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Victoria Bliss   
Victoria Bliss 
Rochester College  22500 Canterbury St. 
Woodhaven, Mi 48183 



Teaching Objective  As a lifelong learner, I aspire to create opportunities for growth, 

creativity, and exploration for myself and my students.  


Rochester College ​/ Bachelor's Degree  
August 2015 -May 2020 800 West Avon Rd, Rochester Michigan 
Elementary Education; English Language Arts 

Austro-American Institute​/ GEO German Immersion 

January 2017-April 2017 Operngasse 4, 1010 Vienna, Austria 
GEO Study Abroad; Cross Culture Experience 


Field Experience  KinderCare, Erving Elementary 

  ● Summer School Teacher, Full Time-40 Hours a week 
Brooklands Elementary, Rochester Hills 
  ● 3rd grade student teaching pre-course, 60 hour placement 
  Brewster Elementary, Rochester Hills 
● 2nd grade classroom; 30 hours 
  North Hill Elementary, Rochester Hills 
  ● Kindergarten classroom; 30 hours of classroom management, 15 
hours of reading instruction 
  Brooklands Elementary, Rochester Hills 
● 3rd grade 15 hours of reading instruction and tutoring; 
Informational text  
Bates Elementary, Woodhaven School District 
● 3rd grade classroom observation and tutoring 
● 5th grade camp counselor; Howell Nature Center 
HomeSchool Connections, Sterling Heights 
● Part time art instruction grades K-5 
Muskogee Oklahoma Public School District 
● 8th grade classroom; 15 hours direct instruction in Language 
Arts Class 
● 6th grade classroom; 30 hours observation in Science Class 
Kivule Primary schools, Uganda, Africa  
● Observation of Sexual Education/AIDS training; Teenage 
Pregnancy and Disease Prevention Program 
Maribor Public Schools, Slovenia 
● 10 hour K-5 English Immersion program 
Shultz Lewis Children’s Home, Val Peraso, Indiana 
● Directing community service projects for 6th-12th grade 
Student Life Leadership Practicum, Rochester College 
● Leadership retreat/training program 
● 1 credit hour class/15 hours student engagement commitment 
Kibo Fellowship  
● Rochester College-Uganda partnership; August 2018-April 2019 
● 1 Month culture experience in Uganda; May-June 2018 
Michigan Christian Youth Camp  
● Program Director/Counselor; June-August 2017 
● Mental Health First Aid Training Certification; June 2017 
Omicron Omega Zeta Sorority President 
● Planning, recruitment, management, marketing; May 
2018-December 2018 


Awards  Rochester College Dean's List​ ; September 2015-December 2018 

WHS Brian Weatherhead Teacher Scholarship​; May 2015 

Through my experiences both inside and outside of the classroom I have been able to grow as a teacher and 
learner. Through my K-2 field placements I have observed classroom management strategies first hand and 
practiced important skills such as time management, transition time, and cooperative learning. Through my 
3rd grade field experiences I have been able to focus on reading intervention that is individualized to each 
student. In my experiences studying abroad I have been immersed in other cultures and been able to focus 
on language, communicative, and relational skills; which is something unique I bring into my classroom. 
Finally, as a college student I have had experience in leadership training and management through programs 
such as Greek life and Youth Camp.  

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