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2 Parallel Axis Theorem for an

For moment of inertia of an area known about
an axis passing through its centroid, determine
the moment of inertia of area about a
corresponding parallel axis using the parallel axis
Consider moment of inertia
of the shaded area
A differential element dA is
located at an arbitrary distance
y’ from the centroidal x’ axis
10.2 Parallel Axis Theorem for an
The fixed distance between the parallel x and x’ axes is
defined as dy
For moment of inertia of dA about x axis
dI x = ( y '+ d y ) dA

For entire area

I x = ∫ ( y '+ d y ) dA

= ∫ y '2 dA + 2d y ∫ y ' dA + d y2 ∫ dA

First integral represent the moment of inertia of the area

about the centroidal axis
10.2 Parallel Axis Theorem for an
Second integral = 0 since x’ passes through the
area’s centroid C
∫ y' dA = y ∫ dA = 0; y=0

Third integral represents the total area A

I x = I x + Ad y2
I y = I y + Ad x2
For polar moment of inertia about an axis
perpendicular to the x-y plane and passing through
pole O (z axis)
J O = J C + Ad 2
10.2 Parallel Axis Theorem for an
Moment of inertia of an area about an axis =
moment of inertia about a parallel axis
passing through the area’s centroid plus the
product of the area and the square of the
perpendicular distance between the axes

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