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1. Comprehending a text The reader must have an Onkoda, M. K.
is an interactive interaction between their (2014). Correlation
process between the background knowledge and the Between Reading
reader‘s background text in order to comprehend. To
knowledge and the efficiently comprehend it, the
text. Efficient reader must have the skill or Practices and
comprehension ability to relate the textual Academic
requires the ability to material to their knowledge and it Performance: A Case
relate textual material involves more than just relying on Study of Class Three
to one‘s knowledge. their linguistic knowledge. Pupils in Westland
Comprehending words, Sub- County, Kenya,
sentences and entire
59. Retrieved from
text involves more than
just relying on one‘s http://erepository.uonb
linguistic knowledge.
What we remember of 75606
a text is not wording of
the text itself but the
meaning we make of it
including the
inferences we have
made in a single
integrated whole.

2. Reading is a means of
learning a language, of Reading develops a child’s Onkoda, M. K.
communicating and of imagination around them. The (2014). Correlation
sharing information mind needs exercise so as to Between Reading
and ideas. It is a complex
children let them read to grow the Comprehension
interaction between the text
minds ability. Reading makes the Practices and
and the reader which is
reading comprehension process Academic
shaped by
perfect and also makes the Performance: A Case
the reader‘s prior knowledge,
learning process successful. Study of Class Three
experiences, attitude and the
Pupils in Westland
reader‘s language community
Sub- County, Kenya,
which is culturally and socially
59. Retrieved from
situated. The reading process
requires continuous
practices, development and
3. Reading is an essential The basic tool for knowledge is Owusu-Acheaw,
tool for knowledge reading which increases the skills Micheal, "Reading
transfer and the habit in reading strategies and the Habits Among
of reading is an
academic performance. In order Students and its
academic activity that
increases skills in reading for the child to gain background Effect on Academic
strategies. To know about the knowledge and significant Performance: A Study
world and its environment, a information, the child help of Students of
child helps him/herself through reading Koforidua
himself through reading articles, books, newspapers and Polytechnic"
books, newspapers and other other materials they can read. (2014).Library
magazines. Once the child And once his/her love for reading Philosophy and
has been taught to developed, they will be hunger Practice (e-
read and has developed the for more knowledge. However, journal).Paper 1130.
love for books, he can explore children who haven’t got in touch http://digitalcommons.
for himself the wealth of with books in their early age will
human find it hard to acquire pleasure in 30
experiences and knowledge reading when they’re older.
through reading. Children,
who miss the opportunity of
getting in touch
with books in their early
stages of life, find it hard to
acquire good reading habits in
their later year
4. Reading can be Reading is often explained as
explained as a cognitive activities which the Sainsbury, M., &
cognitive activity in reader takes part in a Schagen, I. (2004).
which the reader takes
communication with the author Attitudes to reading at
part in a conversation
with the author through through text. Reading is ages nine and eleven.
text. Reading is a very important milestone in Journal of Research
crucial milestone in the the academic journey of the in Reading, 27, 373-
academic journey of an pupils as proof suggests that 386.
elementary school attitudes of both boys
child as evidence and girls toward reading
suggests that attitudes
become negative as
of both boys and girls
toward reading they become older.
become more negative
as they get older.
5. Pupils taken through Pupils taken through Onkoda, M. K.
reading comprehension skills reading comprehension skills (2014). Correlation
over a period of time were over an amount of your Between Reading
successful in their academics time were eminent in
in their academics in
comparison to those trained in comparison to those Practices and
the study skills in the relevant trained within the study skills in Academic
subjects over the same the relevant subjects over an Performance: A Case
period of time. The poor equivalent Study of Class Three
performance could be period of your time. The poor Pupils in Westland
attributed to lack of language performance can be attributed to Sub- County, Kenya,
skills rather lack of language skills rather
59. Retrieved from
than lack of mastery of than lack of mastery of
different subjects. various subjects. http://erepository.uonb

6. “Reading Reading comprehension could (Meneghetti,

comprehension is a be a complex cognitive ability Carretti, & De Beni,
complex cognitive requiring the capability to 2006, p. 291
ability requiring the
integrate the text info with the Meneghetti, C.,
capacity to integrate
text information with knowledge of the reader or Carretti, B.,& De Beni,
the knowledge of the listener and leading to the R. (2006).
listener or reader and elaboration of a mental Components of
resulting in the representation. reading
elaboration of a mental comprehension and
representation” scholastic
Learning and
Individual Differences,
16, 301.
7. Reading is the basic Reading is the essential tool for Otaiba, S. & Fuchs,
tool for learning in all learning in general D. (2002).
subject areas. To achieve success at Characteristics of
areas. To be successful in school, a pupil should have skills children who are
school, a child must have in reading. owing to this, reading unresponsive to early
skills in reading. Because of has forever been considered the literacy intervention: A
this, reading has always been first key to learning within review of the
regarded as the primary key the total academic process. A literature. Remedial &
to learning in the total pupil who learns this skill Special Education, 23
educational process. A child quickly and simply considered as (5). Pro-Ed, Gale
who learns this skill quickly superior and is likely to perform Group. (pp. 300+).
and easily is often considered well in academics.
as superior and is likely to
experience academic success
8. However, reading texts However, reading texts with Duke, N. K., &
with comprehension comprehension implies that the Pearson, P. (2002).
means that the pupils can perceive the aim and Effective practices for
students will function of the developing reading
understand the text, remember of the comprehension. In A.
purpose and function main topic, how it develops from E. Farstrup & S. J.
of the text, be aware of one paragraph to another Samuels (Eds.), What
the main topic, how it paragraph, and understand the research has to say
develops from one meaning of sentences and about reading
paragraph to another, the relationships among them. instruction? (3rd ed.).
and understand the Thus, the main goal of reading International Reading
meaning of sentences is to get a general understanding Association. Retrieved
as well as the of what's enclosed within from
relationships among the text instead of to obtain
them. Thus, the main meanings from separate words /workshops/teachread
goal of reading is to or sentences ing35/pdf/Dev
obtain a general
understanding of what
is included in the text
rather than to obtain
meanings from
separate words or
9. It is argued that poor It is argued that poor Onkoda, M. K.
performance in the performance in academics (2014). Correlation
academics is due to is because of poor mastery of the Between Reading
poor mastery of the topic Comprehension
subject skills. They noted that children Practices and
skills. Pupils taken through taken through Academic
reading comprehension skills reading comprehension skills Performance: A Case
over a period of time were over the amount of time able to Study of Class Three
successful in their academics excel in academics compared to Pupils in Westland
in those children that are Sub- County, Kenya,
comparison to those trained in trained within the study skills in 59. Retrieved from
the study skills in the relevant the relevant subjects over a http://erepository.uonb
subjects over the same similar
period of time. The poor period of your time. The poor 75606
performance could be performance might be attributed
attributed to lack of language to lack of language skills rather
skills rather than lack of mastery of
than lack of mastery of various subjects.
different subjects.
10. Educational systems Having the access to reading Cimmiyotti, Caleb
also rely more heavily materials like books can be Bartholet, "Impact of
upon text as students advantageous to students Reading Ability on
reach higher grade especially in their early grades. In Academic
levels. In early elementary the beginning of third grade, the Performance at the
grades, students do not textbooks were introduced to the Primary Level" (2013).
typically have textbooks at home environment to pull and Graduate Master's
home and they process those information from Theses, Capstones,
primarily work with decodable textbooks will increase the and Culminating
readers and short stories necessary for the achievement of Projects. 127.
borrowed from the library. the students.
However, 5/
beginning around third grade, .edu.18
textbooks are introduced to
the home environment and
abilities to pull and process
information from textbooks
becomes increasingly
necessary for
student achievement
11. Indeed, the effects of The effects of reading have National Endowment
reading extend into extended to the quality of life. for the Arts. (2007).
quality of life: high The high levels of leisure reading To Read or Not to
levels of leisure and reading proficiency will lead Read: A Question of
reading and reading to greater academics, financial, National
proficiency are professional and civic benefits. Consequence.
associated with greater Research Report 47.
academic, financial, Washington, DC:
professional, and civic Author. Retrieved
benefits. online:

12. “Time spent reading, According to Reutzel and Juth, Reutzel, D. R. and
including reading the time spent in reading Juth, S. (2014).
silently, has including the silent reading by the Supporting the
consistently correlated learners, has strongly correlated development of silent
strongly with reading with the reading achievement. reading fluency: an
achievement.” evidence-based
framework for the
intermediate grades
(3-6). International
Electronic Journal of
Education, 7(1) 27-46.

13. “Every measure that The pleasure reading and the Atwell, N. (2007). The
looks at pleasure effects on children’s performance Reading Zone: How to
reading and its effects on standardized test of reading Help Kids Become
on student ability in science and math shows Skilled, Passionate,
performance on the major predictor that the Habitual, Critical
standardized tests of academic success is the amount Readers. New York,
reading ability—and of time spent by students in NY: Scholastic, Inc
science and math— reading.
tells us that the major
predictor of academic
success is the amount
of time that a student
spends reading.
14. Students who engaged Children who participate in Block, C. & Mangieri,
in recreational literacy recreational activities during J. (2002).
activities during school school hours frequently read Recreational reading:
hours read books books outside of school. 20 years later. The
outside of school more According to Block and Reading Teacher,
frequently. Additionally, Mangrieri, even with only 15 55(6), 572-580
even with only 15 minutes of reading per day in
minutes of in-school school significantly increases
reading per day, their interest, reading
students significantly performance with average and
increased their reading below-average readers
performance, with experiencing the greatest gains.
average and below-
average readers
experiencing the
greatest gains.

15. Self-esteem and Having self-esteem facilitates the Hisken, L. J. (2011).

reading ability are shown to achievement of the students WARRENSBURG,
go hand in hand. Students because they have the desire to MISSOURI. Retrieved
with low self-esteem tend to do anything despite the failure, from
have and as a result, students will feel https://jckldigital.ucmo
lower reading abilities the satisfaction from their .edu/bitstream/handle/
because they do not feel experience and their 10768/103/Hisken201
confident enough to take risks achievement in school. Students 110_RP_Correlation.p
in their who are not satisfied with the df?sequence=7&isAllo
reading. They are not book selection, not having wed=y
confident enough in access to reading materials or
themselves or their ability to technology, and lack of prior
try new genres, knowledge can affect the
authors, or types of reading students’ self-esteem tend to
materials have lower reading abilities and
that can hinder learning.
Hisken, L. J. (2011).
16. Extrinsic motivation The extrinsic motivation of WARRENSBURG,
comes from students students comes from MISSOURI. Retrieved
participating in an participating in the activities that from
activity for a reward of give rewards. Teachers believe https://jckldigital.ucmo
some sort usually given by that giving rewards for the .edu/bitstream/handle/
the teacher. Some feel that participation of students prevent 10768/103/Hisken201
giving rewards for them from learning to become 110_RP_Correlation.p
participation prevents intrinsically motivated on school. df?sequence=7&isAllo
students from learning to The study have shown that wed=y
become intrinsically motivated academic reading is most likely a
on combination of both intrinsic and
schoolwork. Studies show extrinsic motivation.
that academic reading is most
likely driven by a combination
of both types of motivation.

17. Students with good Students who solved Vilenius-Tuohimaa,

reading Mathematics easily have good P., Aunola, K., &
comprehension skills reading comprehension skills that Nurmi, J. (2008). The
solved word problems are better than students with association between
in mathematics easily poor reading comprehension mathematical word
than students with poor skills. According to Vilenius and problems and reading
reading Nurmi, the reason for the low comprehension.
comprehension skills. performance of students in Educational
The reason for the low mathematics was that they Psychology, 28(4),
performance in struggle with their poor reading 409-426.
mathematics was that comprehension that is needed in
students with poor reading mathematical words and
reading solving logical reasoning
comprehension skills questions.
struggled with reading
the text thereby
exhibiting poor
decoding skills which
limited logical
reasoning. It was from
this basis that strongly
associated the
students’ dismal
performance in
mathematics to other
In the Philippines according to Imam, O. A.,
18. In the Philippines, (Imam, Mastura, Jamill and Mastura, M. A. Jamil,
overall students’ Ismail), the overall performance H. & Ismail, Z.
performance in reading in reading comprehension and (2014). Reading
comprehension and science was at the low mastery Comprehension Skills
science was indexed at level. According to the result, and Performance in
low mastery level. they concluded that although the Science among High
Generally, four out of strength of the influence was School students in
six reading skills such considered weak, the students Phillipines. Asia
as understanding with high reading skills have Pacific Journal of
vocabulary in context, showed the improvements in Educators and
noting details, science subject than students Education, 29, 81-94
predicting outcome, with the low reading skills.
and making inference
made up the overall
reading skills that
positively correlated
with science
performance of
students. The study
concluded that
although the strength
of the influence was
considered weak,
students with high
reading skills showed
improvements in
science than students
with low reading skill
19. It is argued that despite According to Sofsian, despite the Sofsian, D. (2006).
the overwhelming use use of todays’ technologies for The importance of
of today’s technologies information purposes, it could not reading. Retrieved 5
to get information, replace the fundamental skills in February 2010, from
these could not replace reading that one needs to utilize
the fundamental skill in to acquire knowledge. However, m/?The-Importance-
reading which one reliable materials online like the Of-
needs to utilise to e-journals and e-books can Reading&id=354498
acquire knowledge. In increased the importance in
fact, the availability of reading.
mammoth reliable
materials online like e-
books and e-journals
increased the
importance of reading.
If a pupil in elementary come to Antilla, J. A. (2013).
20. If a child comes into school without prior knowledge THE EFFECTS OF
the and experience in reading, the EARLY LITERACY
elementary school setting with school principal and teachers DEVELOPMENT ON
no prior experiences with must propose an intervention ACADEMIC
reading: the school, teachers, program to cater their pupils’ SUCCESS IN THE
and need and to develop enough EDUCATIONAL
principal need to be very skills for reading and literacy. SETTING AND
aware of the different Parents also must address the IMPLICATIONS FOR
interventions to use to need of the children in order to EDUCATIONAL
educate the child in ensure their children’s success in LEADERS AND
reading comprehension and academics. TEACHERS
literacy development. . IMPLICATIONS OF
Educational leaders must EARLY LITERACY
address the needs of DEVELOPMENT , 1–
families, even before the 61. Retrieved from
children reach school age, to
ensure the academic success education/sites/Drupal
of all Education/files/UserFil
students. es/Antilla_Julie_MP.p

21. Even though reading is Research has found that

primarily governed cognitive and affective functions Garrett, J. (2002).
cognitively, it is also may not operate independently in Enhancing the
influenced by affective reading. Factors to consider that Attitudes of Children
functions and research has are part of affective domain are; Toward Reading:
found that the two do not interest, attitude towards reading, Implications for
operate independently of one motivation, reading for Teachers and
another. There enjoyment, values and self- Principals. Reading
are many factors to consider concept. Motivating students to Improvement. 39(1),
that are part of the affective connect themselves to books and 21-2
domain, including attitude reading is vital for the
towards continuation of reading for their
reading, interest, motivation, pleasure and for their own good.
reading for enjoyment,
personal interests and values,
and self
concept. Getting students to
make connections to books
and reading is vital for
the continuation of reading on
their own and for pleasure.
22. In developing countries Children in developing countries Mwoma, T. (2017).
however, the case may with poor backgrounds may be Children’s reading
be different since disadvantaged because their ability in early primary
children from poor parents cannot provide them the schooling: Challenges
backgrounds may be educational materials that can for a Kenyan rural
disadvantaged as their enhance their skills in reading. community . Issues in
parents/guardians may Thus, children would end up Educational
not be able to provide attending to school without the Research, 27(2), 1–
them with educational prior knowledge and the 18. Retrieved from
materials likely to materials that can help them to
enhance learning to read. success in academics. ier27/mwoma.pdf
Thus such children would end
up attending school without
the required reading
materials, leading to low
ambitions among them as
compared to children from
better backgrounds.

23. Socioeconomic factors Socioeconomic factors can also Clark, C. & Rumbold,
have also been found influence the children’s reading. K. (2006). Reading for
to influence children’s Children from lower backgrounds pleasure: A research
reading, where children read less than children from overview. London:
from lower more priviledged social classes. National Literacy
socioeconomic The study also revealed that girls Trust.
backgrounds have enjoy read than boys. http://www.literacytrus
been found to read
less for 562/Reading_pleasur
enjoyment than children from e_2006.pdf
more privileged social
classes. Studies have
revealed that boys enjoy
reading less than girls.
24. Students may just read Students that were reading word Hijazii, D. (2018). The
word by word, or by word or sentence by sentence Relationship Between
sentence by sentence. have failed to comprehend and Students’ Reading
They may fail to understand the relationship Comprehension and
understand the between the sentences and the Their Achievement in
relationship between text as a whole. It is because the English. ResearchGat
sentences and the students were not informed to e, 16(3), 153.
meaning of any text as use ways or levels to Retrieved from
a whole so they do not comprehend a text effectively https://www.researchg
access to the and they tend to focus on the
appropriate level of meaning of the words individually 4915696_The_Relatio
comprehension. that may affect the reading nship_Between_Stud
Possibly, it is partly comprehension negatively. ents'_Reading_Compr
because students are ehension_and_Their_
not informed to use Achievement_in_Engli
effective levels of sh
comprehension to
comprehend a text
effectively. To be more
specific, students tend
to focus on the
meaning of individual
words which may
negatively affects their
comprehension and
their achievement in
English in general
25. They believes that from Reading became the major Owusu-Acheaw,
middle childhood component of studying from Micheal, "Reading
through middle school through adulthood Habits Among
adulthood, reading becomes and the information learned from Students and its
a major component of studying is initially acquired Effect on Academic
studying, and much through reading. Every activity in Performance: A Study
information learned through which the students engage may of Students of
studying is initially acquired influence their studying and Koforidua
through reading. Thus reading skills and also their Polytechnic"
everyday reading activities in academic performance. (2014).Library
which students Philosophy and
engage may, considerably Practice (e-
influence their studying skills journal).Paper 1130.
and subsequent academic http://digitalcommons.
26. Background knowledge Students background knowledge Estremera , M. L., &
plays an essential role also plays essential role in Estremera , G. L.
in reading reading comprehension. (2018). Factors
comprehension. In an Students must rely on their Affecting the Reading
effort to comprehend a background knowledge to link all Comprehension of
text, students rely on the knowledge that they already Grade Six Pupils in
their background know. Real-world experiences the City Division of
knowledge to link what with the help of children’s Sorsogon, Philippines
they already know to background knowledge and as Basis for the
the text they are literary knowledge will lead them Development of
reading. Background to master the skills in reading. Instructional Material
knowledge includes . Asia Pacific Journal
both a reader’s real- of Education, Arts and
world experiences and Sciences , 5(3), 78.
literary knowledge. Retrieved from
27. It is possible that some Fernandez believe that some FERNANDEZ, R. A.
children are falling children at school are falling Z. E. A. L. E. G.
behind their peers and behind their peers and also could (2015). READERS
they could be at risk of be at risk of failure in academics. Intervention Program
failure. The population The high risk of reading failure of for Readers-at-
of students considered some students is increasing. He Risk. Asia Pacific
at high risk of reading also stated that the gap between Journal of Education,
failure is increasing. the poor readers and their Arts and
Also stated that the progressing peers which widens Sciences, 2(1), 13
gap between poor in their elementary years. This is
readers and their the reason why schools
progressing peers organized remedial reading
widens over the programs and any intervention
elementary years. This programs to fill those gap and
is the reason why most cater their needs for progress.
schools organize
remedial reading
programs to fill the gap
between children
reading within the
grade level and those
who are reading below
grade level.
28. An important factor in The important factor in Clark, C. & Rumbold,
developing reading for developing reading for pleasure K. (2006). Reading for
pleasure is choice. is choice. Choice and interest are pleasure: A research
Choice and interest are highly related when it comes to overview. London:
highly related when it pupils reading for pleasure as National Literacy
comes to children they chose the materials they Trust.
reading for pleasure as want to read. Literacy targeted http://www.literacytrus
they chose the rewards such as books or book
materials they want to vouchers have been found to be 562/Reading_pleasur
read. Literacy targeted more effective in developing e_2006.pdf
rewards such as books reading motivation than rewards
or book vouchers have that are unrelated to the activity.
been found to be more Reading for pleasure is strongly
effective in developing influenced by relationships
reading motivation than between teachers and children,
rewards that are and pupils and. Thus creating a
unrelated to the good relationship between
activity. Reading for families, teachers and pupils will
pleasure is strongly encourage a reading culture
influenced by among pupils. Teachers and
relationships between family members who recognise
teachers and children, pupils who are keen in reading,
and children and. Thus and commend them for this are
creating a good likely to have pupils who are
relationship between interested in reading, hence
families, teachers and promoting their literacy skills.
children will encourage
a reading culture
among children.
Teachers and family
members who
recognise children who
are keen in reading,
and commend them for
this are likely to have
children who are
interested in reading,
hence promoting their
literacy skills.
29. Research has shown Study has shown that the girls Corpas Arellano, M.
that girls not only enjoy not only enjoy reading more than D. (2013). Gender
reading more than boys but also do it more often. differences in reading
boys but also do it More girls than boys read for comprehension
more often. More girls longer periods of time and that achievement in
than boys read for girls and boys read different English as a foreign
longer periods of time materials outside class. It is language in
and that girls and boys noted that gender differences compulsory
read different materials exist among secondary school secondary education.
outside class. Corpus students, where girls spend more Gender Differences in
Arellano (2013) noted time reading books and Reading, 17, 67-84.
that gender differences magazines in many countries https://dialnet.unirioja.
exist among secondary while boys spend more time es/descarga/articulo/4
school students, where reading on the Internet. He 353124.pdf
girls spend more time further reported that “girls read
reading books and diverse materials and use
magazines in many libraries more often than males”.
countries while boys He argued that “girls prefer more
spend more time demanding texts such as fiction
reading on the Internet. while males are more likely to
He further reported that read comics and newspapers”
“girls read diverse
materials and use
libraries more often
than males”. He
argued that “girls prefer
more demanding texts
such as fiction while
males are more likely
to read comics and
30. To decode, children To decode, pupils need to be Strategic Marketing
need to be explicitly explicitly instructed or taught how and Research
taught how to sound to sound out words into (2013). Factors
out words into phonemes. As pupils learn to affecting reading
phonemes. As children interpret and read words, he/she ability in school age
learn to decode and will be able to focus on building children.
read words, they are their comprehension. The more a http://evancedsolution
able to focus on pupil is exposed to reading, the
building their more likely he or she is to content/uploads/2015/
comprehension. The acquire the required skills for 01/Factors_Affecting
more a child is reading. Thus, pupils must learn _Reading_Ability_Whi
exposed to reading, that words on a page have te_Paper.pdf
the more likely he or meaning and that reading is done
she is to acquire the from left to right and from top to
required skills for bottom. Pupils who have not
reading. Thus, children been read to before they enter
must learn that words school may not have
on a page have experienced listening to rhythm
meaning and that and sounds. They may not have
reading is done from developed an interest in reading
left to right and from and may not be motivated to
top to bottom. Children learn to read
who have not been
read to before they
enter school may not
have experienced
listening to rhythm and
sounds. They may not
have developed an
interest in reading and
may not be motivated
to learn to read

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