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What if you could predict the future? What if you could predict disasters that have not yet occurred?
Would you stop them, even if it meant risking your own life?

Meet sixteen year old Emmery Willows, who is doing just that. Instead of worrying about school and
homework, she has to worry about bombs and car crashes and how to prevent them from happening.

Her life takes a bizarre turn with a chance meeting with a boy called Hudson Matthews, who shares
her abilities. As the two set about saving the lives of those around them, an unlikely friendship forms.
But as feelings blossom into something more, something dark is on the loose. Someone, or
something is trying to stop the work of the two teenagers, threatening their lives and ensuring that the
disasters happen. As a tragic event, that Emmery may not be able to stop looms around the corner,
can she save those she loves?

Maybe some disasters are meant to happen. Like falling in love when you least expect it.

If anyone was to look at Emmery Willow, they'd think that she's just an average hard working
teenager. But you know what they say, 'Dont judge a book by its cover.' Emmery had kept her secret
of future sightings to herself. That is until she moved next door to a (good-looking) young man known
as Hudson Matthews. He'd saved her life once, but that wasn't where the story ended; infact It all
began from there. Hudson had a bad reputation at school, but Emmery thinks otherwise. Soon,
Emmery finds out that her chances of getting killed increases everytime she gets closer to Hudson.
Now that she knows that there is another person who understands her secret better than anyone else,
would she have the ability to stay away from him? Would he stay away her to keep her safe?


1. Emmeery Willow
2. Hudson Matthews

Moral Value-

1. Friendship is over everything

- Matthews care for Emmery, and sharing their hard and pain together carrying an unnatural
abilities. They can predict the future and they try to prevent it from happen.
2. Love is a sacrifice but not a suicide
- Matthews want to protect Emmery as he can do, act as her gentleman bodyguard, protect
her from afar, because Emmery always want to stay away from him because she’ll be
killed if get closer to him. Every time Emmery got attacked, always Matthews who save
her, and got injured for her.
3. Prevent is better than cure
- Sometimes we need to hear a good advice. Listen and think wise. Because of Emmery
didn’t listen to Matthews’s advice and persistent to walk alone, she got attacked severely.
She’s lucky Matthew always there for her.
4. Don’t judge a book by its cover
- Matthews have a bad reputation at school. Everyone don’t like him because of his gloomy
characters. Otherwise, not to Emmery. She didn’t think like that, just feel Matthews a tiny
bit weird. She doesn’t care, because for her, everyone has a secret and we should
respect their secret.

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