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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.

FBL5 - Office Accounts Transactions & Inquiries

1. Office Accounts Transactions & Inquiries

1.1 Process of Creating Original Transaction in Office Account Pointing (Sundry) A/c –

 Sundry OAP A/c will be of the type where original entry is of credit nature and the
corresponding reversal will be of debit nature
 A cash excess scenario in the branch is considered here to explain the process
 The original entry can also be created by using menu HCASHDEP

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Menu Shortcut Enter Menu – HTM -
2. Go Click on Go Transaction Maintenance criteria
screen appears
3. Function Select A – Add -
4. Transaction Type / Select C/NR – Normal -
Subtype Receipt
5. Go Click on Go System displays the Transaction
Maintenance details screen
 The Part Transaction Type radio button will be auto set to Credit by the system
6. A/c ID Enter A/c ID & Press Enter Sundry A/c No. and after
Tab Key pressing the Tab key account title is
7. Amount Enter Amount Cash Excess amount
8. Transaction Enter Transaction The data entered here will reflect in
Particulars Particulars the statement of the account and
other inquiries options
9. Side Bar Scroll the Side Bar System displays the result screen
down & Click on Post
10. Note the Transaction ID and send the record for authorization by the checker

1.2 Process of Verifying Original Transaction in Office Account Pointing (Sundry) A/c –

 The checker to invoke menu – HTM by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and
Clicking on Go.
 System displays Transaction Maintenance criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Function Select V – Verify -

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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0
2. Tran ID Enter Tran ID Tran ID is an alpha numeric no. and
the entire no. has to be given by the
3. Go Click on Go System displays the Transaction
Maintenance details screen
 The authorizer to check the correctness of the data entered by the Maker
4. Side Bar Scroll the Side Bar System will verify the record and
down & Click on display result screen

1.3 Process of Reversing Transaction in Office Account Pointing (Sundry) A/c – HTM

 The user to invoke menu – HTM by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and
Clicking on Go.
 System displays Transaction Maintenance criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Function Select A – Add -
2. Transaction Type / Select T/CI – -
Subtype Customer Induced
3. Go Click on Go The system displays Transaction
Maintenance details screen
 The Part Transaction Type radio button will be auto set to Debit by the system
4. A/c ID Enter A/c ID & Press Enter Sundry A/c No. and after
Tab Key pressing the Tab key account title is
5. Amount Enter Amount Enter reversal amount
6. Transaction Enter Transaction The data entered here will reflect in
Particulars Particulars the statement of the account and
other inquiries options
7. Options Select A – Additional This function is required in order to
Part Tran Details select the entry to be reversed from
the sundry account
8. Go Click on Go System displays the Transaction
Maintenance – Minor Subsidiaries
Details screen
9. Go Click on Go Here the system has made the
selection automatically based on
the amount criteria given earlier in
step no. 5. After clicking on Go the
system displays the next
Transaction Maintenance – Minor
Subsidiaries screen

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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0
10. Tran. Details Selection Click on Check Box A tick mark appears in the Check
Box Box. Also the Reversing Amt. field
is populated by the system
11. Accept Click on Accept System goes back to the
Transaction Maintenance main
details screen
12. Add Click on Add button or The system displays Record 2
Click on Right Arrow details screen where the credit part
icon on the side of tran details will be added by the
Record Field user
13. A/c ID Enter A/c ID to be A/c No. where the amount is to be
credited credited. Press Tab key. A/c name
will be populated
14. Get Contra Amount Click in Get Contra System will automatically change
Icon Amount icon the Part Transaction Type from
Debit to Credit and also update the
amount field. Alternatively the user
can click on the Credit Radio
15. Transaction Enter Transaction The data entered here will reflect in
Particulars Particulars the statement of the account and
other inquiries options
16. Side Bar Scroll the Side Bar The system will display result screen
down & Click on Post
17. Note the Transaction ID and authorizer to now verify the transaction
 The system also facilitates reversal of partial amount from the original amount. To do
this the user has to make only the following changes in the steps discussed earlier in this
 Step 5 – Enter the (partial) amount to be reversed
 Step 9 – Modify Start Amt. & End Amt. As the original amount booked
 Step 10 – Once the Check Box is ticked against the reversal entry, the system will
populate the actual amount which is being reversed in this transaction
 System however will not allow the user to reverse the amount in excess of the original
amount booked

1.4 Process of Verifying Reversal Transaction in Office Account Pointing (Sundry) A/c –

 The checker to invoke menu – HTM by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and
Clicking on Go.
 System displays Transaction Maintenance criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Function Select V – -
2. Tran ID Enter Tran Tran ID is an alpha numeric no. and the entire no. has to be
ID given by the user
3. Go Click on Go System displays the Transaction Maintenance details screen
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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0

 The authorizer to check the correctness of the data entered by the Maker
4. Options Select A – Additional -
Part Tran Details
5. Go Click on Go System displays the Transaction Maintenance –
Minor Subsidiaries Details screen
6. Back Click on Back Check that the correct entry is selected by the maker
and then click on Back button. System will go back
to the main criteria screen
7. Right Click on Right Arrow The system displays Record 2 details screen where
Arrow icon on the side of the credit part tran details will be visible
Record Field
 The authorizer to check the correctness of the data entered by the Maker
8. Side Bar Scroll the Side Bar down & Click on The system will display result screen

1.5 Process of Creating/Verifying Original/Reversal Transactions in Office Account

Pointing (Suspense) A/c – HTM

 The process of creating a transaction in OAP – Suspense type of a/c is similar to the
OAP – Sundry Type of a/c as discussed earlier in this section
 The suspense account no. has to be given appropriately
 Here the original entry will be of Debit nature and reversal will be of Credit nature
 The verification process is also similar to the process discussed earlier in this section

1.6 Process of Searching the Office Accounts

 In order to search office accounts the user should be on screen displaying any A/c ID

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Searcher Click on Searcher System displays Search A/c ID
criteria window
2. Scheme Type Enter Scheme Type OAB – Office account Basic
OAB / OAP / OSP OAP – Office account Pointing
OSP – Office account system
3. Scheme Code Enter Scheme Code Enter the Scheme Code or search
from the searcher
4. Submit Click on Submit System displays the list of office
accounts as per the defined
search criteria

1.7 Process of Collection of Non-system Charges - HGCHRG

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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0

 This option is used to recover non-system calculated charges which are incidental in
 The user to invoke menu – HGCHRG by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and
Clicking on Go
 System displays General Fee criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Function Select A – Add -
2. Event ID Click on Searcher System displays a window
containing Event ID list
3. Selection Click on the hyperlink of System populates the Event
the Event ID of choice ID in the Event ID field
4. Transaction Type Select T/CI – Transfer -
Customer Induced
5. Debit A/c ID Enter Debit A/c ID Enter customer account no.
6.  Debit CCY  Enter INR -
 Context CCY  Enter INR
7. Go Click on Go System displays the next
screen where charges amount
would be populated as per
parameters set by the bank
 Here the instrument details can also be given if the customer has given a cheque for the
charges amount
8. Submit Click on Submit System will display the result

1.8 Process of Verification of Collection of Non-system Charges - HGCHRG

 The checker to invoke menu – HGCHRG by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field
and Clicking on Go
 System displays General Fee criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Function Select V – Verify -
2. Event ID Select Event Id by clicking -
on Searcher
3. Transaction Select T/CI – Transfer -
Type Customer Induced
4. Debit A/c ID Enter A/c ID of the customer -
5. Go Click on Go System will open a window displaying
Fees Records created by the maker
6. Hyperlink Click on A/c ID Hyperlink System displays the next screen
7. Submit Click on Submit System displays the result screen

1.9 Process of Inquiry of Office A/c – HACLINQ

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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0

 This option displays information about transactions done in an office a/c

 The inquiry can be conducted by giving various selection criteria like date range wise,
and last ‘n’ no. of transactions wise
 User to invoke menu HACLINQ by entering the same in the Menu Option field and
clicking on Go
 System will display criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. A/c ID Enter A/c ID & Press -
Tab Key
2. Various Criteria Fields Enter Selection -
Criteria as per
3. Go Click on Go System displays the Account
Transactions Inquiry screen

1.10 Process of Printing Office A/c Statement – HACLPOA

 User to invoke menu HACLPOA by entering the same in the Menu Option field and
clicking on Go
 System will display Office A/c Ledgers Print criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Report To Enter MGR This is a free field
2. From A/c Range / To Enter Office A/c No. -
A/c Range
3. Submit Click on Submit System will display result screen
 The report can be viewed or printed by invoking HPR menu as per process discussed earlier

1.11 Process of Inquiring on OAP A/cs – HIOT

 This menu is used to inquire about transactions in OAP type of a/cs. The user can
inquire transactions as per following filters:
 Partially & Unresponded
 Fully Responded
 Overresponded
 Partially Responded
 Unresponded
 The inquiry can be done for transactions falling in a date range and amount range also
 User to invoke menu HIOT by entering the same in the Menu Option field and clicking
on Go
 System will display Inquire on Transactions criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0
1. A/c ID Enter A/c ID & Press A/c Title will appear
Tab Key
2. Start Date – End Date Enter Start Date – End Enter the date range for which the
Date transactions to be inquired
3. Filter Select Filter from -
dropdown menu
4. Submit Click on Submit System will display a list of
transactions as per the selection
5. Click on View Details icon to view the details of the transaction. System displays the
Transaction Maintenance screen

1.12 Process of Generating Report of Outstanding Items in OAP A/cs – HMSOIRP /

 This report is used to view the outstanding items in OAP A/cs
 HMSOIRP reports outstanding items while HMSGOIRP reports agewise outstanding items
 User to invoke menu HMSOIRP by entering the same in the Menu Option field and
clicking on Go
 System will display Outstanding Items Report criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. Report To Enter MGR This is a free field
2. A/c ID Enter A/c ID & Press A/c Title will appear
Tab Key
3. Date Enter Date -
4. Filter Select Filter from -
dropdown menu
5. Submit Click on Submit System will display the result
The report can be viewed or printed by invoking HPR menu as per process discussed earlier

1.13 Process of Generating Report of GL Transactions Report - HMSTRP

 This report is used to view transactions in any office account
 The report can be generated as per various selection criteria
 GL Head Code wise
 GL Sub Head Code wise
 A/c ID
 Date Range
 User to invoke menu HMSTRP by entering the same in the Menu Option field and
clicking on Go
 System will display Report criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

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Corporation Bank Finacle Process Document v1.0
1. Report To Enter MGR This is a free field
2. Various Criteria Enter criteria as per -
3. Period From – To Enter Date Range -
4. Submit Click on Submit System will display the result
The report can be viewed or printed by invoking HPR menu as per process discussed earlier

1.14 Process of Generating GL Progressive Report - CGLRPT

 This report is used to view movement of balances in various GL Sub Heads (RD/TB)
 User to invoke menu CGLRPT by entering the same in the Menu Option field and
clicking on Go
 System will display Report criteria screen

S. No Field Action Remarks

1. From GL Sub Head Enter Range for GL Sub Searcher can be used for
Code – To GL Sub Head Codes finding out the codes
Head Code
2. As on Date Enter Date -
3. Submit Click on Submit System will display the
result screen
The report can be viewed or printed by invoking HPR menu


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