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Management means getting things done through people. Since things

Are to be done by people, it is necessary that managers should choose and employ people
for the work to be performed.
Staffing refers to the function of manning the organization structure
Through proper recruitment, selection, training and development of
People for the positions created in the organization.
In a small business, like a grocery shop, the owner manager may not need anyone else to
help him in running the shop. All the activities are performed by him. But as a business
unit grows in size, the manager alone is not able to perform various jobs. It is quite
possible that you would like to apply for a job after passing the Senior Secondary
Examination, or you may start your own business and would like to employ people to
assist you in running the business. In both the situations it is easier if it is known in
advance how employees are recruited in a business.

Organizations require the services of a large number of personnel. These personnel

occupy varies positions created through the process of organizing. Each position of the
organization makes certain specific contributions to achieve organizational objectives.
Hence the person occupying the position should have sufficient ability to meet its

Staffing is that part of the process of management which is concerned with obtaining, utilizing and
maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied work force. It is the process of identifying, assessing, placing,
evaluating and developing individuals at work. Staffing is a very important function of the management.
No organization can be successful unless it can fill and keep filled the various positions with the right
type of employees.

Broadly defined, staffing is the process of determining human resource needs in an

organization and securing enough qualified people to fill those needs. Staffing is not, however,
as simplistic as that definition implies. It is a complex endeavor involving a number of diverse
tasks, ranging from job analysis to performance appraisal, from interviewing to career
development, and from hiring to termination. Moreover, to properly execute staffing tasks,
organizational members charged with this responsibility must be knowledgeable about the
legal, psychological, and environmental contexts of staffing. The tasks that must be performed,
coupled with the contexts in which they must be accomplished, make staffing a difficult and
challenging activity in contemporary organizations.

Thanks to almighty, with the blessing of which this cherished dream of mine
Led to completion of this report with the desired out-come. This report study
was a noble experience for me and without the guidance and cooperation of
concerned people and without concentration, dedication and hard work it
was not possible for me to complete this project.

Our deepest gratitude to HOSSAIN ADNAN, my faculty guide for

Their help, general hospitality, inspiration and all valuable guidance in
various stages of development of this report. I have great pleasure in
acknowledge the help receive from all those who favored me with it in
giving the final shape to my report.

Main Report
→ Staffing is a function of management which includes recruiting, training,
Developing and maintaining competent managers and operatives for performing
organizational tasks in an effective and efficient manner.

→ It is a continuous process consisting of several activities such as

Estimating manpower needs, recruitment, selection, training and
Development, deciding on remuneration for work to be performed, Transfer, promotion
and performance appraisal.

→Staffing is the function by which managers build an organization through recruitment,

selection and development of individuals as capable employees.
(Mc Farland)

→Staffing is defined as filling positions in the organization structure through identifying

Workforce requirements, inventorying the people available, recruitment, selection,
placement, promotion, appraisal, compensation and training of needed people.
(Harold Koontz and Cyril O’Donnell)

Purpose of staffing
→To establish and maintain sound personnel relation at all levels of the organization

→To make effective use of personnel to attain the objectives of the organization.

→The purpose of all staffing activities is to provide each nursing unit with an
Appropriate and acceptable number of workers in each category to perform the nursing
Tasks required. Too few or an improper mixture of nursing personnel will adversely
affect the quality and quantity of work performed. Such situation can lead to high rates of
absenteeism and staffs turn-over resulting in low morale and dissatisfaction.


The activities performed in the staffing process are important to enterprises of all types
and sizes because of the relationship these tasks have to the organization’s goals, direct
staffing costs, indirect staffing costs, organizational impacts, and legal issues of staffing.

There are 3 basic activity regarding staffing:-

1. Strategic human resource process
2. Recruiting
3. Selection
Meaning: The term recruitment is often used to signify employment. We say, we have
recruited such and such persons, meaning thereby that we have employed them. Actually
this is not so. Recruitment is only one of the steps in the employment of people. It is the
process of attracting good applicants for jobs. It is one of the important functions of
management. Managers know the nature of jobs to be performed, and the qualifications
that the candidates must possess to perform the respective jobs. For instance, if a manager
needs typists, he has to identify the typing speed required, and the candidates applying for
the job of typists must have the required speed. Similarly, to be able to invite suitable
applications, managers must know wherefrom applications may be expected. Thus
recruitment is that part of the process of employing people which takes into account the
necessary abilities required for the jobs along with the qualifications of the candidates.
The task of hiring cannot be started until suitable candidates apply for the jobs. People
can apply for the jobs only when they come to know about the availability of the jobs.
The manager has to decide how best to inform the possible candidates about the

Process of Recruitment
Before inviting applications for the job, there are a number of
steps to be taken by the manager in the process of recruitment.

(1) Job design: The first step is to clearly identify and outline the
nature of the job to be performed.
(2) Job description: The second step is to prepare a description
of what a job really is and to enumerate the duties and
responsibilities associated with it.
(3) Identifying the source of recruitment: The third step is to
decide from
Where suitable candidates will be available for the job. Let us
now study about each of these steps in detail:

1. Job Design
A job refers to the tasks assigned to an individual employee along with the
Duties connected with it. For instance, typing is a job performed by a typist. The job of
typist includes typing letter, notes and memos, presenting the paper for signature, filing
the paper, and sending the papers to the dispatcher. A job should be designed to meet the
organizational as well as individual needs. Since people spend a great deal of time on a
job, it is, therefore, necessary to design jobs so that individuals are happy about their
2. Job Description
The job should be so described that the work to be done by an Employee is clearly known
to him. For the manager who has to recruit employees,
describing the job help in choosing the most suitable candidate. Job description is a
summary of what a job really is. It includes:
→ Work to be performed;
→Responsibilities involved in the job, for instance, the typist
has to
Keep the typewriting machine in proper order;
→The skill or training needed to perform the job; and
→The working conditions e.g., hours of work, etc. under which
the job is
To be performed. The job description is usually included in the advertisement for the job.
See an advertisement given below for the job of a typist published in a newspaper. It

→qualifications that the candidates must possess to perform the job;

→minimum typing speed required; and
→the experience needed.

In order to attract suitable candidates to apply for the job, it also mentions the salary and
other benefits payable. If you apply for this job, you will have to mention all that is
required. You will have to give particulars including your name, address, age,
qualification, skill and experience, and a desire on your part to serve the organization.
These particulars taken together are known as a Bio-data of the candidate.
Job description is helpful in various ways in the process of hiring.
When a job is described specifying its nature, and indicating the duties and
responsibilities connected with the job, it helps in attracting the right type of candidates
for the job. Job description, which is also a part of job advertisement, should be written in
a manner so as to attract suitable
Candidates for the job. In selecting the candidates again, job description helps in judging
the suitability of a candidate for the job. After the candidate has been selected and given a
position to perform the job, description forms the basis against which the future
performance of the employee can be judged. For example, in the case of a typist, does
he/she type with the speed mentioned in the job description?

In an existing organization, jobs which fall vacant may be filled up
by promoting r transferring employees already serving the
organization. This is known as
Internal source of recruitment.
The vacancies may also be filled up by inviting outsiders to apply
for the job
This is the external source of recruitment.
Thus the sources of recruitment are two: internal and external.
(i) Internal source: In any business, existing employees expect
that they will have chances of promotion and will be considered
for higher positions before outsiders are considered. Managers,
therefore, promote and transfer existing employees to fill the
vacant positions. The advantage of internal
Recruitment is that it is easier for managers to fill vacancies from
within the organization.
Managers know the abilities and skills of their subordinates and
have records of heir performance. Employees also feel happy as
their work performance is recognized by management through

(ii) External source: All vacancies cannot be filled up from

within the
Organization. Workers and office employees at the lower level are
Recruited from outside the organization. Some times when
managers do not get suitable persons from within the
organization, recruitment takes place from external sources.
Existing employees may lack the skill, initiative, and qualification
needed for higher level jobs. Hence managers have to depend on
recruitment from outside the organization. Further, external
recruitment remits choice from among a large number of external
candidates from which employees may be recruited. Let us
discuss some of those:

Advantages & Disadvantages of Internal & External

(a) Advertising vacancies in newspapers and journals:
Advertising vacancies in newspapers and journals is the most
popular method f inviting applications. If you are in search of a
job, you may look up various ob vacancies advertised in
“Employment Weekly” or “Rojgar Samachar” or daily
newspapers. Any companies do their own advertising for vacant
positions, whereas some companies appoint agencies to
advertise on their behalf. People read the advertisement and, if
they are qualified for the job, they apply for it. You may see a
specimen f job advertisement given earlier in the lesson for the
job of typists.

(b) Employment Exchanges: Employment exchanges have

been set up by his government for bringing together job seekers
and employers who are looking for employees.
Those who are in search of employment get themselves
registered with the local Employment Exchanges. The
Employment Exchange keeps a record of all such persons who
require help in finding jobs. The employer notifies the vacancies
to the nearest Employment Exchange. The Employment
Exchange in turn recommends names from amongst the qualified
employment seekers already registered with it, and forwards the
name to the employer for Consideration. Thus if you are seeking
a job after passing the senior secondary examination, it will be
better if you get yourself registered with the Employment
Exchange. It will forward your name to the prospective employer
kipping in view the suitability of the job as per your qualifications.

(c) Educational, Professional and Technical Institutions:

Managers, officers, technicians like engineers, electricians,
mechanics and skilled workmen are often recruited from
institutions like Indian Institute of Management, Indian Institute of
Technology, Engineering Colleges, Industrial Training Institutes,
Polytechnics, and Vocational Training Institutes. Companies send
one or more senior managers to such institutions where they
meet the person in-charge of helping students in getting jobs.
They recommend suitable candidates who are interviewed for
selection by the managers.

(d) Applicants applying on their own initiative: Those

looking for jobs often apply on their own initiative. They assume
that certain vacancies are likely to arise, and apply without
reference to any job advertisement. Managers keep record of
such applications and contact suitable ones when they need

(e) Recruitment at the factory gate: This is found mainly in

the case of factory workers to be recruited on daily wages. Such
workers gather in the morning at the factory gate to serve as
casual workers. Very often existing regular employees go on
leave, and vacancies are filled by recruitment at the factory gate.
These casual workers having once served in the factory for some
time are considered for regular employment.

(f) Workers’ union: Workers’ unions also play an important role

as a source of recruitment. Some unions have agreement with
the management whereby managers are required to consider
employment of retrenched or former employees on a priority

Significance of Recruitment
Inviting applications from qualified people is essential before
hiring employees. By attracting suitable candidates for the job
recruitment makes the task of managers easier in selecting
employees. Vacancies can be filled up satisfactorily only if
candidates who meet the job requirements have been prompted
to apply. Hence, only those candidates are considered by
managers who are qualified and interested in the jobs. It is,
therefore, essential to attract the right type of candidates
through proper means giving full information about the job to be
filled up, and then to select from among those who fulfill the
requirements of the job. The process of recruitment thus makes it
possible to employ right kind of people capable of doing the jobs

(3) Selection
Meaning: Selection means going through the qualifications and
experience of the candidate to decide whether he /she fulfils the
requirements of the job. Thus selection is the process of
matching the candidate, his qualification, experience and skill
with the expectations of the job. To select the right employee a
proper procedure has to be adopted. The selection procedure
consists of a number of steps in logical order to identify the
candidates who are to be finally appointed. The manager
examines the qualification, skill, and work experience of each
candidate and determines his suitability for the job through the
selection procedure.

Selection Procedure
The selection procedure usually consists of the following steps—
1. Screening the Applications
After applications are received from candidates in reply to a job
advertisement, the same must be examined to decide which ones
deserve to be considered and followed up. Normally, the
candidates are asked to apply in their own hand writing on a plain
paper. Sometimes the job advertisement mentions the particulars
to be given in the application. In many cases the candidates are
required to apply in the prescribed printed form of the company,
containing particulars of name, address, nationality, religion,
mother tongue, date and place of birth, marital status, education
and training, employment history, references, etc. A specimen
copy of such an application form is given at the end of this

Screening means checking the contents of the applications to

ensure that the minimum eligibility conditions in respect of age,
experience, necessary qualifications and skills are fulfilled by the
candidates who have applied for the job. Screening is usually
done by a responsible officer of the company or by a screening
committee. The purpose of screening is to prepare a list of
eligible candidates who are to be considered for interview.
Candidates not eligible are thereby excluded from further

2. Testing
After screening the applications, eligible candidates are given
tests to determine skill and abilities in terms of the requirements
of the job. For instance, if the job of typist requires a minimum
typing speed of 40 words per minute, a test is given to see
whether the candidates applying for the job have the required
speed. Passing the test by a candidate does not mean that he will
be employed. It implies that all those who have passed the test
are qualified for further screening, and those who have failed are
not to be considered. Tests which the candidates are to take
differ according to the nature of the job. To judge the speed and
accuracy of typing, candidates may be given a standard
paragraph to type. Similarly, an auto mechanic may be asked to
replace a piston. This is known as skill or trade test. Skill or trade
test is also known as performance test. Intelligence test may be
given for clerical jobs. It may include test of general knowledge
and general awareness, test on arithmetic problems, and test of
reasoning power and vocabulary. For supervisory and managerial
jobs tests are given to find out the candidate’s personality,
decision making abilities, etc.

3. Checking References
Candidates who are to be considered for employment must have
other qualitative like balanced temperament, honesty, loyalty,
etc. These qualities cannot be judged on the basis of any test.
Therefore, information is obtained and verified from the heads of
educational institutions where the candidates have studied, or
from the persons whose names are given by the candidates, or
from the previous employers. For certain jobs, like the job of
cashier or security guard, reliability is a very important job
requirement. Therefore, references are required to be checked in
such cases. In case of experienced employees, information is
checked from their previous employers.

4. Selection Interview
Interview is the most important part of the selection procedure.
It serves as a means caking on the information given in the
application forms and the test result also provides an opportunity
to the candidates to inquire about the job and the company
during the course of interview. Managers get an opportunity to go
into the details of the candidate’s background, and take a
decision about their suitability for employment. Selection
interview should be conducted in great depth to judge the
suitability of the candidates.

5. Medical Examination
Candidates finally selected for the job are asked to undergo
Examination and get certificates of medical fitness. The purpose
of the medical examination is to see whether the selected
candidates are physically fit for job. t also points out whether
employees suffer from illness which can be cured before hiring
them e.g. poor eyesight. Such a step in the selection procedure is
essential for certain types of jobs as in the case of police and
army, where physical fitness is very important. For certain
categories of jobs like the job of driver, a proper eye-sight is very

6. Issue of Appointment Letter

Candidates finally selected are issued appointment letters. Such
a letter
Contains the terms and conditions relating to employment of the
candidates. Generally, the candidates are not appointed on
permanent basis because it is considered better to try them for a
few months on the job itself. This period of service is known as
the period of probation. It is necessary because no procedure of
selection can fully establish the qualities of a selected candidate.
It is only by observing a person at work that one can find out how
he does his work and also how he behaves with his superior and
fellow employees. If during the probation period, an employee is
not found suitable his period of probation may be extended. The
management may also transfer him to some other job at which
he may be expected to do better. The management may also
him training to improve his abilities.

7. Filling out necessary employment records

The appointment of every candidate is followed by a record of
particulars of the employed. Such records are maintained and
described as employment record. It serves a useful purpose on
many occasions e.g., selection of employees for training, their
promotion, and wage and salary increase. Though a number of
steps in the selection procedure has been listed, all the steps
need not be taken by every employer. It depends upon the
nature of the jobs and the rank of the employees. For employing
casual workers on daily wages, simply an interview by a
company’s officer will do. whereas for the job of a typist or clerk,
screening of applications, testing, and interview will be required.
Similarly, for the job of cashier, checking of reference, in addition
to other steps, may be needed.

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