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At the Bottom of this Memo, you will find a 15 minute Audio by Rodney Class.

I wanted
to provide you with some additional information about Administrative Procedure before
you listen to the file, because I want you to combine, what you know of Administrative
Procedure, with the excellent information that Mr. Class is providing. This will help you
put several pieces of the puzzle together


If you haven’t already done so, make sure to visit and watch the videos that
deal with administrative procedure. There is a such thing as the Administrative
Procedure act which falls under Title 5 of the United States Code, however, the term
administrative procedure is one that we apply to any paper-work process that you
initiate for the purpose of creating your remedy with a Corporation or Government
Agency. There isn’t any one particular way to conduct an Administrative process, but
generally speaking the goal of all administrative processes is always the same.

The Administrative Procedure is the process, we use to create evidence and proof that
can be used to provide a remedy outside of court, or can be used as evidence to
provide a remedy within a Court of Law.

One of the common problems injured parties are faced with, is having to prove they’re
entitled to compensation or redress when they have been wronged by another party.
This is because almost nothing that is said can really be proven. Arguments between
two parties are mere hearsay. Unfortunately people who deserve redress often find
themselves in a position where they’re remedy depends on convincing someone else to
believe they are telling the truth, over another party.

Let’s say for example, you were promised compensation for some editing work that you
did for John, but John refuses to pay you. If you were to take John to Court without first
establishing your facts by administrative process then when you are standing in front of
the decision maker, your position might be impossible to prove.

Did you know that lower courts make determinations based on Facts. And the higher
appellate courts make determinations based on Facts and Law. Now do you see how
important administrative procedure is? The Administrative process establishes facts for
the record. These facts are admissible as evidence, by Federal and State Law. If you
place properly record your administrative record it must be given full faith and credit.

An administrative process is a simple step by step process that can be used to establish
facts in any matter. If I had to tell you how to perform an administrative process in a few
short sentences, I would describe it as this.

You send your inquiries to the other party, or you provide them with a clear statement of
facts based on the situation from which your claim arises. You give them an appropriate

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time to admit to the facts as stated, or to rebut them with their own statements on a
point-by-point basis.

You certify their response or non-response by use of a third party witness or notary.
There non-response, will establish your positions, as the true record governing the
matter. If the party does respond, then you need to either agree to some or all of their
statements, or rebut and/or challenge their specific positions that you believe are
inaccurate or not complete.

The two parties will go back and forth, chipping away what is untrue, or inaccurate, until
either one party goes into default and stops responding, thereby tacitly agreeing with
the other party, or until both parties come to a resolution within the correspondence
between them.

Learn the details by clicking the Administrative Procedure link at

Ok I’m bringing this up for a reason. Once you learn how important the Administrative
Procedure is, you will better understand how important it is to communicate effectively
in writing. You must be clear and concise. You should write so that any third party can
understand what you are conveying without having to draw any conclusions.

Knowing Administrative procedure is the best tool for fighting corruption. It is the launch
pad for insurance claims, civil litigation, and commercial liens. Take some time to learn
administrative procedure, and how to attach a claim (perfected administrative
procedure) to the debtor or his property. This is in essence what a commercial lien is.
That topic is also covered at
Now, I’d like you to listen to this excellent information provided to us by Rodney Class.
For those who understand the Secured Party Position, consider how you as the
Secured Party (living man) can use your administrative procedure to establish treason,
misprision of felony, and other criminal actions, on the record, when certain public
officers or agencies abuse their authority and force liabilities on your straw man.

-Rodney is fighting them in the public and doing a great job. I want you to listen and
consider how you can proactively use these laws and statutes (that he quotes) and
administrative procedure to establish a claim against an offender (when necessary) to
perhaps liquidate in another venue (public or private).

We must learn to write clearly and concisely. You can obtain oaths of office and
insurance policies for public officials through the Freedom of Information Act. There are
sample letters on

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