ILSC Mej Zuraini

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1. There is a requirement for the Malaysian Army to be equipped with Heavy

Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck – Multi Cargo Palletised Loading System (HEMTT

– MC PLS) to improve Combat Service Support activities especially in delivery of

multi cargo carrying capacity in rear operation. This system is requiring to enhance

the logistics support via replenishment of water supply, fuel supply, ammunition and

deployment of defence store, ordnance store, command post, field feeding system,

high capacity cargo and A or B vehicle to the army during field training or war time or

disaster relief. It is the most effective solution for carrying capability of solid and

liquid items with a single system.


2. The aim of this integrated Logistic Support concept is to identify the ILS options

to be developed for the Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck- Multi Cargo

Palletised Loading System (HEMTT-MCPLS)

System Readiness Objectives


a. Mission Profile.

HEMTT MC PLS is a new system to improve CSS activities in delivering of

multi cargo carrying capacity in RASO at any stipulated combat and HADR

mission. Able to operate day & night. Regardless weather and mixed terrain as

far as 300 miles per quarter day.

b. Reliability & Maintainability Design

It shall be perform as required and its intended without failing assuming that the

item within the condition for it was designed. Assemblies of system shall be

easily remove, replace and accessible. Maintainability performance required

service and OEM mutual action and understanding to achieve maximum

availability and reliability with lower maintainability.

c. Characteristics & Performance Of The Support System

The characteristics – shall consist of truck, launching and recovery

container/rack, bulk water with pumping system, bulk fuel with dispenser

system, container, flat rack with lashing equipment.

The performance of the support system – This system shall be used to carry

container and rack with payload at least 20 ton. Able to operate day & night

regardless weather and mixed terrain as far as 300 miles per quarter day. This

system able to provide logistics support via replenishment of water, fuel supply

and multiple capacity of cargo (ammunition, ordnance store, field feeding

system, high capacity cargo A and B vehicle) The Hydraulic Load Handling

System (HLHS) shall be incorporated on the vehicle to lift the launching and

recovery container/rack.

d. Planned Timescale – Life Cycle. Planned Time Line of System Life

Cycle. The LSA process is illustrated as per below timeline.


2 years 1 year 15 years 3 years


2017 2019 2020 2035 2038

e. The Quantity and Location.

Ser Elements Unit/ Location Quantity

Combat Service Support
1. Penisular Malaysia 72 Bn KPD 5
73 Bn KPD 5
74 Bn KPD 5
10 Bgd PARA 2
2. Sabah & Sarawak 71 Bn KPD 5
Total 22

ILSC Management

4. The framework of ILSC Management are as follows:

Concept Phase Acquisition Phase In Service Phase Disposal Phase

2017-2019 2019-2020 2020-2035 2035-2020
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1. Svc Corps Dir 1. Svc Corp Dir 1. Svc Corp Dir 1. Ord Corp Units,
2. JKOTD by TPTD 2. EME Dir 2. EME Corp Dir Bgd and Log HQ
3. JK PTD 3. STRIDE 3. Ord Corp Units 2. EME Units
4. BPP TD 4. Army HQ - Log 3. Log Hq
5. Army HQ- P&P Br 5. Owning Units
6. Project Team 6. Vendor Selected
7. Vendor Selected
4.Study on HEMTT 8.Conduct PDI – 7.Test and support 4.Return to RSG
5.Dev GSR user and related equipment -Tender to the public
member - training -Sembur cat pada
9. Conduct FAT - Maintenance badan kenderaan
(Final - Analyses and
Acceptance Test) feedback for
corrective action

Logistic Support Analysis

Objective of LSA

5. The objectives of the LSA are as follows:

HEMTT-MC PLS is a new system to improve CSS activities in delivering of multi

cargo carrying capacity in RASO at any stipulated combat and HADR mission. This

system belongs to Army Western Command Headquarters. This system able

a. To select and to link new HEMTT-MPLCS ILS requirement to provide

readiness threshold and to define detailed support element requirements with

the winner contender.

b. To identify throughout the acquisition cycle to assess, to establish and

update support element requirement.

c. To determine and integrating all logistics support requirements, for

analyzing alternative design, operational, and support concepts and for

conducting trade off among design and the various elements of logistics

support of technical data for ILS planning and resource decisions.

d. To evaluate the reliability and maintainability characteristics of the


Responsibility for LSA

6. The system is categories as non-development projects which falls under the

LSA task flow as per below:

Figure 1. Logistic supportability Analysis Flow.

a. Task 101 – Early LSA Strategy is undertaken by government to develop

military strategic defense.

b. Task 201 – Use Study of the system is undertaken by Service Corps

Directorate who should sponsor the system.

c. Task 202 – Mission Hardware, Software and support system

standardization is undertaken by the selected contractor to develop criteria of

system and a detailed standardization program in accordance to MIL-STD


d. Task 203 – Comparative analysis is undertaken by Service Corps

Directorate for further improvement of the system.

e. Task 204 – Technologies opportunities is undertaken by Service Corps

Directorate and STRIDE to identify technologies that can be applied to the


f. Task 205 – Supportability and supportability-related design factors is

undertaken by BPP TD, government, contractors, Service Corps Directorate,

EME directorate, Ordnance directorate to develop a complete set of support

and supportability criteria for the system. The expected of this task is to

enhance the system reliability and maintainability, operational and cost support

and logistic support resources.

g. Task 301 – Functional requirements identification is undertaken by

Service Corps Directorate, EME directorate, Ordnance directorate to identify

the system functions and system operation and maintenance that must be

performed to support the equipment.

h. Task 302 – Support system alternatives is undertaken by the Service

Corps Directorate, EME directorate, Ordnance directorate to develop

alternative methods for providing the necessary support. The output of the

system level support must be in 4 level supported by army or services or

contractors, policies for stocking spares, testing and support equipment


i. Task 303 – Evaluation of alternatives and trade-off analysis is undertaken

by owning units and service corps directorate is to evaluate the ILS disciplines

and the impact on the system being designed.

Integrated Logistic Support Elements

7. The various activities process and logistics requirement is described by the

concept of the ILS elements. This element of ILS will ensure all the resources are

fully integrated through planning, design and implementation of logistics based on

the SRO above mentioned. The ILS elements are briefly discussed below:

a. Engineering Support. The chassis shall able to carry payload max to 20

ton. It shall equip with eight wheel drive automation system. It shall to carry

multi cargo palletized loading system.


(1) RAM Engineering. The system must capable to transport, bulk

water with pumping system, bulk fuel with dispenser system and the flat

rack with lashing equipment. The requirement of physical and technical is

at Annex A and Annex B. The systems are required to be reliable to

operate is function as it should be as per Annex C. Maintainability for

corrective maintenance is initiates due to the result of failure and

preventive maintenance as schedule action planning. System availability

must be operates satisfactorily when it is used.

b. Maintenance Support. Supplier shall specify and recommend the level

of Maintenance Required to support the vehicle throughout its Life Cycle. Mean

Time Before Failure (MTBF), Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM), Mean

Time Between Replacement (MTBR) And Mean Time To Repair (MTRP) Details

shall be provided.

c. Supply Support. Supplier shall provide a list of initial spares requirement

(ISR) to support and sustain the system throughout its life cycle for a period of

3 years and a guarantee that the ISR can be supplied as Performance Based

Contract (PBC). Warranty period of two (2) year from the date of acceptance by

supplier. Supplier guarantee to supply spares for this system over a period of

not less than 15 years. Supplier shall submit the list as contract deliverables.

The updated lists shall include illustrated Parts Catalogue, manufactures’

name, part numbers and detail description with installation drawing, test

protocol and NATO stock number.

d. Technical Data and Documentation. Supplier shall provide all

documentation data, records, manuals, handbooks, procedures and all

information, which link the user and the maintenance of the system and its

associated equipment.

e. Manpower and Personnel.

(1) Personnel Liability. Personnel must acquire the system operating

skills and must train the trainer at least the driver service left at least 5

years. Attend course Operator Kenderaan Berat (OKB). Training –

Familiarization training 2 weeks

(2) Manpower Liability. Numbers of project staff required during

acquisition is 54 personnel including operator, supervisor, mechanics,

driver and crews.

f. Training and Training Support. The personnel from Royal Service

Corps as the specialist agencies will be involve in all training requirement.

Personnel that responsible to handle the equipment are trained for the tasks

and maintenance for all level. The basic current system module is trained in

trade courses in training centre. Must be conducted in theory and practical

base on syllabus. Any different from current system will requires to delivered

separate module by owning units to avoid duplication of training.The Supplier

shall recommend the level of training required to operate the system. Training

syllabus shall be provided. Supplier shall provide maintenance training for

inspections and repair

(1) Individual and collective Training. Field Training Exercise (FTX)


Bgd/Div level will be conducted to train personnel related to the use of

system. Complete training instructions will be planned by Bgd/Div Training


(2) Training Development. Field training will be conducted at

respective training centre by designing module/syllabus for the pertaining

courses especially for operator level and system technician.

(3) Evaluation of System Being Used. The training will provide the

evaluation with regard to the effectiveness and efficiency of the system.

New proposal of deployment the system will be evaluate. Project Team

will evaluate the system RAM prior to system acquisition appointed by

Signal Directorate.

g. Facilities Concept. The physical infrastructure and services required to

integrate, operate and maintain a vehicle. This facilities is to provide shelter to

the vehicle and shall capable for major maintenance.

Infrastructure to keep the container, bulk water and tool and spares,

maintenance area. To avoid the overall system compromise with weather and

ultimately will reduce the life cycle of system.

h. Support and Test Equipment. Supplier shall provide a list of special

tools and test equipment to support the repair and maintenance of the system

throughout of life cycle. Manufacturer/supplier shall indicate whether the

equipment is fitted with a Built-In-Test Equipment (BITE) or Built-In-Test (BIT)

only. Army personnel will use the equipment as it should be used for inspection,

calibration and maintenance. Contractor shall provide the following equipment

as follows:

(1) Test Equipment. The system must be equipped with test equipment

for inspection, calibration and maintenance system for the use of

preventive or corrective maintenance.

(2) Support Equipment. Supporting equipment for test equipment must

be attach to the system and equipped for each and every system to the

owning units personnel and technician to conduct checkout and

inspection, calibration and maintenance. Special equipment’s and fixtures

equipment facilities require for maintenance of the system must be

equipped together.

i. Packaging, Handling, Storage and Transportation (PHS&T).

(1) Manufacturer/supplier shall provide all technical information and

instructions including standards, or special precautions required or used in

the packaging, handling, storage and transportation of the equipment and

associated parts.

(2) Manufacturer/supplier shall be responsible to provide the updated

installation plan, technical drawings, wiring details diagrams, Interfacing,

delivery insurances and integration requirements of the proposed

equipment and with the existing electrical power distribution system and

communication system.

(3) Manufacturer/supplier shall be responsible to integrate the existing

system and equipment available on site as per equipment and work

schedule to/with manufacturer/supplier deliverable articles for the

successful system operations.

(4) The system will be put under garage for storage purpose. The

location will be register in documents (KEW PA 2).

j. Computer Resources Support. The system shall be provide along with

computer associate’s software, printers and network to support daily flow of

information for logistics functions, maintenance activities, monitoring, reporting



8. Disposal Plan. The propose system planning for disposal as per below:



3 years
15 years 1 years



a. Phase Out.

(1) Beyond Economical Repair. System is classified as BER by EME

and units will process the system and system will be send to RSG for


(2) Reclamation. It will use as spare parts for other system for another

three (3) years.

(3) Obsolete. When the system is declared as obsolete, the system will

be no longer in the service and manufacturer stop producing its spare and

special equipments/tools. Tender process for obsolete system will be

execute by the authorized party. Contractors selected and appointed for

the disposing the obsolete system. The system is disposed.

(4) Dissemble. All part of the system will be dissemble.

b. Disposal. The disposal of the system will be dispose accordingly. For

possible potential system will be sales and for non potential system is to be

dismantle by type including rubber, metal and plastics materials. All type of

material will be segregated and distribute to respective factory for recycling.

Disposal data to be record.

Life Cycle Costing (LCC)

LCC Objective

9. The objective is as follows

a. To identify all costs incurred in acquisition phase of the system

b. To identify all costs incurred in system operation and maintenance of the

system in ‘in-service’ phase of the system and visibility of costs effect.

c. To identify all costs incurred in disposal phase including possible potential

system for sale and non-potential system recycle cost.

10. Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is matter of the total of all systems costs that included

in the phase follows:

a. Acquisition. Capital Cost include development cost, construction and /or

production cost.

b. In-service. Operation Cost overtime and maintenance and supply cost

overtime (system operation and maintenance cost).

c. Disposal. Disposal Cost (system retirement and material recycling or

disposal cost)

In mathematics is describe as per below;

Life Cycle Cost = Capital cost + system operation & maintenance cost + Disposal


11. The total cost of the current system shall compare to new propose system to

analyze the which system perform better. The list of system cost involve is as


Ser Cost Cost (RM) %of Total

(a) (b) (c) (e)
1. Capital Cost for New System
2. a. System Operation
(1) System Operations

(Petrol, Lubricants)
(2) Operation Facilities
(3) Operating Personnel
(4) Energy/Utilities/Fuels
b. System distribution
(1) Transportation
(2) Handling
c. System Maintenance
(1) Customer services
(2) Field Maintenance
(3) Factory maintenance
(4) Test and Support Equipment
(5) Maintenance facilities
d. Inventory Spares and Material Support
(1) Spare/Repair Parts
(2) Storage and Handling
(3) Inventory management
e. Operator and Maintenance training
(1) Operator training
(2) Maintenance training
(3) Training facilities
(4) Training data
f. Technical data
g. Computer support
3. Disposal
a. Disposal of Non repairable System
b. System retirement
(1) Personnel
(2) Support Equipment
(3) Transportation and Handling

c. Documentation
Grand Total 100%



Ser Description Characteristics

(a) (b) (c)
1. Tropicalized It shall be tropicalized and suitable for a wide
range of environmental condition and shall comply
with MIL STD 810 G.

2. Mobility It shall have the capability of heavy mobility and

cross country condition.

3. Economic Life It shall comply with minimum life of fifteen (15)

years.of maintenance functions
4. Reliability It shall be perform as required and its intended
without failing assuming that the item within the
condition for it was designed.

5. Maintainability Assemblies shall be easily remove, replace and


6. Robustness It shall be robust and able to withstand rough

handling and unpaved road conditions.
7. Simplicity It shall be simple to be deployed and operated.

8. Mobility It shall have the capability of heavy mobility and
cross country condition.
9. Versatility It shall be able to adapt multi functions of logistics


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