FBL6 Term

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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.


1. Term Deposits

1.1 Process of Opening a Term Deposit A/c – HOAACTD

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Menu Shortcut Enter Menu – HOAACTD -
2. Go Click on Go A/c Opening – Term Deposits criteria
screen appears
3. CIF ID Enter the Customer ID CIF ID is mandatory for opening any
customer A/c
4. Scheme Code Select Scheme Code Scheme Code should be selected
with the help of the searcher as it
will populate the GL Sub Head Code.
5. Go Click on Go Details screen appears and system
displays General Details Tab
 General, Interest & Tax, Scheme, Flow, Renewal & Closure, Nomination and Related Party
Tabs are mandatory even if there are no field updates to be done
 The user must visit the above tabs compulsorily
 Usually most of the fields would be populated as per the parameters set at Scheme Code level
as per the requirement of the bank
 Certain data would be populated from the CIF of the customer
6. Mode of Operation Click on Searcher icon Select the appropriate code from a
7. Interest & Tax Details Click on Interest & Tax System displays the Interest & Tax
Tab Details Tab Details Tab
8. Pegging Frequency Enter TD Duration in -
9. Interest Credit A/c ID Enter SB / CA A/c This account will be used by system
(optional) for crediting monthly / quarterly
interest in case of monthly or
quarterly interest FD products
10. Scheme Tab Click on Scheme Tab System displays the Scheme Details
11. Deposit Period Enter Months in first Once Tab key is pressed, system will
field and/or Days in populate the maturity date
second field
12. Deposit/Installment Enter the Principle -
Amt. Amount for fixed
deposit or Installment
Amount for Recurring
13. Repayment A/c ID Enter SB / CA A/c This account is used for crediting the
(optional) proceeds at the time of closure if auto
closure option is selected
14. Nomination Default set as Yes If Yes is selected then move to
Nomination Tab and enter the
relevant nomination details.

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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0
15. Flow Tab Click on Flow Tab System displays the flow details
16. Flow Amt Click on any Interest -
Flow code entry (II/IO)
17. Explode Button Click on Explode button System opens a window in which
interest rate applied on the TD will be
 Click on Back button. System closes the window
 Note: Flow codes will be generated automatically by the system as per the TD scheme code
18. Renewal & Closure Tab Click on Renewal & System opens the Renewals &
Closure Tab Closure details screen
 This tab contains instructions taken by the system at the time of TD renewal
 TDs are set at Auto Renewal mode by default
 If customer desires to change the auto renewal instruction and gives revised instructions then
the same can be captured in this tab
19. Related Party Tab Click on Related Party System displays the Related Party
Tab screen
 Joint A/c Holder’s details are captured here by linking the CIF of the Joint Holder to the Main
Holder as discussed in earlier section: CASA A/c Opening & Modification
 Scroll down the screen
20. Submit Click on Submit System displays the result screen
21. New A/c ID No Action Note the account no. created by the
system. Authorizer to verify the

1.2 Process of Modification Before Verification of A Newly Opened TD Account –


 The process is similar to the one discussed earlier in Section: CASA A/c Opening &

1.3 Process of Verification of A Newly Opened TD Account – HOAACVTD

 The user to invoke menu – HOAACVTD by entering the same Menu Shortcut field and
Clicking on Go.
 System displays A/c Authorization - TD criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Function Select V – Verify -
2. Temporary A/c ID Enter Newly Opened -
TD A/c No.
3. Go Click on Go General Details screen appears
4. General Tab Auto populated Authorizer to check that all details
entered by the maker are correct

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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0
5. Interest & Tax Tab Click on Interest & Authorizer to check that all details
Tab entered by the maker are correct
6. Scheme Tab Click on Scheme Tab Authorizer to check that all details
entered by the maker are correct
7. Flow Tab Click on Flow Tab Authorizer to check that all details
entered by the maker are correct
8. Renewal & Closure Click on Renewal & Authorizer to check that all details
Tab Closure Tab entered by the maker are correct
9. Nomination Tab Click on Nomination Authorizer to check that all details
Tab entered by the maker are correct
10. Related Party Tab Click on Related Authorizer to check that all details
Party Tab entered by the maker are correct
11. Side Bar Scroll down the -
 It is mandatory to visit General, Interest & Tax & Scheme, Renewal & Closure, Nomination
& Related Party Tabs even if no operations are performed by the maker in these tabs
 Similarly it is mandatory to visit all tabs which are ‘checked’
12. Submit Click on Submit System displays the result screen
13. Verified A/c ID No Action After authorization the A/c No.
becomes a Permanent A/c No.

1.4 Process of Funding TD A/c By Cash & Verification – HCASHDEP

 The process of funding and verification of the transaction is similar to cash deposit
process in SB a/c as discussed earlier in Section: Customer A/c Transactions
 User to give the TD A/c No. in A/c ID field

1.5 Process of Funding TD A/c By Transfer & Verification – HXFER

 The process of funding and verification of the transaction is similar to cash deposit
process in SB a/c as discussed earlier in Section: Customer A/c Transactions
 User to give the TD A/c No. in A/c ID field

1.6 Process of Printing TD Receipt – HDRP

 Before printing the deposit receipt, the user has to make sure that the FDR inventory
is available in the branch location. (Ref. Section: Inventory Management)
 User to invoke menu HDRP by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and clicking on
 System displays Deposit Receipt Print criteria screen

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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0
S. No Field Action Remarks
1. From A/c ID – To A/c Enter TD A/c No. Press Tab key. System displays a/c
ID title. Alternatively user can enter
the CIF ID in CIF ID field. All the TDs
ready for printing for this CIF will
come up for receipt printing.
2. Go Click on Go System displays the next details
3. Print Entry Select the record by -
clicking on the Check
4. Accept Click on Accept button System displays next details screen
5. Print Srl. No. Confirm the no. User to make sure that both nos.
mentioned in Print Srl match each other
No. matches with the
no. mentioned on the
physical FDR
6. Submit Click on Submit System generates the print
7. Print Click on Print button System prints the receipt and

1.7 Process of Printing Duplicate TD Receipt – HDUDRP

 Before printing the deposit receipt, the user has to make sure that the FDR inventory
is available in the branch location. (Ref. Section: Inventory Management)
 User to invoke menu HDUDRP by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and clicking
on Go
 System displays Deposit Receipt Print (Duplicate) criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. CIF ID or From A/c ID Enter CIF ID or TD A/c Press Tab key. System displays a/c
– To A/c ID No. in the respective title
2. Go Click on Go System displays the next details
3. Print Entry Select the record by Note the original deposit receipt
clicking on the Check no. will be seen in the Certificate
Box Alpha/Srl. No.
4. Accept Click on Accept button System displays next details
5. Print Srl. No. Confirm the system User to make sure that both nos.
generated no. with the match with each other. Note
no. mentioned on the original receipt no. is mention in
physical FDR Printing Remarks field.
6. Submit Click on Submit System generates the print
7. Print Click on Print button System prints the receipt and
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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0

1.8 Process of Modification & Verification of Existing TD A/c – HACMTD

 The process of modification and verification of the existing TD a/c is similar to the
processes in SB a/c as discussed earlier in Section: CASA A/c Opening & Modification
 User to give the TD A/c No. in A/c ID field
 While verifying the modified record the authorizer will compulsorily have to visit
General, Interest & Tax, Scheme, Renewal & Closure, Nomination, Related Party &
Addl. Info Tabs even if there were no modifications conducted in these Tabs.
 For updating Form 15G / 15H user to invoke menu MTDSE

1.9 Process of Calculating Deposit Amount as per Customer’s Inquiry – HDEPMOD

 The user to invoke menu – HDEPMOD by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and
Clicking on Go.
 System displays Deposit Modelling criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Dep. Amount Enter the Deposit -
2. Dep. Period Enter the Deposit -
3. Scheme Code Select appropriate Use searcher to select the
Scheme Code appropriate code
4. Compute Click on Compute System displays the maturity value
button at the end of the screen

1.10 Process of Closure of TD A/c - HCAACTD

 The user to invoke menu – HCAACTD by entering the same Menu Shortcut field and
Clicking on Go.
 System displays A/c Closure – Deposit A/cs criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Function Select L – Trial closure Trial closure option can be
used to simulate the
2. A/c ID Enter A/c No. to be closed User can verify customer’s
signatures by clicking on
Signatures icon
3. Withdrawal Amt. System will populate the User can modify the
principal amount amount in case of Partial

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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0
4. Go Click on Go A/c Information screen
5. Closure Details Click on Closure Details Tab System displays Closure
Details screen
6. Close Mode Select Cash / Repayment A/c In case Repayment A/c is
Only selected then system will
ask user to enter
Repayment A/c ID
7. Repayment A/c ID Enter A/c ID in which funds are -
to be credited
8. Closure Exceptions Click on Closure Exceptions Tab System displays Closure
Exceptions window
9. Closure Reason Select Reason Code Use searcher to select the
Code code
10. Closure Remarks Enter appropriate Remarks This is a free text field
11. Submit Click on Submit System displays
Exceptions window
 Click on Accept. System displays result screen with transaction details. Note that Tran
ID is generated only after authorizer has verified the activity.
 At present cash closure option is not available and system is crediting proceeds to

1.11 Process of Verifying Closure of TD A/c - HCAACVTD

 The user to invoke menu – HCAACVTD by entering the same Menu Shortcut field and
Clicking on Go.
 System displays A/c Closure Authorisation – Deposit A/cs criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Function Select V - Verify -
2. A/c ID Enter A/c No. to be User can verify customer’s
closed signatures by clicking on Signatures
3. Go Click on Go A/c Information screen appears
4. Withdrawal Amt. Check amount is -
5. Closure Details Click on Closure System displays Closure Details
Details Tab screen
6. Various Fields Check that data -
entered is correct
7. Closure Exceptions Click on Closure System displays Closure
Exceptions Tab Exceptions window
8. Various Fields Check that data entered -
is correct
9. Submit Click on Submit System displays Exceptions
 Click on Accept. System displays result screen with transaction details. Note the tran
IDs. The user can make various enquiries on this screen – Interest, Tax and Penalty
Details, by clicking on relevant details expand button.
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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0
 Ledger Inquiry of TD A/c after closure: Balance is Zero
 Ledger Inquiry of SB A/c where proceeds are credited: FD Proceeds credited

1.12 Process of TDS Inquiry - HTDSIP

 User to invoke menu HTDSIP by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and clicking
on Go
 System displays Tax Report Options criteria screen
 User will get hyperlinks to various TDS related Inquiries and Reports
 Inquiry
 Enter Period From & To and A/c ID. Click on Go.
 Click on Explode icon. TDS Inquiry and Printing details window opens.
 Print Tax Certificate – Customer Level
o Enter From & To CIF ID and Period From & To. Click on Go for Inquiry or
Print for Printing. The print file will be generated and can be printed
using HPR menu.
o Click on Explode icon. TDS Inquiry and Printing details window opens.
o View of Print File from HPR
 Customer Tax Summary
o Enter From & To CIF ID and From & To Period. Click on Go and on Print
in case print is required.

1.13 Process of TDS Refund - HRFTDS

 User to invoke menu HRFTDS by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and clicking
on Go
 System displays Refund TDS criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Report To Enter MGR This is a free text field
2. Refund CIF ID Enter CIF ID -
3. Go Click on Go System displays the details screen
4. Refund A/c ID Enter Refund A/c ID Select the entry for which Tax is to
be refunded
5. Submit Click on Submit System displays the result screen
 Report viewed in HPR


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