Anchor Bolt CHK

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DESIGN DATA :- Node No. 1

Depth of Column Cd = 203.2 mm
Width of Column Cb = 203.6 mm
Thickness of Web Tw = 7.2 mm
Thickness of Flange Tf = 11.0 mm
Thickness of Flange Stiffener Ts = 0.0 mm
Width of Flange Stiffener Ws = 0.0 mm
Cross Sectional Area Ag = 5870.0 mm²
Root Radius rc = 10.2 mm
Plastic Section Modulus, Wpl Wpl = 497000 mm³
Yield Strength fy = 275 N/mm²


Length of base plate L = 400 mm
Breadth of base plate B = 400 mm
Thickness of base plate T = 20 mm
Weld Size s = 6 mm
Shear resistance is provided by Anchor Bolt

Diameter of Anchor Bolt φ = 20 mm

Tensile area of Anchor Bolt Anb = 245 mm

Total Number of Bolts nb = 6 Nos.
Edge Dist. for Bolt ed = 40 mm
Centre To Centre distance bet. Bolts S = 320 mm
Centre To Centre distance bet. Bolts A = 320 mm

Distance of bolt center from column flange e' = 58.4 mm

Characteristic strength Concrete fck = 30 N/mm²

BOLTS: Grade = 8.8

Yield Strength fyb = 640 N/mm² From Table 3.1 in SS EN 1993-1-8
Ultimate Tensile Strength fub = 800 N/mm² From Table 3.1 in SS EN 1993-1-8
Tension Capacity of Bolt Tcb = 141.12 kN As per Table 3.4 in SS EN 1993-1-8
Shear Capacity of Bolt Scb = 94.08 kN As per Table 3.4 in SS EN 1993-1-8

Yield Strength fy = 275 N/mm²
Tensile Strength Us = 430 N/mm²

Weld Electrode E70XX

Tensile Strength Ue = 480 N/mm²

Node No. 1
Load combination 101 1.4DL 1.4POL 1.4PAL 1.4PFL 1.4TL
Support Reaction from STAAD analysis
Vertical Load Pc = -90.09 kN (-Ve = Compression & +Ve = Tension)
Moment M ED
= 108.14 kNm
Resultant Shear Ft = 28.18 kN

Eccentricity e = MED/Pc = 108.14 x 1000 / -90.09

= -1200.35 mm For e> Cd/2 DO NOT
ZC,l = 203 / 2
= 101.60 mm
e > Cd / 2

Lever Arm, Z = Cd - Tf
= 192.2 mm
Zc,l = Z/2 As per Fig 6.18 (a) in SS EN 1993-1-8
= 96.1 mm
Zc,r = -Z / 2 As per Fig 6.18 (a) in SS EN 1993-1-8
= -96.1 mm
Compressive Load on Flange = -Pc / 2 + MED / z
= 607.694 kN


= T x [fy / (3 x fjd x γM0)]

c Equ 6.5 in Cl 6.2.5 of SS EN 1993-1-8
fjd = βj x (1.5 x αcc x fck / γC) Equ 6.6 in Cl 6.2.5 of SS EN 1993-1-8
βj = 0.67 Cl 6.2.5 (7) of SS EN 1993-1-8
αcc = 0.85 Table NA.1 in NA to SS EN 1992-1-1
γC = 1.50 Table 2.1N in SS EN 1992-1-1
γM0 = 1.00 Cl NA.2.15 in NA to SS EN 1993-1-1
fjd = 17.09 N/mm²
c = 46.33 mm

(L - Cd) / 2 = 98.40 mm > 46.326 Base Plate Length OK
(Cd - 2xTf) / 2 = 90.60 mm > 46.326 No Overlapping of Flange Area
(B - Cb) / 2 = 98.20 mm > 46.326 Base Plate Width OK

Leff = Cb + 2 x c
= 296.25 mm
beff = Tf + 2 x c
= 103.65 mm

Design Resistance of Concrete in Compression

Fc,pl,Rd = fjd x beff x leff Equ 6.4 in Cl 6.2.5 of SS EN 1993-1-8

= 524.63 kN

Design Resistance of Column Flange and Web in Compression

Fc,fc,Rd = Mc,Rd / (Cd - Tf) Equ 6.21 in Cl of SS EN 1993-1-8

Cd - Tf = 192.2 mm
Mc,Rd = Wpl x fy / γM0 Equ 6.13 in Cl 6.2.5 of SS EN 1993-1-1
= 136.675 kNm
Fc,fc,Rd = 711.11 kN

Design Compression Resistance

FC,l,Rd = MIN (524.631 , 711.108) Cl of SS EN 1993-1-8
= 524.63 kN
< 607.69 kN


Resultant shear force for bolt group Ft = 28.18 kN
Shear force for single bolt Fb = 28.18 / 6
= 4.7 kN
Shear Capacity per Bolt, Scb = 94.08 kN As per Table 3.4 in SS EN 1993-1-8

CHECK Fb < Scb → 4.7 < 94.08


Web Area = 1463.04 mm²

Single Flange Area = 2203.48 mm²
Axial Force by Web = 22.454 kN
Axial Force by Flange = 33.818 kN
Resolved Force due to Moment = 562.648 kN
Vertical Shear Force = 23.201 kN
Transverse Shear = 15.994 kN

Design Strength of fillet weld = 233.657 N/mm² Equ 4.4 in SS EN 1993-1-8

Length of flange weld = 392.8 mm

Length of web weld = 362.4 mm
Weld Throat Size, a = 4.242 mm

Check for Flange Weld

Longi. Shear per flange / unit length = 20.359 N/mm

Transverse Shear / unit length = 1518 N/mm
Resultant design weld force / unit leng = SQRT(20.359² + 1518.498² )
= 1518.634 N/mm

Design weld resistance / unit length = 991.173 N/mm Equ 4.3 in SS EN 1993-1-8
< 1518.634 N/mm

Check for Web Weld

Longi. Shear / unit length = 64.02 N/mm

Transverse Shear / unit length = 61.959 N/mm
Resultant design weld force / unit leng = SQRT(64.02² + 61.959² )
= 89.093 N/mm

Design weld resistance / unit length = 991.173 N/mm Equ 4.3 in SS EN 1993-1-8
> 89.093 N/mm

Node No. 1
Load combination 101 1.4DL 1.4POL 1.4PAL 1.4PFL 1.4TL
Support Reaction from STAAD analysis
Vertical Load Pc = -90.09 kN (-Ve = Compression & +Ve = Tension)
Moment MED = 108.14 kNm
Resultant Shear Ft = 28.18 kN

Eccentricity e = MED/Pc = 108.14 x 1000 / -90.09

= -1200.35 mm
ZC,r = -(Cd / 2 - 0.5 x Tf)
= -96.10 mm
e < ZC,r

Lever Arm, Z = ZT,l - ZC,r

= 256.1 mm
ZC,r = Cd / 2 - 0.5 x Tf As per Fig 6.18 (d) in SS EN 1993-1-8
= -96.1 mm
ZT,l = Cd / 2 + e' As per Fig 6.18 (d) in SS EN 1993-1-8
= 160 mm
Tension Load on Flange = -Pc x ZC,r / Z + MED / Z
= 388.455 kN
Compression Load on Flange P
= c x Z T,r
/ Z - MED / Z
= -478.546 kN

= T x [fy / (3 x fjd x γM0)]

c Equ 6.5 in Cl 6.2.5 of SS EN 1993-1-8
fjd β
= j x (1.5 x α cc
x f ck
/ γ C
) Equ 6.6 in Cl 6.2.5 of SS EN 1993-1-8
βj = 0.67 Cl 6.2.5 (7) of SS EN 1993-1-8
αcc = 0.85 Table NA.1 in NA to SS EN 1992-1-1
γC = 1.50 Table 2.1N in SS EN 1992-1-1
γM0 = 1.00 Cl NA.2.15 in NA to SS EN 1993-1-1
fjd = 17.09 N/mm²
c = 46.33 mm

(L - Cd) / 2 = 98.40 mm > 46.326 Base Plate Length OK
(Cd - 2xTf) / 2 = 90.60 mm > 46.326 No Overlapping of Flange Area
(B - Cb) / 2 = 98.20 mm > 46.326 Base Plate Width OK

Leff = Cb + 2 x c
= 296.25 mm
beff = Tf + 2 x c
= 103.65 mm

Design Resistance of Concrete in Compression in Right Side

Fc,pl,Rd = fjd x beff x leff Equ 6.4 in Cl 6.2.5 of SS EN 1993-1-8

= 524.63 kN

Design Resistance of Right Column Flange and Web in Compression

Fc,fc,Rd = Mc,Rd / (Cd - Tf) Equ 6.21 in Cl of SS EN 1993-1-8

Cd - Tf = 192.2 mm
Mc,Rd = Wpl x fy / γM0 Equ 6.13 in Cl 6.2.5 of SS EN 1993-1-1
= 136.675 kNm
Fc,fc,Rd = 711.11 kN

Design Compressive Resistance of the Right side

FC,r,Rd = MIN (524.631 , 711.108) Cl of SS EN 1993-1-8
= 524.63 kN
> -478.55 kN (-Ve = Compression & +Ve = Tension)

Design Resistance of Column web in Tension in Left Side

Ft,wc,Rd = ω x beff,t,wc x twc x fy,wc / γM0 Equ 6.15 in Cl of SS EN 1993-1-8

Effcetive width beff,t,wc = tfb + 2.823 x ab + 5(tfc + s) Equ 6.16 in Cl of SS EN 1993-1-8
Thickness of Column Flange, tfb = 11 mm
Thickness of Column Web, twc = 7.2 mm
Column web weld Throat size, ab = 4.242 mm
Thickness of Base Plate, tfc = 20 mm
s = rc = 10.2 mm
For β =1, ω = ω1 As per Table 5.4 in SS EN 1993-1-8
beff,t,wc = 173.975 mm
ω1 = 1 / SQRT(1 + 1.3 x (beff,c,wc x twc / Avc)²) As per Table 6.3 in SS EN 1993-1-8
Avc = A - 2 x Cb x Tf + (Tw +2 x rc) x Tf Cl 6.2.6(3) of SS EN 1993-1-1
= 1694.4 mm²
ω1 = 0.765
Ft,wc,Rd = 263.52 kN

Design Resistance of base plate in bending under left side column flange

Ft,pl,Rd = Min(FT,1-2,Rd, FT,3,Rd)

FT,1-2,Rd = 2 x 0.25 x leff,1-2 x tpl² x fy / γM0 x mx As per Table 6.2 in SS EN 1993-1-8

FT,3,Rd = n x Ft,Rd As per Table 6.2 in SS EN 1993-1-8

n Number of Tension Bolts = nb / 2

leff,1-2 Effective length of equivalent stub
tpl thickness of base plate
mx distance from the bolt centerline to fillet weld to the column flange
leff,1 is the smallest of the following"
For Mode 1, leff,1 < leff,nc & leff,cp
Circular Pattern:
leff,cp is min(2πmx , πmx + w ,πmx + 2e) As per Table 6.6 in SS EN 1993-1-8
Non Circular Pattern:
leff,nc is min(4mx + 1.25ex, e + 2mx + 0.625ex, 0.5bp, 0.5w + 2mx + 0.625ex) As per Table 6.6 in SS EN 1993-1-8
e = ex = 40 mm As per Fig 6.10 in SS EN 1993-1-8
mx = 58.4 mm As per Fig 6.10 in SS EN 1993-1-8
w = 320 mm As per Fig 6.10 in SS EN 1993-1-8
Mode 1 Resistance for two bolts (Complete flange yeilding)
n = 3 Nos
Individual circular yielding, leff,cp = n(πmx)
= 550.4784 mm
Circular group yielding, leff,cp = πmx + (n-1)/2 w
= 503.522 mm
Individual end yielding, leff,cp = n/2(πmx + 2e)
= 395.239 mm
Individual end yielding, leff,nc = n/2(4mx+1.25ex)
= 425.4 mm
Corner yielding of outer Bolts, leff,nc = (e + 2mx + 0.625ex) + (n-2)(e + 2mx + 0.625ex)
= 363.6 mm
Single Curvature, leff,nc = 0.5bp
= 200 mm
Group end yielding, leff,nc = (n-1)w/2 + 2mx + 0.625ex
= 461.8 mm
leff,cp is min(2πmx , πmx + w ,πmx + 2e) =
= 395.239 mm
leff,nc is min(4mx + 1.25ex ,e + 2mx + 0.625ex, 0.5bp, 0.5w + 2mx + 0.625ex)
= 200 mm
leff,1-2 = 200 mm

FT,1-2,Rd = 188.356 kN
FT,3,Rd = 423.360 kN
Ft,pl,Rd = MIN (188.356 , 423.36)
= 188.356 kN

Design Tension Resistance of the left side

FT,l,Rd = MIN (263.52 , 188.356) Cl of SS EN 1993-1-8
= 188.356 kN
< 388.46 kN (-Ve = Compression & +Ve = Tension)


Tensile force due to Moment = 108.141 x 1000 / 256.1

= 422.261 kN
Tensile force per bolt, pt1 = 422.261 / 3
= 140.754 kN
Tension Capacity of Bolt, Tcb = 141.12 kN As per Table 3.4 in SS EN 1993-1-8

CHECK pt1 < Tcb --> 140.754 < 141.12



Resultant Shear Force for bolt group = 28.18 kN

Shear force per bolt Fb = 28.18 / 6
= 4.7 kN
Shear Capacity per Bolt, Scb = 94.08 kN As per Table 3.4 in SS EN 1993-1-8

CHECK Fb < Scb --> 4.7 < 94.08



Shear force per Bolt, Fb = 4.7 kN

Tension per Bolt, pt1 = 140.75 kN
Shear Capacity of Bolt, Scb = 94.08 kN
Tension Capacity of Bolt, Tcb = 141.12 kN

Combined Shear and Tension Fb/Scb + pt1/1.4*Tcb <= 1.0 As per Table 3.4 in SS EN 1993-1-8

4.70 / 94.08 + 140.75 / 1.4 x 141.12 = 1.050

1.050 > 1

Web Area = 1463.04 mm²

Single Flange Area = 2203.48 mm²
Axial Force by Web = 22.454 kN
Axial Force by Flange = 33.818 kN
Resolved Force due to Moment = 562.648 kN
Vertical Shear Force = 23.201 kN
Transverse Shear = 15.994 kN

Design Strength of fillet weld = 233.657 N/mm² Equ 4.4 in SS EN 1993-1-8

Length of flange weld = 392.8 mm

Length of web weld = 362.4 mm
Weld Throat Size = 4.242 mm

Check for Flange Weld

Longi. Shear per flange / unit length = 20.359 N/mm

Transverse Shear / unit length = 1518 N/mm
Resultant design weld force / unit leng = SQRT(20.359² + 1518.498² )
= 1518.634 N/mm

Design weld resistance / unit length = 991.173 N/mm Equ 4.3 in SS EN 1993-1-8
< 1518.634 N/mm

Check for Web Weld

Longi. Shear / unit length = 64.02 N/mm

Transverse Shear / unit length = 61.959 N/mm
Resultant design weld force / unit leng = SQRT(64.02² + 61.959² )
= 89.093 N/mm

Design weld resistance / unit length = 991.173 N/mm Equ 4.3 in SS EN 1993-1-8
> 89.093 N/mm
Load Combination 101 1.4DL 1.4POL 1.4PAL 1.4PFL 1.4TL DOWNWARD LOADS !!
Support Reaction from STAAD analysis
Vertical Load Pc = -90.09 kN (-Ve = Compression & +Ve = Tension)
Moment MED = 108.14 kNm
Resultant Shear Ft = 28.18 kN

Eccentricity e = MED/Pc = 108.14 x 1000 / -90.09

= -1200.35 mm
ZT,l = -(Cd / 2 - 0.5 x Tf)
= -160.00 mm
e < ZC,r

Lever Arm, Z = ZT,l - ZT,r

= 320 mm
ZT,r = -(Cd / 2 + e') As per Fig 6.18 (b) in SS EN 1993-1-8
= -160 mm
ZT,l = Cd / 2 + e' As per Fig 6.18 (b) in SS EN 1993-1-8
= 160 mm
Tension Load on Flange P
= c / 2 + M ED
= 292.895 kN


Design Resistance of Column web in Tension in Left Side

Ft,wc,Rd = ω x beff,t,wc x twc x fy,wc / γM0 Equ 6.15 in Cl of SS EN 1993-

γM0 = 1.00 Table 2.1N in SS EN 1992-1-1
Effcetive width beff,t,wc t
= fb + 2.823 x ab + 5(tfc + s) Equ 6.16 in Cl of SS EN 1993-
Thickness of Column Flange, tfb = 11 mm
Thickness of Column Web, twc = 7.2 mm
Column web weld Throat size, ab = 4.242 mm
Thickness of Base Plate, tfc = 20 mm
s = rc = 10.2 mm
For β =1, ω = ω1 As per Table 5.4 in SS EN 1993-1-8
beff,t,wc = 173.975 mm
ω1 = 1 / SQRT(1 + 1.3 x (beff,c,wc x twc / Avc)²) As per Table 6.3 in SS
Avc = A - 2 x Cb x Tf + (Tw +2 x rc) x Tf Cl 6.2.6(3) of SS EN 1
= 1694.4 mm²
ω1 = 0.765
Ft,wc,Rd = 263.52 kN

Design Resistance of base plate in bending under left side column flange

Ft,pl,Rd = Min(FT,1-2,Rd, FT,3,Rd)

FT,1-2,Rd = 2 x 0.25 x leff,1-2 x tpl² x fy / γM0 x mx As per Table 6.2 in SS EN 1993-1-8

FT,3,Rd = n x Ft,Rd As per Table 6.2 in SS EN 1993-1-8
n Number of Tension Bol = nb / 2
leff,1-2 Effective length of equivalent stub
tpl thickness of base plate
mx distance from the bolt centerline to fillet weld to the column flange
leff,1 is the smallest of the following"
For Mode 1, leff,1 < leff,nc & leff,cp
Circular Pattern:
leff,cp is min(2πmx , πmx + w ,πmx + 2e) As per Table 6.6 in SS EN 1993-1-8
Non Circular Pattern:
leff,nc is min(4mx + 1.25ex, e + 2mx + 0.625ex, 0.5bp, 0.5w + 2mx + 0.625ex) As per Table 6.6 in S
e = ex = 40 mm As per Fig 6.10 in SS EN 1993-1-8
mx = 58.4 mm As per Fig 6.10 in SS EN 1993-1-8
w = 320 mm As per Fig 6.10 in SS EN 1993-1-8
Mode 1 Resistance for two bolts (Complete flange yeilding)
n = 3 Nos
Individual circular yielding, leff,cp = n(πmx)
= 550.4784 mm
Circular group yielding, leff,cp = πmx + (n-1)/2 w
SUMMARY OF DESIGN FOR ALL LOAD COMBINATIONS The Base plate is designed for bi-axial moments. Symmetrical base plate is designed to withstand increased moments.
No. of bolts = 6 MED = MZ+ β * ((L-ed)/(B-ed)) * MX (CL- -BS8110-1)

Joint 1 Bolt Dia = 20 mm β - Coefficient (Table 3.22 -BS8110-1)


-15.99 -23.20 11 28.18 90.091 108.14097 1 101 1.4DL 1
Equivalent Compressi Ratio of
Moment, Tension Flange
Shear-X Shear-Z Axial Moment-X Moment-Z Resultant Axial on Bolt Combined Web Weld
Joint No. Load Factor MED Type Check Resistanc Check Check Bolt Shear Check check Weld Check Check
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) shear (kN) (kN) Resistanc Tension Shear & Ratio
e Ratio
(kNm) e Tension

2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 UNSAFE 140.75 SAFE 4.70 SAFE 1.05 UNSAFE 1.53 UNSAFE 0.09 SAFE
Major Axis Minor Axis
1 103 1.4 1 15.994 23.201 90.091 5.343 -32.724 1 28.18 90.09 37.33 1 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 SAFE 48.59 SAFE 4.70 SAFE 0.39 SAFE 0.59 SAFE 0.09 SAFE
1 101 1.4 1 -15.994 -23.201 90.091 -76.154 32.724 2 28.18 90.09 108.14 2 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 UNSAFE 140.75 SAFE 4.70 SAFE 1.05 UNSAFE 1.53 UNSAFE 0.09 SAFE
1 101 1.4 1 -15.994 -23.201 90.091 -76.154 32.724 3 28.18 90.09 108.14 3 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 UNSAFE 140.75 SAFE 4.70 SAFE 1.05 UNSAFE 1.53 UNSAFE 0.09 SAFE
1 148 1.4 1 -4.05 0 30.262 -9.306 6.178 4 4.05 30.26 15.44 4 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 SAFE 20.09 SAFE 0.68 SAFE 0.15 SAFE 0.24 SAFE 0.02 SAFE
1 103 1.4 1 15.994 23.201 90.091 5.343 -32.724 5 28.18 90.09 37.33 5 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 SAFE 48.59 SAFE 4.70 SAFE 0.39 SAFE 0.59 SAFE 0.09 SAFE
1 101 1.4 1 -15.994 -23.201 90.091 -76.154 32.724 6 28.18 90.09 108.14 6 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 UNSAFE 140.75 SAFE 4.70 SAFE 1.05 UNSAFE 1.53 UNSAFE 0.09 SAFE
1 151 1.4 1 0 15.582 30.262 18.751 0 7 15.58 30.26 18.75 7 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 SAFE 24.41 SAFE 2.60 SAFE 0.20 SAFE 0.28 SAFE 0.05 SAFE
1 101 1.4 1 -15.994 -23.201 90.091 -76.154 32.724 8 28.18 90.09 108.14 8 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 UNSAFE 140.75 SAFE 4.70 SAFE 1.05 UNSAFE 1.53 UNSAFE 0.09 SAFE
1 103 1.4 1 15.994 23.201 90.091 5.343 -32.724 9 28.18 90.09 37.33 9 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 SAFE 48.59 SAFE 4.70 SAFE 0.39 SAFE 0.59 SAFE 0.09 SAFE
1 101 1.4 1 -15.994 -23.201 90.091 -76.154 32.724 10 28.18 90.09 108.14 10 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 UNSAFE 140.75 SAFE 4.70 SAFE 1.05 UNSAFE 1.53 UNSAFE 0.09 SAFE
1 101 1.4 1 -15.994 -23.201 90.091 -76.154 32.724 11 28.18 90.09 108.14 11 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 UNSAFE 140.75 SAFE 4.70 SAFE 1.05 UNSAFE 1.53 UNSAFE 0.09 SAFE
1 103 1.4 1 15.994 23.201 90.091 5.343 -32.724 12 28.18 90.09 37.33 12 2 524.63 SAFE 188.36 SAFE 48.59 SAFE 4.70 SAFE 0.39 SAFE 0.59 SAFE 0.09 SAFE
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Equivalent Compressi Ratio of
Moment, Tension Flange
Shear-X Shear-Z Axial Moment-X Moment-Z Resultant Axial on Bolt Combined Web Weld
Joint No. Load Factor MED Type Check Resistanc Check Check Bolt Shear Check check Weld Check Check
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) shear (kN) (kN) Resistanc Tension Shear & Ratio
e Ratio
(kNm) e Tension

Maximum values 28.18 90.091 108.140966 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.00
Minimum values 0.00 0 0

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #N/A

Support Reaction for Max Loading Condition

Node L/C Force-X kN Force-Y kN Force-Z kN Moment-X kN Moment-Y kN Moment-Z kNm

Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Moment
Node L/C Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN Mx kN-m My kN-m Mz kN-m Mz kNm
1 103 1.4DL 1 15.994 90.091 23.201 5.343 3.656 -32.724
1 101 1.4DL -15.994 90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
1 101 1.4DL -15.994 90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
1 148 1.4DL -4.05 30.262 0 -9.306 -0.691 6.178
1 103 1.4DL 1 15.994 90.091 23.201 5.343 3.656 -32.724
1 101 1.4DL -15.994 90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
1 151 1.4DL 0 30.262 15.582 18.751 0 0
1 101 1.4DL -15.994 90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
1 103 1.4DL 1 15.994 90.091 23.201 5.343 3.656 -32.724
1 101 1.4DL -15.994 90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
1 101 1.4DL -15.994 90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
1 103 1.4DL 1 15.994 90.091 23.201 5.343 3.656 -32.724
Node L/C Fx kN
Max Fx 19 115 1.35DL 5.984
Min Fx 12 105 1.35DL -5.984
Max Fy 12 101 1.35DL -3.931
Min Fy 12 301 1DL 1P -3.348
Max Fz 12 147 1.35DL -3.081
Min Fz 12 145 1.35DL -3.081
Max Mx 12 147 1.35DL -3.081
Min Mx 12 145 1.35DL -3.081
Max My 12 101 1.35DL -3.931
Min My 12 111 1.35DL -2.231
Max Mz 19 134 1.35DL -5.933
Min Mz 19 135 1.35DL 5.933

Node L/C Fx kN
Max Fx 1 103 1.4DL 1 15.994
Min Fx 1 101 1.4DL -15.994
Max Fy 1 101 1.4DL -15.994
Min Fy 1 148 1.4DL -4.05
Max Fz 1 103 1.4DL 1 15.994
Min Fz 1 101 1.4DL -15.994
Max Mx 1 151 1.4DL 0
Min Mx 1 101 1.4DL -15.994
Max My 1 103 1.4DL 1 15.994
Min My 1 101 1.4DL -15.994
Max Mz 1 101 1.4DL -15.994
Min Mz 1 103 1.4DL 1 15.994
Vertical Horizontal Moment
Fy kN Fz kN Mx kN-m My kN-m Mz kN-m
22.779 0.664 1.583 -0.21 -3.343
22.779 -0.664 1.105 0.21 3.343
22.779 -0.664 1.105 0.21 2.198
16.873 -0.492 0.818 0.159 1.907
22.779 11.179 16.956 0 1.718
22.779 -11.179 -14.268 0 1.718
22.779 11.179 16.956 0 1.718
22.779 -11.179 -14.268 0 1.718
22.779 -0.664 1.105 0.21 2.198
22.779 0.664 1.583 -0.21 1.237
22.779 0 1.344 0.011 3.926
22.779 0 1.344 -0.011 -3.926

Vertical Horizontal Moment

Fy kN Fz kN Mx kN-m My kN-m Mz kN-m
90.091 23.201 5.343 3.656 -32.724
90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
30.262 0 -9.306 -0.691 6.178
90.091 23.201 5.343 3.656 -32.724
90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
30.262 15.582 18.751 0 0
90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
90.091 23.201 5.343 3.656 -32.724
90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
90.091 -23.201 -76.154 -3.656 32.724
90.091 23.201 5.343 3.656 -32.724
Char. Compressive cylinder strength fck = 30 N/mm² @ 28 days
Char.Yield Strength of Reinforcement fyk = 500 N/mm²
Dia of the rod d = 20 mm
Tension force T = 140.754 kN
σsd = 140.754*1000/(0.25*pi()*20^2
= 448.0339 N/mm²
Anchorage Length
Basic Anchorage Length lb,rqd = (φ/4)*(σsd/fbd) mm Cla 8.4.3

Design Stress of Reinforcement σsd = 0.87*fyk N/mm² (Conservative)

Ultimate Bond Stress for Ribbed Bars fbd = 2.25*Ƞ1*Ƞ2*fctd N/mm² Cla 8.4.2
Co-efficient related to quality of bonding Ƞ1 = 0.7
Factor Related to Reinfrocement Dia Ƞ2 = 1 (if dia >32 then (132-dia)/100) or else 1
Concrete Tensile Strength fctd = αck*fctk,0.05 / γc Cla 3.1.6
αck = 1 (NA to SS EN 1992-1-1)
Partial Factor for Concrete γc = 1.5 Table 2.1N
fctk,0.05 = 0.7*fctm N/mm² Table 3.1
Mean Value of Axial Tensile Str of Conc. fctm = 0.3*fck(2/3) N/mm² Table 3.1
= 2.896 N/mm²
fctk,0.05 = 2.000 N/mm²
fctd = 1.333 N/mm²
fbd = 2.099 N/mm²

lb,rqd = 1070.000 mm

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