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In this journey of training, I would like to dedicate this to our almighty God who’s

always there for us. To my parents , for doing everything they can just to give anything I

want and always supporting me no matter what. I also dedicate this OJT journey to all

my professors for not getting tired to teach and share their knowledge for us to become

a good and professional engineer someday. To all the people who helping me either it’s

a small or big thing. Either it is very important or not they still helped me just to show

their support for me. I dedicate this also to those who’s believing me that I can surpass

all the problem that I’m facing and will face in the future. Specially when it comes to my

studies, they always believing me that I will Fulfill it and make all my dreams come true.

Coming this far of my journey being a college student with a degree of Civil

Engineering is so grateful because it is so near to end this journey and move onto

another chapter of my life. When we say Engineering everybody thinks that it was so

hard which is true and this is only for those who is intelligent, wise, and good at

mathematics. Yes, it is true but we all know that it don’t have to be like that. Everybody

is suitable for being an engineering students and an engineer someday. Just be

hardworking, be patient, be positive always, have faith to God, and never give up for

your dreams. Fulfilling your chosen career was a great successful to you, to your

parents and to those people who’s helping you and support you to your journey. This on

the job training(OJT) is a good activity to train our self and preparing us for the real work

of an engineer. It gives me a lot to learn and experience so that I can have an idea for

the real work. I learned the actual work of construction and how to solve the problems

when it comes. The actual work in site is a lot different of what we learning at the

school. I learned a lot from it, from the people that I work with, from the engineers that

helping us just to learned something about construction, so a big salute to them.


First of all I want to thank God so much for guiding us, for helping us to do

our work properly in everyday, for given us an energy and strength to our daily


I would like to thank engineer Jommel Gonzales for being the instructor to

this OJT. Engineer Jaypee Penson our supervisor for the whole journey of our

training and also to the engineers of the company that sharing their experienced

to give us an idea from it. A big thanks to him for given us a knowledge and

experience of an actual work of engineer and learned a lot from him specially

when there was a problem in the site. Engineer Kathrina who also one of our

supervisor when we did the asphalt in a different places and given us also some

knowledge about construction. To all the construction workers we work with for

almost 1 ½ month. Of course I wouldn’t forget to thank my parents for their

support and sacrifices to give all I need and their guidance to me through their

inspiring words even they are not with me.

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