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SOLITARY FITNESS Enlargement Hypnosis, as in Breast Enlargement Hypnosis, will clear away all those inner blocks so that you can actually enlarge your penis size permanently. Of course, this doesn’t work on organs that have become stunted by virtue of some sort of trauma. As much as impotency and premature ejaculation can be treated by hypnosis, so can an underdeveloped penis. Prior to working on the problem, the subject is taken into a deep trance and the subconscious mind asked if it is safe to proceed and if it is the right time to tackle the problem. Depending on the answers, treatment can start or may be suspended. It’s just like losing weight — some people just can’t seem to lose weight or will gain back whatever they lose in a matter of months. This is due to the fact that the mind had been programmed to accept the fat you and not the skinny one. At first it may sound odd to think that hypnosis could change your body size or shape, or enlarge your penis, but it is true. This has already been proven by thousands of men around the world. There is plenty of scientific evidence about the existence of mind-body connection and how we have our own ‘inner physician’ who can dictate the growth and dismissal of specific cells within our body. As much as hypnotic death can shut down your body, so it can also be brought back to life by hypnosis. PUBOCOCCYGEUS - LOVE MUSCLE Both men and women have a PC (pubococcygeus) muscle and it is responsible for the health of the pelvic floor. Trust me, that’s not all it’s used for. You have to keep this muscle in tip-top shape to maximise your sexual experiences. The next time you go to the toilet and begin urinating, try to stop the flow midway. Can you? If not, then you need to start exercising as soon as possible to maintain penile 198 SOLITARY ORGAN fitness. Another test is when you have an erection. Can you make your penis jump substantially? Exercising this muscle regularly prolongs the duration of lovemaking and will make your climax much more intense. Remember the towel-raising exercise mentioned earlier? Healthy PC muscles can actually allow you to raise and lower the towel at will. The PC muscle surrounds the penis, prostate and anus. It runs from the pubic bone to the tailbone in a figure of eight around the genitals. Because it helps to control many aspects of sexuality, it is also known as the ‘love muscle’. It plays a vital role in sexual response — the jolts and spasms of orgasm are actually caused by involuntary contractions of the PC muscle. The exercises used to strengthen the PG muscle are known as Kegels. They were initially intended to benefit women with poor bladder control, but their effect on improving the sexual health of men has become widely accepted. Kegel, or pelvic floor, muscle exercises help strengthen weak muscles around the bladder. When these muscles are weak, urine can leak from the bladder. PELVIC FLOOR The pelvic floor is a hammock of muscles that supports the internal abdominal and pelvic organs. These muscles run in different directions and are of different sizes. Their job is to support, lift and control the muscles that close the urethra (the tube that urine passes through). You exercise these muscles by squeezing and relaxing them. This takes effort and practice! ISOLATE THE PC MUSCLE! To make sure that you are exercising the right muscles, try starting and stopping your urine stream. This exercise will 199 SOLITARY FITNESS help you find the correct muscles. Repeat once a week to check whether or not you are using the right muscles. Do not tighten your buttock or thigh muscles when doing these exercises. Relax your stomach muscles as much as possible. : TIP ? When estening ‘squeeze your pelvic floor muscles = Ou shoul | ee your penis move: slightly. : THE MALE PC MUSCLE The PC muscle is the key to more powerful, pleasurable and forceful orgasms, stamina in lovemaking an ejaculation. It helps hold the contraction for longer an you experience more powerful contractions. This muscle also helps you retain your erection after ejaculation, 200 SOLITARY ORGAN develop a richer blood supply to the penis and nerves, and increase your sensation. Make your penis jump when thrusting into your partner — a pleasant experience for both! Exercising the PC muscle means improved prostate health and it also improves the way you perform sexually. Squeezing well-toned PC muscles helps to bring women to orgasm during sex; no more premature ejaculations, firmer erections. It helps to cure impotency, too. | Spine | | | 5 | Uterus | Pubic bone Bladder | Bowel | | | Bladder outlet | Pelvic floor muscle Vagina Anus THE FEMALE PC MUSCLE Pelvic floor muscles can become weak and sag because of childbirth, lack of exercise, the change of life or just getting older. Weak muscles give you less control and you may leak urine, especially with exercise or when you cough, sneeze or laugh. The muscles of the pelvic floor are kept firm and slightly tense to stop leakage of urine from the bladder or faeces from the bowel. When you pass water or have a bowel motion, the pelvic floor muscles relax. Afterwards, they tighten again to restore control. Loss of muscle tone can lead to incontinence, so get working on it now, coz I do! 201 SOLITARY FITNESS HOW TO LOCATE THE PC MUSCLE 1. Sit comfortably with your knees slightly apart. Now imagine that you are trying to stop yourself from farting. To do this, you know that you have to squeeze the muscle around the back passage. Try squeezing and lifting that muscle as if you really do have wind. You should be able to feel the muscle move. Your buttocks and legs should not move at all. You should be aware of the skin around the back passage tightening and being pulled wp and away from your chair. Really try to feel this. 2. Now imagine that you are sitting on the toilet passing urine. Picture yourself trying to stop the stream, really try to stop it! Try doing it now as you are reading this. You should be using the same group of muscles that you used before, but don’t be surprised if you find this harder than the previous exercise. 3. When you empty your bladder, voluntarily stop the flow of urine mid-stream. The PC muscle contracts to achieve this. Now relax again and allow the bladder to empty completely. You may only be able to slow down the stream. Don’t worry, your muscles will improve and strengthen with time and exercise. _ JIB: : ifthe stream of urine ic peels: ‘up when a we ie 5 exercise, you are squeezing the wrong muscles! Do not get ‘into the habit of | doing the stop test every time you | ‘pass ine. This exercise should “only he done once a day at the most. Now you know what x ee : like to exercise th ie Now you've located the PC muscle do these! 1. Tense your PC muscle and hold the contraction for two 202 SOLITARY ORGAN seconds before relaxing. Do 20 reps, three times a day. 2. Tense your PC muscle slowly and hold the contraction for five seconds before relaxing slowly. Do ten reps, three times a day. 3. Tense your PC muscle and hold the contraction for ten seconds before relaxing. Do ten reps, three times a day. 4, Tense your PC muscle and hold the contraction for 15 seconds before relaxing. Do ten reps, three times a day. ROUTINE 1ST WEEK NO. 1 ONLY 2nd and 3rd week No. 1, followed by No. 2 4th and 5th week No. 1, followed by No. 3 6th week onwards No. 1, followed by No. 4 Continue doing the PC muscle exercises to strengthen and eep the muscle in optimal condition. MORE PC EXERCISES There are different sets of exercises you can do. Select the one that suits you and do it regularly. Tell your woman to do the exercises, too — they will have the same beneficial results. Always keep in mind that you should keep your other muscles relaxed. EXERCISE ONE 1. Quickly clench and unclench your PC muscle for ten seconds. Take a break for ten seconds. Perform three sets and then take a 30-second break. 2. Clench and unclench for five seconds with five-second breaks in between, ten times in a row. 203 SOLITARY FITNESS 3. Tighten your PC muscle for 30 seconds and release for 30 seconds, three times in a row. 4, Repeat the first step and you're done for the day! EXERCISE TWO 1. Tighten your muscle and hold for a count of five and then release. Repeat ten times. 2. Squeeze the muscle fast ten times. Repeat three times. 3. Tighten and release your PC muscle in long and short intervals for counts of ten. Repeat three times. 4. Squeeze your muscle and hold it for as long as you can. Try to work your way up to 120 seconds. Relax, that’s only two minutes! EXERCISE THREE 1. Squeeze and release your muscle over and over again. Begin with a set of 30, and then slowly work your way up to over 100. 2. Squeeze as deeply as you possibly can. Hold it for 20 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat five times. EXERCISE FOUR Simply begin squeezing and releasing your muscle for two minutes a day and gradually work your way up to doing this for 20 minutes at least three times a day. You should eventually be able to perform at least 200 repetitions per session. TIPS ¢ Get into the habit of doing your exercises in conjunction with other things you do regularly. If you're a housewife, try doing them each time you put your hands in water; if you’re at the office, every time 204

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