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Chapter 17 Assignment

1.Name and describe the stages of the infectious process. (See page 243 in your textbook.)
Incubation period is time when the organism enters the body till time of onset
Prodromal Period is time from onset to a vague nonspecific symptoms to the beginning of a
specific symptoms
Malaise is when there is general feeling and discomfort or illness
Convalescence is time when the symptoms begins to subside and the patient return to normal
state of health.
2.What are the two premises underlying the current system of isolation? (See page 245 in your
⁃ That infection may be present before diagnosis is done and
⁃ The greatest risk of transmission infection for most microorganism’s comes from direct
contact by caregivers hand
3.Why are older adults at greater risk for infection? (See page 246 in your textbook.)
⁃ older adult immune system is not as active as that of the younger person
⁃ again, healing is older people is slower due to fewer immune cells available to fight
4.When treating patients, when do you implement Standard Precautions and Transmission-
Based Precautions? (See page 245 in your textbook.)
Standard Precaution and Transmission based precaution are almost the same and most be
implemented at all time when in contact with body fluids, blood, saliva, feces, and Urine. The
only time they are not implemented is when you come in contact with an in-tact skin.
5.According to CDC guidelines, in what order do you don personal protective equipment? (See
page 245 in your textbook.)
⁃ Gown followed by mask or respirator and then the face shield or googles and finally the
6.Summarize the guidelines for specimen preparation and transportation. (See page 249 in your
Verify Dr. order / fill out laboratory requisition form
-Label specimen CONTAINER (not lid) with patient's name/medical record number
-Don gloves, explain to patient what is needed /collect specimen
-Secure lid
-Clean container of visible contaminates, place in specimen bag and seal bag lock
-Complete laboratory requisition form and place it in envelop on outside of bag BEFORE
7.When transporting the isolation patient, what precautions are recommended? (See page 251
in your textbook.)
-Avoid transporting unless absolutely necessary
-Give patient standard mask to wear while out of room
-For droplet isolation take precautions to prevent soiling of environment
-Notify receiving unit/department of transport and any other necessary precautions that need
to be taken
8.While a patient is in transmission-based isolation, how can you prevent sensory deprivation?
(See page 254 in your textbook.)
-Listen to patients feelings
-Make positive comments about grooming/activity efforts
-Engage in meaningful conversations by asking about hobbies
-Make visitors feel welcome and help them understand patient benefits greatly from presence
-Address self-esteem needs is important
9.List the three main modes of occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogens. (See page 254
in your textbook.)
(1) Puncture wounds from contaminated needles or sharps
(2) Skin contact-allowing blood, body fluids, and other potentially infectious materials to enter
through damaged/broken skin
(3) Mucous membrane contact - allowing infectious materials to enter through the mucous
membranes of the eyes/mouth/nose
10.What must you do when it becomes apparent that a break in surgical asepsis has occurred?
(See page 258 in your textbook.)
Rectify the error:
-Scrub begun again (If hands touch sink)
-Sterile gloves are discarded and new gloves donned if any part of the glove touches nonsterile
-Discard or put aside for re-sterilization any sterile supplies that become contaminated, open
new packages aseptically to replace them.

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