Business Plan Rubric

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Republic of the Philippines “Where more than learning takes place”

Department of Education
Division of Lipa City
Bugtongnapulo, Lipa City

Business Plan Presentation Rubric (Araling Panlipunan Project)

Quarter 1 (SY 2019-2020)

1 2 3 4 5
Concept Statement Group did not include in Missing parts of the Had each component. Had each component Presented in a way
-Presenting the product, reason for presentation or to such concept statement. Might not have been overall clear but that was clear and
selecting the product and a limited degree it Left some questions. clear or well might have left some made sense to
would not count. described. Left some questions. stakeholders. Had
summarizes the general plan.
questions. each component.
Marketing Plan Group did not include in Missing parts of the Had each part of the Had each part of the Had each part of the
- Presents the need for the product, presentation or to such marketing plan. Left marketing plan but marketing plan and marketing plan and
who it will be marketed to and why a limited degree it some questions. not presented in a started to support supported the
would not count. very clear or some of the decisions decisions. Clearly
that group.
organized way. Was but still left for some presented.
- Present a sample of a marketing
not supported. Left questions.
strategy (i.e. magazine, tv or radio some questions.
Finance & Accounting Group did not include in Only presented the Presented both cost Presented both cost Presented both cost
- Show an accounting plan for the presentation or to such cost or the revenue. and revenue but did and revenue and and revenue and
business, outlining the fixed and a limited degree it not provide support provided support. provided support.
would not count. or research for how Not completely clear Clear and well
variable costs as well as project ted
they got the but overall good. presented to
information. stakeholders.
-Give supporting evidence.
Preparedness Students do not seem Students do not seem Students seem to be Students seem to be Students show that
-Student's do not read from their prepared to present. prepared to present. pretty prepared but pretty prepared but they are completely
slides or paper and shows Student constantly reads Student constantly maybe should have maybe should have prepared and have
from slides, time limit is reads from slides, rehearsed more. rehearsed more. rehearsed before the
knowledge of their subject area.
under amount given. time limit is over Some reading from Some reading from presentation. Student
Student is within the stated time limit
amount given. the slides is present. the slides is present. does not read from
to 10 Min. Time limit is within 6- Time limit is within 8- their slides. Time limit
7 minutes. 9 minutes. is met.

Contact No. (043)4172608/

Republic of the Philippines “Where more than learning takes place”
Department of Education
Division of Lipa City
Bugtongnapulo, Lipa City

Posture and Eye Contact Students slouch, little or Students has little eye Students stand up Students stand up Students stand up
-Student displays confidence and no eye contact. Student contact. Student is straight, and give straight, and give straight, look
competence in their presentation. is not confident in their somewhat not some eye contact. some eye contact. confident, speak
presentation, and attire confident in their Student lacks some Student lacks some clearly, and make eye
Professional Business attire is worn.
is not related to the presentation, and confidence in confidence in contact during the
product they presented. attire is not directly presenting, but presenting, and presentation. Proper
related to the product student is dressed student is dressed attire is worn
they presented. related to the somewhat related to depending on
business they the business they product.
propose. propose.
Overall Presentation Group was disorganized Group was a little Everyone participated. Everyone participated Everything at a level 4
-How well was the paper / report and the presentation disorganized and Each section was in the presentation. plus it had something
written was not coherent and there were some presented. It was not The flow made sense that made it stand out
could not be followed. parts that needed always clear. and it was clear, just a little bit more.
-Demonstration of understanding
Missing many work. Might have entertaining and
the concepts. Students need to
components. Someone missed one section. professional.
answer all questions in a professional or a few people might Someone might not
way and answer all questions not have participated. have participated.
appropriately related to their
business plan.
-Ability to support decisions
throughout the paper / report.

Pangkat nina: Minarkahan ni/nina:

Contact No. (043)4172608/

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