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Pearls and Myths in the Evaluation of Patients

with Suspected Acute Pulmonary Embolism
€ssi-Helbling, MD,a Mattia Arrigo, MD,b Lars C. Huber, MDa
Melina Stu
Department of Internal Medicine, Clinic for Internal Medicine, City Hospital Triemli Zurich, Switzerland; bDivision of Cardiology,
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland.


Significant improvement has been achieved in diagnostic accuracy, validation of probability scores, and
standardized treatment algorithms for patients with suspected acute pulmonary embolism. These develop-
ments have provided the tools for a safe and cost-effective management for most of these patients. In our
experience, however, the presence of medical myths and ongoing controversies seem to hinder the imple-
mentation of these tools in everyday clinical practice. This review provides a selection of such dilemmas
and controversies and discusses the published evidence beyond them. By doing so, we try to overcome
these dilemmas and suggest pragmatic approaches guided by the available evidence and current
Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.  The American Journal of Medicine (2019) 132:685−691

KEYWORDS: Acute pulmonary embolism; Diagnosis; Management; Risk stratification

MYTH: THE CLINICAL ASSESSMENT (“CLINICAL of a disease is calculated by the individual pretest probability
GESTALT”) IS INFERIOR TO STANDARDIZED multiplied by the distinct likelihood ratio of a specific test.1 In
the context of pulmonary embolism, clinical prediction scores
were developed to facilitate suspicion for the diagnosis of pul-
RULES”) monary embolism, with the “Wells Score”2 and the “revised
Geneva Score”3 being the most popular ones. In the case of
low and intermediate pretest probability, pulmonary embolism
The diagnostic process starts with an estimate of the pretest
can be safely excluded in combination with negative testing
probability, which is the summary of anamnestic information,
for D-dimers.4 These scores, which are helpful in everyday
clinical findings and—if available—other test results. It is
practice, have been compared with clinical assessment. Such
important to remember that the interpretation of any medical
clinical gestalt is based both on the individual experience and
test result is impossible without considering pretest probabil-
the subjective assessment enabling the physician to consider
ity. Bayesian principles imply that the likelihood of a disease
further information that is not included in the prediction
is determined by the individual pretest probability and the spe-
scores. This “holistic approach” depends decisively on the
cific qualities of a test. The posttest probability for the presence
experience of the clinician.5 Of note, the clinical gestalt recog-
nition of the experienced physician is noninferior to the likeli-
hood ratio of the prediction scores.6-8 As such, we want to
Funding: None.
Conflict of Interest: None.
emphasize that these scores are no surrogate for careful history
Authorship: All authors have contributed substantially to designing taking, physical examination, and intellectual synthesis.
and writing the manuscript. The article has been seen and approved by all The importance of clinical gestalt is further highlighted
authors. by a recent study that addressed the association between
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Melina St€ussi-Helbling, happy facial expressions of patients and the presence of
MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Clinic for Internal Medicine, City
Hospital Triemli Zurich, Birmensdorferstrasse 497, Zurich 8063,
pulmonary embolism. These data show that the likelihood
Switzerland. for pulmonary embolism was significantly underestimated
E-mail address: in smiling patients when using prediction scores but not

0002-9343/© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
686 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 132, No 6, June 2019

when the assessment of the pretest probability was made probability. Data from large centers show that the posi-
using clinical gestalt.9 tive yield in such a setting is about 15%. In other
words, every sixth to seventh CTA examination should
turn out positive when a diagnosis of pulmonary embo-
Bottom Line
lism is suspected. The diagnostic yield compared among
Scoring systems are useful and reproducible tools. The
individual physicians, however, shows substantial
value of clinical decision rules, however, should not be
overestimated. Clinical assessment performed by experi-
enced physicians has proven nonin-
ferior to standardized prediction MYTH: PULMONARY
scores and has an important place CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE
in everyday clinical practice.  Significant improvement has been SAFELY RULED OUT WITHOUT
achieved in diagnostic accuracy, vali- D-DIMER TESTING OR CTA
MYTH: THE OUTCOME OF dation of probability scores, and stan-
PATIENTS HAS IMPROVED dardized treatment algorithms for Reality
DUE TO MORE FREQUENT patients with suspected acute pulmo- Standardized prediction scores
DETECTION OF PULMONARY nary embolism. were intended as a tool to identify
EMBOLISM low- and intermediate-risk patients,
 Medical myths and ongoing controver- in which pulmonary embolism can
Reality sies appear to hinder the implementa- be excluded with testing of D-
Autopsy studies in the 1990s have tion and use of these safe and cost- dimers. Independent of the risk cal-
shown that pulmonary embolism is effective tools in everyday clinical culation, however, these scores
one of the most frequently missed practice. should be followed by further test-
cardiovascular diagnoses. In these ing, either by analysis of D-dimers
 Here we address these dilemmas and (in low- and intermediate-risk sit-
fatal cases, the diagnosis has not
only been missed, but has not even
suggest pragmatic approaches guided uations) or by computed angio-
been considered premortem. Con- by the available evidence and current graphy (in high-risk situations).
versely, since the introduction of guidelines. Because a substantial number of
computed tomography angiography patients might test positive for D-
(CTA) in 1993, the incidence of dimers, the use of these prediction
pulmonary embolism has increased worldwide. The mortal- scores might result in a diagnostic delay for other impor-
ity rate, when analyzed for the same period, however, has tant diagnoses. Conversely, the pulmonary embolism rule-
remained virtually unchanged.11 This pattern questions out criteria (PERC) score is an additional helpful tool that,
whether the observed increase of pulmonary embolism when negative and performed in patients considered to be
reflects a real increase in incidence or whether pulmonary of low risk, has a high negative likelihood ratio for pulmo-
embolism is overdiagnosed. The latter assumption is under- nary embolism.18
scored by the opposite trend between incidence and mortal- Application of the PERC score can safely exclude the
ity despite the advent of effective therapies. diagnosis of pulmonary embolism without further testing in
These findings might be explained by the localization of patients with a low pretest probability (sensitivity 97%-
the thrombotic clot within the pulmonary vessels: while 100%, false negative rate of ≤1.4%).19 The PERC score
CTA has an excellent interobserver agreement for the has been validated repeatedly: a negative score results in
detection of central pulmonary emboli, the reliability of significantly lower ordering rate of D-dimers, reduced use
detection decreases significantly in peripheral clots with of CTA, and shortened length of stay in the emergency
small filling defects (<6 mm), and overall, the incidence is department.20 Of importance, due to overlapping criteria,
overestimated.12,13 Moreover, pulmonary emboli are the use of PERC score implies that pretest probability
increasingly observed as incidental findings, that is, without should be estimated on clinical assessment and not on pre-
clinical correlate. This notion is of major clinical impor- diction scores.21,22
tance because the use of anticoagulants in patients with iso-
lated subsegmental pulmonary emboli is of unknown
benefit.15 Along these lines, current guidelines recommend Bottom Line
making therapy decisions for these patients based on the
Clinical prediction scores are not sufficient to discard
individual risk (recurrence rate, bleeding complications).16
the differential diagnosis of pulmonary embolism, and
they always result in further testing. As such, we advo-
Bottom Line cate applying the PERC rule as an initial score system
CTA should be performed only in the context of clinical in patients with low pretest probability as assessed by
suspicion and in patients with an appropriate pretest clinical gestalt.
ussi-Helbling et al Pulmonary Embolism: Pearls and Myths 687

MYTH: PATIENTS WITH A SYNCOPAL EVENT noncentral localization of the emboli.31 This is also true for
SHOULD BE TESTED FOR THE PRESENCE OF patients with a saddle embolus extending from the truncal
PULMONARY EMBOLISM bifurcation into the major vessels of both lungs.32 It should
be emphasized, however, that patients with a saddle throm-
Reality bus more frequently present with hemodynamic instability
The incidence of syncopal events in patients with pulmo- and, as such, undergo systemic thrombolytic therapy more
nary embolism is up to 10%.23 Conversely, <2% of patients frequently.33
presenting with syncope have a concomitant diagnosis of Similarly, impressive imaging findings, such as virtually
pulmonary embolism.24 complete visual obstruction of the corresponding pulmo-
Possible explanations for a syncopal event in the context nary artery, are not a marker for a higher mortality rate of
of pulmonary embolism include acute right heart failure by these patients.34 Accordingly, it should be noted that an
a sudden increase in ventricular overload with consecu- acute elevation of pulmonary arterial pressure occurs only
tively reduced cardiac output (cardiac syncope), or, alterna- when more than half of the pulmonary artery bed is
tively, a pressure-induced vagal stimulation with reflex obstructed, because recruitment and distension of small
bradycardia (vagal syncope).25,26 In either setting, a mas- vessels within the vasculature of the lung might compensate
sive centrally located embolus that affects pulmonary circulatory volume changes without the development of
hemodynamics must be assumed as a causative factor. As pulmonary hypertension. In conditions under which pres-
such, a (pre-)syncopal event is a surrogate for hemodynami- sure elevation occurs, the right ventricle is unable to gener-
cally relevant pulmonary embolism27 and, moreover, a pos- ate mean pulmonary arterial pressure values > 40 mm Hg,
sible marker for increased mortality.28 In the case of which would result in acute right heart failure.
subsegmental emboli, a real association with syncope is
questionable and seems to be a random finding rather than Bottom Line
a clinical correlate. The localization of pulmonary embolism and the extent of
A prominent study has observed an incidence of pulmo- vascular obstruction are not of particular prognostic rele-
nary embolism of 17% in patients that were hospitalized vance. The management of these patients should be based
after a syncopal event.29 Further analysis, however, sug- on hemodynamic status and evidence of right ventricular
gests the presence of a selection bias. Many patients pre- failure.
sented with clinical signs and symptoms of venous
thromboembolism or cancer, which are both important pre-
dictors of pulmonary embolism. As such, silent pulmonary MYTH: THE ELECTROCARDIOGRAM HAS NO ROLE
embolism is found in more than 30% of patients with con- IN ACUTE PULMONARY EMBOLISM
firmed deep venous thrombosis.30 Moreover, such a clear
association applies only to this highly selected study popu- Reality
lation of old and obviously ill patients. The electrocardiogram is of low value in the diagnosis of
acute pulmonary embolisms due to its low sensitivity and
the variable presence of most of the abnormalities.35 Up to
Bottom Line 20% of patients with acute pulmonary embolism present
We want to emphasize that the association between syn- with an inconspicuous electrocardiogram. The most com-
cope and pulmonary embolism is rather weak. The unre- mon signs are nonspecific and include sinus tachycardia
flected application of this link might represent a publication and ST-segment and T-wave alterations. Other electrocar-
bias and results in overutilization of medical imaging with diographic signs, such as the SIQIIITIII pattern (McGinn-
implications for potential harm and higher costs. White sign) and T-wave inversions in V1-V4, have been
reported to be highly specific for pulmonary embolism.36
However, these and other electrocardiographic changes
MYTH: THE LOCALIZATION AND EXTENT OF such as right bundle-branch block and right axis deviation,
VASCULAR OBSTRUCTION IS AN INDICATOR OF reflect right ventricular strain and therefore display a low
HEMODYNAMIC COMPROMISE (SEVERITY OF sensitivity and low prevalence in patients with pulmonary
DISEASE) embolism.37,38
The prognostic significance of a right ventricular strain
Reality pattern—indicative of right ventricular overload—in
Neither the localization of pulmonary embolism nor the patients with acute pulmonary embolism remains contro-
extent of vascular obstruction is of particular prognostic rel- versial. Some electrocardiographic features indicating right
evance. The outcome of patients with pulmonary embolism ventricular strain have been shown to be associated with
is worsened in the presence of hemodynamic instability or cardiogenic shock or clinical deterioration.39,40 However, a
evidence of right ventricular failure. Accordingly, hemody- recent study showed that a Qr in V1 was the only electro-
namically stable patients with central pulmonary embolism cardiographic pattern associated with in-hospital mortality
experience mortality rates similar to stable patients with a in high-risk patients. In all other patients, the presence of at
688 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 132, No 6, June 2019

least one electrocardiographic sign of right ventricular pulmonary embolism, the level of monitoring and triage for
strain was related with right ventricular injury .41,42 allocation might depend on the level of cardiac bio-
markers.55 Optimal treatment strategies are driven by
hemodynamic stability and are not affected by cardiac bio-
Bottom Line
markers or morphological signs of right ventricular strain.
The major role of the electrocardiogram in the diagnostic
process of acute pulmonary embolism is the differentiation
from other potentially life-threatening diagnoses (eg, acute MYTH: THROMBOPHILIA SCREENING SHOULD BE
coronary syndrome). The electrocardiogram is not intended PERFORMED IN PATIENTS WITH UNPROVOKED
to diagnose pulmonary embolism but may indicate its PULMONARY EMBOLISM
MYTH: ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY AND CARDIAC Both direct clinical relevance and therapeutic consequences
of screening for hereditary thrombophilia are limited.56
Although patients with inherited thrombophilia have an
EVALUATION IN STABLE PATIENTS WITH increased relative risk of a first venous thromboembo-
PULMONARY EMBOLISM lism,57,58 current evidence shows no significant difference
in the recurrence rate of venous thromboembolism between
Reality patients with and without hereditary thrombophilia. The
Prognosis and choice of optimal therapy in patients with pul- individual risk of recurrence seems to be crucially deter-
monary embolism is determined by hemodynamic stability. mined by known risk factors of venous thromboembolism
Unstable patients have an increased mortality rate and might rather than by thrombophilia status.59−61 To our knowl-
benefit from immediate thrombolytic treatment. Conversely, edge, no data from controlled trials exist that show a benefit
normotensive patients have a low mortality rate.43 The role from screening.62 Even in the evaluation of family mem-
of echocardiographic assessment of these patients remains bers of patients with an acute unprovoked venous thrombo-
controversial: several studies have shown that evidence of embolism, screening tests only detect the presence of an
right ventricular dysfunction (ratio of right-to-left ventricu- underlying mutation, and such genetic predisposition does
lar diameter >0.9 at the end of diastole or right ventricular not necessarily correlate with the individual risk of these
hypokinesia) might identify a subgroup of patients at high patients to develop a venous thromboembolism. Con-
risk for clinical worsening with potential instability and versely, a negative thrombophilia screening is not equal to
increased mortality.44,45 This applies similarly to brain natri- normal venous thromboembolism risk since a family his-
uretic peptide (BNP or NT-proBNP)46 and markers for myo- tory of venous thrombosis indicates an increased risk, even
cardial injury (troponin)47 which, when positive, have been in the absence of documented thrombophilia.63,64
proven to help identify patients at higher risk of clinical dete- A further note of caution should be addressed to the tim-
rioration and mortality related to pulmonary embolism. ing of these tests, which should never be performed in the
Accordingly, it is suggested that some of these patients may acute setting: both anticoagulatory therapy and the inflam-
benefit from more aggressive monitoring and therapy. Sev- matory state accompanying any thromboembolic event fal-
eral meta-analyses showed that thrombolysis might restore sify the results and preclude any conclusions.65
pulmonary flow and enhance recovery of right ventricular
dysfunction,48 but most survival effects are outdated by an
increased risk of major bleeding events.49,50 Bottom Line
As a general rule, echocardiography performed on a rou- In our opinion, thrombophilia screening should be performed
tine basis is not indicated due to low diagnostic perfor- only if the results alter therapeutic management. This is
mance and undefined therapeutic consequences. Because almost exclusively the case in young female first-degree rela-
the additional measurement of cardiac biomarkers does not tives of patients with venous thromboembolism contemplat-
improve the yield to identify low-risk patients for an ing estrogen-containing medicaments or pregnancy.66,67
adverse outcome,51−53 the practice of routine screening
should be critically questioned. However, within normoten-
sive patients with intermediate-risk pulmonary embolism,
the intensity level of monitoring and triage for allocation EMBOLISM SHOULD BE TREATED AS INPATIENTS
might be different, depending on the level of natriuretic
peptides and troponin.47,54
Outpatient management of hemodynamically stable and
normoxemic patients with pulmonary embolisms is cost-
Bottom Line effective, safe, and efficient. It has been convincingly
In normotensive and stable patients, echocardiography and shown that outpatient management of patients with low
cardiac biomarkers should not be performed on a routine mortality risk and low risk of adverse events is not inferior
basis. However, for patients at intermediate risk of to short-term inpatient treatment in terms of safety and
ussi-Helbling et al Pulmonary Embolism: Pearls and Myths 689

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