Final Draft Kaela Kiel 2

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Kiel 1

Kaela Kiel

Roxanna Dewey


11 December 2019

Reflection Final Exam

Being that I had taken four classes after not being in school for over a semester it was hard to

turn my brain back on. However, I do believe I accomplished some things throughout this term. I

was able to successfully write all the essays we were assigned without having a total freak out

session. I happen to get very picky when it comes to choosing a writing topic. I would rather

change my mind on what I am writing about eight times before I continue with something I am

not proud of. From this class, some strategies I have taken away are the different ways we can

read texts and how to understand them. It was better explained to me how to develop an

argument and all the different types of logical fallacies. Some essays I feel especially proud of

would be my position essay and my memoir. I picked the position essay because it was one I was

confident about. The memoir was a no brainer in my eyes, it was the perfect way for me to

understand even what had happened to me better. I learned the most from the evaluation essay

because it was the most challenging one. It required me to do some extra digging into my topic,

and really think about what was going to be written. I learned I just have to pick something I

know and go with it, instead of trying to teach myself something super quick. I also learned I

have to be more confident in myself and in my writing.

1:I had to analyze different rhetorical contexts and strived to understand the implications

of all the readings we were given in Cengage. Along with that, I had to use those contexts in my
Kiel 2

writing which taught me the proper ways to do so. 2: With whatever writing context we were

given, I was able to strive to meet the standards of coherence and unity with my paragraphs.

3: The Just in Time Reports I think really helped with discovering tone and helping with

grammar. Writing the essays helped establish consistent tone in my writing, as I lose track less

often on what I was writing about.

4: When we were taught how to paraphrase, we did some practice that helped support our

writing of the citations we were doing and the right words to use. 5. With each time we would do

peer review, I would try and have it done to get feedback right away. If I did not get any, I would

have my friend read over it before I turned it in to meet the competency. 6: It was easy to assess

my own writing strengths and work on them throughout the course, along with building those

strategies for improvement. By using written evaluations and reviews, I was able to get the

feedback I needed from others and myself in order to work on bettering what I was giving out. 7.

There were many different options giving to us to strive in meeting the competency and one that

really saved my life after discovering was google docs. I had not sued it before this semester, and

it came in handy often with our writing assignments. Along with that, we were given other

technologies to help formatting and editing skills. The advice I would give for a new student in

ENG101 is to not be afraid to ask for help. Also to not put things off until the last minute,

because then they are left with a rushed final product.

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