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Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

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Relationship between soil cohesion and shear


Hajime Yokoi

To cite this article: Hajime Yokoi (1968) Relationship between soil cohesion and shear strength,
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 14:3, 89-93, DOI: 10.1080/00380768.1968.10432750

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(Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Vol. 14, No.3, 1968)



Hajime YOKOI
National lnsfltute of Agricultural Sciences, Tokyo, Japan

Introduction is known as COULOMB's equation:

s=c+p tan cp (1)
Cohesion of soil is an important factor of where c: shear cohesion as a constant
soil consistency. The word cohesion, however, cp: angle of shear resistance (internal fric-
has acquired two connotations. In soil physics, tion)
BA VER (2), for example, defines it as "the The symbol c represents shear cohesion as
cohesive force that takes place between adja- a constant, which is equal to the shear strength
cent particles". On the other hand, in soil when the compressive stress is equal to zero.
mechanics, cohesion means "the shear strength In the equation 0), if s=O, then C=-Po tan cp
when the compressive stresses are equal to or Po = -c/tan cp, where Po is equivalent to the
zero". It is apparent that these two meanings soil internal stress at the shear surface. Such
differ. For convenience in this report "soil a relation is illustrated in Figure 1.
cohesion" refers to the soil physics definition,
while "shear cohesion" refers to that of soil
mechanics. ..c.
Theoretical concepts of soil cohesion in ~
an ideal soil composed of uniform spherical
particles have been developed by HAINES (4),
; Shear strength line
FISHER (3), YAMANAKA (10), and others on
the basis of surface-tension force due to water
films between particles. Furthermore, ATTER- Shear
BERG (1), NICHOLS (6), YAMANAKA (10), (C
and others have carried out experimental stud- L 0 Compressive stress (P)
ies on soil cohesion. However, the relationship
between soil cohesion and shear cohesion was Initial stress
not investigated. In the meeting report of the (Po)

Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Fig. 1. Shear strength factors.

Engineering, YAMANAKA and others (11)
emphasized the urgent need of investigating It is thought that there is no force which is
the effect of soil internal stress on shear able to act as internal stress without soil co-
strength. Furthermore, TSCHEBOT ARIOFF (9) hesion. Such an internal stress corresponding
considered soil cohesion as true cohesion. The to OL in Figure 1 was described as initial stress
author investigated field· soil resistance to by JUMJKI(5). Consequentry, it is reasonable to
tractor tillage and found a positive relationship assume that soil cohesion is equal to initial
between soil cohesion and shear cohesion. stress calculated from shear test under the same
soil condition. The assumption may be con-
Theoretical Considerations firmed by two kinds of experiments. First. since
sieved soil does not develop soil cohesion under
It is generally assumed that in cohesive soils saturated condition according to the soil co-
the relationship between compressive stress (p) hesion theory based on surface-tension force,
and the corresponding shear strength (s) can shear strength may be almost the same as that
be represented by an empirical equation, which of cohesionless soil. Therefore, the correspond-

ing equation of the shear strength under after the experiments.

saturated condition may be expressed in the Soil cohesion: The force necessary to cause a
following formula: metal-wedge to penetrate the soil mass was de-
s=p tan tp termnied with the apparatus devised by YAMANAKA
Such a problem was described by TERZAGHI (10). The trimming case was a sectional metal box
(8) as an interesting phenomenon associated with inside dimensions of 6x 2x 1 ems. The area of
with change of water content and with degree the surface of rupture was about 2 cm 2 and was
measured after each experiment. The moisture con-
of permeability. In the second place, under
tents of the tested samples were also determined
unsaturated condition, soil cohesion directly after the experiments.
measured by the metal-wedge method should Pre-treatment of soil sample: The air-dried soils
have a firm relation to initial stress calculated were wetted near to the moisture content of the
from the shear test. However, as will be dis- upper plastic limit and were allowed to stand for
cussed later, it is very difficult to measure the about a day and then after sufficient paddling the
absolute value of soil cohesion by the metal- soil were taken in the trimming cases for eacb
wedge method. experiment.

Results and Discussion

Materials and Methods
Soil Samples Saturated condition

1. Kibushi clay is porcelain clay taken from The trimmed soil was wetted sufficiently by
Tajimi city, in Gifu Prefecture. This sample is upward capillary movement of water and the
expected to have rather strong soil cohesion. shear strength was measured. The shear
2. Kashima soil is Ando soil (volcanic ash soil) strengths and the soil moisture contents are
from Ibaragi Prefecture. This sample is expected shown in Table 2 and Figure 2. As a matter of
to have weak soil cohesion, according to YAMANAKA's
studies (10).
Some soil properties are shown in Table 1. The
soil samples were previously air-dried and passed 4
through a 2 mm sieve.
Table I. Properties of samples
~ 2
Samples Mechanical composition Soil Organic VI

Coarse Fine Silt Clay

texture carbon o -::;::.:
sand sand 0 1 2 3 4 5

p (kg/em')
Kibushi 0.2 7.S 27.6 64.4 HC 0.4
clay Fig. 2. Shear strength lines under saturated
Kashi· 6.0 31. 4 44.3 IS.3 CL 7.0
rna soil
Table 2. Shear strength under saturated
Experimental methods
Kibushi clay Kashima soil
Shear strength: The apparatus used was a one- stress Shear Moisture Shear Moisture
dimentional shear apparatus (direct shear apparatus). kg/em 2 strength content strength content
The trimming case was a cylindrical metal, 5 cm in -~------~
kg/ern' % kg/ern' ~t"

inside diameter, and 1. 2 cm in height. The area of 1 0.59 33.5 0.64 71. 3
shear surface was about 20 cm'. The experimental 2 1.11 32.7 1. 23 68.0
procedure was carried out with reference to Methods 3 l.64 31. 5 l. 75 67.2
of Soil Analysis (7). The compressive stresses ap- 2.14 29.6 2.31 65.4
plied were from 1 Kg/cm' to 5 Kg, cm'. The mois-
5 2.65 29.1 2.74 64.2
ture contents of the tested samples were determined


Table 3. Shear strength of Kibushi clay under unsaturated condition

----- -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
Compressive Shear Moisture Shear Moisture Shear Moisture
stress strength content strength content strength content
kg/em' kg/em' % kg/em' ~'O kg/em' %
----- -------
2.01 30.0 1. 70 25.7 3.68 19.6
2 2. 75 29.8 2.26 25.2 4.21 20.6
3 1. 69 29.4 2.82 24.8 4.81 20.3
4 2.05 29.0 3.29 25.0 5.43 19.9
5 2.52 28.8 3.86 25.5 6.21 20.1

course, soil moisture content decreased with the Table 4. Shear strength of Kashima soil
increase of compressive stress, and bulk density under unsaturated condition
of the sheared soils increased with the increase
Compressive Shear Moisture Shear Moisture
of compressive stress, because excess water stress strength content strength content
was drained through porous plate. As shown kg/cm' kg/em' % kg/cm' %
in Figure 2, the shear strength lines obtained 1 O. 75 62.6 0.86 37.5
are almost straight for both soils, and it is 2 1. 25 59.6 1. 62 35.6
found that the shear strength lines pass through 3 1. 73 61.1 2.39 37.1
very near the point of origin on the abscissa. 4 2.40 58.6 2.99 38.8
This fact shows that initial stresses calculated 5 2.79 58.5 3.51 39.6
from shear experiments under saturated condi-
tion are almost equal to zero, and does support
the assumption mentioned above; that is, shear
5 /
strength of sieved soil under saturated condi-
tion is almost the same as that of cohesion less

'"' /~
In connection with this problem, it was found e 3 l' .'

that many soils except for very coarse soils u

~:. : v.::(
gave almost the same value of shear strength C- 2 0/ ::.,..-./v
under saturated condition; the average shear UI

strength obtained under the stress of 1 kg/cm 2

was 0.627 kg/cm 2 and the coefficient of varia- 0
tion was about 7 % (2). Although shear strength 0 234 5
was expected to be affected by soil properties p (kg/em')
such as clay mineral composition, humus con-
Fig. 3. Shear strength lines of Kibushi clay
tent, etc., even under saturated condition, the under unsaturated condition.
resultes showed no apparent difference among
soils. For this reason, it is assumed that shear
strength which is regarded as frictional resist-
ance, is affected mainly by water films exist-
ing between adjacent particles and there is no 3
apparent difference in frictional resistance owing
to water conditions of saturated soils that con- 2
tain considerable amount of colloidal materials
such as clay, humus, etc.. Based on these
views, further investigations are now carried
ouL 00 2 3 4 5
p (kg/cm')
Unsaturated condition Fig. 4. Shear strength lines of Kashima soil
Trimmed soil was dried slowly in a glass under unsaturated condition.

Table 5. Soil cohesion strength. From those results, the theoretical

assumption mentioned above seems to be con-
Kibushi clay Kashima soil
-- -----~
firmed qualitatively.
Moisture Soil Moisture Soil The shear cohesion and initial stress calcu-
content cohesion content cohesion lated from the results of the shear experiments
00 kgcm2 0'
,0 kg/cm 2
- ---------------- are shown in Table 6. In the case of Kashima
0.0 6.5 0.0
2.6 .t.8 8.3 Table 6. Comparison between soil cohesion
5.3 4.3 25.0 0.2 and shear constant
17.5 3.8 38.5 0.2
19.9 2.6 48.7 0.4 Sample Soil
Exp. No cohesion Shear Initial
22.3 1.4 60.4 0.4 soil cohesion stress
25.1 l.1 67.0 0.5
2 0.6 1.2 1.3
27.4 0.7 69.6 0.2 Kibushi
clay 3 1.1 1.1 2.0
30.4 0.6
4 2.6 3.1 5.3
Soil cohesion was calculated by the following
c=W where W: measured weight soil, both soil cohesion and shear cohesion are
A A: surface area. so weak that it is impossible to compare them
exactly. As a matter of course, shear strength
desiccator without any desiccant to prevent the lines S-2 and S-3 pass through very near the
formation of cracks owing to rapid drying. point of origin owing to weak soil cohesion as
Furthermore, by this treatment, the author in the case of saturated soils. In the case of
minimized the error due to the variation of Kibushi clay, it is found that soil cohesion is
moisture content of the samples tested at the closely related to initial stress; however, the
same time. The results obtained from the shear soil cohesion values were about half of the
experiments are shown in Tables 3 and 4, and initial stresses. For this reason, it was presum-
Figures 3 and 4 respectively, and those from ed that the angle of extreme edge affected.
soil cohesion experiments are shown in Table the experimental results of soil cohesion, and
5. As shown in Figures 3 and 4, the shear the following tests were carried out.
strength lines are almost straight with the Although the metal-Wedge method is based
exception of line C-2. Line C-2 representing upon the dynamics of the wedge, the angle of
slightly unsaturated Kibushi clay before the extreme edge is very important for experimental
experiment, seems to be composed of two determination and one can not determine ex-
straight lines. The part of line C-2 to the right actly the effective angle of extreme edge. The
under compressive stresses more than 3 kg/cm 2 effective angle of extreme edge may not be 80
is very similar to the line obtained under sharp as the angle of the whole wedge body
saturated condition. It is understood for this but rather blunt, and perhaps, the force nec-
reason, from the results of moisture contents essary to cause the metal-wedge to penetrate
shown in Table 3, that an application of strong the soil mass could not be equal to the force
compression brought the soil sample to saturated calculated from using the angle of the whole
condition. wedge body. The necessary force is expressed
Simply speaking, both soil cohesion and shear in the following formula on the basis of the
strength of Kibushi clay are stronger than those dynamics of the wedge in general:
of Kashima soil. In other words, it is highly W
probable, as previously suggested, that Kibushi c= 2A tan fJ/2
clay which has strong soil cohesion under dried where c: soil cohesion
condition has strong shear strength, and that W: measured weight
Kashima soil which has only weak soil cohesion A: surface area
even under dried condition, owing to the prop- fJ: angle of wedge
erty of volcanic ash soil, has rather weak shear The results obtained from the experiments

Table 7. Comparison of soil cohesion in has not been the same as that in soil mechanics,
relation to angle of wedge and it is assumed that there is a firm relation-
Soil cohesion
ship between soil cohesion and shear cohesion;
moisture that is, soil cohesion is equivalent to initial
content 13° wedge 30° wedge 60° wedge stress which acts as a compressive stress to
°0 kg/cm 2 kg/cm 2 kg/cm 2
the corresponding shear cohesion.
5.5 4.2 4.4 6.1 From the experimental results, it is found
20.4 1.8 1.9 2.8 that shear lines under saturated condition pass
30.8 0.5 0.6 0.9 through very near the point of origin, because
sieved soils under saturated condition have lit-
for reference; tan 13°/2=0.114 tle soil cohesion, and that soil which has
tan 30°/2=0.268 tan 60°/2=0.577.
strong soil cohesion has strong shear strength.
of soil cohesion by the use of three kinds of Although the absolute value of soil cohesion
wedges are shown in Table 7. The force deter- can not be measured owing to the effective
mined by the use of 13° wedge is theoretically angle of extreme edge, soil cohesion measured
expected to be two times larger than that meas- by the metal-wedge method is closely related
ured by the use of 30° wedge. As shown in to initial stress. Consequently, it is probable
Table 7, however, the differences between the that soil cohesion acts as a compressive stress
forces measured by the use of 13° wedge and to the corresponding shear cohesion.
those of 30° wedge are very small, but the
forces measured by the use of 60° wedge are Acknowledgment
much larger. From these results and other The auther is indebted to Dr. K. YAMANA-
results described above, it is thought that the KA for his theoretical suggestion, and thanks
effective angle of extreme edge of 13° wedge, Dr. S. MOTOMURA, Mr. Y. AKIYAMA, and
which has been used up to the present time, Mr. S. FUKUZAKURA of the Institute for the
is larger than 13°, and that the corresponding help they rendered in this investigation.
tan 0/2 may be nearly equal to 0.25, at least
for this test. However, it is necessary to note References
that the use of a blunt wedge is not always 1) ATTERBERG, A.: Intern. Mitt. Bodenk., 2, 149
profitable for the measurement of soil cohesion (1912)
because the adhesion of soil to the wedge and 2) BAVER, L. D.: Soil Physics, 3rd ed., John
the compression by a blunt wedge affect the Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1959, p. 99.
3) FISHER, R. A.: j. Agr. Sci., 16, 492 (1926)
measurement of soil cohesion. For the present,
4) HAINES, W. B.: j. Agr. Sci., 15, 529 (1925)
therefore, it is experimentally feasible that 5) JUMIKIS, A. R.: Soil Mechanics, D. Van Nos-
soil cohesion measured by 13° metal-wedge trand Company, Inc., New York, 1962, p. 477.
could be calculated by the following formula: 6) NICHOLS, M. L.: Agr. Eng., 12, 259 (1931)
KW 7) SALLBERG, J. R.: Methods of Soil Analysis,
c=--p; Part 1, Amer. Soc. of Agr., Inc., USA, 1965,
where K is constant owing to the effective p. 431
angle of the used wedge. From these results, 8) TERZAGHI, K.: Theoretical Soil Mechanics,
the soil cohesion values determined by the John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1959, p. 7.
metal-wedge method can not be compared ex- 9) TSCHEBOTARIOFF, G. P.: Soil Mechanics,
actly with the initial stresses. However, it is Foundations, and Earth Structures, Me Graw-
Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1951,
possible to assume that soil cohesion acts as
p. 126
initial stress equivalent to compressive stress. 10) YAMANAKA, K.: Bul. Nat. Inst. Agr. Sci.
For further determinations, detailed studies (Japan) Ser. B. No. 6 (1955)
using many kinds of artifical and natural soils 11) YAMANAKA, K. et a!.: Soil Mechanics and
are being carried out. Foundation Engineering (japan), 12, 40 (1964)
12) YOKOI, H. and FUKUZAKURA, S.: Abstracts of
Summary Annual Meeting, Soc. Sci. Soil and Manui'e,
The definition of cohesion used in soil physics japall., No. 13, 6 (1967)


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