23. 1st
4. True 24. 2nd
5. False 25. 2nd
6. True 26. 2nd
7. False 27. 2nd
8. True 28. 2nd
9. A 29. 1st
10. A 30. 2nd
11. C 31. 2nd
12. A 32. won
13. B 33. would quit
14. A 34. would travel
15. A 35. would stay
16. A 36. saw
17. C 37. would buy
18. D 38. was/were
19. D 39. would buy
20. A 40. could

SC ________________________________________ Date ____________________________

AP ________________________________________ Date ____________________________
P ________________________________________ Date ____________________________

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