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1. For how many years you are using e-commerce?
(i) Less than one year
(ii) One year but<five year
(iii) More than five year
(iv) Do not know/ cannot say
2. For what purpose do you use e-commerce?
(i) For personal use
(ii) For business use
(iii) For both personal and business use
3. From the various types of e-commerce, what according to you has
the largest market share?
(i) B2B Commerce
(ii) B2C Commerce
(iii) B2G Commerce
(iv) Others
4. According to you how is e-commerce helpful to the consumer in
the e-business domain?
(i) Broadens consumer choice
(ii) Encourages price transparency
(iii) Fastens business process
(iv) Do not know/ cannot say
5. According to you how e-commerce is helpful for the business
(i) Effectively caters to customers’ demands
(ii) Smoothens business by creating customer and businessman network
(iii) Ensures guarantee of payment
(iv) Do not know/ cannot say
6. Do you think that the application of e-commerce has increased
over the years in India?
(i) Yes
(ii) No
(iii) Do not know/ cannot say

7. Do you agree that e-commerce as commercial means has its

advantages over the traditional commercial methods?
(i) Agree
(ii) Disagree
(iii) Do not know/ cannot say
8. Do you agree that e-commerce can provide an alternative
marketing channel by eliminating middleman?
(i) Agree
(ii) No
(iii) Do not know/cannot say
9. Which is the most prominent domain in which e-commerce is
used in India?
(i). Matrimony
(ii). Real Estate
(iii). Stocks & shares
(iv). Travel and tourism
(v). Banking Others
10. What are the challenges to the implementation of e-commerce in
(i). Slow penetration of internet
(ii). Security concerns
(iii). Lack of trust
(iv). Consumers’ awareness level is low
(v). Other factors
11. Do you thing that the Govt. Of India is doing its enough to
promote e-commerce in India?
(i) Yes
(ii) No
(iii) Do not know/Cannot say
12. What measure would you recommend for promotion of e-
commerce in India?
Promotion of internet
To increase the awareness level of people
An integrated promotional approach
Other measures
13. What according to you is the future of e-commerce in India?
(i). Very good
(ii). Good
(iii). Not so good
(iv). Do not have a future in India
(v). Do not know/ cannot say

14. On the average, how much time (per week) do you spend in
surfing the web?

i. 0-5 hours
ii. 6-10 hours
iii. 11-15 hours
iv. 16-20 hours
v. More than 20 hours

15. Have you purchased anything online ever?

i. Yes
ii. No

16. According to you, which age group utilizes ecommerce mainly?

i. 18-30 years
ii. 31-40 years
iii. 41-50 years
iv. Above 50 years

17. Who do you think takes advantage of ecommerce more?

i. Female
ii. Male

18. What are the motivating factors that influence you to


i. Convenience
ii. Availability of variant selections
iii. Price
iv. Saves time
v. Product comparison

19. What are the barriers to approaching ecommerce?

i. Unfamiliar
ii. Privacy and security
iii. Inability to touch and feel
iv. Lack of customer service
v. Hassle of returning
vi. Others

20. How well are you satisfied with ecommerce?

i. Highly satisfied
ii. Satisfied
iii. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
iv. Dissatisfied

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