SELINA Paper Set2 - 80 Mks - Anskey2

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Time : 1 hr 30 mins SELINA PAPER SET 2 Total Marks 80

SECTION – A (40 marks)

(Attempt all questions from this section)

Q. 1)
(A) Answer the following : [13 mks]
(1) Chromosomes were first discovered by a German Scientist Walther Fleming. He noticed
these in the rapidly dividing cells of the larvae of salamander (an amphibian).
(2) Precaution – Ensure that the level of water in the beaker is above the level of stem of the
inverted funnel.
(3) Pus is mainly composed of the dead white blood cells together with the tissue cells destroyed
by the bacteria.
(4) Sometimes it becomes necessary to inject blood into the body of patients undergoing surgical
operation. This is called blood transfusion.
(5) The two main blood grouping system is ABO and Rh system.
(6) The apices (apex) of the flaps are held in position by chordae tendinae arising from the
muscular projections of the ventricle wall known as papillary muscles.
(7) The posterior part of the forebrain containing the Thalamus and Hypothalamus.
Hypothalamus: It regulates body temperature. Also controls pituitary gland, sleeping and waking
patterns, hunger and thirst.
Thalamus: Interprets sensory impulses such as pain, touch and pressure.
(8) Osmosis can continue until the concentration of water molecules becomes equal on both sides
of the membrane.
(9) The huge quantity of water is released into the atmosphere by vast stretches of fields and
forests. Transpiration increases the moisture in the atmosphere and brings rain by
condensation of clouds.
(10) The accessory reproductive parts include all those structures which help in the transfer and
meeting of the two kinds of sex cells leading to fertilization and in the growth and
development of the egg upto the birth of the baby.
(11) The acrosome secrets the enzyme hyaluronidase which facilitates entry of the sperm into the
egg by dissolving the wall of the ovum.
(12) If there was a direct continuity of blood between the mother and the foetus without a placenta
the relatively high pressure of mother’s blood would seriously damage the soft and delicate
tissues of the foetus.
(13) The two new discoveries in medical science are the antibiotics and the prophylactic
vaccinations against many diseases.

(B) Multiple Choice : [1 mk]

(1) (c) Million

(C) Fill in the blanks : [5 mks]

(1) cellulose / proteins
(2) fimbrae (cilia)
(3) pregnancy.
(4) aster.
(5) stoma.

(D) Define the following : [6 mks]

(1) Photorespiration – Some of the oxygen may be used in respiration in the leaf cells. This
phenomenon is called Photorespiration.
(2) Erythropenia – Abnormally decrease in number of RBC is known as Erythropenia.
(3) Puberty – It is the period during which immature reproductive system of boys and girls
mature and becomes capable of reproducing.
(4) Innate Immunity – Immunity of our body by virtue of genetic constitution make up.
(5) Antibody – A substance usually produced by lymphocytes in the blood in response to an
antigen with which it reacts specially. OR Antibody is a blood serum protein produced in
response to the injected antigens.
(6) Vaccination – Is the introduction of any kind of dead or weakened germs into the body of a
living being to develop immunity (resistance) against the respective disease or diseases.

(E) Name the following : [5 mks]

(1) Coagulation
(2) Selectively permeable membrane / differentially permeable membrane
(3) H. J. Dittmer
(4) Vulva
(5) Nitrates, sulphates, potassium, zinc, manganese

(F) Write the main function for the following : [3 mks]

(1) Interstitial cells - Secrets male sex hormone Testosterone.
(2) Cowper’s gland - The secretion serves as a lubricant.
(3) Vagina - Receives the penis during coitus (intercourse). / Female copulatory organ.

(G) Complete the following paragraph (write only answers) : [5 mks]

(1) high energy particles
(2) medicine
(3) the nuclear power plants
(4) photons
(5) damaged chromosomes / genetic variations / bone cancer etc.

(H) True or False : [2 mks]

(1) True
(2) False

SECTION – B (Marks-40)
(Attempt any four questions from this section)

Q. 2) (a) Leaves are adapted to perform photosynthesis in the following ways: [5 mks]
(i) Large surface area for maximum light absorption. Narrowing of leaves in certain plants is to
minimise transpiration in order to conserve water, as I oleander and pine.
(ii) Leaf arrangement at right angles to the light source to obtain maximum light.
(iii) Cuticle and upper epidermis are transparent and water proof to allow light to enter freely.
(iv) Numerous stomata allow rapid exchange of gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide.
(v) The thinness of leaves reduces the distance between cells facilitating rapid transport.
(vi) The chloroplasts are concentrated in the upper layers of the leaf to obtain light energy
(vii) Extensive vein system for rapid transport to and from the mesophyll cells. [ANY FIVE]

Q. 2) (b) As the population density increase in a country beyond its means, it brings many
problems like [5 mks]
(i) per capita income comes down
(ii) natural resources like land, minerals, wood, fuel etc. decrease.
(iii) general health goes down
(iv) decreasing open spaces
(v) shrinking of forests
(vi) increasing industrialization causing air, water and soil pollution.
(vii) rapid and intense shortage of drinking water and other resources.
(viii) increasing pollution is also a health hazard.

Q. 3) (a) (i) A plant is destarched by placing it in the dark for 24-48 hours. Restarch the plant
(ii) Dip the leaf in boiling water for a minute to kill the cells.
(iii) Boil the leaf in methylated spirit / methanol / methylalcoholover a water bath till it becomes
pale-white due to the removal of chlorophyll. The leaf now becomes hard and brittle.
(iv) Place it again in hot water to soften it.
(v) Spread the leaf in a dish and pour iodine solution on it. The presence of starch will be
indicated by a blue-black colour. A leaf without starch will show brown colouration.

Q. 3) (b) (i) Chromosome number is halved in gametes (sex cells) so that on fertilization, the
normal number 2n is restored.
(ii) It provides for mixing up of genes which occurs in 2 ways :
(a) The maternal and paternal chromosomes get mixed up during the first division as they separate
from the homologous pairs.
(b) Cross joining – While the maternal and paternal chromosomes are separating, the chromatid
material very often gets exchanged between the two members of a homologous pair resulting in
genetic recombination.

Q. 3) (c) (i) Family planning in terms of having a small family.

(ii) Total welfare of the small family, including the diet and nutrition of the child and of the
pregnant mother.
(iii) Subsequent care of the children, eg. Immunization and oral rehydration therapy to ensure
survival of the young ones. [ANY TWO]

Q. 4) (a) Give Reason : [5 mks]

(1) After sunrise, stomata open to allow CO2 to diffuse in. Transpiration occurs along with
photosynthesis. Due to this process it is said that transpiration is the price which the plant pays
for photosynthesis.
(2) The grass growing in the shade under a stone turns yellowish due to the non-formation of new
chlorophyll and due to the disintegration of the older one in the absence of light.
(3) An alcoholic person when drunk generally walks clumsily as the cerebellum duw to the effect
of alcohol is unable to coordinate muscular movements properly.
(4) It is an adaptive major to decrease transpiration. In desert there is very less of water available,
temperature is very high, hence transpiration should be decreased, otherwise excessive
transpiration can lead to death of plant.
(5) If there is an overgrowth of adrenal cortex in a mature woman, she develops certain male
characteristics like a beard, mustaches. This condition is known as adrenal virilism.

Q. 4) (b) Labelled the parts from 1 to 15 : [5 mks]


Q. 5) (a) Write all the functions of the Red Cross. [5 mks]


Q. 5) (b) Complete the following table : [5 mks]

Body parts Effects of adrenaline
(1) Arterioles of the skin Constricts them
(2) Muscles of body Tenses them
(3) Arterioles of the digestive system Constricts them
(4) Heart Beats faster
Blood pressure increases
(5) Liver Conversion of glycogen to glucose

Q. 6) Briefly explain the following : [10 mks]

(1) There are nine types of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b are in abundant.
(2) Clotting is not dependent on the exposure of blood to air. It can be caused by the movement of
blood over a rough surface as on cholesterol deposit on the inside of a blood vessel.
(3) PNS includes the nerves that emerge from and enter into the brain and spinal cord. It consists
of two subdivisions-
(a) Somatic nervous system (SNS) – conveys information to skeletal (voluntary) muscles.
(b) Autonomic nervous system (ANS) – includes a pair of chains of ganglia and nerves which
control the involuntary actions of many internal organs.
(4) Sympathetic nerves arise from the spinal cord between the neck and the waist region. The
parasympathetic nerves is located at two places, one anteriorly in the head and neck and the
other posteriorly in the sacral region.
(5) If fertilization occurs means if the egg is fertilized, it gets implanted or fixed in the uterus wall
and there is no menstrual discharge. If there is no fertilization, the egg disintegrates and the
uterine lining restarts shedding on the 28th day.

Q. 7) Short Answer type : [8 mks]

(1) Ans: SELINA PAGE 46 AND 48
(3) In this phase light plays the key role. A series of chemical reactions occur in very quick
succession, initiated by light and therefore it is called photochemical phase.
(4) As the glomerular filtrate passes down the renal tubule, much of the water is reabsorbed
together with the usable substances. But their reabsorption is only to the extent that the normal
concentration of the blood is not disturbed. This is called selective reabsorption.
(5) Give examples for the following : [2 mks]
(1) Synovial fluid filled in the cavities of skeletal joints, vitreous humour in the eye.
(2) Totally permeable - Muslin cloth
Impermeable – Rubber sheet

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