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Rhetorical Analysis:

“Corporate Communications: A 21st Century Primer”

By Joseph Fernandez

Gabi Samaniego

The University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1301

Dr. Vierra

September 24, 2019



Corporate Communications has become more common in today’s world. Technological

advances have improved the way people communicate with each other, thus changing the

industry over time. Corporate Communications is the way in which people take in information

through advertisements, press releases, etc. This monograph contains the history of the industry,

which leaves a better understanding of the industry as a whole.


Rhetorical Analysis:

“Corporate Communications: A 21st Century Primer”

By Joseph Fernandez

With bags under my eyes and tears streaming down my face, I begin to wonder how

rhetorical analysis papers have led me to age five years overnight. Rhetorical Analysis papers aid

students in their research deeming if sources are viable towards their end product or not. The

significance of rhetorical analysis papers leaves students with a stronger understanding of one’s

research topic, and gives a thorough explanation of the ethos, logos, and pathos used inside the

monograph. In this monograph specifically, Corporate Communications has seen massive

changes within the industry over the century, due to technological and societal changes.

The transformation of the Corporate Communications industry has been constantly

changing over the span of the past century. Corporate communications as a whole has become a

growing industry, and more recognized throughout the business world. Joseph Fernandez (2004)

claims that the industry is the foundation for corporate companies’ growth. Throughout the

duration of the book, the chapters go further in depth about how corporate communications has

an effect on companies a whole. Chapter 7 touches on how many vast changes are happening due

to the surge of technologic advances (p 190). The face of advertising and public relations has

seen a complete change of the industry due to technological advances, such as smartphones and

laptops. Corporate communications are an everchanging industry that will continue to see

changes due to advances being made throughout the world.


Genres provide accessibility for writers to draw their focus towards appeals rather than

the strict rules of ethos, logos, and pathos. According to Killingsworth (2005), Aristotle’s

definition of appeals has changed over the course of time. Although Kinneavy’s “communication

triangle” (p 251) aligns with some of Aristotle’s ideas, there are a few components that have

evolved. The word appeals itself has many different connotations throughout the English

language. Over time, appeals have changed as writers are trying to convey various arguments to

their audience (p 262). Ethos, logos, and pathos remain the same over time, although the appeals

towards the audience will always differ.


This monograph contained word usage that showed this book was intended for readers

that had little to no knowledge on Corporate Communications and are seeking to learn more

about the basic principles. This monograph is intended for an audience that may have an interest

in Corporate Communications, but is interested in learning more about it, rather than for

individuals that have a strong understanding of the topic already. For example, Fernandez (2004)

states in the Introduction that the book is intended to present the main ideas of Corporate

Communications to fully understand how these methods are applied to the workplace (p 18).

This monograph is helpful to one that is interested in learning more about Corporate

Communications and the basic principles of the topic.


This author is a credible expert on the topic. In his book, Fernandez demonstrates an

extensive amount of knowledge in the field. This is shown through his examples of his personal

experiences and clarity in his writings. Fernandez has such a strong understanding of Corporate

Communications due to his education at Cardiff University in Wales and co-founded a Corporate

Communications company that aids others with tactics and methods to help them succeed (back

flap). An author’s foundation and accolades leaves readers with an ease knowing that their past

teachings and experiences have aided their writing and knowing the reader will receive clear and

concise information.


The author’s main claim in this monograph is that corporate communications is an everchanging

and growing industry that is only going to get bigger over time. He argues that corporate

communications offer many strategies and tactics that will help improve a company’s

performance (p 18). The duration of the book then explains his thesis, by explaining the history

of Corporate Communications, and how technological advances have helped shape the industry

into what it is today. Given the background of Corporate Communications, it helps readers gain a

stronger grasp on how the industry functions, as well as how companies have found success

through these strategies (p 109). Explaining the history leaves the reader grasping a stronger

understanding of how industry operations used to work, and have transitioned into operations

used today.


Fernandez uses examples of companies and how they got their start in the corporate

world throughout the duration of the book, giving the reader an interest in what the outcome will

be. In Chapter 5, Fernandez sets the stage for the story of the Hot Shoe Dance Company, which

exemplifies how their strategy led them to success (pp. 124-125). This monograph took a clinical

approach, through using graphs and charts. Using a story or anecdote throughout the monograph

keeps readers interested in the outcome and finds something that they may relate to or be more

interested to read about.


While Fernandez’ monograph aided my research in organizational and corporate

communications, I gained an understanding of the monograph’s use of ethos in the writing. His

writings had a significance in the readers understanding the basis of Corporate Communications.

Using this monograph is better than Googling it provides information that is reliable and from a

well-educated author. The author uses figures and charts in context to the readings, which assists

the readers with an extra layer of understanding. Reading this book aided me in understanding

the foundation of Corporate Communications and will inevitably help my research as well.


Fernandez, J. (2004). Corporate communications: A 21st century primer Response Books.

Retrieved from http://0-



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