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Welcome to class in room 119 with Mr. Carlson! As your teacher, I am

looking forward to the opportunity of working with you this semester. I can
promise you that we’ll both have a good time and maybe learn something
along the way.

In this contract, you will find school rules and classroom rules that must be
specifically followed. If you can follow the rules, you can look forward to
the Positive Consequences listed near the bottom of this contract. If you
violate this contract, you will face the Negative Consequences.

At the end of this contract is a blank line for your signature. Once you sign
this contract, you are stating that you understand what is expected of you
and what will happen if you both abide by and go against the expectations.

The following are school rules that fall outside of my specific classroom
expectations, but they will be strictly enforced in this classroom.
1. Absolutely NO FOOD is permitted in this classroom! Food will be
confiscated or thrown away.
2. No drinks are permitted in this classroom except for water. Drinks
will be confiscated or thrown away.
3. Cell phones are not permitted in this classroom. If seen or used, cell
phones will be immediately confiscated and sent to the main office at
the end of my school day.
4. Do not be late to class. See Student Handbook for disciplinary

These are my classroom rules. These rules are always in effect and will be

1. Follow all directions

2. No cursing
3. Stay on task at all times
4. Talk one at a time
5. No vandalism or abuse of any equipment or supplies

1. Praise from the teacher
2. Earn a good grade
3. Receive special treats
4. Time in class to work on other personal projects
5. Exemption from quizzes, tests, homework, or other written
6. Free time in class
7. Movie shown
8. Extra time on project/activity
9. Positive call home
10.Take one problem off test

1. A verbal warning
2. Stay after class for 1 minute
3. 2 minutes after class and 30 min. detention
4. 2 minutes after class, 1 hr. detention
5. 2 minute after class, 1 hr. detention, call home
-- Severe Clause: Sent out of class to Main Office

I am looking forward to a very successful semester with you. Please let me

know if there is anything I can do to better serve you as a teacher.
Remember, this is not MY class; this is OUR class. Together, I know that
we will have a great time and an insightful learning experience.

_______________________________________ ___________ _______

Student Signature Date Period

_______________________________________ _____________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
______________________________ _________________________
Parent Contact Phone Number Parent E-Mail (During
School Day)

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